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@crl Thanks man
@MadaraUchiha too bad google doesn't give you one of those special answers like "42"
!!google 37+5
does imgur pay people who have loads of image views from ads and such? Google can't seem to answer that...
8 hours ago, by rlemon
user image
Who is in mood to help me on a NP-hard CSS problem? (check this room if yes:))
Okay, another git problem...so I forked a repo, cloned it, and now I want see all branches...
git branch -l
@crl thanks again...but an issue with that...
i typed in git checkout and hit tab for completion...I got quite a few...
results don't match with that command...
it lists files right?
No, versions, branches and tags I think
oh, never really used too complex things like versions and tags
git has version support other than tags?
@AwalGarg Git has no version support.
Git tags are an OK way to do versions.
But Git tags are not strictly for versions.
They're for static points in the tree that are of interest (which often correlates with versions)
@rlemon wat? :p
!!summon 139
@MadaraUchiha That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@MadaraUchiha I'm not dead! Honest!
@CapricaSix You are in the Java room though...
!!> 0.1 + 0.2
@MadaraUchiha 0.30000000000000004
!!> .1 + .2 - 4e-17 === .3
@crl 0.49999999999999994
@crl 0.3
@crl "true"
@crl "true"
== should be made to handle floating point errors, and keep === with exact values :)
!!do cats with similar sizes than dogs run faster?
@crl Not a chance
@crl jQuery.supaWat('?')
!!jquery wat
nice plugin though, should make one with reversed names
@SterlingArcher have you retreated from becoming a mod?
@AwalGarg why so?
why what?
@towc No, he just wasn't in the top ten after the primaries
@AwalGarg why learn perl ?
@argentum47 because you wanted to
There's a perl guru in the English Language & Usage chat room, if you need
@AwalGarg duh .... I changed my mind and put my saturday into clojure ..(not all of it though) for learning FP
@crl maybe he uses it for LP
braveclojure.com/core-async this is interesting
I wonder if clojure is all about parsing and executing prefix expression :P
can i paste my issue relating node js?
@argentum47 oh, cool. like it?
someone is also handing out free .co domains for #startupweekend apparently go.co/startupweekend
i wasnt able to send the data in disconect event in node js
can you get the zoom factor of the window? .setDragImage is shitting when the zoom isn't 1, I need to x offsets by the zoom
ouch after googling it looks terribly hacky
@crl window.devicePixelRatio
oh simply, thanks
It is infamous for inconsistencies though. Just a headsup.
Q: Assigning array to array by having pointer to its first element

JatimirWelcome. Actually, I'm not sure, if the title makes any sense, but straight to the point, let me tell you what problem I have recently encountered. Here's my function that in my belief (I'm newbie, and still trying to get used to pointers) returns a pointer to the first element of the array nam...

> I'm really keen on getting to know a way, how I can achieve this in one line.
is that a thing, to have a working code in a fucking single line ?
> Welcome
ah pointers...
/* You can't, however, /* nest comments */ SyntaxError */

why doesn't this last comment close equivalise this comment?
see it char by char
you get /* in the beginning, right?
now the code will ignore everything until it meets a */, right?
but it doesn't start a new instance of a comment at the second /*, because why on earth should it?
there is no good reason for that
so SyntaxError */ gets left out of the comment
There's a good reason to do that: So that you can nest comments
why would you want to nest comments?
so that one can be ignored more than another one?
Because you want to comment out code while debugging - and that code has comments itself.
there is also a good reason that it's not supported. comments are your place to not worry about syntax.
For example.
ohh, yes.
@BenjaminGruenbaum oh, ok, fair enough
I retract my comment about comments.
That's why IDEs comment with // and not /* even if you comment out multiple lines.
What @BenjaminGruenbaum said, plus you can write examples in comments and add comments to those examples
you can use \*/ or something similar, right?
@copy yes, I actually do that pretty often too.
@towc not that I know, you can just use //, // nests just fine.
!!> /* \*/ console.log( 'shouldn\'t be displayed if my theory is correct' ) */
@towc "SyntaxError: unterminated string literal"
@towc "SyntaxError: unterminated regular expression literal"
regex literals inside block comments can escape block comments
@towc "SyntaxError: unterminated regular expression literal"
don't break cap.
nope, can't find a way to nest comments :/
I remember this being very annoying in css
css should fucking support //
turns out, you can use it if you don't care about css non-runtime-stopping errors
div {
   //property: this and that;
property will be ignored
but just because '//property' doesn't match a property, not because it's a comment?
because div has no //property property
@Luggage yeah, point being that even if it's semantically wrong you can still use it
and noone ever gives a fuck if you shouldn't, at least in my experience
aye, same reason you can use -webkit-whatever on non-wedbit browsers
or other hacks to make specific browsers ignore a property
well, -webkit isn't a hack, but..
