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cc @KendallFrey
1 hour later…
Strict mode changes this, right?
in functions, yes, a bit.
It makes it undefined instead of defaulting to window/global
and some other changes.
Now that I said that I have a doubt I got that right. Investigating.
fixing up some ugly node code, applied strict
looks like they were relying on implicit globals to be set to this
That is consistent with what I said.
Pretty sure you're right
> That means, among other things, that in browsers it's no longer possible to reference the window object through this inside a strict mode function. -MDN
> Thus for a strict mode function, the specified this is not boxed into an object, and if unspecified, this will be undefined.
anyone has any idea how to rebind react component methods?
method.__reactBoundContext = instance;
method.__reactBoundMethod = method;
method.__reactBoundArguments = null;
I did this, but it seems to not be enough
what do you mean re-bind? like for event handlers?
classic react components methods are auto-bound to the instances
using their own binding mechanism or something
it doesn't seem to allow binding again, to a different component
that's what I do.
they can be re-bound like normal.
try doing that with componentDidMount
ohh.. why would you need to re-bind that?
you aren't supposed to be calling it, are you?
I'm replacing it
ohh, well. sorry. I don't know.
react noob, I am.
probably just me abusing it
return Function.prototype.bind.call(method, instance); seems to be half decent
since they overwrite bind
probably bite me in the ass later
I decided to abuse JSX and make it create non-react objects: jsfiddle.net/Lz1035ey
it's not abuse
JSX isn't about just react
you don't have to do anything special either
well, babel transpiles it as React.createElement. Is there a away to change that?
jsx pragma
JSX reminds me a Microsoft Xaml.
it's a babel option
and you can set it per file too
with a pragma comment at the beginning of the module
ahh, nice.
I did that for mithril
worked nicely
so I didn't need to use the React.createElement name but the rest of my test is still valid..
wuz that?
@rlemon thought you might enjoy this: youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
now to combine decorators and jsx somehwo..
damn, need () about jsx to use it as a decorator.. jsfiddle.net/hm6us58h
I think that's a poor use. just makes it more verbose..
I can't think of any gains.
you don't think of gains
I shall refer you to personal trainer: youtube.com/user/BroScienceLife
watch it and profit™
1 hour later…
@towc come back and make me a portfolio page pls
1 hour later…
TIL Curiosity is as big as a car. I figured it was much smaller.
guys, anyone know how I can import a html file on Angular2 + TypeScript ?
1 message moved to Trash can
@MoshMage Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
Is there any way i can give generated code to an iframe ?
or just run that code as a webworker ?
@KendallFrey my life has been a lie
yes - no maybe ?
I have a new goal in life O_O
@Abhishrek postMessage + eval is one way, but if you don't care about DOM access and all that a webworker is better.
@Zirak yeah just want it to execute
like codepen without the gui / dom part for now
so should go with web-worker you say ?
Playing with srcdoc is another
@Abhishrek Sure
postMessage + eval
o/ :D
Or, if you don't care about the result, you can create a throw-away worker that's just the code you want to run
Q: javascript code with ajax loading

BrigadierI try to add css class with js to element. (function ($) { "use strict"; $(document).ready(function () { $('.delete').addClass('icon-trash'); }); })(jQuery.noConflict()); But when this element is loaded with ajax I need to refresh the page to see it. How can i fix it ?

See this
Fcking rude user
Doesn't deserve to be here on SO
@Tushar Flagged
@Zirak i kinda do
You've see his comments which are removed now
Didn't twitter links use to be oneboxed?
The query parameter probably screwed it up.
Edit period expired
But possibly, yes
Lol, using a screenreader on this page is hilarious
2 hours later…
wow, the web must be a terrible place for people who are blind or have very poor eyesight
1 hour later…
@rlemon you......damn it. Why did you tell david a lie? lol
I told you I would say that
I didn't lie
hi I have a question, in this example github.com/expressjs/multer they have done , app.post(route, middleware, function) is it possible to do express.Router().post(route, middleware, cb)
@KendallFrey wtf how are they breathing without space suits
@Mosho they are on the mars set
you think we actually sent them? no, it is the moon landing all over again
but there's a red rock
lava rock
mars has lava?
Lava rock from space
it had lava, but it cooled into water
that is what we just found
you're on mars too???
I'm matt damon
Do you have a space gun!?
