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is it common to have 30 media query breaks
all over the place
@Mosho unfortunately, yes
It's what happens when you get print designers doing web design
so guys i need help here? anyone hear me?
@FiidoFirdauz Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Given this
return gulp.src(vendorSources.modern_js)
should the return code be not equal(0) if any one of vendorSources.modern_js (an array) is missing?
3 hours later…
@Feeds ?
@AlMeen hey
@Jordan you there?
@nick What is this "stackoverflow teams" thing?
I dunno man why don't you find out
We should form a JS chatroom team. Our purpose is to tell newbies to ditch w3schools and use ES6, by given them mysterious hints such as "use babel".
@Sheepy huh good idea
Yeah, I kinda get what they are, but how does it function? If it just for promotional purposes?
yeah pretty much
Wish the logo is a rainbow pony instead...
the private beta has only been running for maybe a week tops
Let me think what my position should be...
It was too early in the morning for me to come up with anything witty so I didn't :)
they're working on more features though
@Sheepy On the Bottom
like a good sheepy
@ivarni haha, you can change it later
So I'm The Flumph? Sounds good!
you're my sheepy
i'm out, night all!
No way. Neo is the one who feeds me here. ( ▔, ▔ )
night o/
I can only recognize around two third of the members in the team Q.O
Makes sense, there's 24 hours a day, you should be sleeping ~8 of them so missing 1/3rd of the action wouldn't be strange
Umm ... hey guys ... scratching my head here. I don't think I fully understand what node.js is ... for some reason. At first I thought it was a server but now I'm told it's a framework / language. Is it a js framework that allows js to be rendered on server side instead of client? Can somebody please explain this a bit?
Thanks in advance.
It's a runtime environment that lets you run javascript outside of a browser
You can run a server, or you can just run a scripts that prints "hello world"
It is a js execution environment, run in command line and can be used to code a server. It also has a ecosystem of tools, libraries, and frameworks.
@ivarni So the script would be js?
@Sheepy Does this mean I could use js to freely code backend and run it on my server instead of client side?
That is AWESOME! What stopped me from using js was because I didn't want to have performance issues for the user due to all js rendering on their browser ... thus slowing down the app / site.
Anyone has used ui-router nested views and states?
@Elizabeth Node provides access to socket, database, file system, etc. But note that Node is single thread so it may not be suitable for tasks heavy on calculation.
Does this also mean that node.js not only fixes the performance issues of js but even when js is disabled on the client side (browser) they can still view js with no problem?
Not exactly. Node uses the V8 engine - the same as Chrome and is generally regarded as the fastest js engine. So if your code is slow on Chrome...
@Sheepy it's going to be slow for the client.
And then there is the matter that Node.js is a server side language and does not really do rendering. It may generate HTML, CSS, JS, for example, but it does not directly render. And also I've seen many cases where HTML/CSS is the slow part.
@Sheepy what do you mean?
Html/CSS is very light I thought?
rarely causes any performance issues if written with as much best practices as could be
From what I heard ... people say that the reason js causes performance issues is because all js written, depends on the client side to be render or executed
@Elizabeth Browser is the most complicated and demanding software on most people's computer / smart phone. Open some tabs - even html only tabs - and it easily eat more ram and cpu than light games.
where their browser ... and computer cpu, ram ... etc is a important factor too
> Does this also mean that node.js not only fixes the performance issues of js but even when js is disabled on the client side (browser) they can still view js with no problem?
No; the fact that the server happens to be running JS isn't going to change anything about the JS being disabled on the webpage.
In short, you need to find out what is causing your site to be slow. You can resolve the cause only after you have found it.
Well. I am asking not because I have created a site that is slow but is planning to develop a web app .. thus deciding on the language to use for backend
I love js because I do designing and would love to use it for the backend, programs and functions on the web app as well .. like with angular js or something but don't want it to be heavy on the user
Hmm. Then you may be worry about performance too early.
Is there some kind of 100%-always-works way of disabling autocomplete/autofill for an <input type="text"> element in all browsers?
I think this is indeed the biggest boon of Node - same language front & end.
@sheepy Yea ... I might be but it's my first time and performance is major on this because it's picture heavy
If something is picture heavy then JS performance is probably the least of your worries
^ concur~
Image compression rates and network will have a bigger impact
and probably the strategy for when images are requested so the browser doesn't have to download 100+ image files up front
If there are animations or transforms of images, do them in CSS will allow browsers to use hardware acceleration and avoid the "low performance" js.
