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Lambda is ambiguous terminololgy
@Luggage no Bluebird goodness, sadly.
er, that is confusing when I read it
what?! who doesn't have bluebird?
I'm more talking implementation than concept
@Luggage our frontend. For now
@BenjaminGruenbaum Is there a way to eliminate that Promise constructor? I can't see a way. Enlighten me, oh master.
@BenjaminGruenbaum all of these libraries are just wrapping around the real thing, so we left with the convenience and on-top features, I guess.
@rlemon anon that keeps parent this
> for now
just sneak in a link to bluebird from a CDN
@RoyMiloh I just wish they fixed the APIs to all work consistently with tasks.
My understanding of lambda is using a function as data. I could be wrong.
disconnected VPN, all of the last like 12 messages were severely delayed.
got em all right now
@Lalaland my example doesn't have it.
I have to use a VPN at work
Your example has strictly less features than my example.
@Luggage we don't do CDNs.
neither do i, just joking
shitty infrastructure means my ssh connections drop constantly
@rlemon yaaaay! Same boat as you.
connecting via VPN seems to solve that
unless you count a google cloud storage account as a cdn
We don't do cloud.
@BenjaminGruenbaum In particular, you don't allow one to arbitrarily add requests.
@SomeKittens have you tried a vpn
seems to solve it for me
And you don't return one promise per request. Instead you return all of them in one promise.
literally, I couldn't get a single command off before it locked up before
now with the vpn it all seems pretty smooth
@rlemon I have to use a VPN to get to our servers, and that drops a lot.
if I have any other epiphanies I'll ping you then :D
we have two isp's into the building and bridge them such that if one goes down the other takes over to try and solve it
still doesn't work out so well
both use the same lines
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah. I also use Go, so the working with blocks in dataflow is pretty familiar for me (BufferBlock, BatchBlock etc are kind of channels), I guess it was an unexpected consideration :D.
!!work out or get another beer
@rlemon get another beer
Cap, I love you
!!youtube psychostick beer
Does anyone else see a way to eliminate the messiness of the explicit Promise constructor in jsfiddle.net/0k57q157?
I guess I should just post on SO ...
Hi everyone! I have a quick question in React that I've managed to illustrate in this fiddle : jsfiddle.net/69z2wepo/16750 Basically, what I want is simply to pass function parameter from a child component to a parent component. Is that possible?
@PrettyGoodPancake You want to create a state variable in the parent.
And call setState() inside that callback.
Here is an example: jsfiddle.net/zat85pcr/1
@Lalaland awesome, thank you very much
(weird thing is that it works in the browser, but not in react native with onPress... will investigate)
@rlemon seems fine to me
carboy sanitization
star san
san star
> 5) Santizer. StarSan is what most people use, but any phosphoric acid should work.
you can get it by other brand names
we don't have StarSan here in Canada
missed that bit
so I just use a generic powder based version of it from another company
works just as well
hm.. I wonder what gains I can get by allowng all the GET rest calls that happen for a page load to happen in one GET.
(which would then be pretty un-RESTful, but that's ok)
Yeah, I'm not feeling REST lately.
@Luggage just inline them in the index response?
no, SPA.
I'm dying to try Falcor out for something real, but I'm not really on the right stack.
@Luggage still, just inline them in the index response on the server-side and do future loads with AJAX.
@Luggage Yeah I figured, but what's that got to do with it
Also, group calls that go at once.
well, i mean the future loads. the inital is not a big deal.
common use case is to be in theapp all day or hours
yea, i could do sockets.
and push on update
Probably sockets, and also eagerly loading resources and heavy caching
hm, yea. I need some of that too, as I reload some value lists inefficiently.
sounds nicer than fucking your api
it wouldn't really fuck my api, it could be available from /someObject/:id AND /multi-query-thing
just a way to (optionally) group multiple requests
@Luggage One approach is to use a query language. See GraphQL for more details on that approach.
that was the inspiration.
Haven't used it that much at all yet, but it is an interesting idea.
What's a good "intro to promises" article?
If you might as well use GraphQL, use falcor
@SomeKittens the html5rocks one is okish
yea, falcor looks decent, too.
my 5 minute opinion..
Since I currently have a crush on React, GraphQL feels like a natural choice.
@BenFortune I like the one who answerd witht this image
@SomeKittens hello
@3.14159265358... That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: help, tell
@3.14159265358... Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
3 weeks of work swapping webpack for system going out
@phenomnomnominal hey, talking about webpack, I published that github.com/dievardump/webpack-starter (See quick example of how to use github.com/dievardump/webpack-starter-examples)
Now that you switched, it might not interest you to use it, but if you can give me a feedback
It's a command line tool to quickly compile any repertory with webpack, without having it as a dependency. Just some lines in a config file.
Can also launch a server with hot reloading
@EuphoriaGrogi hello
@dievardump looks quite cool
So is this
D.prototype = new C(); // use inheritance
always bad form?
i think that's kinda right..
D.prototype = Object.create(C.prototype);
I thought the former was "bad" but can't remember why? (params aside)
I think the second is more clear, and what I see more in recently-written code.
but they do the same thing, so meh.
the second form does not require a constructor, just a prototype.
just use babel and then:
class D extends C
Hmm nice. Am just about to start with TypeScript, so maybe after that. ;)
well, same in typescript, too, I think.
yep. "extends" for classes and "implements" for interfaces.
I literally just took my first 30 sec peek this morning.
fun times.
typescript is a compelling choice, but I'm currently barebacking ES6.
@Luggage you devilish rouge
only way to be a ninja is to get your hands dirty.
i'm still flubbing about in the MDN ES5 docs.
My hands. They are so dirty. I have coffee-script all over them :(.
Hah! I said "i need to update my client side skills"
They said "Stay away from coffee-script"!
So i have.
I still like CoffeeScript
haven't used it in like 2 years, but still.
new router!
let arr = [2,3,4];
let arr2 = [5,6,7];