!!terraria space gun
@rlemon That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
you suck
Why can't they find some aliens.
You found water? Yay.
@rlemon I gotta tell you, I tried growing potatoes in my own shit and I can see how the worst part of being stranded on mars was running out of ketchup
w3 ain't all that bad
(old man speaking)
hey guys i'm trying to find out how to make a sum in my javascript display in descending order, how do i post the code as i think it's simple i just can't get my head to work straight
post it on jsfiddle.net
cheers on it be back in a sec
@AdamKewley Kinda is
Lots of articles are still wrong, and it still uses document.write() and stuff in examples.
hi, anyone have any recommendation of running javascript via command line? I could run via rhino in Java but looking for alternatives
@jumpstracks node
Long shot, but does anyone know enough about ARIA to be able to tell me what the result for running a11y on the input described in github.com/addyosmani/a11y/issues/52 is?
@MadaraUchiha ty
@Cauterite interesting, ty
!!urban a11y
@crl No definition found for a11y
oh accessibility
found example for node: developers.google.com/drive/web/quickstart/nodejs and happen to already have it installed, worst case I can fallback to java - I was trying to use the google apps scripts to generate files, but keep timing out :( - nothing to do with the hiccup google had
@crl Yeah, stupid name but useful tool
Or at least it was untill it started to behave different on different OS
hey guys how do i get this sum to to show in console log in descending order instead or ascending. I know it's probably something small and silly but my heads not in gear today. jsfiddle.net/syvh2tbr
@IamGnat do you mean something like for (var i = b; i > a; i--) { ?
!!> var s='accessibility'; s.replace(/(^.{1}).+(.{1}$)/, $1${s.length-2}$2)
@crl "a13y"
Any ideas for wiring up android studio to debug nodejs/ javascript? or tool to use?
@crl "a11y"
android studio? is it the thing with eclipse?
oh it's a whole new thing, nice
open fire: good reasons for me to switch out of windows?
and more importantly, switch to what? Linux?
open fire?
as in, say everything you have to say
insult windows heavily if you feel like doing it
@towc Windows isn't POSIX
@towc you get a decent shell
Windows: No good commandline environment compared to linux/OSX.
@ivarni Windows has a decent shell
ok, good, anything more?
lots of interesting projects have simple build instructions for linux and mac and then an apology for windows.
lol, good one
@Luggage What are you referring to? I don't know what features are available that aren't for Windows
Or were you just referring to tools?
@crl studio is more a replacement to eclipse under circumstances, based on IntelliJ. biggest plus for me is the development environment and IDE is driven by gradle so much easier setting up a different build/test environment under jenkins for unit & regression testing
It just than when people use lots of unix tools or the posix api, porting to windows is a hassle
@Cauterite spot on thanks
e.g., you can't use facebook's flow on windows
@Luggage cygwin works well
not in this case, also cygwin is a pain
now.. I like windows. explorer and the taskbar are superior, but you aren't going to convince me windows is a good platform for poxis stuff by using cygwin.
so the only useful-to-me reason to use linux instead of windows is the good command line that I may use? I don't use my pc for anything more than web dev, so I don't really care about downloading complex programs that are not windows-compatible, nor about the posix thing. Anything else? Perf?
if i could get explorer on mac, I'd be in heaven
@Luggage just friken use a vm
cc @Microsoft
headless one
You use a VM.
@Luggage I do :P
Why did this turn into everyone trying to convince me to use windows?
I have an use a windows machine. get off my back
@Luggage nobody wants you to use windows.
Just saying its not that impossible ;-)
you use the real thing to know what you're missing
@Luggage Mac ?
lol // couldn't resist
With *nix you get a file system that actually lets you delete a file when you want to delete a file :p
What do you mean?
Also one which will delete a file and not tell you in face it can't delete a file cause name too long.
Ever tried hunting for that one windows process that's keeping you from deleting a file because it has it open?
the 'recycle bin' isn't used when deleting form commandline, if that's what you mean.
ohh, that.
yeah that.
yea, windows keeps binaries locked when in use, unix does not.
it's wonderful when that happens during a git rebase btw
never had the pleasure
what's git?
Q: jsdoc proper way to document socket API

SrleHow to document socket API which has following form: ... exports.addSocketEvents = function(socket) { /** * This will do that and ... * @param {Object} data Some data * @param {string} data.bla Something about bla * @param {number} data.n Some number */ socket.on('some...

