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So it also means by iterable that an array is a valid param?
What's the point in "parsing" an Array to a new array?
@SterlingArcher can use it on a nodelist
So Array(32); returns [undefined x 32] -- aka you have an empty array with 32 slotted spaces, correct?
you have a empty array with .length set to 32
(which is stupid)
woo, down to 5% coffeescript. Soon I can pretend that never happened.
so the Iterator doesn't run (afaik)
How can the length be 32 if it's empty?
it's a property
length is a property, not a function
it can be 'cat'
That seems... poorly behaved
it'll work as if it's full of 32 undefined, though
but in reality, those keys just don't exist.
@Luggage nope
!!> Array(32).fill(undefined).map(i=>1)
@rlemon "1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1"
What happens if .length is cat and you push into the array?
Does length remain cat or does it update?
if it is actually seeded with undefined, you can still run the Iterator
because there are values, albeit undefined.
Is there any valid use case where .length should be overridden??
!!urban albeit
@crl albeit It means the same thing as however or although
!!urban albert
@SterlingArcher Albert A guy who rolls with the punches and laughs at himself before he laughs at others is an Albert. An Albert is one of the most thoughtful, kind, sexy human beings on earth. Most Alberts serve their country and give selfishly, not expecting anything in return. In addition, Alberts are fun, smart, incredibly hot and are great with animals (especially monkeys). There should be more Alberts in the world. To k(snip)
but Array(32) doesn't behave like that, there is nothing to iterate on
array method look for the Symbol.iterator (afaik)
not .length
Oh jesus Symbols... didn't understand a single use case for those
morning cats
ES6 only validated my retardism lol
@SterlingArcher Isn't it for making a class iterable?
hello, anybody remembers how do you set vertical scrollbar of some element not working as an overlay instead to push content in IE 10? I know it is not that of a JS question...
it's basically just like making a function called "getIterator()" that'll never have a collision.
@SterlingArcher Think Java's enums
I didn't get to enums in Java D:
@DušanRadojević try the html room?
not just enums, but any interface, really.
@SterlingArcher it's an identifier, like a string property name on an object
only the only thing that is "equal" to the symbol, is that symbol
collision-free object-keys.
well, reference to
So MDN says Symbols will never equal each other, because they create new instances every time
each other, no
This database I'm working in is dreadful, absolutely no consistency with it's datatypes. For example, every date is a string and they're different between tables.
Symbol("foo") === Symbol("foo") // false
but the same one is equal to itself
so if you save a reference to it, you can use it
to access/change
and there are preset symbols that the language uses, like Symbol.iterator
How? I thought they weren't visible, like in a for...in loop
so you can define arr.iterator = 'lol' and you won't affect iterable objects
@SterlingArcher [] === []
same deal
Y'know. Looking at the reviews for the new anno
There's a lot of negatives
and a lot of positives
but they all have like 30 hours played
@Neal Of course :)
30 hours is really good for modern games ._.
So if you want a "static" property (and unique) in an object or iterable, a Symbol is the way to go?
sort of like a final variable in java?
no. not related to that.
or am i just way off here
@rlemon lol
fuck, sorry guys I'm trying lol
if anyone like to watch Starcraft, this is a really good small tournament: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS67L5dgs2EYG_kJwWdw_R2jmsj5wdWqc
@tereško "small"
Winner got 10k
@rlemon hahaha
was a good tournament though
do they really reward people for gaming?
well .. "small" referring to number of players
@crl Yes
@SterlingArcher more like an interface. You can specifically define a method for a purpose without worrying about the name colliding.
Intel recently held a 100k winner take all in starcraft
@crl welcome to 2015 lol
esports are becoming big
I wanted to review Terraria, but I would just have the same review "seems okay" (1400 hours)
@Cereal I am currently on semi-finals .. it has been pretty nice so far
@tereško The tvt in the semis was fantastic
@Luggage oh so it's a unique property almost!
@rlemon 1400 in Terraria??
Is that the main aspect? Uniqueness?
around that. I'd have to check.
sorry, ~1200
a lot of my steam friends own that game but they all have like 5 or 6 hours total
!!> 1400/24
@crl 58.333333333333336
@rlemon still though
A: jQuery dropdown selected option show input field