const res = Array.prototype.push.apply(arr,arr2);
can Array.prototype.push take multiple arguments to be pushed onto the Array?
seems like it can,i did not know that(even though it says so in the first line of the docs in MDN)...
@copy Old router was slowly dying, got new one but that means all my port forwarding etc is jacked up. Will let you know when everything's together again
We've had quite some traffic recently
Morning! I'm trying to implement digest authentication using this: github.com/PatrickHeneise/angular-digest-interceptor
I know it is an old project but still.. This was the I could find..
But the problem is I have already build all my REST client services using $resource and this library doesn't seem to intercept requests made by my service
In the demo project they have implemented the services using $http
@copy ok, everything's configured, I think. Restarted the ZMQ process. Looks like no data's coming through.
Can anyone help me out with this?
@Abhishrek That seems like a great one. I'll watch the rest of it later
@SomeKittens I'm sending
@copy New public IP.
I'll update
We're back
restarted ZMQ on port 5555
┻━┻ ヘ╰( •̀ε•́ ╰)
welp, I'm an idiot. Was tailing the wrong file
data pouring in. Pleasure doing business with you
What is ZMQ?
Q: Regular expression in java for below listed special charcters

ghjghjghI'm finding a regular expression which adheres below rules. Only below are Allowed Characters: Alphabet : a-z / A-Z Special Characters : - . " \ & ( ) / ' … (spaces should be allowed)

