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> New terms introduced per message:
ssube: 43
florian: 2
awal: -5
whats hypervisor
dahell is puppet, ^, openstack, openvz, openshift, <reserved space for potential jargons>
if you combine openstack (or vagrant, if you must) with a host running openvz and puppet configuration, you can spin up small containers that know what kind of machine they ought to be and install software by themselves
it's like a supervisor but much more active
puppet lets you script machines
:D hyperthread + supervisor ?
more like a minimal OS that just runs VMS.
ah ok. good
Bitwise operations like 1 << 1 | 1 << 2 are executed like (1<<1)|(1<<2), right?
hi guys anyone have a sample to access google adsense api and get users earnings?
hi guys anyone have a sample to access google adsense api and get users earnings?
@SomeGuy If you want more I can link you many many more from Krauss and Tyson & Kaku
(as i watch ofc)
@AwalGarg erm i am awaiting pings
has someone seen Cop car movie?
I haven't seen a movie since Avengers 2
u are hyperbusy
!!stay or leave
@Luggage leave
@Abhishrek decided to postpone it for tomorrow or some other day. I am fucking tired.
reading three things at once: compilers, unix history (why?), social skills (WTF??)
one of those things is not like the others.
Dragon Book, <A nother good book>, Don't ask me I am totally Cyanide for social skills
@Sajeetharan if anyone knew, they'd answer.
A bit of a question. I have a canvas, and I update pixels really fast (using the imageData). Then I use a putImageData to update the canvas again. Sometimes it looks like a bunch of pixels modifications (frames) aren't rendered, and are dropped. Is that.. possible?
@Abhishrek Dragon Book, Harris J Archer's OS principles, <insert random internet article here where title matches /\d+ golden tips to .+/>
Is everything synchronous @RoelvanUden
@Cereal Well, actually, deltas come in over a WebSocket and I just update the pixel array.
So, they should be.
And I'm very, very sure that the delta comes through correctly.
@RoelvanUden you're creating the imagedata every time?
jesus dude
@dievardump oh, what does it trigger? using index is not that reliable..
@ssube Uhm, I'm not?
@RoelvanUden oh, I see. You're never flushing it.
you've gotta recreate it after you put it
(I hope)
otherwise canvas is doing some weird, weird shit
Really? So after a putImageData I have to do a new createImageData?
nvm. got it.
I don't remember and have had way too much coffee, but I hope so. Try it?
Trying :-)
It turned black o-O
Like, it was totally blank after the first render
I'm guessing that's not it.
I thought this was the C# room
ignore me so hard
@KendallFrey as in, forever?
suit yourself
shut up, incorrect Jan
I want to grow up to be the anti-Jan and unfix peoples speling all the day.
> grow up
@ssube *people's. Oh, wait...
maybe it's peoples'
you'll never know
That would be the case if you were referring to something that belongs to multiple tribes or nations.
Don't be tribist.
Actually, "suit yourself" is the correct spelling
Why is a forum using 21% cpu
Why is a forum using CPU
Do dealerships buy broken cars?
Could it be the 3 flash ads?
@JanDvorak duh
Broken like needs a major transmission/clutch repair
Why is a forum
Do dealerships buy broken hearts?
Short polling?
@KendallFrey Nope, but some hospitals buy unbroken hearts
That's the problem with forums these days. They aren't dynamic enough!
Jesus, it's still downloading stuff
maybe that's the cause
170 requests!
I blame flash
I blame flashers
@SterlingArcher Does it drive?
I blame adbl... oh, wait. This isn't request denied.
Can probably get something as a trade in, but trading in is always a ripoff to begin with.
@LanaKane it can drive, but like, barely. It's only a matter of time before the clutch doesn't engage at all
hi guys anyone have a sample to access google latest adsense api and get users earnings?
Estimates are showing upwards of a $1800 repair, which is worth half the car if not more
@Sajeetharan I'd expect the adsense docs to have one
@SterlingArcher Most people don't know how a clutch is supposed to feel. You can probably get away with it lol
@SterlingArcher Dude it's like $400 usually for the parts, what vehicle is it? You should be able to get it for $1K or less if it's only the clutch
This one no way lol if I drive it in, it'll reek of burnt clutch
I don't know if it's just the clutch. It could be a transmission issue as well, along with a multitude of shit
All I know, is that the clutch, if it even engages, drives slower than a snail and can't go up hills
Didn't you just get a new car or is this the one you've been bitching about the clutch on for like 2 years
Same car. I'm trying to figure out if it's worth fixing, and save money a few months before buying a sweet new whip, or just say fuck it not worth it and just buy a new car
I couldn't afford a car repair on my old salary. Now that I can, I have to make decisions
I blew the motor on my Ranger finally.... I coulda had a new one put in for a grand but I bought my new truck instead said fuck it
@SterlingArcher Yea same thing here lmao
My new truck is only liek 8 years newer... Haha
Basically, the car is mine, it's paid off.. but is a repair worth it when it's over half the car's value?