I know what you mean :P
@towc put a space after the //. That way even if a dickhead in the CSS WG decides to introduce a //property property, your code remains commented.
@AwalGarg doubt it will ever happen, but I usually put a space after it in js as well, so...
remember how my code is optimized to minimize visual noise?
trying to code in a starbucks and these teenage girls talking about their boyfriends is funny and distracting
although I still hate sugar-code
also my using of react.js in knockout means i need two wrapper elements on every boundry between react and knockout templates. i need to alter my css because of that.. :(
@Luggage find out where their boyfriends live and kill them?
trying to code in a starbucks is funny and distracting
I'm on their boyfriend's side.
@copy yea. i have an office, but someties i need a change. it works on on the week days, usually
trying to get a gf in a starbucks and this guy is coding. Can only get distracted by him
i'm secretly hoping for some chick to think my code is sexy and jump on my lap
never happened, yet
hi all
damnit, i always have to look up the order of the border convenience propery
var otherObj = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('storeDate2'));
if (otherObj.storedValue7 === $("#cu").prop("checked", true)) {
} else {
	alert("check twice");
style, width, color or width, style, color
@Luggage don't they all work in whatever order :)?
guys could you please check
if (otherObj.storedValue7 === $("#cu").prop("checked", true))
one is correct, though
@Luggage latter
this line is correct
not too much
@crl for me :(
check what .prop(a,b) does
that is for checked whether the radio is checked or not
@Luggage an excellent reason to not use it.
@Mahadevan no (but I'm not 100% sure, that's why you gotta check you know where)
@Luggage the ol' @display hack for IE :D
Pfft, kids that don't remember that rounded corners used to be 4 images - one for each edge.
hmm ok sure @crl
fun exercise - write a function which can memoize recursive functions: jsfiddle.net/2ezezdpb/2
good ol' 9-block.
I am surprised to find out
I have a flex-box layout that isn't behaving. jsfiddle.net/28wc0rf1
that there are no ast building libraries
the sidebar should have a scrolling user-list.
out there :-|
@AwalGarg you're overthinking it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum "it"?
@AwalGarg why memoizeWhichWontWork doesn't in fact work.
@BenjaminGruenbaum well... it is quite obvious why it won't work :/ how can I overthink it?
The fix, I guess. Or is that the exercise?
Although, I can only think of an easy way to do it to pure functions.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I know you can do it :D but it took me a while to figure a way out
Hey. When you get a width using offsetWidth or similar.. what is the unit for the measurement? Is it pixels?
For the general case and without modifying the original function?
@user2694168 google it.
@AwalGarg wait, you figured out how to do it all on your own?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Not for the general case ofc. But I don't modify the original function's declaration. jsfiddle.net/2ezezdpb/3. I also found a way to do it with minimal modification of the original function, but I guess that's cheating :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum why yes, do I get truckload of money for that? :P
@AwalGarg that's not what I thought you figured out.
@BenjaminGruenbaum no, I was talking about the "minimal modification" way (passing in the memoized function to original function and calling it instead of the original one)
@AwalGarg I'd do it differently, I'd have fib take itself as an argument like:
that's what I wrote above :D
but that's cheating
> passing in the memoized function to original function and calling it instead of the original one
so fib(n) becomes fib(memoizedFib, n) and calls memoizedFib instead of fib internally
hm. for my code viewer, I'm thinking of syntax highlighting on the server and render that.
let fn = fib => n => {
    if (n < 2) return n;
    return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
Then, how would you memoize it?
Or run it?
Want a hint? @AwalGarg
i have three radio buttons in the first page where i have selected any one of them from the first page this will store using session storage
function storedata2(){
	var storeDate2 = {};
	storeDate2['storedValue5'] = $('input#pg').prop('checked');
	storeDate2['storedValue6'] = $('input#ug').prop('checked');
	storeDate2['storedValue7'] = $('input#cu').prop('checked');
	sessionStorage.setItem('storeDate2', JSON.stringify(storeDate2));
@BenjaminGruenbaum sec, writing it out
and i am getting in the second page
your question is uninteresting @Mahadevan
Hi. How can I (in a sane way) navigate in Angular project with visual studio( I also have resharper). I mean - all symbols of factories , controllers and services (etc) are in a "stringy way" , so there is no :" go to definition")
angular.module('mg.auth').factory('mgAuthApiSvc', function (....
It's pretty hard to navigate....
You're doing Angular wrong. Also - WebStorm does that sort of navigation.
@crl i was missing a display: flex and flex-direction:column; on my sidebar
Don't use angular DI for modules, use modules for that and then DI for actual injection and configuration - then everything falls into place.
@BenjaminGruenbaum jsfiddle.net/2ezezdpb/4 this is what I "figured out"
still trying to duplicate a real problem, though
ok sorry @BenjaminGruenbaum
@BenjaminGruenbaum You're right. thanks.