Idiotic "write this regex for me" question
also the tags: Java, JavaScript
because they are the same
hi, I have an array of ids, arr = ["123", "456"] and I have an array of objects like arrObs = [{"456": {}}]
And some idiot just gave the OP what he wanted
if I do arr.map( id => arrObs[id] ) then it becomes [undfined, Object] is there a way to not include the undefined? other than doing .map().filter()
@Cerbrus That always happens. However stupid the question is, OP always gets the answer.
@PranavCBalan: It does not allow ... You all stupid have not read the question carefully. It should allow . and ... both. Not ..... — ghjghjgh 1 min ago
Apparently OP isn't happy :)
We all stupid
And you're all stupid
"No u"
Any way, closed. Delete-voting.
Thanks for the cvs, guys
I want to read how to delete account from this stupid website. — ghjghjgh 14 secs ago
good riddance :)
@argentum47 What's wrong with filter?
nothing is wrong, asking if there is a one liner
@argentum47 .map() will always result in an array of the same length as the source
Subtle? probably not :P
@argentum47 I guess no, as that is a too special case
You can use .reduce() but it's a bit ugly imho
yeah, ok..
You can define a utility function mapfilter
Which uses reduce internally?
Doesn't matter
We also still have access to good old for-loops
If you run it through .map() and .filter() you'll be iterating over it twice. I'd rather use a for-loop then, or abuse .reduce()
Write a utility function, add a unit test. If it's too slow later you can still refactor it
BTW, how can I test my UI?
@khajvah PhantomJS?
Pretty easy to get working with e.g. the karma testrunner
or just have karma launch Chrome and run tests there
good I will try, thanks
I hope karma is not only for Angular
It's not
It's just made by the same team
I am starting to unhate JavaScript
Don't worry, it'll come back
@ivarni reduced :P
@khajvah You're dating a dog?
Being in love with bitches is quite common for male dogs
@khajvah Please don't refer to women like that.
@ivarni You are not?
@phenomnomnominal like what?
Like what you just compared JavaScript too.
I compared bitches to JavaScript, not all women.
Please don't call women JavaScript, it's unfair to women
but whatever
@khajvah don't try to be clever to get around what you meant.
It's not funny or cool and it's completely against trying to make this room a welcoming place, so just don't do it. Please.
@phenomnomnominal I meant bitches, there are bitch women and there are asshole men.
Don't call men assholes either, and that's besides the point.
See you in a minute.
@phenomnomnominal lol hope to never see you again. Just want to point out that I disrespected neither men nor women. You just pointlessly chose to be a social warrior.
But that discussion is unrelated to JS so I will leave.
oh the salt
everytime a girl calls a boy asshole a mark zuckerburg is born
You offended me. I asked you to stop. You decided to argue with me. I again asked you to not do it. I happen to be a room owner, so I kicked you. What you call pointlessness, I call the most important issue facing our industry. I don't think it's necessary for you to leave, but I would ask that you reconsider how you interact in this room in the future.
@phenomnomnominal How did I offend you again?
The thing about offense is that the person being offensive doesn't get to decide how the other person feels. And the person being offended doesn't have to justify it.
my comment was addressed to a small subset of women but you decided that it was addressed to everybody and became too protective
can we be on topic since there's @ least 3 others. What's a good js blog for serverside tech and community?
@Frankenmint Room 17 is great.
@khajvah and if your comment was addressed to a small group of people, or a small group of people based on their sexual identity I would also be offended.
@Frankenmint Sorry but she is accusing me for a fucked up thing, so I have to continue.
And then you assume I'm a woman.
@phenomnomnominal would recommened width: 50% instead of fullscreen ... touch.trademe.co.nz
@phenomnomnominal Yes it was addressed to small group of people based on their sexuality because I am a straight men and I was talking about me felling in love.
css media querys - max-width = 800px { width 50% }
@phenomnomnominal That's not important, as I don't know you.
@Maurize that site hasn't been touched in about 18 months, and it's rarely used by non-mobile devices. Currently working on a replacement :) but thank you.
@khajvah You're showing a clear and fundamental lack of respect. That's not a great way to interact with people. Assumptions don't help either. Then you go around saying how your lack of respect is the right thing to do because you've judged certain people to be less than you (which is again a clear and fundamental lack of respect). I suggest you stop acting like that. It will only make people around you like you less if you continue like that.
@phenomnomnominal If I was gay, I would say "fell in love with an asshole"
@phenomnomnominal just sayin- Is it completely created by you?
I am getting Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'text' of undefined var selectedObj = document.getElementById('_addloreportlet_WAR_LoreShareportlet_selectedOption');


var selectedOptionText = selectedObj.options[selectedObj.selectedIndex].text;
@Maurize nope, me and a team of about 5 others. Get's about 15% of our traffic.
@khajvah would you? Then you deserve to be kicked.
@Maurize was originally built in 2010 as our mobile only site. Tablets+ was never a priority.
@phenomnomnominal today it is. I am currently working on a social platform and blog system
@khajvah I'm really not interested in you justifying what you said. You offended me and I gave you plenty of chance to change your behaviour. I'm going to kick you again, which will be for 5 minutes this time. Either cool down, and come back and apologise, or don't, and we will try this again.
@RoelvanUden Yes, if somebody cheated on me I would call her a "bitch" and consider her less than me.
@khajvah as if you were perfect in every way
I don't always hit the ignore button but when I do it's on people like that
there is be a quarrel room, like sandbox
@Maurize Obviously it is, which is why have spent the last 18 months building a responsive site to replace our mobile and desktop sites.
@Cerbrus exactly! :D
i like the tradme site
Looks like I missed some drama
@phenomnomnominal responsive designs are important as hell today
@Maurize yes they are. We're building a responsive living style guide of Angular components for our company to use in all web apps going forward. It's a big project
@Cerbrus It's unlikely it's over, he doesn't seem to get it so I guess he'll be back
Did he get booted?
@phenomnomnominal Heh, we're doing the same thing :)
Yep, by me
sans the angular bit
@ivarni nice! Ain't it fun
*Nods in approval*
@phenomnomnominal I'm doing all stuff alone :D No one around me with web development knowledge
@phenomnomnominal Yes, and the reception we got from other teams at the company was awesome too. They've been copypasting stuff for years and we introduced them to npm
@ivarni Nice. We've had the same thing. We're also getting plenty of time to work on tooling, so we have drag and drop prototyping apps and that kinda stuff in the mix
So now we have a chance of having all webapps look the same, rather than what they have today where there are 8 variations of the top menu between different solutions
Haha we're the same. Our main site is a VB/apsx app that was started in 1999...
@phenomnomnominal That sounds neat. We're not there yet
We're looking at deleting about a million LOC
That's going to be a nice commit :)
Still a while away though. I'd say the old thing will be around a few more years as a fallback maybe
Yeah, rolling out stuff like that takes time, but at least you've started the ground-work
jo @Neoares o/
@Maurize \o
you are the real MVP @Maurize
Guys, can you have a look at this?
Q: $httpProvider interceptor not intercepting my API calls