How much is it's value to begin with
In good condition... $3500 KBB
Same as my Ranger lol and I kicked it to the curb
In reality, more like $2800-$3200
Go get a camaro
lol I'm actually looking at Audi S4s
Or a pimpin Cadillac or something
Oooh that'd be nice
Right? Something sporty, yet practical, and is a monster in snow season, and has a sweet growl
Plus I'm a sucker for those red/black or black/white leather interiors
Dude mine has a good growl to it too, should be a monster in the snow season ;P
I gots 6 speed manual now it's so fun
Those things come in manual? That's badass
I don't understand the desire for large cars
I hate automatics
I need to calculate how much car I can afford too. That's gonna suck
Oh, what's a typical loan period for a car? 60 months or 72?
Just buy it cash
Sure, why didnt i think of that!
No, I kid. 84 month lease, get a benz
Life's too short to live debt free
TIL Smart (the car company) is owned by Daimler AG
@SterlingArcher A new car 60+, used car 36/48 ish I think is normal that's what mine have been
Well, if I do a 72 month lease, $600 a month (fuck it, I'm young and single) would get me a sweet sweet ride
@Cereal I use it, I have stuff to haul including my dirt bike. Desire meets necessity (ok maybe not actually necessary to have the life I do but I do)
@SterlingArcher 72 months at 600/month will get you...... Anything
That's $40K if you have a low interest rate...
And here I was thinking 300/m was a lot
I spent ~$10K on that Dodge it's a 07, that's new enough for me.
I'm not sure what my interest rate will be. My credit isn't bad, but it's not excellent
I am making payments of $244 and it's a 36 month loan
I have expensive tastes lol I work hard, and my monthly expenses are pretty low. So this will be something nice I can afford, and still save money easily
Yea we're in the same boat right now dude lol
Single and young with high incomes low expenses
I just didn't want to spend THAT much, I am eyeing the small size trucks with diesels coming in the next couple of years, that's when I'll buy a new one.
Exactly. I've been working my ass off for 2 years, I deserve a working, nice car that people will be like damn, nice dude
Right lol I've already got the whole "How much your Daddy pay for your truck?" like 4 times now
Nexus connected to pc charges but does not show up in device manager
But you're talking a whole different category lol. I'm in the midwest, everyone out here is hicks and rednecks it seems
lol seriously? i'd smack somebody if they said that to me
have i burnt its port ?
@SterlingArcher I just laughed an was like I are a software engineer.
Dude is like I uhh I setup tankers for gas stations
say i have a function
new $.fn.drop_down()
why would calling call throw an error
new $.fn.drop_down().call($('.mutliple-select-dropdown'));
I don't think you have that function. And even if, you can't call a constructor like this.
I had that at a bar once. Crossfit homeboy tried to make fun of me and steal a girl I was talking to, asked if I got my clothes for christmas. Drunk as fuck as I was, I picked up my tab, hers, and my brothers. Spent like $600 unfazed (oops)
Turns out he was a waiter and "knew" a bartender
I don't like to flash like that, but sometimes it's like, oohh i wanna crush this guys spirit
@JanDvorak so that would never work than ?
@AlexanderSolonik $.fn.drop_down.call($('.mutliple-select-dropdown'))
$.fn.drop_down().call($('.mutliple-select-dropdown')); will try to call the result of the $.fn.drop_down(); call. And I am sure this is not a function it returns.
But, since you use $.fn.drop_down you sould be able to : $('.mutliple-select-dropdown').drop_down()
Or your plugin is bad. Which is also more than possible, since it's a jQuery plugin
Yup your right
and i need to use new
as inside the plugin , there is no new
Why the hell would you need to use new with a plugin attach to $.fn ?
the 2nd dropdown works
the 1st one does't
now you see why ..
		<div class="test">
			<span class="selected"></span>
			<div class="arrow-down"></div>
this is no valid html
I did't code it ;)
the HTML nor the jQuery
just the CSS?