Nick de KoningYou've made an big mistake. You forgot to end the script at the end of your script. <script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script> <script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-migrate-1.2.1.min.js"></script> <select id="carm3" name="interest"> <option value=""> Dogs</option>...

imagine you have a global variable: var iteratorKey = "12332189321890312_iterator";
myObject[iteratorKey] = () => {...}; // no worries about a name collision with some OTHER iterator
Symbols are like that. They give you a unique key (only it's not just a string)
!!> 58.333/360*80
It's a new special type. Symbol.
That's actually really cool
@nick 12.962888888888887
@Luggage @Mosho thanks guys!
that cant be right
@nick that's actually correct
@rlemon it's just ok
ok for 6k hours, not more
@Luggage damn
Symbol.iterator is just that global key for iterating. You can make you own with:
var sterlingSymbol = Symbol();

someObject[sterlingSymbol] = 'my data';
@rlemon do you have 1400h on Terraria?
that's interesting. is there a simple way to attach a short hash to every symbol? like a short ID?
Does it have to be global?
@Neoares as it turns out, ~1200
no need. the symbol is already unique
Can you block scope an iterator?
@SterlingArcher is that an Edgar Allan Poe reference?
it only have to be as global as you want it
@mission712 no I was trying to find how much of his life he spent in that game
you make you own symbol and keep that private for you use
oh wait he's fapping hahahahahaha
or expose it publicaly if you wan tothers to use it (like symbol.iterator)
hey bro
sup bro
I once got a question in high school "Who is Edgar Allen Poe".
I Dont Knoe
> some dude who liked birds
I replied with "a brain surgery". She was baffled. Apparently i was referring to "eddar Allen Poe" in a comics
Edgar Allan Ho
@SterlingArcher wow, our new anthem
was he gay?
you just ruined Flo for me.
@corvid lol awesome
because I don't get that jokes
@Luggage THAT'S what ruined Flo for you?
@Neoares 'Flo' from the progressive insurance commercials.
@rlemon that got deleted like 5 seconds after I clicked the link
flo ruined flo for me
@mission712 it was deleted for like 5 minutes before I posted the link
Moment.js can't figure out the timestamp, and short of calling the software company and asking them, are they any tricks or tools I can use to help figure it out?
is it still visible like that for a while
users with 10K + rep can see deleted content (sans deleted comments)
i am 24 rep
any advice on getting more?
Give good answers
answer questions about programming
Ask good questions
Hell, you can get decent rep just from quoting documentation
idle in chat room and ignore main
A: How does eval() treat a string object differently from a primitive string value?

Sterling ArcherFrom the MDN: String primitives and String objects also give different results when using eval. Primitives passed to eval are treated as source code; String objects are treated as all other objects are, by returning the object. For example: s1 = "2 + 2"; // creates a string primi...

answer a bunch of questions on main then wait 3 years for rep to trickle in
@mission712 woo woo!
My best answer is verbatim an MDN quote
my best answer mocks OP
@Neoares ?
A: How to display multiple pictures stacked on top of each other in JavaScript

rlemonWhy not just build one? it wouldn't be hard. Here is a small rotate prototype i've worked up (took maybe 5 minutes to write) Element.prototype.rotate = function(d) { var s = "rotate(" + d + "deg)"; if (this.style) { // regular DOM Object this.style.MozTransform = s; this....