!!urban git
@ivarni [Git](http://git.urbanup.com/706283) 1. A completely ignorant, childish person with no manners.
2. A person who feels justified in their callow behaviour.
3. A pubescent kid who thinks it's totally cool to act like a moron on the internet, only because no one can actually reach through the screen and punch their lights out.
Ohh, Linus Torvalds.
@towc Once you switch, you'll realise that's not the only thing linux is better at.
I've said it in this room a dozen times over: It's not "a thing", it's the experience
Like crack
Hah, I'm just in the process of creating a persistent live USB for myself
no one can be told what linux is..
@copy "Why're people so excited about cocaine, it's like sugar just without the diabetes"
@Mosho why go per-file jsx pragma when you can go per-block: jsfiddle.net/kr9aodvs
@AwalGarg can use some feedback at the end of the file.
@Luggage because you normally wouldn't mix those, and you don't necessarily want to wrap everything in another function call
re debugging node, node-inspector looks good
Yea, I think it'd be messy and confusing to mix them in a file, just playing with it :)
you should opt for static, declarative style
when you can
which is probably the biggest selling point of es6 classes
@Luggage people have trouble with git? hmm
some friends of mine do.
and they are allowed to write code?
not all my friends are 'good' programmers
fucking idiots. As much as I hate generalizing, idiots are really horrible.
but yes, they get paid to write code for a living
@Abhishrek file?
some people are content to copy and paste their way through life.
@Luggage Haha, I like that. xD
I vividly remember the day I realised some people treat programming as a job, purely something they do for a certain time of the day in order to pay the bills.
It's a hobby for me, I just happen to get paid for it too.
I want to get paid for programming too.
If you are really good, you get charged for programming. Then convicted and sentenced.
@jumpstracks iron-node
yeah, node-inspector was really shitty for me compared to iron-node
slow as shit
ya noticed was slow too, but beat nothing... next up, iron-node :)
vscode ?
vscode is nice, but lacking too many things for me to use as an editor
though I assume they made progress since I last used it
it has potential and I commend microsoft for ripping off atom
i mean, innovating with open source
heh, I remember microsoft warning people of dangers of open source... then oopsy used open source tcpip stack
Imagine Microsoft employees opening issues on Atom
damn ISP took github down again. fml
iron-node is awesome!
phew, didn't have to re-write the code..., code executed, too bad I have no idea where it wrote the files :)
Guys, you know Polymer?
Well, I had the idea for something very similar to Polymer about 2 years ago, something where you can use custom elements for things like Google Maps.. etc..
But 2 years ago, I didn't know how to create something like that..
I wish I did.
great story
Time makes fools of us all.
I could've been the creator of Polymer.
Oh well
Let's open a pie shop together
Okay, great idea
polymer is just a polyfill for custom elements that browsers have had for > 2 years, if that makes you feel better.
:P Thanks
@Zirak Can you open a cookie shop instead? Dedicated to cookies that I like?
@AwalGarg the doc
The json thing is getting serious
What kind of cookies do you like @AwalGarg, session cookies?
@AwalGarg Only if you offer us protection
Open a condom/diaphragm/etc shop alongside ours
LOL trolololol
> Pies & Pie Safety
I thought you need some kind of written permission from the government to have sex in Iceland?
@Abhishrek This is a serious matter
> Buy a pie, protect your pie!
@JacquesMarais in my native language that means fascinating in the spock accent.
@Abhishrek I was just joking :P
@JacquesMarais Bing Bong and Phospur.
@Abhishrek Whatever that means.
does anyone here have an MSDN subscription?
@tereško shoot
I have 5
I need to get Windows 7 Home Premium (x64) - DVD (English)
@tereško ping me @ [email protected] if you use hangouts
i will send you my credentials for One Time Usage, feel free
lemme see if it actually works first
also ... I only have hangout configured on a phone
can I not define my own npm scripts? like "regtest"
{ "scripts" :
  { "preinstall" : "./configure"
  , "install" : "make && make install"
  , "test" : "make test"
I mean my own commands
that says you can set the preset commands to do whatever
it doesn't seem to be able to do that, but I swear I've seen it somewhere
npm run foo?
npm regtest // does something defined by package.json?
then yes, forgot how. rtm?