@ivarni Image compression ... server .. networks etc is all in my plans for sure.... I have no problem with that but in terms as the developing side ... programming part of the web app .. since it'll also be my first time developing a backend I want to be performance ready and safe
The reason js frightens me in terms of performance is because in the past when I did websites ... the myth was that using heavy js will cause users with not so advance computers to be render not as fast ... not the best ... choppy... laggy etc.
If you are building a car for the first time, don't worry about making it fast. Worry about making it reliable (fault tolerance), then safe (secure). These are enough to occupy your mind...
@Sheepy But if they ux is not friendly or smooth .. who wants to use it
I say this in a designers prespective
where ux and ui is key to all products
I get what you mean though
That is also in my plans :P
If you want instant UX reaction, you need client side js instead of waiting for server.
@ivarni Yes. My plan is only to load a minimum part of the app with the backend language I chose.
@Sheepy I try to use as much css as possible. That is not my concern. The real concern is really the backend part. I just love js and if node does solve the js problem ... I thought that I could even use it for backend .. which is quite a bit of code and not have issues :D
@Sheepy Not instant ux ... css could take care of that but like users actions
And if your car is fast but breaks down every second right turn, or if it announces the drivers' social security number while it runs, the users may not be so happy either.
eg. click of a button to grab data
Anyway, as a programmer you should know what you want. So I'll stop here :)
@ivarni no. user security, trumps devs preferences. developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Security/…
@rism This is not related to logins or passwords at all though
We just made a searchable combobox and the autocomplete stuff is obscuring the search result
@Sheepy You're absolutly right. Security is also something I am thinking a lot about a bit too much, but yes. I just need to decide on the language to use for the backend to write the security and writing the app ... later to optimize.
So node js is not a good choice for a graphic heavy and high traffic web app?
It depends on your bottleneck. Node doesn't really render graphic (usually) - the client render it. High traffic, depends.
@ivarni Do you seat the inputs in a <form>?
@rism Yes, but only for semantic reasons
submit is done in JS
@ivarni Then you're out of luck. Browser will always override with user prefs.
Oh well, fuck semantics then :)
We are talking autocomplete - not placeholders i hope.
Yeah, it's basically oaa-accessibility.org/example/10 (only not ugly and without the JQ) and the problem is that the browser pops up it's own "helpful" list of things that obscurs the dropdown with search results
I do suspects it's autofill and not autocomplete that's the problem though
Does anyone know if Angular ui-router supports over two level nested states?
autofill yesss.
hey guys! Could anyone help me with a possible attempt to bypass something?
@Sheepy :( I guess node.js might just be a no. Since @Retsam said that "the fact that the server happens to be running JS isn't going to change anything about the JS being disabled on the webpage." The reason I was considering it was because I am the most familiar with js compared to other backend languages ... like php, python, ruby .. etc.
It's just purely out of interest - no reason to try and cheat at a entry level c++ course
Thanks alll for the advice!
I'm not familiar enough with node.js to see what he's doing in the inspect elements
@OneRaynyDay Me either. That's why I asked.
If you change the 4 to a 6, you get a forbidden error(403 likely) and I was wondering if there's a way to get past it and access the 6th .cpp solution
@Elizabeth yep, java stack here
@Elizabeth Don't forget Java and .Net ;) If you need a backend anyway, node.js will save you the trouble of learning another language.
I do know I bit of php ... but don't know if it'll coop well with a web app.
@OneRaynyDay Unfortunatly not familiar with java.
Im just not sure if the professor automatically releases a .cpp with the node modules that he's using or if he's manually putting the .cpp's onto his backend
I'm really a begginer developer :P
Well, Facebook runs on PHP :)
As does wikipedia.
@Sheepy hey sheepy, do you have a minute? :o
@Sheepy Yes. Node.js does save me the trouble but performance issues I'm worried about ... since I'll be bootstrapping I can't really purchase a high end server .. and my user base might be the older generation with the older techs ... so I have to cater to that demographic.
@Sheepy :D That's what I got from my researches.
See now I feel like I need to go find out all about potential browser autofill overrides but thankfully i read this article this other day waitbutwhy.com/2013/10/why-procrastinators-procrastinate.html and now I can clearly see that endeavour for what it really is.
Do you have some idea how high your "high traffic" is? 100k a day? 10m a day?
Just because facebook and wikipedia run on PHP doesn't make PHP a good idea.
So i ain't taking the bait.
The point is slow speed is usually not a problem caused by language choice.
Well, Wikipedia has template performance problems and Facebook had to write their own PHP implementation for performance reasons…
the latter not being something I’ve seen for other languages…
Not that anyone here is going to have to worry about having top-10 traffic levels or anything
Template performance is not something you can solve by switching language. Facebook is contributing to PHP7, a double speedup. But yes I agree PHP is not good idea.
