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@BenFortune's site
@Abhishrek dunno, display: inline or inline-block on the if, maybe
@crl won't work
@Luggage My nick, why?
ahh. then ben fortune is a steam friend. i accepted because i recognized the name but did'nt exactly remember who :)
it will make the footer expand all the way
and if i put an inline on the footer it will be tiny.
you get to see the embarassing number of hours I play Arma
@Abhishrek What happen if you put an if inside the if?
Ideal case would be somehow make the part where the code goes expand horizontally without expanding the container
does it fail for both?
@Luggage I have about 1k hours in arma 2, can't get into 3 though :/
interesting project btw... I'll fetch an archive and uncompress it, make the files viewable in the browser and delete the folder after 24h...
so wrap them in a default root, for consistency
@BenFortune gotta find the right server/mission. they are all differnt
though I assume arma 2 was like that
I played a hell of a lot of dayz mod
@crl want to play with it ? am pushing it
@FlorianMargaine what do the files contain?
@AwalGarg debian packages sources
just on a fiddle, not too much time
@MadaraUchiha +1 vote :D
downvotes @SterlingArcher
need to upvote Mad
@crl fiddle :-/ erm thats the problem
Oh god I have 6 downvotes to 6 upvotes xD
this is fast
People don't like me
Four people downvoted Madara? Wow...
@Trasiva nudge Not to vote for @SterlingArcher.
@SterlingArcher Not doing as bad as bjb, lolololo
How dare they!
done upping Madara, he's too low on the list ...
Sterling and Madara got my vote.
I'm surprised bjb hasn't been nuked from orbit yet.
I can't vote for government elections but I can vote for Stack Overflow mod :D
No way I have a chance. Vote Madara!
Madara is 3rd ex-aequo, wtf Undo has so many votes
seriously.. why is this taking so damn long to compile?!
I am quite certain this time madara will make it!
@crl I know, Undo and Ed are the front runners right now. Madara has a pretty good chance though.
@Zirak I love you even more for that.
@Zirak had you tagged that as by mistake, it would have been ignored ^^
@Zirak lol
@SterlingArcher I don't think you've got a snowball's chance in hell this time amigo.
holy crap 103 votes on madara this is going real fast
Didn't think I did, just wanted to see how I turned out :)
Looks like...0 right now.
@AwalGarg WHAT!? He was at like 24 3 seconds ago
Better than a few lol
@Cereal exactly
Madara is 5th .. :(
@SterlingArcher I mean your last count was 0 before I refreshed, lol.
Place your bets.
Did someone make a poll counter already to show the placings?
Yeah but I'm a real 0, not a negative 0 lol
> +18
@SterlingArcher Is that you?
172 now :O
No that's bjb
The votes are closely correlating candidate score though.
When it comes to bjb:
@SterlingArcher I'm O-negative
@KendallFrey I'm hiv positive
disorient.ddns.net/SOVoteMonitor if you're into these sort of things
@SterlingArcher Are you sure?
@SterlingArcher darn it !
I'm positive :D
@Zirak Neat
@Zirak Remind me to buy you a prostitute later.
obvious yo mama joke
who da hell is josiberl
I'm maintaining a solid positive count lol
So how's this work anyways? 19 men enter, 1 moderator leaves?
lol @SterlingArcher
you can follow the trump way of winning the elections :D goto every chatroom and start yelling "I Will make SO great again"
@Trasiva 3 mod positions open
@ssube I give up
I need to get some credentials in the SO community.
Change my name to Satan. 'Vote Satan for moderator!'
@rlemon You tried adding all the plugins manually? Instead of having the preset find them all
wow, so many votes in so little time
everyone receive a notification I think
@BenFortune a) I add all js manually, and then move all files to /dist in another task. b) ???
everyone allowed to vote does
either way, that simple fucking example is taking 2.5 seconds to compile
3 files
@rlemon Sorry, meant for babel
maybe 15 loc total
@BenjaminGruenbaum I bet if you ever decided to run one day you'd win
Q: StackExchange Election: Primary counter

pokeI want to keep an eye on the votes of the ongoing election, but the unsortedness of the list during the primary election phase makes it hard to keep track of anything. So I wrote a quick script that goes through them all and puts a short overview list at the top, sorted by the current vote count....