> Additionally, arbitrary scripts can be executed by running npm run-script <pkg> <stage>. Pre and post commands with matching names will be run for those as well (e.g. premyscript, myscript, postmyscript).
"scripts": {
    "start": "node ./index.js",
    "myTest": "echo \"It Works\""
  npm run-script myTest
that worked.
@AwalGarg why rtm when I can ask you nerds
I RTMed.
RTFM as a Service
Invoice sent.
Zirak can do "Read The Unreadable Spec as a Service"
I hate you @KendallFrey. You made me think "I can do your mom as a service".
"It's part of my community service"
!!> ( w=>w[0]+w.slice(1,-1).split('').sort(_=>Math.random()>.5).join('')+w.slice(-1) )('windows')
@crl "wnidows"
@crl "wowdnis"
such wow
great story
I got a challenge: the shortest way to turn a string around.
Like print it backwards
Tell me one use case for that.
Just a challenge..
the regular split reverse and join trick works ok
Wait appending to a string in JavaScript is += ?
var s="string",f="",l=s.length;for(i=0;i<l;i++)f=f+s[l-i];
@Abhishrek download finished. Thank you.
@JacquesMarais doesn't work
a="";for(i in s)a=s[i]+a
a="";for(c of s)a=c+a
That's longer
true :)
@copy Wow, thanks, I guess you win.
@tereško No problem
Doesn't work -_-
now I have to how that the MSDN version will accept OEM key
@tereško you can use a key if you want from the same place you downloaded
I don't mind giving you a windows 7 key :P --- promise
naah, I have a valid Win8 to use
I just want to not waste the Win7 license
Wondering if you guys could tell me why the animation works fine but gradually gets faster? jsfiddle.net/fu08mar3/2
Im testing out the requestAnimationFrame function
you're calling play twice, once with requestAnimationFrame once without
hmm I didn't know 200ms were so slow
Oh ya, I forgot to remove the recursion
Opacity is only increased by 0.01 @crl
@crl 200ms can get you killed, easy
Ya, it is due to the value of the opacity increase
hehe ok
So how is it going guys`?
Ive been trying to catch up with the you people in regards to js lol
@Asperger read all chat transcript
filtering all jibberish
nah joking, you'd need a few months
By the way, what would you say about css vs requestAnimationFrame?
Latter offers more control while the first is faster
I might be mistaken though. I know we have a new api to control css3 animations so things are getting tough to decide
css is css while r19e is js
Guys, do you know what the largest available JavaScript library is?
@JacquesMarais other than Jquery not really
@JacquesMarais Jquery, Greensock, Velocity, Angular
Many is larger than jQuery
you could make a script to get all scripts in cdnjs/jsdelivr or anything and test length of them
That would take a while, but I may try it :P
Why do you want to know what the largest library is?
No reason...
A programmer doing something without a reason ; )
I was thinking of making a bot that learns from users in JavaScript.
The data gets stored in a MySQL database.
@JacquesMarais wow nice
@JacquesMarais do that. I would love to see how that would work out
Okay :P Thanks, I'll do it.
@JacquesMarais If i had a bit more knowledge like you guys I would love to get involved too ;)
You could get involved if you want.
guys what do you use to fetch a site from clientside js, without CORS or jsonp, I've been using query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql but it's a bit verbose?
Wow nice. I know PHP, css3, html, javascript, mysql. I would say more of a intermediate guy
Im thinking, how does one create such a bot? Like creating a form where a user submits a question, then one fetches certain keywords and stores them in the database. Associating those keywords with certain combinations of words, sentences etc
@Asperger I also know a few languages, not really and expert in programming :P. I know PHP, JavaScript, CSS, MySQL, HTML, Python, C++, C and a small bit of Android (Java)
@Asperger Yea, that's what I though could work.
@JacquesMarais That would definately work. I wonder how big the database becomes though lol
Could anyone help me figure why my grunt setting cannot livereload properly...?
@AwalGarg <3
@JacquesMarais doesnt windows have something called cordana?
no <3
@crl @JacquesMarais doesnt windows have something called cortana? (source)
I think Windows 10 has something like Cortana
the search bar, yes
windows 10 has cortana
Some pseudo "artificial" intelligence? At least thats how they market that thing
well, it has it, if you install it in an online mode
Apple has something similar
Can't remember it
It's called "Apple Now"
I already have a few ideas for the bot though

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