Problem is we have a programmer thinking he/she should ditch one language for another because of speed worries on his/her first backend?
Of a graphic heavy site, even.
^^ don't be so sure. My idea for a wearable sock business seems like it could take off. Once the world gets a whiff, I could be subject to all kinds of limits.
how to learn javascript?
i already read this before
Then code more, fail more, and learn from the failures :)
you inspire me
thanks :)
What is your hobby?
how about you?
I already know what Sheepy is going to say.
Gaming and football should provide you many chances to code. I have coded character generators, skill tree simulators, mapping tools, dice bots.
Oh and game item database.
where do u learn all those stuff
Well. For JavaScript and HTML I started from w3schools at around 2001 or 2002.
Then it's all Google.
Start from small and expand.
wish i have internet around 2001 or 2002
No, you probably don't want to start at w3schools like I did. It was at it worse :)
@SuperUberDuper Context, man, context
Anyway. If you code for your hobby, you shouldn't be short of inspirations. There, I am currently coding a D&D combat status tracker, and is dreaming about a path AI for a gem swap game I'm playing (Ok, I did learn AI from university, not from Google).
god why my university never teach me about AI
Let's just say it is not a easy subject. We always get the smallest classroom in the facility. XD
And we can't even fill that....
you work for google?
sheepy work for google
Nope. Too old to work at Google :'(
interesting - I'm taking an AI course in UCLA right now. Not too much programming more math
specifically ML
Indeed :)
Used it to do some stuff during symantec internship ^_^
you guys inspire me
but where i can learn AI ?
Artificial intelligence beats natural stupidity anyday
@rism You don't want to be clicking on this then :)
well idk
maybe tho @nei
@ivarni I guess they say they are doing it according to spec, and they are not saying that spec is dumb because everyone knows. Am I right? :D
how good are you with math
idk how to rate myself. I love math. My teacher knows it lol
@ivarni Stop it. I only just tucked my IGM in for the night.
cuz i love to think and solving problem
@ivarni will it feel good if i do?
@Sheepy Sorry gotta run to clean up something right away. My roadmap is 10m a day! :D
@rism Probably not
@Elizabeth o/
@FiidoFirdauz Got one for ya
@Sheepy Then what makes one language be considered more upon than the others?
Isn't performance the greatest factor?
@FiidoFirdauz I mean what level of math are you on:
yup performance
single variable calc < multivar calc < linear algebra <differential
@FiidoFirdauz There are 3 ants in line treading through the desert. The first ant says, "There is sand in front of me and an ant behind me." The second ant says, "There is an ant in front of me and an ant behind me." The third ant says, "There is an ant in front of me and an ant behind me." How is this possible assuming there are only 3 ants and they are walking in a straight line and not in a circle?
Should i delete a question when i found that the problem was just a mispelled string?
@Elizabeth and no... if that's the case noone will use java
People will be using C for every single application and take 10 years to learn mem alloc and how to solder ram chips onto arduinos
@Neil The third one is delusional.
linear algebra
@FiidoFirdauz calculus or linear algebra?
@Cerbrus Close. The third ant is a fucking liar. ;)
mkay then you can go ahead with this:
but I warn you it's a lot of work
@Neil Woo :D
woo what up with this?
80% of the people who do it don't finish it though. Those who don't, don't get much out of it
this is machine learning - from linear regression to logistic regression to support vector machines
up until neural networks and then goes to clustering techniques and dimensional reduction using eigenvalues
then it goes through some proofs to clarify how to do specific algorithsm like L-BFGS and Kernels
To my team, development speed is most important. I do Java, PHP, and .Net, occasionally because they are the best tools for the job, but usually because something is already written in that language.
Like OneRaynyDay said, if speed is most important you should write your own browser for your site, preferably in assembly.
it's basically the surface and a bit more of every single artificial intelligence technique besides reinforced learning and deep learning
really? O:
ok give me 6 month i try to finish that
i hope you do finish it - it's really good. but you might get uninterested or too busy and that's the case for most people
good luck with that (Y)
@FiidoFirdauz Really. And good luck. :)
also not to mention its something you need to annually brush up on
(Where luck is 99% effort and 1% fortune...)
at a freshman/soph level your intern boss will never let you touch anything heuristics based
most likely GUI's and random stuff - noone cares if you learned ML in your resume
but when you graduate it probably becomes important enough
Well, perhaps if you are a Google or Facebook intern :D
as long i understand how it work
:) it's ok for me\
@Sheepy that's the exception!
unfortunately i was not able to get any interviews yet :( but symantec is pretty nice too
@ivarni so #14 and #41 for you then? IMG wants to check if that still works but i must press on.
is it nice working at google?