this is also nice
right now I'm giving up because I cannot just tell gulp to look at an entire directory recursively and to run only js files through babel, but pipe all of the files regardless to the dest. @BenFortune
unless you can help with this
otherwise I have more reading to do
@SterlingArcher honestly? I think I have a good chance if I ever run. I just don't think I'd ever want to do free QA for a for-profit company every day for at least 30 minutes
In react, how is passing parent={this} in props really worse than github.com/gaearon/react-dnd/blob/master/src/…? seems a bit the same to me, even more compact (you need less methods on the components for doing things)
It's not even interesting quality assurance, just mostly dealing with shit.
That's a pretty solid reason not to, when you do it anyways in chat lol
In chat I have interesting discussions, in main I answer stuff and ask stuff.
I don't want to work as a tester, let alone for free.
@BenjaminGruenbaum do it when you turn 50 or so :D
Only good reason to mod is to later become a CM, which actually sounds like a decent job. Plus I really love StackOverflow.
Madara has taken 4th place!
@rlemon Have you considered using a plugin to help?
e.g. gulp-if-else
@BenjaminGruenbaum it's borderline one of the most intelligent communities on the internet
@SterlingArcher unfortunately, one downvote isn't enough to stop this pain train
@rlemon sounds like 2 separate tasks
I will read more on the wildcards.
bjb has -1 votes
@BenFortune Well, that requires a find-all-files-but-js
because I think I'm just fucking up things
@Nick You're welcome.
Can you do that?
@Nick that shoes you did -1 on him
in elections you cannot fall below 0
@KendallFrey I think so yeah
@SterlingArcher it might be, but SO is a for profit multi million dollar company, I love participating since there is an intellectual challenge in it. Moderating?
Aw :(
+ I don't like having power over other people.
@BenFortune Neat. Teach me.
Of course I downvoted him
Power is fun :D
Power used correctly? Even more fun.
Power used incorrectly? Most fun.
As in, I really dislike having power over other people, if I have to I'll make decisions but I wouldn't choose to moderate people.
That's what would make you a great mod
Power over other people is a necessary evil.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yea, that's what I get a kick out of. It's for profit, but as a moderator, you have to put in a quarter of a full day of work just moderating. That doesn't include your day to day SO stuff that you do yourself.
bjb's votes: +62 | -88
@KendallFrey !src/**/*.js
@FlorianMargaine cool just wanted to make sure you and the family were good. I know France is a huge place but I care about you bruh!! :P
Remember when you told me I should remain RO because I was an active room member and I didn't hold my status over others?
if there was a "chat moderator" position, I'd totes go for that
only two people I want to see as mods in this election are undo and madara
This applies as well :)
I have no interest in main most days
@rlemon it was considered. Frankly I think room owners have borderline too much power anyway with kickmute.
@BenFortune Wow
I disagree
Although our chat is doing great, have you seen what happened in the fantasy chat?
there's a fantasy chat?
You're usually all over those things.
fantasy chat?
been a rough couple weeks
Potential burn :O
just fell down some stairs
haven't really been active
There's a non-fantasy chat?
@rlemon Oh, crap. Break anything?
You mean... there are real people on the internet?
@BenjaminGruenbaum don't think so
fucked my tailbone and slipped discs
Oh snap :/
recovering okay
@BenjaminGruenbaum wtf whyy
I can't stand their chats UI
@Shog9 do you think more room owner powers would have helped the situation at SFF?
can you tl;dr it for me
@rlemon apparently people talked in a very uncivilized manner about very controversial topics there.
.. so like we do almost daily?
I am not allowed to use my sock to vote in the elections right?
lol jesus shog went hammer on scifi
Think the discussions we have with @m59 about religion or with @jAndy about veganism - only if they were in youtube comments.
@SterlingArcher shog is usually very tolerant.