shyamI have an angular application making async requests to an API service. Since a lot of the resources are protected on the API Service, I need to intercept the HTTP requests made to the service. But as far as I can see, the interceptor I have defined only intercept page load requests. Here is an e...

@shyam You've not set the correct CORS headers on the server, hence the error in the console
!!mdn cors
@ivarni The server provides CORS headers for all non 401 requests
as of now
Oh right, you're getting 401.. My bad :)
you're intercepting the response, shouldn't you be intercepting the request if you want to add authentication headers?
Yes. But my point is, the interceptor is not even registering anything
well, the request failed, you want to intercept responseError (iirc) to catch failed requests
Let me give that a try.
I've a scenario where by there is a signup located at app.site.com/signup. When you are logged in you should not be able to view this page but instead be redirected to the members area. The problem is when the user logs in I generate a JSON Web Token so that they can send that to the REST API. The problem is that if the user is logged in and goes to /signup the browser does not send the JWT obviously so in order to check if they are logged in the page would have to load and I've have to use
JS to check local storage or session storage if a JWT exists and then redirect to the members area but that seems a bit hacky. Is is okay that when they login I generate a regular PHPSESSID and also a JWT which is used for the API and the session ID is used for checking if they are logged in on say the /signup page
can you have custom types in jsdoc? :
@param {Availability} availability
@SuperUberDuper Yes.
@shyam docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service$http#interceptors gives an overview of how to intercept requests, reponses and their failed counterparts
Nginscript, a JavaScript vm embedded in Nginx.
What a day to be alive.
is this valid too :

@returns {void}
@ivarni I've most certainly gone through that, although in a completely random way to the point I don't have a clue anymore of what I have already tried and what I haven't. :/
@SuperUberDuper is this a question?
how do you specific no return type in jsdoc?
@SuperUberDuper Don't think so. It might be valid in some flavor or JSDoc, but I know the rules of JSDoc for Closure Compiler, and they specifically state that when there is no return value, there is no @return (NOT @returns)
@shyam Just add all 4 types of interceptor and study what gets intercepted where
I mean: This is a circus here, right? i.imgur.com/GpKEbPw.png
@ivarni OK
@SuperUberDuper Also check your @returns because it should be @return
so jdsoc is valid for @return void in some cases, or can I just remove all these lines in the codebase jsdoc for that?
@SuperUberDuper If you aren't returning anything, just omit the @return
> If there is no return value, do not use a @return tag.
What editor/IDE are you using? Most JSDoc plugins will look at your method/function and generate it for you.
/** then press enter
i know, working on another devs code
Ah, okay
I wish Intellij would fix the damn terminal in Webstorm
@ivarni I tried all 4 types. So now it shows a console entry with status: -1 when the 401 comes up
That is ridiculous isn't it? How do I handle this?
what wrong with terminal?
It's broken in Windows 10
get a mac dude
^ So funny. Hilarious even. A Mac over Windows. Hah!
windows is irelevant
@SuperUberDuper Good luck compiling C# without Mono
Also enjoy your games.
i dont play games, i develop
c# is irelevant
You're hilarious.
@BenFortune Uhm.. CoreCLR + OmniSharp = Profit
@RoelvanUden Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
js + london + contract = gravy train
You're a front-end dev?
Wait, CoreCLR is fully working?
I know they ported it a while back, didn't know it was working yet.
@SuperUberDuper I sure hope you don't have any customers running IE ;-)
@BenFortune It's in Beta AFAIK
ie8 we support
@SuperUberDuper Why? You have a mac
i have virtualbox
works fine
Yeah. Windows is irrelevant.
But Windows is irrelevant.
you shouldn't run that, you have a Mac
And we all know macs can support windows :)
dat resolution
the magic of that is actually in the apply not the push
uh, nvm
old window :(

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