@rism I might try #33 first, just gotta finish reading the thread
@Sheepy hey sheepy, wondering if you could help me with something real quick
it's just a conceptual question
@Sheepy Gotycha. So development speed vs performance vs ? should I take into consideration when I pick a programming language and which factor should be proritized when choosing? In your expert opinion?
I'd rather get back to work now, but if it is quick.
@ivarni is this a component commercial / inhouse / oss or a diddly?
@Sheepy I'm not too big on the web dev side, but I'm trying to write a python script that would submit the same form about 999,999 times in about a week
I want to try and destroy this cs professor's website where people's projects are inputted by their id's
Which is why I want't to find a good solution and not the first thing that works due to some obscure wierd bug/feature in chromium :)
(because my friend who's at intro cs needs an extra week to submit her hwk)
yes. i hear that. big deal.
so I'm thinking to access 999,999 id's from 104,xxx,xxx
i don't why all the grizzle about chrome tho in the thread as it's FF and IE too.
and then replace every .zip with an empty .zip
@OneRaynyDay You're a good friend. Haha. :D
then the professor would delay the entire course - and I would be accessing the website from a vpn
@rism Most bug threads seems to attract a fair bit of frustrated chest-thumpers
I mostly try to ignore them and read the other posts
Q: How does this website hide the source code in view source?

David Knaghttp://mango7u3rivtwxy7.onion/ (Requires Tor Browser) When you right click and hit view source, or hit Ctrl+U, it shows the source of a different page, which simply says: "Nothing" However, you can view source if you manually type in: view-source:http://mango7u3rivtwxy7.onion/ into the address ...

@Elizabeth haha ty :^)
Requires a tor browser to open the linked site...
Sod off xD
Yeah, not installing Tor at work :)
And NOT going to any .onion urls
well i'd be interested to hear what you come up with... but i can offer no remedy. gl.
@rism I can ping once/if I find a good cross browser solution
@OneRaynyDay If you want to blow the id you need to at least get over int32 limit, or over 2,147,483,647 submissions. You only get 605k second in a week. In short, too late now.
@Sheepy oh, no it's because I know that
"(Requires Tor Browser)" What kind of shady site is that? You honestly expect anyone to visit a site that appears to break the browser enough, so that the dev console is malfunctioning? — Cerbrus 2 mins ago
the ID's start at 104
so i only need to try from
104, 000, 000
to 104, 999, 999
so that would be 999k submissions
@ivarni Yess.
Will probably be a while, doing lots of other stuff at the same time :)
if I could wipe half of their id's that could work too LOL
Inbox: 50 :(
Good. But you still need more than one submission per second... so it'd look like a DOS attack. Good luck with the firewall :)
@Sheepy haha true. I don't think he will track it - it's not too advanced I believe
@ivarni yep just whenever you get there.
No, not advanced at all. :)
haha yup. Thanks! I might try the DOS attack then
@OneRaynyDay Hey update us on if you succeeded or not.
But wouldn't the professor be suspicious if you're friend was the only one who have a non empty zip submitted after the due date? Just thinking.
My priorities in picking new language/technology:
1. Maturity of the language/tech and its ecosystem. New techs bubble fast and burst fast.
2. How good does it fit the task on hand, including performance but rarely a factor - structure/algorithm is the major factor; most languages do generic works well - coding shaders don't give you much choice, but serving graphic is very very generic.
3. Development time and maintainability, such as development tools and team's familiarity with the language/technology.
@Sheepy Thanks for these valuable tips!
Response to 1. I am picking between popular languages ... like php, java, python, node js .. etc.
2. What language might be considered suitable in your opinion to a web app like I described to you earlier .. your recommendation?
You will never go wrong learning any of them. Except PHP which has the most inconsistent API and... behaviour. It is the only language on the list that does not have a spec.
3. I would be recruiting according to the language I pick.
That will change in PHP7. Which doesn't solve the API. But at least its syntax will be consistent.
php lovers _
They are all good for generic web app, as I hinted.
I do lots of PHP. Can't argue with facts. Including the fact that it push most webs.
@Sheepy Right. I see a lot of developers using it.
Especially for systems .. like crms, cms ... etc.
!!acronym crms
@crl Customer relationship management systems
I think you mean CMS. Joomla, WordPress, Drupal etc. (WordPress has won, by the way)
You also have OpenCart, PrestaShop, Magento, MediaWiki...
@Sheepy Both. All those systems dealing with databases and all.
If php is so bad .. why do people use it?
there are also custom cms, making one
Same reason as JavaScript, I'd say.