I need a CSS only job
would be tiiiiight
that neither ! ;)
did you even make the fiddle?
because I'm looking for a guy....
damn we got ourselves an IDEA guy here!
@rlemon Kamn we got ourselves an IDEA guy here! (source)
no, Kamn
I used i when I meant to not use i
nope saw that post online and was curious about why i could't use the new keyword
to create multiple instances of the plugin
Is there anything wrong with this?
@corvid You tell us
_(somearray).reduce((buckets, item, index) => {
  let first = _.first(_.sortByOrder(buckets, (bucket) => _.sum(bucket, 'maxSize'), 'asc'));
  return buckets;
}, _.fill(_.range(bucketCount), []))
inability to into javascript
I sense a grammar problem
do you even know what is a how to grammar?
You felt a disturbance and rushed to your PC?
I felt a (1) in my toolbar
I'm supposed to be working on this payroll module but I think I'll play with GraphQL instead..
@roadtocode Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
<- shirking responsibility since 1979.
@roadtocode are you leaving already? :-(
lol did you need me for something? @jan
Some for the JS question, stay for the pointless discussion.
What's a promise?
I was worried you were scared of our greeter
@Jesse Do you know what are global variables in JavaScript?
Far from it @JanDvorak. I just didn't know a service like this exists. I had been using gitter as well.
whoops that question was not for me lol my bad
did you mean that for me?
A promise is an object that represents a future value. It's a way of storing a handle to a pending async action so that you can compose it, decide what to do when the answer comes back, an error occurs, etc. see: html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/es6/promises
@Jesse Yes, I mean that for you.
global variables are variables defined in the global scope... outside of functions, etc
If you don't declare your variables locally, they will be global. So every time you will call the plugin it will modify the variables, that are global.
If you don't declare a variable with the var keyword, they will be considered globals
i don't understand what's going on... why are you telling me this
                var $this        = this,
		$button      = $('dt', this),
		$options     = $('dd', this),
		$checkbox    = $('input[type="checkbox"]', this),
		$input       = $('input[type="text"]', this),
		$selected    = $('.selected', this);
Because declare your variables globally in your plugin
Everything was meant for @AlexanderSolonik
nice to meet you, i am Jesse. probably not the person you were talking to. but Hello.
@dievardump he doesn't
@roadtocode welcome to SO's seedy underbelly.
@Jesse yeah, sorry, you spoke just after him with a red`white avatar
It messed up my brain, I am really sorry for the mistake
@dievardump lol no worries. i thought i was suddenly on a pop quiz gameshow!
yea, steal an avatar from the internet like the rest of us.
i like my funky gravatar
@dievardump oh, wait, you don't. He does. (assuming the fiddle is his)
@JanDvorak yep, that was my correction for him ^^
Actually, let's have a pop quiz hour
I like the idea of randomly generated avatars but they all blend together to me :(
Who invented Javascript and what company was he or she working for?
Hint. It's not John Resig.
omg you dared
I name that will live in infamy.
@LanaKane just talked to my dad, said it's more than likely not worth getting my car fixed. So it looks like I'll be getting a new car in the next couple weeks
i hit my buzzer!
not months :O
yea, just type the answer :)
Who is.. Bill Gates!
no googling.
noone needs to google for this one, we're in the JavaScript room
@Luggage I can't remember the name, but Netscape
Brendan Eich (/ˈaɪk/; born 1961) is an American technologist and creator of the JavaScript programming language. He co-founded the Mozilla project, the Mozilla Foundation and the Mozilla Corporation, and served as the Mozilla Corporation's chief technical officer and briefly its chief executive officer. == Early lifeEdit == Brendan Eich received his bachelor's degree in mathematics and computer science at Santa Clara University. He received his master's degree in 1985 from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Eich started his career at Silicon Graphics, working for seven years ...
someone come up with a more interesting question
that explains why the javascript docs are on mozilla's page
How big was the first computer?
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
@Zirak African or european?
blue, no pink!
@Cereal uhrm, I dunno
depends on what you count a computer. The Antikythera mechanism was not so big.
The Earth. Built to calculate the meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything.
But Deep Blue was also a computer
!!afk getting beer and pizza
If you mean Babbage's machine, I imagine that being about the floor space of a decent bed.
@rlemon Get me some of that pizza too, please
What is the testing tool of your choice for Express based Restful APIs?
is Alan Touring's machine the first computer in the modern sense?
Who tests? Nobody tests. Tests are waste of time.
@dievardump the developer
@Abhishrek my users.
