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you'd imagine angular would add the ng-show class after the condition has been met by itself
but it doesn't
wtf right?
maybe I should try a more recent API ?
coz now using 1.3
@SterlingArcher plastic or metal?
@rlemon good morning
@rlemon it's fake
that fork has no sense
@emporio erm why would angular add it ?
unless it's broken, but it doesn't seem so
i go lunch
technically .yourClass.ng-hide should be enough to hide
and .yourClass should be enough to identify that domnode even when not hidden
but its been a while since I have used angular
Although I recommend you check out angular's ng-animate
Hello. How can I know what jquery functions I can use in AngularJS ? I know that jquery as a whole is not included in angular.
@emporio lunch at 12:00? @_@
Thank you.
@Neoares what if you had your breakfast at 7am ?
@Neoares When do you have lunch? o.O
I have lunch at 11
@Cereal 2:30
first breakfast at 8:30 and second breakfast at 11:00
Question; What would be a typical industry cost for building and setting up a medium sized responsive CMS site with a BYO design? If I were the customer? I'm doing it for time and cost atm as freelance but I'm just kinda wondering where I stand and if they're going to think it's cheap or mad pricey when the bill lands
Are we in $10k ballpark? $20k ballpark?
the problem is that in Spain we have UTC+1, but it should be UTC+0
like UK
@ivarni medium would go over your ballparks but the answer is "it depends"
how custom is it, industry, etc
I figured, but since my bill right now still hasn't reached $5k I should be on the cheap side, as I suspected
> second breakfast
I envy you
dev time should estimate best
I'm closing in on 30 hours now, but it would've been done ages ago if they didn't keep changing the requirements
clients know best
Well, yeah, which is why I work on time and material and not fixed price :)
we so agile
lel @rlemon
@Cereal yes, but I have dinner at 22:00
What's your sleep schedule o.o
1AM - 8 AM
as I said, in spain we have the bad timezone
the meridian goes through spain, and we still have UTC+1 instead of UTC+0
thanks to Franco (a Dictator) who changed it to have same hour as nazis (Hitler)
I thought you guys were voting to fix that
well... there are some people who want to do it
Could be worse. You could be in china where they use only one time zone in the entire country, when I think they could easily span 4 time zones
changing timezones isn't free though
@Cereal whenever my eyes close i sleep
and then whenever they open I wake up
@Abhishrek Blinking must be very inconvenient for you
^^ +1
@ivarni What's the going rate for changing your time zone?
@Cereal As in eyes closing > 5 minutes
@Neil Depends on how much software you have to update
@ivarni if your OS is good enough that shouldn't be a problem
@Abhishrek I'm not talking about that kind of software :p
@ivarni jetlag ?
in fact france should be UTC+0 too
Imagine all that legacy software around that has made assumptions about timezones
@Neoares IIRC the timezone is taken by average
or the time that suits both ends
India only has one timezone
I know, but spain is completelly inside UTC+0
I'm embarrassed to say I don't know where spain is
@Cereal r u murrican?
@Cereal spain is the red one
Oh dear
I can't pin most american states on a map either
@Neoares Don't tell him that, now he'll think all the red countries are spain
If it makes you feel any better, I'm not 100% confident I could name all the provinces and territories in canada either
hahaha they were part of spain in ~1600
when we conquered all europe and almost all america xD
and part of asia I think
Most eastern europe countries were swashbucklers and colonizers in a major sense at one point
spain was unmatched in naval armies
fuck it, spain is the bigger nation that has never existed
@Neil UK was better
in fact we lose against UK in a naval war only cause storm
there was that one british battle where the spanish navy was decimated
@Neoares something is fishy there
@Neil British or Murican ?
@Abhishrek British.. they had a very good defensive position
that's why they conquered the south part of spain
@Neil oookay
and it still belongs to UK
because of strategy
@Abhishrek You're asking me if I'm British or American?
@Neil no
I read about a battle America had to face Spainish Navy
just a few decades after being independant
the problem is that UK wanted part of america too
and france
that's why canada -> france, USA -> UK, south america -> spain
so maybe UK let USA some ships, I don't really know
first breakfast at 8:30
second breakfast at 11:00
lunch 2:30
dinner at 22:00
sleep 1AM - 8 AM
yes that's me
really 2 breakfast ?
I'm still liking the "second breakfast" thing
@Neoares wasn't canada a british colony ?
in fact there is another meal at 18:00 more or less
in spain we eat 4-5 times
what do you eat then ?
@KarelG You're missing brunch
I have breakfast at 6:00, lunch at 11, supper at 5
and that's all my eating for the day
you have to eat more times, and less quantity
@Abhishrek but france had some influence there
Ah okay
breakfast: 7-9
lunch: 12.30-13.30
fruit: 15-16
dinner: 18-19
well ofc the most important meals are breakfast and lunch
at 18:00 I eat some fruit or sometimes nothing
and then there is intermittent fasting ...
somedays I just eat dinner
I had a yogurt for breakfast
Hello, Guys how can i Get a Value from Jquery and put it in a Variable in C# ? in Razor !
@Pedram Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i had an orange juice, breand and white cheese
yogurt looks nice.
I used to have big breakfasts. Couple months ago I was curious how little I could actually eat before getting hungry at 11
a yogurt cup was the answer to that question
I am on a diet
you people are so wonderful :-)
!!pizza 800 600
unformat... oh wait...
shit its so messed
@rlemon :-|
is yogurt == curd ?
@Pedram Seems to be running away from you
I don't want to be fatbhishek !
1 message moved to JS trash
try again
@argentum47 yes
Greek yogurt ^
!!define yogurt
o.O you have curd for breakfast
greek yogurt is so tasty
@Cereal yogurt A milk-based product thickened by a bacterium-aided curdling process, and sometimes mixed with fruit or other flavoring.
@Neoares >:(
                                                            CurrCart = Cookies.get("InCart");
I use to eat yogurt for dessert
@Cereal hueshift to brown
@Pedram nice try
@Neoares What do you eat for breakfast
orance juice and something solid
like toast with white cheese
Well how do i Get it ? i Tried @CurrCart = Cookies.Get("InCart"); also but seems not working either
    CurrCart = Cookies.get("InCart");
@Pedram ^
What did I miss...
for breakfast I usually have a protein shake and sadness
@argentum47 ye Tnx :)
@Cereal and for second breakfast a sandwich (baguette)
here we have another nave for baguette sandwiches