@crl usually google is better than acronym
!!google crms + computer
@Abhishrek yep, slowly realizing it too
or even 'crms acronym' well not always
Satpal just answered a document.ready, instead of closing it as dupe:
@Cerbrus, As OP is new its better to provide immediate answer then perform cleanup, will delete answer after sometimeSatpal 1 min ago
Yea, let's feed the newbies that don't search
Many people love fatty food. Doesn't mean the food is good for them.
depends which fat, trans not good, saturated not too bad. Inuits eat fat food and are fine (but they need it with that cold)
Fish <3
@Sheepy JavaScript makes sense because they could create a lot of visual effects and ux features when the page loads that css sometimes can not. But with php ... all other languages can all do the exact same.
Fair. Cost-efficient fatty food then :)
@Elizabeth Not when PHP was gaining foothold. Major contenders were Perl (cgi), early Java, and early .Net
@Cerbrus look at the rest of his answers
A: Convert hover logic to click for mobile devices

SatpalYou just need to move the logic to hide the other blue element in the click handler $(document).ready(function() { $(".main").click(function() { //Hide other $(".blue").stop().animate({ bottom: '-100px', opacity: '0.9', }, 500); //Anim...

@Cerbrus Same here. Omega 3.
@Abhishrek He's a big rep whore...
@Sheepy So now php is dying?
A: Select elements with attribute value in a list of values

SatpalYou can use .filter() Reduce the set of matched elements to those that match the selector or pass the function's test. //Create an array var list = 'foo|lol|lorem|cartman'.split('|'); //Filter elements $("#container div[data-test]").filter(function(){ //Test whether data exists in the...

I'm eating more white fish currently, I think I'd need some omega 3...
@Cerbrus I think his prophet jQuery
@Elizabeth PHP has improved a lot and is going to stay. Network effect. Like how English beat all other languages to become the international language. So... it will certainly be a practical choice, at least.
@Cerbrus Seems knowingly answer off-topic questions is also something people do (and get upvoted for) It's a loosing battle.
@towc is there context = canvas.getContext( '3d' ) ?
We just gotta fight harder, @ivarni
I flagged, it got marked helpful, answer still there
@crl yes but not so straightforward
That's all I can do :/
@crl Try canvas.getContext( 'webgl' ) or canvas.getContext( 'webgl2' )
ah ok
Delete-voted that question, by the way
@crl also experimental-webgl
note to self don't use flex where inline is more useful
@Sheepy Love the examples you give with everything you describe to back up your statements. But I am just back to the beginning trying to decide on one language over the other. If they are all good .. I'll just pick one and stick with it... hopefully no regrets! :)
Is there a good way to make the input expand ? (horizontally ?)
@Cerbrus Great, I was worried it wasn't going to get cleaned up with roomba because of the answer, hopefully it won't need that many votes to get nuked
width: 100%?
@Abhishrek That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@crl no not 100% but expand it as you type --- it can expand to infinite size!
should i just grow up and start using a contentEditable ?
oh, nice idea, always kinda thought about making input sizes less fixed, yea maybe with contenteditable
@ivarni 3 votes required, I think
@Elizabeth With your list, no, certainly no regrets :)
check that funny Zirak's answer, (not too related but can give you ideas) stackoverflow.com/questions/27670090/…
@Sheepy Kay. I'll take your word for it. Thanks again.
@crl impossible with react.
why impossible?
Is it possible to type newline in this chat box ... so I could have something like list posted when I am trying to list something? Usually with the enter key but when I do so this post just sends.
I'm still new ... reference for next time chat. :D
shit+enter or copy paste a newline char
@crl Thanks. shift + enter worked! :D
@crl dangerouslySetHtml ?
well i found a simpler answer
<div className="gutter">
   <div className="invisible-text-field-here">{this.state.value}</div>
   <input className="visible-text-field" value={this.state.value} />
didn't used too much contenteditale in react yet, but I'll have them alot, having wysiwyg in the cms
the .visible-text-field is absolutely positioned on the top
and has width: 100%
make .gutter position:relative too
now the invisible-text-field expands
as you type in the input :D
and input just expands to take full space :D
codepen.io/crl12/full/KdJMNJ my react DnD, which behaviour do you prefer, on the left or right?
I think #1 is the standard, but #2 looks cool :)
left makes more sense
^ ok, thanks
Question: Is it true the higher the popularity / greater the age of a language is, the more people understand it ... therefore it becomes more vulnerable and potential more hackers to it? Like the myth how windows is less secure than apple os because of the age and tech it uses.
Just wondering.
More vulnerable => false. Attract more hacker => true. It's just simple return on investment from attacker's point of view.

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