@AwalGarg figure it out with my version of the function from chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/27035080#27035080
@RoyiNamir sure thing, and make sure to keep anything but directives outside of Angular so that you're not framework dependent. Arguably - keep directives as little Angular as possible. Write regular JavaScript and use Angular to hook into it - otherwise, surprisingly Angular gets angry and has scaling issues.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Will webstorm know to go from <john-lennon> </john-lennon> to the directive : ....directive("johnLennon") ?
Goodbye VS2015
@BenjaminGruenbaum hmm, can do maybe, sec
(I must say that it is awkward that resharper doesn't do that ....)
( same guys....)
@Luggage I'm scared to see how it looks on IE11 though :(, that's sad it can't work well there
i've hed some issues in ie11, but I only use flex-box one one 'page' that's used by 3 admin staff with chrome
most of the site uses bootstrap grids for layout
ok, BT grids are a hell for dynamic content
i have a working version now, i'm trying to duplicate that so that i can THEN diagnose why adding one more div in the middle breaks it
@RoyiNamir different crowd.
@BenjaminGruenbaum not working like I thought it would :/ I am missing some little thing
I'm still duplicating my working layout in fiddle
wait, no, I can. dammit
i'm close, but I have the buttons container being collapsed right now. that's the only thing left: jsfiddle.net/28wc0rf1/1
@BenjaminGruenbaum I have this directive : <inventory-Product , but go to definition does nothing .
( I do have myApp.directive("inventoryProduct", function ())
WebStorm 11?
.options-buttons is getting it's height squashed even thoguh it's flex: 0 0;
I just checked, it works here @RoyiNamir
@BenjaminGruenbaum What can I say , thank you. Downloading:-)
I have a doubt in the MySQL Query...
(SELECT type,priceS FROM service), i need to add the string with "S" with the "type"
@AccountUnknown Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AccountUnknown Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AccountUnknown Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
3 welcomes for @AccountUnknown !
Appreciate it...
@RoyiNamir works with react too btw. It's strange because I'm pretty sure it works in WS10 too.
@BenjaminGruenbaum jsfiddle.net/2ezezdpb/6 sigh
You just need to configure it to realize it's an Angular project.
@AccountUnknown can you rephrase your question, please?
Now don't use that memoizedThatWontWork - I promise there is a point here @AwalGarg
@BenjaminGruenbaum am I on the right track, atleast? :P
This is the Query SELECT type,priceS FROM service.
@AwalGarg yup, not too far.
i need to add a string S with the value of "type" from query.
ahh, ok, the term you are looking for is string concatenation
I don't use mysql, but search for 'mysql string concat' and that'll probably show you
cold be +, or || or something else.
or a function like concat()
It didn't work...
don't jst guess. there are docs that'll give you examples
@AwalGarg woah, I just found a nice article about this subject. Pretty cool.
SELECT concat(type, 'S') (maybe?)
@BenjaminGruenbaum jsfiddle.net/2ezezdpb/7
@BenjaminGruenbaum I just googled and all I see are articles, so I am not sure which one is cool :/
Congratulations, you just stumbled upon the Y combinator.
Also, I taught you that trick once already - so shame on you :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum wth is this. No chance in hell I will study anything about algebra today :/
@BenjaminGruenbaum when
Apr 28 at 11:45, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
Also, it's not really the y combinator, it's similar though :)
but seriously though - read it, it's not really algebra.
i need a 'read later' button in chrome. i'm bookmakring that but i'll probably get lost in other bookmarks :(
fixed points are basics
you're basics.
you're dick is basic
@Luggage Unknown Column S in the field.
because i need to conact with its valur
sound like you didn't put quotes around 'S' like it's a string
@crl let's make fun of people for learning stuff. One hell of an attitude.
or you used wrong quotes.
@BenjaminGruenbaum you know at that time I ignored every thing you said which included terms I thought you learnt in a uni :P
show me the new query.
@BenjaminGruenbaum nah, just teasing them (it's not to hard, really also)
but ok, I get it
THanks Buddy solved...
cool, np
@AwalGarg I didn't learn about it at uni. In fact most people who went to uni with me probably don't know it.
You are great...
see ya!!!
Now you must answer one question befreo you can leave.
and Sunday's are slow, so you'll be here a while.
@AccountUnknown how do I add two numbers in JavaScript?
@AccountUnknown he meant answer the question of anither user :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum wasn't that hard to read in so less time. lemme add this to my list of "things-which-are-needlessly-named-terribly-and-make-noobs-like-me-feel-more-noo‌​b".
without using the plus operator ofc
morning, nerds
can i use two - operators?
@Luggage damn you
@SomeKittens That's OUR word!
