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can I write these in one line?
why this does not work? $("#char-numb-"+pure_id, "#textarea-"+pure_id).hide();
how would you combine #foo and #bar in css?
@tereško i was wrong. you have access to node api in the renderer processes, too.
jQuery.fn.init is run when you do $(...)
so no need to talk to the main to so file access unless oyu want to share that between renderers
it takes (selector, context)
don't break the strings up
problem solved.
$("#char-numb-"+pure_id, "#textarea-"+pure_id).hide();
// to
$("#char-numb-"+pure_id + ", #textarea-"+pure_id).hide();
> From Getting Your Degree to Becoming a Software Engineer for Runnable
Hint: I dropped out.
I got one with the wrong name
@rlemon I've had those, and one where the script had an empty string for my name
he did follow up like 20 minutes later with an awkward email
"uhh so I really fucked that up" kinda email
anyone know a better js code editor than Ace?
@Luggage tnx
ohh so the guy who tells you the answer is ignored, the guy who gives you copy paste code is thanked.
I see how it is.
vamping 101
hardware packaging is fucking ridiculous
I got a box about 12x16x6" containing nothing but a packing slip, padding bubbles, and a Windows installation disk
and they replaced your hardware with software. those bastards.
Well, software doesn't ship in a box
sounds like it does. :)
next time the box will just have a url inside, where you d/l the software.
much better
so I guess I'm gonna be building my work computer
aww, i can't: super.apply(this, arguments);
I can use this as practice for building a gaming computer
I have to call MSI to get a copy of the OS because they didn't ship it with the laptop (hdd was replaced)
they said they don't send it for 'green' purposes
the packaging for 4 dvd's covered the receptionists desk
I understand how they needed to stay green when it took 3 boxes and 11 envelopes to package 4 dvd's
all one needs.
netflix used even less than that.
a usb stick is cheap, and you re-use it
those dvd's ended up being pitched once it was all reloaded
I gotta give em credit, they shipped both RAM sticks in the same box
the new image was backed up on a usb :D
the dvd are likely less to manufacture.
the usb sticks use semiconductors, etc.
if you are talking about environment impact, i'm not sure usb sticks are the best for handing out OSes, where MOST users install it once
I like this "torrent" packaging that Ubuntu uses.
yea, d/l is where it's at
MS should just use steam.
or bios should be able to d/l an OS like macs can.
simple ftp, http and bittorrent client in your bios, with ability to mount/boot what you d/l.
sure it is more cost, but if they are really 'being green' they swallow that cost
my company went green on my recommendation, it costs $3 more to buy a usb stick and put all of our docs on it than to print the manual and ship it
plus they get an 8gb usb stick
Hi guys. I've built a simple web app with Meteor. I'm wondering if its possible to have a panel/another app which only the super admin will use and see/manipulate data from multiple different apps in different domains. Honestly got no clue. Any directions?
no, i mean usb is higher environmental cost. less green.
unless people truely re-use them
only the small shitty ones
these are 8gb
actually useful
I made sure of that
yea, that makes sense for you
but to bulk distribute the most common OS in the world..
yea when I was talking MSI this wouldn't be bulk distribution
it was an at-request operation, and wasn't very pain-free
I doubt they ship out more than a few dozen thousand a year
i really need to get a tiny keychain one, since i never kow there my other usb stick is.
ours have a keychain ring :D
where you from again?
and i'll need it, soon. i plan to fresh install windows 10
east coast, USA
much corn out there?
I've probably lost more than 50 usb sticks until now... Those little sneaky bastards...
go to a farm show, likely we have a booth. steal a few thumb drives :D
we have farms, and corn is not uncommon, but we aren't corn country.
I have no problem losing them, problem is when I use only work ones they are all identical :/
figuring out new and exciting ways to identify them becomes an issue
mosty, i fi need to store a file on a small device i'll just use my phone
OS installs are my main use for usb sticks
I move around a lot of disk images
they are all at most 8gb
but otherwise, the gf uses them for media
and I have all of my OS installs on a few
don't steal stuff from farm shows man, it's bad karma.
plus they all have guns
@rlemon I don't recognize your company from a farm show, and I've been to a few
i don't plan to. i'd rather just drive to the store than wait for some farm show and drive, probably farther
@KendallFrey when?
@rism Farm shows are meant for getting free stuff
and then spend time looking around, and feeling odd taking something..
@KendallFrey I can confirm this
@rlemon oh, probably at least 5 years ago
a lot of hasle to save a few bucks
@KendallFrey receiving != taking
@KendallFrey we're only really being a 'name brand' for the past 5-6 years
@rism seriously. I work in agri.
these shows are basically just a big swag give-a-way for listening to a 6 hour lecture on new tech
I've never been to any big ones either
@KendallFrey last show, we had one booth of our own, 6 booths advertising our tech because we OEM :D
basically free advertising in half the booths
I haven't been to the Canadian shows. I have been to a few US ones.
doesn't make sense, I know, but they send me to the ones there.