5 slices of bread, 2/3 slices with fruit jam and 3/2 slices with chocolade spread. Then milk or coffee
if no bread, i eat cornflakes
that's my breakfast :)
yep, cornflakes and milk is also a great option
sounds like a breakfast (Y)
A lot of calories
And bad math
today I'm gonna eat this
for lunch
@Cereal well, 3 with jam + 2 with choco or 2 with jam + 3 with choco ...
typical spanish
I used to eat 4 sandwiches as a snack
I was a very large child
i'm a thin person btw ... that's because i eat balanced with my lunch/dinner and practice sport
/me disables images in the room
4 sandwiches as a snak xDDDDDDD
Oh well if you play sports, you can eat everything
1 message moved to Trash can
@Pedram Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
- KarelG, 2000
Fking bot xD
@Neoares I was like 230 pounds in 6th grade
bite me
!!convert 230 pounds to kg
@Neoares Confuse converter with pounds, receive error message
lol? xD
she actually has a conversor?
!!convert 230 lb kg
@Abhishrek 506lb
!!info convert
@rlemon Command convert, created by God, invoked 2 times
!!convert list
lol didn't know
@rlemon C, F, K, m, f, km, cm, mm, i, d, r, g, lb, st, kg
^ units she knows
!!convert 230 lb kg
@Pedram That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: fp, map
caprica honey ?
!!convert 230lb kg
@rlemon That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: convert
you suck
104.326 Kilogram
lol 104kg @KarelG
@rlemon That Looks like Raw Meat :|
so you may be 2.04m tall
@Pedram it is.
to be 104kg
my weight is 86kg ...
I am 65kg now
and i am trying to lose
I'm 83kg
now I feel so much better \o/
@copy @FlorianMargaine You guys may have seen it already, but I just came across this exploit-db.com/docs/pocorgtfo01.pdf
but then again I am 5'6"
I'm 78 kg and 1.82m
I'm short but stocky.
fat % was 12% 3 months ago. Guess it's same
maybe could stand to lose 5-10lbs
how can you be trying to lose weight when you are 65kg @Abhishrek
Ok so for the RePack :
Hello, Guys how can i Get a Value from Jquery and put it in a Variable in C# ? in Razor !
Like this @CurrCart = Cookies.get("InCart"); or this :
@Neoares I find myself overweight
more fat less muscle
CurrCart = Cookies.get("InCart");
are you 1.5m tall or what? xD
I'd happily swap my fat for muscle
so go to the gym and do bodybuildng
@Neoares 1.67m
@Neoares yeah thats what i am doing
1.67m then you may be 67kg
@Neoares also look at Jandy
dang, forgot my meeting
* speeds away *
@Pedram sorry this is a bodycare chat
@Pedram I can tell you that what you are writing doesn't look js to me
what does @{} mean?
opening le console
le syntax error appears
@rlemon OW
Well i come here coz i see JavaScript room but not JQuery :P
got a little hint for you
jQuery is JavaScript
well then i did not come in a that much wrong place
And you don't just "put something in a C# variable"
You make a request and, perhaps, the handler is written in C#
i am in Razor page bro , u can Put anything in C# just by writing a @ at start of it :P
if that is the case, Razor is stupid
Yeah.. no. That's not how it works at all.
@RoelvanUden ohh good.
@Pedram but the code you have written inside @{} is JavaScript
its like how a page full of html codes can have php codes in middle of it by writing <?php
@Pedram nooooo, they can't 'share values' from client to server that way
@Neoares i know, I Want to get the String value that this Cookies.get("InCart") will Give me and put it in a C# variable that is CurrCart
you will need to post the value to the server some way.
I would suggest xhr, but I think MS has their own fancy wrapper over it
wait, the Atari had 128b of ram 0.o
I... what???
@towc we had it rough eh?
yes, the CurrCart there is a JavaScript variable, not a C# one
@rlemon jeez, I'm glad I was born when I was born
ummm ok then Let me just ask this and forget about my silly approach ! I want to be able to Add more than 1 Item to my Shopping Cart ! I made it that when u click add next to each item ! its Code will be add in cookie with name "InCart"
btw, good talk by Douglas Crockford youtube.com/watch?v=bo36MrBfTk4
also quite funny
@towc your kid will be like "4Ghz processors?!?!?!?! could you even simulate a nuclear reaction on that?! jeez, I'm glad I was born when I was born"
so true @rlemon
but this will only add 1 item in my InCart ! when i Click 2nd one , it will replace old one
So i want to get the old one first ! then add to the new one and Replace it
@rlemon nah, I'm going to keep him in the basement to look after my cheese ;)
in fact they will be like "no quantum computers? WTF"
but yeah, I see your point
when I was a kid we made fun of our parents for not having colour TV's
keeping in mind we were poor so we had two TVs one of which was black and white
!!ban rlemon
@Neoares The user will be thrown into mindjail in 1 more invocations
I mean. you can try it.
you're a bad man :c
whoa Opera has a new logo and it's tripping me out
mobius O ?
@Pedram @rlemon Razor is just a template engine. It uses a @ character to escape from HTML mode into C# mode, so you can use all the regular power of C# embedded in a view. Thus, it runs before the output is flushed to the client, therefore, you can't just "set a C# variable using jQuery"
yea I figured
@rlemon aye
it's a cool logo, simple yet beautiful
@RoelvanUden yeh Tnx bro, i got it fixed now , i just used a JS Variable and stored it lol, stupid of me to try for C# first, i just used that coz i am mroe used to C# than all this stuff :)
@rlemon Processor speed can't keep increasing limitlessly, we're already running into Planck's constant and speeds are tapering off.
@Pedram So you have to do it the regular way; make a request from the browser to the server (the infamous "AJAX") to do something that should happen on the server.
@Pedram Yeah I have no idea what you just said.
hrm. Their homepage picture is probably the first time in a long while a screenshot picture that indicated an OS wasn't showing OSX
@KendallFrey that's why I said quantum computers :)
@Neoares I doubt quantum computers will be much faster, if at all
@RoelvanUden hahah xD well i was not in need of using C# Variable That much, it was just to store something for me , so i simply used a JavaScript Variable for now , but yes if i have to use C# next time i see what u said :)
@KendallFrey quick google search tells me the theoretical limit is 8*10^9Hz
Hi, does anyone know about jsp in here?
@thefriend Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@thefriend is jsp a jQuery plugin?
No, it is java server page
jsp and servlet
then no :c
@rlemon In theory, forgetting about QM, you can go faster or you can go bigger, but if you want bigger and faster, you need serious asynchronicity and networking.
here only js
used to use JSP
(btw, I was joking with that question)
But QM only lets you pack so much into one space, so that puts a stop to that
@KendallFrey which is great
Q: What limits CPU speed?