@AwalGarg that covers just about everything in computer science. I'm yet to learn something that is fundamentally hard, a lot of things require a background or prior understanding but nothing is actually that challenging - at least not the stuff you learn, the problems you get to solve can be very hard. The solutions not so much.
It's a lot harder to come up with stuff than to learn it.
Why me?
to fix your Q/A debt (you had one Q answered, so you need to answer one (correctly))
Assign the values and use + operators...
Questions Asked: 1
Questions Answered: 0
Is Allowed To Leave: false
@AccountUnknown yes without +
I like this... i like you guys... nice room...
@AccountUnknown thanks
should have said without google too :)
I'm trying to delay a function, till i wait for the ajax response to load completely. I wish to use $.when rather than async:false, but I'm unable to pass the response of the ajax call to the then/done methods. Can anyone help ?
@SarathChandra Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i hate math... and without operators... (i am the dumbest person in the world)
see ya!!! keep up the good work...
@ShiylohFisher Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Actually I have experienced the quite opposite. Some of the most interesting concepts of CS/general programming that I have learnt - I stumbled upon them my selves while solving a problem. My favorite examples include DI (which I considered an ugly hack)), generating pages on the fly on the server, recursive descent parsing, mutexes, and a somewhat derivative of ui=f(state). I won't be surprised if a lot of fellow beginners like me did as well.
But I never was able to "formalize" these things, or name them something, or isolate them as a "concept".
can some one tell me how much reputation u have to have to start your own chat
ok thanks
i only have 21
> Don't worry password, I'm insecure too.
@BenjaminGruenbaum ^ lol, is that from twitter or somewhere? :D
@AwalGarg I'm the same. I just started programming with no formal education and started learning general CS later. Some of my co-workers are content just sticking to copy and paste, though
I think I'd get a lot more out of a true CS degree now than I would when i was college age
@Luggage I guess that's a different kind of talent :P gluing around things they have no idea about could be hard for some people
I personally started as a copy-paster as well :P then I found this room :D
No shame in starting that way, only shame it staying that way.
I don't find it shameful anymore as much as I find it amusing. I have worked on a couple of "codebases" which were "accumulated" by one-man-armies who have no idea wth coding is, and their code worked! just not quite well.
what on earth is marvels jessica jones ... she iz so powerfool ... just use earplugs and choke killgrave to death ... why need an entire tv season for this stuff
more ad revenue?
duh .. it wouldnt matter if it got canceled for season 2 ..
@AwalGarg right, but imagine how easy these things would have come if you were just taught them - and how little added value you'd gain out of it.
@AwalGarg yeah, I love that quote.
syntax highlighting was fairly easy to add.
@BenjaminGruenbaum { problem -> solution } is greater than { solution }, imo.
@BenjaminGruenbaum but If he/she/we were not taught those things and they had to self-learn and after that they came up with an idea to do something only to find that someone had done that thing better because he already knew that stuff by the time we were fighting our way to get the pieces of information right .. is it not similar to reinventing the wheel ?
@argentum47 reinventing the wheel is better than spending time on facebook and whatsapp anyways from a learner's POV :P
@AwalGarg of course, moreover solving the same problem in 10 different ways is better than solving 10 problems the same way.
@argentum47 reinventing the wheel teaches you to invent.
A lot of people miss that.
@FlorianMargaine it didn't scroll to the line or highlighted the line for me (chrome)
@FlorianMargaine uhh... I might be an idiot here - but did it change recently?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm just showing off my project :P
oh I thought that was yours
@FlorianMargaine isn't that node?
hm, that is a good point .. but I mean look at you, you are awsome.. when do I become awesome or maybe build complex systems like twitter ..
Pretty sure I've read that file before in node :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum it is
@BenjaminGruenbaum it's node in debian sources
Ah, that's what you're showing - cool ^^ Didn't realize that.
@argentum47 I'm just loud.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I missed your point then :P weren't you supporting learning stuff from a teacher instead of thinking and realizing them yourself?
@AwalGarg no, and by the way - that's how university education works in good places anyway. The teacher teaches you philosophy and you have to deduce the rest.
The instructor tells you about the problem, you come up with the solution and they tell you how you can apply it in other cool ways.
@BenjaminGruenbaum teacher teaches philosophy? wat.
I don't care much about facebook and whatsapp unless I have seasons to watch .. I don't have time bru .. wake-up -> bath-eat- >office -> have a conversation with boss(1) - >back home -> watch season/porn -> try to write some-code -> go to sleep -> repeat
(1) boss: you can get shit done, but you need to improve your coding/structuring
me: (thinks, yeah, thanks man, I knew that before joining here) how?
boss: you need to think what this component does..
me: (thinks, now that you ask, I think the component does is shit).ok.
Not philosophy as in platonic dualism.
@FlorianMargaine can I use it to see the debian-specific parts of the package?

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