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Q: jsdoc proper way to document socket.on('event', function() {}) and routes handler

SrleHow to document API using jsdoc which has following form (single file) // api.js exports.addSocketEvents = function(socket) { /** * This will do that and ... * @param {Object} data Some data * @param {string} data.bla Something about bla * @param {number} data.n Some number ...

@Srle The answer here shows a way to document things that don't exist: stackoverflow.com/questions/3171454/…
I have always personally wondered this. Like a method that can return any type, I have just been doing 'return anything' in my docs :/
you should know that types your own methods return
if the language could describe it, your wouldn't need to document it.
who documents their code anyways
I only apologize.
// To future Luggage. I owe you a beer for this.
//disgusting hack, will fix later at some point
@Luggage - Something that returns any type is hard to document like that
Let me find an example, I know recently I ran into this
Ah, not the return, I apologize
One of the params could be anything
So I have it as * @param {anything} [value]
It's a silly function that tries to a do a better job than typeof
hmm, how come typeof(var) === typeof var ?
Your really just making it look like a function when doing that
both work
cool, true
i just had that open
which is why typeof(typeof) fails
typeof(typeof var) doesn't :)
This is interesting
typeof typeof(fake)
always string
same as CSᵠ's
typeof typeof typeof typeof typeof typeof typeof typeof function(){}
damn my special unicode...
that's entirely somebody else
Got it
I new I would
typeof /typeof/
so... what do you want?
idk, a cookie
!!>typeof /\w+/i
@CSᵠ "object"
it always returns an object anyway
it still looked cool when i first did it :(
!!> typeof {}
@CSᵠ "object"
I wonder why the heck that always returns an object
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(/ /)
["source", "global", "ignoreCase", "multiline", "lastIndex"]
Interesting, off to google i go
because {} is an object?
regex literals return either function or object but meh
nah, i mean / /
Ah yea, those property names do look regex related
functions are just special objects. and not even that special
everything that's not Number, null or undefined is an object.
Yea, one of the reasons I made that is function
wait, but... string?
@Jesse link or it didn't happen
then there is NaN
string is a special object like function
@CSᵠ its just 2 lines of code lol
@Jesse that's... entirely something different
NaN is just Number
it's a certain value
Which is why my function has 2 lines :/
To check for nan
yup, NaN is a value for a Number that means something along the lines of "Not A Number"
but it's a number
@CSᵠ after you said that, perfect time to use
<3 ieee754
Now I need to rewrite my damn function to take into account / /
oh noes
Oh nevm
it returns regexp
!!>/ / instanceof RegExp
@Luggage true
@CSᵠ true
good girl
@Luggage she knows her stuff :D
Interesting, `'test' instanceof`
`Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token }`
!!>What is the answer to the ultimate question of Life, the Universe and Everything?
@Luggage "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
what would be a faster way to produce a NaN output with basic math (no function calls)
@Luggage ROLF !!!
!!What is the answer to the ultimate question of Life, the Universe and Everything or 42
@CSᵠ 42
@Luggage i disagree :P
Interesting: isNaN(isNaN('a'))
not every time you nest a call is it interesintg
I think it is interesting how the developers chose these kind of things to interact
I like edge cases
it's not an edge case. it's well-defined.
isNaN(isNaN) === true, isNaN(isNaN(isNaN)) === false
passing the result of one function call into the next is kinda like normal programming
@Jesse isNaN should be fed numbers
Looks like after the second iteration, nothing is nan anymore
thats good
return typeof value === "number" && isNaN(value);
Or in ES6: Number.isNaN()
which is correct.
What about Number.isSafeInteger
!!>[0/0,NaN,1,null,undefined,function(){},{},[],"",/ /].map(function(x) { return Number.isNaN(x); });
Number.isSafeInteger(NaN) === false
Seems legit so far
@Luggage [true,true,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false]
[0/0,NaN,1,null,undefined,function(){},{},[],"",/ /].map(function(x) { return Number.isSafeInteger(x); });
!!> [NaN, 0, 0/0].map(isNaN)
@CSᵠ [true,false,true]
Infinity - (Infinity - 1) ... I was hoping for something different
shouldnt that still give me 1 in a perfect world
lol, no
!!> Infinity > Infinity
@CSᵠ false
!!> Infinity < Infinity
@CSᵠ false
^ & ^^
!!> Infinity == (Infinity -1)
@Jesse true
Is that a greasemonkey script?
When he sees that it runs the JS for you and puts it in the chat?
no idea
!!> console.log('Caprica Six is awesome!')
@Jesse "undefined" Logged: "Caprica Six is awesome!"
!!> document.write('Did I break you?');
@Jesse "ReferenceError: document is not defined"
ah nice
it's a timed worker
Ah ok. If it was a GM script, i would imagine him coming back to his chair and seeing a white page with "Did I break you?"
@phenomnomnominal Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
read the source
what do you need help with @phenomnomnominal ?:)
@phenomnomnominal - Nice. Good deal
Ah I see, !! is listen and > forwards to JS
Where is the PHP parser for it :)
@Jesse In the PHP room
Well that didnt work the same :/
much like PHP
I wrapped the window global in PHP so now I can do all my JS programming with echos
@myself #troll, man that would either be terrible or really neat
@Luggage - Not gonna add isSafeInteger to that?
i was setting up the table, feel free to add
Very cool. Thanks bud
you onl yneed ot add to the array of tests at the top of the file
@Luggage a thing of beauty!
just needs a few aligns
isSafeInteger seems to win, looks spotty in browsers tho
I think I remember on my first programming experience not knowing specifically how to test for integers and I would just * expected digits by 1
you'd convert with that
So if I was expecting an id for example, I would just times it by 1 and send it through whatever it was selecting lol
Not the best way, but it was before I really knew anything
updated again
Its in the stars on the right, anyone looking for it
Q: Is Number.IsNaN() more broken than isNaN()