Bjb's moderator nomination is at -1 votes
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think the word "think" kind of doesn't apply here
if you see -1
A lot of stuff was removed
that means YOU voted them down and they are at 0
Everything I do segfaults \o/
elections cannot go below 0
it is just a 'artifact' of the system
A: Run Eclipse project from command line

idiotsyou fucking retardsyou fucking retardsyou fucking retardsyou fucking retardsyou fucking retardsyou fucking retardsyou fucking retardsyou fucking retardsyou fucking retardsyou fucking retardsyou fucking retardsyou fucking retardsyou fucking retards

Well ofc I voted him down
@SomeKittens Everything I do gets AIDS
Hrmph :| shouldn't this work for checking if a directory has a file called "package.js"? directories.filter(directory => fs.readdirSync(directory).indexOf('package.js' !== 0))
lmfao so he's at 0, or a bunch of other people have done the same.
holy shit that room has a trail of (removed)s
@Jhawins click on the 0 and it will show you how many ups/downs he has
@SterlingArcher Well then.
@AwalGarg yes. It does. I wonder what they did wrong. I just ran into the site and then a featured meta question when I looked at hot network questions.
So he is at -30 lol
I'm hovering just above 0. Did much better than I thought I would :D
98 people love me <3
@BenjaminGruenbaum Read the meta linked in the new room. There was a huge shit storm over people acting like asses, so Shog dropped the hammer on it.
@Trasiva I know, I brought the discussion here :D Thanks though.
@Jhawins We haven't talked to bjb in like... 2 years. I do believe he might have changed.
My bad, lol.
I certainly wouldn't give him my vote, but I haven't downvoted him either.
Well, he's also building something like looks like it's designed to go up against SO. Definitely a conflict of interest in my eyes.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I asked him about that in a comment during nominations and never got a reply :/
@BenjaminGruenbaum Nah he has had a nice stream of drama if you listen for it haha
@Doorknob @bjb568 here you are.
@Jhawins I know, lol.
Now you can ask him in chat.
@SterlingArcher 97 people misclicked
He won't see that ping anyway right?
no, he appears in autocomplete
Nope he will.
@BenjaminGruenbaum no, because there were no ROs around. Which was sorta the core issue there: appointing more owners helped, except that a few people decided that when the parents were gone anything was fair game.
IOW, "I'm not behaving well because I respect my peers and wish to have a productive discussion; I'm only behaving well because a RO is active... Once they're gone, you're toast".
Hi Shog!
aww, no train :(
@Shog9 well, there were plenty of blue people...
@Shog9 I tend to agree.
@Doorknob at the end yeah. And they ignored them too.
@Shog9 You don't get enough love man. The amount of bullshit you put up with is absolutely astounding.
I think room owners have "just enough" power. Enough that they can end a problem single handedly (unless it wildly escalates), and enough to stop another room owner from going hammer
Right. So why would owners being present make a difference either?
@Trasiva kiss ass ;)
@SterlingArcher Don't make me break out the ball gag again.
I think RO's shouldn't have a throttle (ofc, that should extend to diamonds)
@Trasiva the perks of being a janitor: room and board and all the bullshit I can eat.
@BenjaminGruenbaum That theme is a burden to society.
@Trasiva .. i .. ok.
@Shog9 that might be a stupid question - but can't you just kick all those people for a year?
!!s/out/out of/
@KendallFrey @SterlingArcher Don't make me break out of the ball gag again. (source)
@BenjaminGruenbaum so... When you walk in and find two people kicking the snot out of each other and a bunch of other people standing around cheering... Who's at fault?
Like, take everyone who participated in chat in the last month and kick them for a year unless you or another CM personally vouch for them.
that option is still on the table
@Shog9 I just spit all over my monitor from that, thanks haha.
@Shog9 everyone, you can just kick everyone no one you trust can vouch for, and just let a new chat community emerge.
That's what happens when you mix scifi opinionates with the internet
@Shog9 if we're nuking scifi can we force them to change their css finally?
We're letting them try to work it out right now, but if they can't pull up their pants and self-govern, then...
shit is painful
@Shog9 Whoever got flagged. Don't you usually just ban hammer the kid for a month and ask questions later never ask questions? :)
haha I remember when I had just learnt about some cool tricks from the inspector and tried hacking into Stack Exchange as a script kiddie, @shog came to the hinduism chat room and I got shit scared lol
Like when it happens to me.
@rlemon literally?
5 hours ago, by Sterling Archer
@KendallFrey right now, yes. sphincter is bruised.