mooseI've recently talked with a friend about LaTeX compilation. LaTeX can use only one core to compile. So for the speed of LaTeX compiliation, the clock speed of the CPU is most important (see Tips for choosing hardware for best LaTeX compile performance) Out of curiosity, I've looked for CPUs with...

@KendallFrey 70% of the math I don't understand
but it was interesting
relativity is a huge factor
At a 4Ghz clock rate, each pulse can only propagate 3 inches, theoretical maximum. It's slower in practice due to electricity instead of light, and non-straight wires
point being, if you make a processor too fast, it won't be able to finish one tick before it starts the next
here you go cowboys
Q: AngularJS fade-in div element when requirement is met with ng-show

emporioI would like this fade class div to show on the page with a slow fade-in effect when the ng-show requirement has been met. In jQuery I could do this in a jiffy but it's proving difficult in Angular due to lack of working examples. Here is the working code: Here is the index.html: <!DOCTYPE html> <

@towc in Canada gift cards legally cannot expire
ok good!
and considering those were purchased here..
I would assume they are safe
yeah, that would be awful
I go out with this girl to retrieve the prize, it expires and she's all pissed off and doesn't want to hear about me anymore :P
@emporio: Add a snippet or fiddle to that question.
@Cerbrus ok I'll try
I'll let you know how it goes ;)
please don't
don't do it or don't let you know what happens?

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