Big ones then probably
When I was a kid I went to the local ones
my recent software released, I next get to (after the season is over and all high level bugs are fixed) get to start my next two year project. yay
strip down the software, and start over on a new platform basically.
that will put me at four years working on basically the same software system
when I was in e-learning I thought 18 months on one project was overkill
while i didn't actively work on it the entire time, 12 years with one project.
other devs took over, i came back now and then to help
let's say ~6 years..
longest I've worked in one place was 366 days
My last job I had for a year and 3 months
I've had this job for ~4 years
in another year it will top my last longest
which was just under 5
My last job lasted 5 years.
what module format do I use with Electron? I'm getting 'exports is not defined' errors when using commonjs.
Is node.js fine here?
of course.
Node is javascript
node.js is mandatory here.
I'm so sick of emails from recruiters that list Node.js as a framework. Drives me up the fucking wall
Ok let says I concated 2 files together and I know the size of the first file how might I split the 2 files using node.js
Here is the actual question.
Why are you concatting the files?
@Nick Because I want to move one file not 2
Can you put some kind of delimiter in the merged file?
@shriek The code contains arbitrary data so that isn't a good idea.
You should move them separately if they're separate files. I'll not help you back yourself into a corner that you shouldn't be in
@Nick I respect you not wanting to help but that is the question I'm asking.
Well your approach is wrong; I suggest you rethink the process
It's not wrong othewise there wouldn't be a way to do such it's just different
cool cool. The only way I can think is get the checksum of the original file and compare checksum on each line. (kinda brute force if you think about it)
> It's not wrong othewise there wouldn't be a way to do such
you must be new to programming
@shriek just append the size of the first file in the last 8 bytes or and split the files at such size
look up fs and streams in node. that will let you do what you .seek().
someone drained that carrot.
@Luggage How do I count the size of the stream though?
@Luggage troll carrot
I could see the top
expected nice big carrot
girth is more important than length anyways, so don't feel bad
choad carrot
Found a chrome bug :(
have to report it
Is that the one that lets you use the internet to buy stocks that slowly lose value over time?
If so, i've already reported it...
they said they'll get back to me..
It's a strange bug
@Nick You should try to make a game around it :P
Like that last popular one.
:-webkit-full-screen works, but when you combine it with the other prefixes, it breaks
FF still works
No!! Praise Be to Google! They've made Microsoft a much better company.
@Nick Nice. I am sure my future self will thank you whenever I need to use that feature.
It's so odd...
works on its own, breaks when you group the selectors
no clue how that would ever happen
cosmic rays.
i want to create a directory and once that directory is created, it creates several files of the same name underneath it all with different extensions
probably there's module already for that, or if there is i don't know its name.. if i want to create something that does that, would that be nodejs?
yup, node, the fs module is what you want
You'll need access to the file system, which means you'll need a server
one possibility is via node
yea, is there a webpage involved or are you making a command-line app or something?
thanks a lot
so i create an npm package?
you don't need to use npm if you're using node
let me rephrase
npm isn't a requirement
hmmm, so how am i going to call that nodejs file i created?
trying to understand.. please bear with me
you can't use node in your browser. Instead, you need to do an ajax call to your node server from your browser's javascript
It's just like any other server/client relationship
It's not magic
yes i get that.. i don't need the server at all here..
i don't need the browser at all here
he never mentioned a browser
i just need to go to the terminal, create directory using node
node.exe somefile.js
I know; just making sure. Lots of people don;t understand the disconnect
@Luggage node somefile for short :p
if you are on a unix os, you can also use a shebang at the top:
#!/usr/bin/env node
and set execute permission.
bascially i want to this to happen.. call a command from my terminal..
then run the file in node
in my terminal: create myMagicDirectory
use node to call a file
node myJavascriptFile
this command will create a directory called myMagicDirectory and under it a couple of files with the same name myMagicDirectory.js, myMagicDirectory.py for example
only if you've programmed the code inside of that myJavascriptFile to do so
like I said; it's not magic
he's talking though his scenario, chill :)
ok, so not npm?
what have we said that has anything to do with npm?
your terminal is the client; you still need a server (node) to access the file system.
npm is how you install 3rd party code form other people. just go make a .js file and do a 'hello world' to make sure you know how to execute it in node.
he covered that, he's talking local on his own terminal. no browsers.