PhillSoooooo isNaN is apparently broken in JavaScript, with things like: isNaN('') isNaN(' ') isNaN(true) isNaN(false) isNaN([0]) Returning false, when they appear to all be... Not a Number... In ECMAScript 6, the draft includes a new Number.isNaN but it looks like (imo) that this is also broken...

very nice job btw
@Luggage - You actually wrote something that I bookmarked and will likely have around for years
How can I give you some rep points for this?
@Jesse upvotes, usually
though I hear he also accepts payment in XXL T-Shirts
@Jesse don't over do it
I know. The idea is to actually read the answer / question
I dont like cheating
a +1 is enough, or.. bounty if feelinig generous
@Luggage Oh wow, you are a powershell guy.
don't worry about it. it was supposed to be a demo of hw you can easliy whip up some tests.
who me?
then i felt like playing with the css for a few minutes
he means me.
you? me?
side-note: doubleblinded.com punks
Powershell programming is nothing to sneeze at, it is rugged, like most shell langs
Did alot of PS programming at Hostgator
In powershell I did a system that read fax barcodes, split faxes up into multi-page sections based on those barcodes and uploaded ot a web service
the barcode reading was an activex component (ugh) and I used .net for the rest of the image manipulation
I would not know where to begin on that
@Jesse saw you like php, maybe you'll like this oldie, but goodie
well, i didn't write the barcode reader. that was third party.
don't feel like cleaning up the code, same thing, whipped it up pretty fast and dirty
@CSᵠ - Oooh, I like bounty questions
Ah, already answered
ahh, a properly formatted data file.
The flower would also have been acceptable
that took up ages to get right
Dang, you got 200 off of that
I wish I was around when the most basic questions were being asked for the first time
you are
I'll try to troll the Javascript tag, a lot of people ask about new frameworks or techniques I don't know much about
Like a meteor question in the Javascript tag, meh
Granted, I should probably be learning the new stuff too, I suppose I am more a vanilla ice cream kinda guy
i bet es6 doesn't have full coverage yet
@CSᵠ - I probably need to start learning es6
I know I cant use it in production for years though
So I have been avoiding it
i use it in production
let me tell you how var isn't used anymroe
@Luggage what's your output?
sorta. I use babel.
Yea thats what I thought
That's ok though, because it helps you learn it
not just learn it, use it. I get to write es6.
i know what features i can't really use, yet, but the syntax is nice
Like you said, you 'sorta' do
When you use Function .bind(), and you're only interested in defining the 1. argument, what do you set as the this value?
Yea the syntax looks legit
@ŠimeVidas null
foo.bind( ???, mything )
because it's the shortest?
I think undefined makes more sense...
actually maybe undefined is the correct answer
Funny, I came here after seeing that example
you may need to go to the spec to see if there is a preference.
I watched Crockford's latest talk yesterday. He mentioned that he only uses undefined and never null.
It's an opinion, but given his role in TC-39, I think it's safe to stick to undefined then...
@Luggage - Do you think using babel would help my coworkers (who mainly do server side OOP work) understand JS a little better?
@ŠimeVidas he also never uses loops!
loops are dead!
He said, he still needs while
until <something with tail call optimization>
@Jesse The class syntax might be more familiar, but depending on their history, it could also just confuse the fact that classes are just functions in JS
I love ES6, but it doesn't change the OOPiness of JS, just provides a familiar looking bit of sugar.
why loop, when some function can loop for you
Now that I think about it, I almost have no need for for increment loops anymore. I rarely use one
I actually try to avoid them now that I think about it. I used to not do this
@Jesse I recently implemented a search feature on my Node web server, where the user provides a search term and I loop through ~35k entries and find matches. I went with for over .forEach() because I wanted to make sure that performance is as good a possible.
I'm looking over my most recent code, which is a Javascript framework (for work specific actions not javascript in general) and I find I am not using any loops. Maybe I have evolved away from them :p
for (let elem of array) is better, no?
Ah, I am using a for increment on one part
idk, I have yet to go to es6 in any way
for (let elem of array) {
  // work with elem