@dievardump erm xD
Teachers do
@Luggage server side ? really ?
@Abhishrek ;)
@dievardump oh btw hi o/
Publish, wait for screams, fix bug, publish.
Hi hi o/
How about NO !
@Luggage Turing never implemented something, he talked about a theoretical model for computation. von Neumann built the first implementation of a Turing machine, which is actually a RAM machine.
@Luggage don't try that with airplanes
But also remember that there were LISP machines, among others.
@Zirak but the movie showed him making a computer to crack Enigma.
I like Saturn - the only real ternary computer
You won't hear the screams. Just the mourning of family
!!define sobbering
@Cereal No definition found.
@Luggage I never watched the movie, but do exercise a healthy amount of doubt when movies try to give you facts.
@dievardump you'll also hear a hammer hitting a wooden beveled square, then the rustling of jail doors.
Also, wouldn't you count the Enigma as a computer?
it wasn't general purpose, it did one thing
The brain also counts as a computer. A pretty general purpose one, too.
the machine by turing might not have been general purpose either, I'm not 100% sure
@Cereal Yeah, my english is as poor as me. Sorry.
I don't remember the Enigma's history so well, but from what I remember it was cryptanalysis, and not computation, which cracked it.
@Zirak Well, sorta.
They then built a anti-Enigma based off of that
Cryptanalysis revealed they could brute force it
IIRC it was a known-plaintext attack
oh, the movie.
haven't seen it
the drama of the movie, i'm sure, is all made up, but the broad strokes of the machine and what they did, I think is, as accurate as you an get for a secret government project.
@SomeKittens It wasn't just brute force though, right? I mean, it can come to brute force in the end, but there's a major difference between iterating over one byte and iterating over 32 bytes
@Zirak Weaknesses in the enigma machine allowed them to brute force it. The keyspace wasn't that big
and the german's kept saying the same thing all the time, which helped crack it
They just built a bunch of their own Enigmas (called Bombes) and ran them in parallel
@Luggage yeah, one of the weaknesses was that a letter could never be encoded into itself
which reduced the search space.
the movie said heil hitler was at the end of every command, which gave them a bunch of letters
Anyway, and a bit off topic, but if you want to talk about an amazing human being, talk about von Neumann. The guy was a friggin genius.
John von Neumann (/vɒn ˈnɔɪmən/; December 28, 1903 – February 8, 1957) was a Hungarian-American pure and applied mathematician, physicist, inventor, polymath, and polyglot. He made major contributions to a number of fields, including mathematics (foundations of mathematics, functional analysis, ergodic theory, geometry, topology, and numerical analysis), physics (quantum mechanics, hydrodynamics, and fluid dynamics), economics (game theory), computing (Von Neumann architecture, linear programming, self-replicating machines, stochastic computing), and statistics. He was a pioneer of the application...
he invented a way to wipe out life in the galaxy.
A worthy goal.
He pretty much went into his basement one sunny day in the 50s, said "let's make a computation machine!", and out of a bunch of scrap invented the first computer, the model of which we use to this day.
He then said "fuck it, that's a crappy computational system, I'm gonna make another one!", but then he died of cancer...
that computer still runs today. It hosts w3schools.
And the reason we're stuck in the 50s is because of fucking cancer
what, it's 2015, we aren't stuck in the 50's...
When we could've been running something based on actually intelligent thoughts and not "A runs after B and that's it"
time is still moving here on the east coast.
@Zirak What the hell, this guy did everything
@Luggage We haven't changed our modus operandi since the 50s: Our processing units are still assembly lines, quite literally. They're just faster, and we put more of them at once.
Not that there's any other way
They're the stupidest pieces of fucks in this world, and while we have entire fields of CS devoted to alternatives (cellular automata for instance) we *still( do it
@JanDvorak Of course there are! There are several superior ways
@SterlingArcher lol nice do it. I'm waiting to fix my Ranger so I can sell it and put a dent in my new truck's loan
Our brain is one
Or buy a lift....
I think it's a stretch to assume that if this guy lived a little longer he's completely out-do is already great achievments.
That's an assembly line. Each neuron has one and only one role.
Neural networks are a great computational model.
@LanaKane smokestack son
and a scuba valve
@Zirak in the category of "Remembering what groceries to buy" computers win over my brain every time.
snorkel that's what it's called
@Zirak Speaking of, where would one start learning about NN?
Even if that role is to perform serial computation
nothing seems entry-level
@SomeKittens That's because we don't have control over our memories
@SomeKittens I have no clue

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