alright then
once you can run your js locally on the commandline, then this article should get you started: sitepoint.com/accessing-the-file-system-in-node-js
ok thanks @Luggage
grrr wtf node. Why is it fs.readdir and fs.readFile
hey can i ask something
@AjithN Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
ok caprica
hola :d
hi taco
<label style="cursor: pointer;"><input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" value="4" id="check4" class="ajax">Module4</label>
var val=jQuery(this).attr("check4");
alert(val);return false;</script>
when i alert this i get undefined
y dont i get the value 4
Your code gets the value of an attribute named "check4". You want the attribute named "value". there is a function for that in jquery, .val().
thanks i figured that out i tried something like this
var val=jQuery('#check4').val();
good night. time to sleep.
sleep tight. its office time for me :-)
happy new morning
its old morning dude
yeah it will be over soon
be ready for new afternoon
afternoon, oh no i am feeling hungry :-)
Happy new afternoon!!
@copy yeah, email is especially a pain to setup
o/ Morning
I would like to start building something like this : selmanh.github.io/angularjs-form-builder/# in angular in combo with a PHP background to save all the data.
Because im new to angular I would like to know if it is best to keep the thing working first without angular? Or should I first setup everything make it work in angular and then add the PHP part? Thanks.
Morning o/
o/ afternoon !
\o tea time!
Nasa's going to make a big announcement monday
The speculation is that they're going to announce that mars has underground rivers, which may hold life
please help me for get outbound call
@ThilinaSampath Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Someone an idea how it is possible to create a circle with fitting elements in it like this: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/de/b/b8/… but without the numbers at border. just the "cake pieces"
@Neil I am so excited to meet martians omg omg omg
@Maurize SVG
@Sheepy yeah thought the same. But how can I work with js events and css hovers on parts of the image?
Need to be a clickable wheel which gets be spinned
BTW: should do this for every birthday here: codepen.io/fixcl/pen/bsIhn
@Maurize awesome
@Maurize You can add class name to svg elements, and then you can use css :hover. You can also use mouse events if you prefer more control.
@Sheepy at the moment I'm creating a parent div and some child divs. Now I'm trying to calculate the size from the childs which are in the parent element.
@FlorianMargaine almost
close enough
oh, and, uh, hermes 1.3 released with safe one-time tokens and other minor stuff
oh I forgot. Joo, @Neoares o/
@MadaraUchiha -- What's a good way to start learning NGINX? Are you familiar with it?
@Duikboot I have a very delicate relationship with it :P
It doesn't break down, and I don't mess with it too much
Still no Windows, boooooooo
@BenFortune Screw Windows
@MadaraUchiha NginScript
Is there a way to get is running on a Mac? robertmulley.com/tutorial/…
@Duikboot I suggest, just install nginx, and start using it in real projects
@BenFortune Interesting, TIL
@MadaraUchiha At least Microsoft is fighting for your privacy.
@Sheepy Yeah, they can't wait to get their hands on my privacy.
u should be more open
yeah, spread your legs
@MadaraUchiha Should I run it in a vagrant box?
@Duikboot Run it wherever you feel comfortable...
@FlorianMargaine lol
> You cannot counterflag your own message
close(r) enough :D jsfiddle.net/arg7xj2v/4
well i removed the flag
i thought it was offensive to say so but it seems no one has got any problems with that
[ off topic ] someone a suggestion I have 2 html emails and have to send them to 30 email adresses. What service should I use/
@AwalGarg while I'm sure there is life, I doubt if it will be quite so interesting
though for a scientist, even single-cell life forms from another planet would be fascinating
@Duikboot regularly?
@MadaraUchiha you are late, I upgraded day before yesterday
go stand in the corner!
@AwalGarg How well does it work as a reverse proxy to node??
@MadaraUchiha like http1.1. also the http2 support is with the http2 module, not enabled out of the box!
Yeah, I guessed
@FlorianMargaine No :)
Hey other question: Is possible to create a circle out of 4 child elements which takes a quarter???
every 2 months to +- 30 people - @FlorianMargaine ( and every time this will be other email adresses )
As for nginscript, I can't wait for someone to write angularjs for nginx now
@AwalGarg lol
@AwalGarg IIRC it's only a small subset of JavaScript
But I can see NginScript modules becoming a thing
@BenFortune JS itself is pretty small, and they gave the JS context access to all request params. You can write your entire backend app as a single nginx config file.
@Maurize If you just want to draw it, google CSS quarter circle. If you want exact region (no mouse click on white area), google SVG Arc.
It is just easier. Simply border-radius: 100px 0px 0px 0px;
@Duikboot then use some gmail account
:) Ok or the roundcube and send it as html mails
yeah, any smtp account will be fine
And I copy them all just in BCC
@Maurize \o
@Duikboot or you send 30 emails
hmm, how is adding 100 email addresses to the BCC header different from sending the same email to 100 email addresses via the TO header on the protocol level?
hi all
is there any expert of the d3.js library?

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