array.forEach(elem => {
  // work with elem
for .. of works on iterables. [].forEach() needs an array.
iterables, like a nodelist? Any iterable?
@ŠimeVidas that'll work. But will that make the whole array first?
for..of can 'stream' values
wtf does that mean
for .. of works on iterables (ES6) which can emit values until they are done.
like C# IEnumerable
@Jesse NodeList is legacy, not sure if it was an iterable from the start, but browsers are making sure it's compatible with for..of
@Luggage && @ŠimeVidas - That sounds very nice
wait till you see async and await grin
At my job, no one knows much about Javascript other than the basics, so if I mention getting into ES6, I am sure I will be met with confusing looks and "idk if that is a good thing" type phrases
also known as "the current version of js"
it's pretty safe if you are IE9+
i mean, with babel
!!>[undefined, null, 0, 1, NaN, Infinity, -Infinity, 1e16, 1e24].map(function(n){return n|0})
@CSᵠ [0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1874919424,-1610612736]
hell ya
starred starred starred a thousand times starred
(really just once though)
So what, you just include babel first in your code (browser.js)?
there are many methods. depedsn on your current build process
if you even have one
If I just want to mess around in my chrome console
and if it's server or browsr
jsfiddle supports babel. choose it in the language options
and babel's 'try it' page is good to see how it get's de-sugared
What is that doing ...
Hey all, just a random thing. Can somebody take a quick look at this:


It's the file structure for a simple theme for FireFox browsers. Why is chrome mentioned all over FireFox's documentation? Are they using Chromium's code? Or do they mean chrome as in shell/appearance and nothing to do with the browser chrome? https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Building_a_Theme
@popshuvit Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@popshuvit Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I think most of the devs will wait until Safari 10 next year b/c it will have near-complete ES6 support.
...and by then all the other browsers will have the same.
who the fuck cares about safari?
IE is more important
All my higher ups use macs :/
@Luggage Mac users. IE is the most important browser, then firefox.
mobile sites :)
i'm on a mac right now. doesn't mean safari is of any use.
any site rendered on an iphone/pad runs on WebKit's JS engine
but even then, you'll want to uspport older browsers, so babel will probably be in the loop for a couple years
so I don't see a reason to wait
For the same reason we use polyfills instead of waiting until a feature is on 100% of user's browsers.
some devs want to have both ES6 and ES5 versions and do some sort of feature detection in the browser
can't without a transpiler. differnt syntax.
yea, the ES5 would be transpiled from ES6
You have serious issues when your bot is drawing multiple flags :P
CapricaSix is?
in this room? she hasn't even been used in a while
@rlemon your girl is in trouble.
6 mins ago, by Caprica Six
@popshuvit Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
That one and the next one had flags on them
Didn't mean to interrupt your conversation. Just saw those two flags and wanted to give rlemon shit. But he doesn't seem to be around
flag whoever did that in the face
I would if I would have had any of his fancy scripts running at the time so I could know who it was
heh, this was easier than I thought: gulp.task('deploy', ['build-css', 'build-js'], shell.task('modulus deploy'));
tools <3
2 hours later…
@codeMagic those don't work anymore (for flags)
Flag events used to be published with the user id, they don't anymore.
Happy new Sunday
Sometimes I wonder what level of intelligence it takes to come up with 10 different names for the almost same but still different things. SIGINT, SIGHUP, SIGKILL, SIGQUIT...
Frog Level
that's a fact!
hi every1
Detach isn't working with after/before in jquery
Thanks did it
come again
Finally I can sleep
@AwalGarg any progress ?
@Abhishrek * sings a fake sleep song to annoy you *
@AwalGarg the kill command is just misnamed.
xip.io this is fucking awesome
@FlorianMargaine IKR, should be sendsignal or something like that
from man kill:
       Please send bug reports to ⟨[email protected]
bug report: name makes no sense
@AwalGarg erm wow
@BadgerCat o/
@Abhishrek I made the CLI o/
@BadgerCat \o :D great !
skype ?
@Copy Happy Birthday !
Guys, I have a good idea that I want to make. Do you know where I can get ideas for a name for it?
@JacquesMarais Your head?
@Madara Thanks
Not code names..
!!tell JacquesMarais google project name generator
@MadaraUchiha set them all to "Microsoft Corporation" and it gives interesting results
I found a name. Thanks @MadaraUchiha
@MadaraUchiha o/ ola
@Abhishrek \o \o \o heil

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