I have no context... Just being a tiny bit snotty ;P
@Shog9 Rule in the military in that situation? The fighters get hit pretty hard, but the people standing around and cheering get hit the hardest for knowing better and encouraging it.
@Shog9 I don't think anything but removing people from a situation like this can help - that or a toxic chat culture like the lounge used to have two years ago.
@rlemon ;P
"sphincter is bruised"
how is that even
when I fell
> "fell"
poopin' ain't easy.
oh god D:
I mean, I can think of one thing that would bruise a sphincter...
@Shog9 then again I've never dealt with anything like it.
@rlemon Well, isn't that just a pain in the ass.
@rlemon Surely not pooping is less easy
basically, both ass cheeks and everything connected got bruised.
On brighter news - a lot of new mod candidates ^^
not fun
madara seems to have got hold of the 4th position now \o/ just need like 250 more upvotes and steady flow thenceforth :D
@rlemon the nipple bone's connected to the ass cheek bone
@KendallFrey dude, first time I sneezed, I wasn't expecting that
@Trasiva which is why their chatroom got locked and the mods on all sites got zero-tolerance instructions regarding further chatrooms. We'll figure out pretty quickly who wants to have a community chat and who just wants a soapbox.
last week I learned you ass clenches when you sneeze
Have... have you never sneeze farted before?
@rlemon Sorry
ass clench != fart
anyways, now I'm afraid of coughing or sneezing
@BenFortune have one, doesn't do anything :/
something something prolapse joke
Yes, but before the clench it loosens
well.. takes the pain from a 7 to a 6.9
basically nothing
@Shog9 Well, if you're looking for a super villain in this sort of scenario, I'll volunteer as tribute. All I ask is that once the roasting starts, you guys make good use of the flames and cook some food for the homeless over my corpse.
I had to sit on one when I broke my coccyx
lol coccyx
honestly, at this point, most of the troubles are from the bruising and the spine
I wish that wasn't a real word
2 hours ago, by Sterling Archer
you spelled cock wrong
I wish it was a typo
can't sit because of the bruising, can't stand because of the slipped disc
@SterlingArcher Literally never had pain like it, I wanted to die.
@SterlingArcher You spelled ring wrong
I've broken 4 bones, but never my ass. Came close once
@SterlingArcher ha
ohh I've broken so many bones :(
I'm accident prone
I had one of my troops break his fiance's hip during sex on their anniversary.
There's still a piece of broken bone in my kneecap that slides about
I didn't believe him until he showed me a copy of the x-ray.
@BenFortune I had a tip of my rib floating around for a bit
dissolved/absorbed now
I have metal in my knee that set off a metal detector at an airport
I had gym shorts on with nothing in my pockets.. and he patted down my bare knee
I have a clavicle broken in a 'Z', if it can reassure you all, right shoulder is 3 cm shorter
none of my breaks are serious, just the sheer amount of them which is impressive
@SterlingArcher I had that problem until they replaced it with with titanium.
I am new to Javascript. I study from codeschool. They have introduced lots of Javascript frameworks. Are all frameworks like different languages?

Any one here know all the frameworks? https://www.codeschool.com/paths/javascript

They have taught Node.js in 5 videos. Is it possible to learn Node.js in 5 videos?
broke both my wrists, easy heals. My elbow needed pins, but my knee was the worst
Ligament and artery damage, and knee cap bone got wrecked
I have a broken jaw at the moment. Wouldn't recommend
@AbhimanyuAryan It's possible to learn Node.js in 5 minutes.
At least the core concepts
I remember one time, I can't remember what I did, but I had to carry a card to explain the high radiation my body was giving off. It lasted for like three days, but I had to fly. Fucking TSA lost their shit.
all ribs (literally)
nose (multiple)
right hand
left wrist
left ankle
right forearm
cracked my skull twice
so many toes.... .
@Mosho pit
@KendallFrey how much time will it take to master most of it?
@AbhimanyuAryan Your whole career
Or, 10000 hours
depends what "master" is
@Trasiva lolwat
@rlemon jesus no wonder you're canadian
@rlemon how many surgical sutures in total?
You're a deductibles best dream
I've like 20+ from several falls when a kid
@KendallFrey Yea, I can't remember what it was, I'm trying to see if I can find something about it. It was really weird and I only vaguely remember it.