i´ve been looking on the web for a client-side solution on how to export a form to pdf, i´ve found cloudformatter.com/css2pdf, but the problem is, it´s not rendering the inputs that the user fills, does anyone knows another solution for this?
@rlemon that's a 1k rep answer at least
Q: How to create a archive list from an array of dates in php

rlemonI am looking to create a list in the following format: 2012 (2) - January (1) - March (1) 2011 (1) - March (1) from am array of dates in the following format: Array ( [0] => Array ( [year] => 2012 [month] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( ...

how much rep gives every upvote?
@SterlingArcher ahahaha
@SterlingArcher well
I concede, it was a horrible question by me. I should have shown some attempts or that I had first put in an effort to solve this myself. BAD rlemon! BAD!rlemon May 28 '14 at 23:31
I have worse I'm sure
are you still picking up downvotes?
there were darker times...
I voted close my own Q
I love that
> marked as duplicate by rlemon, bjb568, SomeKittens, Machavity, Qantas 94 Heavy May 29 '14 at 2:47
can't delete b/c answers
dat comment
I concede, it was a horrible question by me. I should have shown some attempts or that I had first put in an effort to solve this myself. BAD rlemon! BAD!rlemon May 28 '14 at 23:31
Lots of my good questions have spite downvotes lol
repost :P
I didn't read the question but I assume it was a bad one. Should I downvote it ?
you should upvote it
you know, to be hip
downvote it pls
this however has 2 votes
A: How to display multiple pictures stacked on top of each other in JavaScript

Vlad NiculaLibraries will just help you out with manipulating the dom and responding to events. The answer lies in the way you see the problem, how you will represent the data, how you will handle the dynamic data that comes to you. Images are html elements, so they can be manipulated with CSS3 like Jose F...

Oh come on that was at least a one star worthy pun
I don't see what's so bad in that question, I probably spent too much time on SO...
@SterlingArcher someone should bump this with an edit to help it gather more downvotes
2 hours ago, by rlemon
kid went as a fart
lol no way
best costume I've seen in a long time
and so simple
Can google location api be set to do a radial location search on county and state vs zip code?
or city and state rather
Loktar where r u D: I has music
@rlemon also +1 cause the trumpet
@SterlingArcher gimme
!!youtube Bring Me the Horizon Throne
This song is really good
Oli Sykes is one of my favorite frontmen
He drives crowds and mosh pits nuts
I usually skip BMTH songs on spotify, but that one is good
@SterlingArcher Thought this was linkin park the first time I heard it
Their new album is very good
!!youtube happy song bring me the horizon
This is my favorite off their new album
@SterlingArcher I hope I could say the same about BFMV
As in, my girlfriend played it and asked me who I thought it was
and I Said linkin park with confidence
@SterlingArcher I've already heard that one :P
@Neoares they've perked up a bit since Fever, but they'll never be the same as The Poison
That's the BFMV I loved the most
well, actually the second album is great too
different than the poison, but still great
!!youtube move your body blessed by a broken heart
party song :D
listen to better music, noobs
Nuck, pls
!!tell nick youtube nickleback
Like this?
@Cereal best band ever
!!youtube the wolfpack hopes die last
Better music!
everyone subbed? reddit.com/r/shreddit
sube? :p funnily it seems like his real name
@ssube <3
@nick so sad :(
@rlemon @lube <3 (source)
!!welcome ypujar
@ypujar Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
why would you welcome a 1rep user?
they can't speak
to frustrate them more? oh I thought that was Cap
@rlemon I've realized after :d
lets go upvote him so he can talk
Q: Junit failed to initialize JUNIT test classes

ypujarI am using customized logging framework implemented on top of log4j with some instrumentation features. When I try to run junit tests from eclipse on classes which are using customized logger, getting the following exception: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError at java.lang.Class.forName...

upboat this highly relevant java script question
damn u faster
@SterlingArcher Working on your review queue numbers, I see.
Yeah I got a bit bored. No good questions on main this morning
!!afk ^
why so many downvotes?
remember me to never ask with C tag
> C
I'll ask C questions on PHP tag
I C what you did there

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