Ohh but I am rails developers. I want to do Javascript part also. So how much should I learn from this codeschool course. Should I learn complete Javascript part @KendallFrey or selective frameworks only.
@crl nothing in me (no pins or screws). good amount of scaring and you can feel the bits of my ribs which are missing
Learn JavaScript.
I've only had 9 stitches, but I have some pretty nasty scars from injuries that should have been stitched
Hell I was even stabbed right through the hand
that was fun.
@KendallFrey Oh! It was a dye they used when they were doing imaging after I wrecked my spine.
I got maybe 7 stitches on my middle toe once
numerous animal bite scars
like how is that even possible
cut the tip of my left pinky off. they stapled that back on - I guess that counts as a break as well. considering I cut the bone
I had like 23 stitches on the outside of my ankle... Not sure how many internal ones they were the kind that dissolves. They had to stitch-er up in two layers
learning JS === concepts + tiny memorization of the tiny stdlib
learning frameworks/libs/environents === memorization of the docs
Threw a pogo stick at the ground that had a bolt sticking out the top.. 12 stitches and got to see my skull
@Jhawins had those on my skull. they said "don't worry they will dissolve on their own" 3 weeks after they should have, I went back and had them removed.
Or maybe I got 7 and my brother got 12 I forget
I've got some pretty neat scars, but not in any good places
I've had 5 concussions :(
@SterlingArcher phew I've only had three
and I played a LOT of sports
@KendallFrey How is what even possible?
got that a lot when young, done by my father, without fucking anesthesy
I've never been diagnosed with a broken bone :)
I farted so hard once I hurt my back... does that count?
Eight concussions here. The doctors told me that if I kept it up they'd give me a punch card.
@SterlingArcher LOL
@SterlingArcher Not unless you had a semi-solid fart
@SterlingArcher I have a cough atm, when it gets bad my back cracks :D
Man you need to reduce your straining
gonna get a hernia bro
popped blood vessels in your eye.. hurt your back
I once jumped out of a tree (~7 years old?) and landed, fell to my knees... some asshat dropped a nail in the grass. into the knee. my first tetanus shot
omg, I just realized I've both injured and relieved my back from farting
fuck tetanus shots
@rlemon whats the big deal lol
@Loktar lol omg the blood vessel... my most famous injury XD
@BenFortune I can crack my nose
I need another tetanus shot damn
@Jhawins back in the 90's it was a big needle and hurt man :P
I used to be able to crack my chest
also, I was 7
@rlemon inorite lol I got my first in like 2000 I was 6 I stepped on a giant nail (like log cabin sized nail)
While we were building the log cabin
a log cabin sized nail? holy shit
yes, I've only had two - once from stepping on a nail, once from falling on one
now I look where I walk
@Jhawins you were 6 in 2000?
Is there an easy way to get a node-style callback for a promise? Eg: doMyThing(params, Promise.nodeCallback) to return a promse
Anyway, I got to go, ttyl
@phenomnomnominal Yeah I am 21 now, born in 94
Hatred for $1.99 (plus 5 other games)
!!afk stalking you
not sure if anyone was interested in hatred or not, but for $2 meh
@KendallFrey ...Nail big enough to go through two logs in the cabin. They are like 16inch nails but only the end was sticking out
@BenjaminGruenbaum 2.9
The diameter was the shitty part
@Loktar Oh man, that looks fun. Thanks.
-my brother closed a door on my little finger, Christmas day, (2 suture pts)
-slid on a rock (6 suture pts on the cheeks)
-fell on rock in water, (3 pts in my right hand, still see them)
-fell on another rock, (3 pts in right knee), etc..
@Jhawins That's what your mom said about anal.
@BenFortune np, a few other decent games in the bundle as well
the puzzle one, one finger death punch, and Double Dragon neon
Pity vote for @SterlingArcher
!!afk to the baaaaaank!
@phenomnomnominal lmao
should have linked the open vote pinned item to your entry :p
145 people have upvoted him without tricky links
@Loktar Wow, didn't expect it to be 4gb
woah wth it is?
Well, the download is 1.8gb. But it said it needs 4gb

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