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That's (figuratively) boiling. How do you live in such climate?
you can get used with that ...
at my parent's home, it's 21° ish during winter.
in the summer, it goes to 26°C :P
// no wall isolation and dark roof
It's usually 21°C in my house, sometimes lower depending on how cold it is outside.
I keep my house at 22
if my gf isn't home I like 20
I keep my house at 70-73
fuck it, I'm gonna learn webgl. Not worth putzing around it until I shit my pants. Just gonna go right for the shart
@SterlingArcher Y U FAHRENHEIT
70 ~= 21, I think
Close enough,
I read an article a while ago that advocated Farenheight in conversational context.
I thought it was well put
I mean, if America goes metric, Fahrenheit 451 will be a useless book
dat image with clinton and lewinski (?)
@Nick Celsius is based on the boiling and freezing points of water
miles, dollars and fahrenheit 4 lyfe
Kelvin starts from absolute zero and follows the same steps as Celsius
@MadaraUchiha yes, I know...
That moment when there are Scottish universities older than the USA.
I mean.. who would read a book called Celsius 232.778?
it (Celcius) is also ... more logical
I honestly have no idea what Fahrenheit is based on :D
It appears completely arbitrary
like inch/foot/yard :P
At least yards and inches were the sizes of some king's hand and arm
but please note, europe had these kinds of unit too, based on body parts. But we moved on to meters as measurement unit
"On Fahrenheit's original scale, the lower defining point was the lowest temperature to which he could reproducibly cool brine (defining 0 degrees)"
100 Fahrenheit might be the king's liver temperature.
like "el" as length of a male arm.
I learned metric weight from weed
"while the highest was that of the average human body temperature (defining 96 degrees, which is two to the sixth power above the freezing point of water"
if we could move on to logical units, then USA can too. but no, it is fine for you :P
> ~"Give me a fuckton of weed." ~"Metric?"
and to stay different
The UK is worse, we use both.
Ask any stoner/ex-stoner. They know their grams, ounces, and kilos xD
@MadaraUchiha lolz
oh, we doing the daily metric vs imperial argument?
@Luggage Mhm
@SterlingArcher Kilos?!
I feel like we should strive to uniformity, at least in anything to do with maths and science.
But that's none of my business\
If you deal in Kilos, I think you get classified as more than a casual user.
You don't have to deal in it to know it lol one thing I remember about my friends in college, they always reminisced on the times they had "kilos" and "stacks"
Americans use metric within the sciences, do they not?
science, yes. engineering, maybe.
we're coming along more and more. we're just slow (to change).
Too slow.
So why not just use it in everyday life? It'd take maybe 2-3 generations to change completely
The obvious reason, people stick with what they are accustomed to until forced to change.
Random, but I just noticed that when there's a little bit of water left, I drink it like I would take a shot..
Does that say something about my drinking habits?
@SterlingArcher Yes, it totally does.
You could make the same argument about language. Why doesn't everyone jsut start speaking a common language in their daily lives and in 2-3 generations we'll only have one language?
language isn't logical
Name one logical language, I dare you :p
If you can, I'll gladly learn it.
English -> Just no
Ancient egyptian.
Visual Basic
they spoke in pictures.
Jewish isn't a language, they speak Hebrew, no?
To be fair, emojis and hieroglyphics are eerily similar in structure
Sempai ._.
Prolog is the best suggestion so far,
@Jesse Has irregular verbs, illogical
Are there any ORM libraries for Oracle other that custom, half-complete forks?
ORM in node.js is a big black hole.
bookshelf and sequelize are the only serious ones and bookshelf is missing a LOT.
I just need a model-based library for Oracle. Bookshelf does it for MySQL, but not Oracle :(
Waterline ORM
Ancient Egyptian, do we know it other than the hieroglyphics?
oh? surprised no one did an oracle dialect for it.
nevermind, I guess Waterline doesn;t support Oracle
@DemCodeLines looks like somoene is working on it: github.com/tgriesser/knex/pull/990
@SterlingArcher =p
@Luggage Looks good enough, but I feel like I am gonna have a ton of trouble with the documentation there
protip: don't use Oracle
yea, and it's just some random boob's pull request. no word on if it's done well.
you'll always have doubts "is this error the oracle thing, , bookshelf, or me?"
I don't want to, but I have to because the entire DB structure (shared between multiple services) is in Oracle.
We use Oracle at work. I pity myself
just set up a foreign data wrapper in postgres and proxy through that (jsut kidding)
random boobs
I am connecting to server externally, I can't just get in and install random stuff before using the plugin
have a good day guys
make me
seeya tomorrow probably
Wow @Nick u so tough!!
no u
Damn you clean-css!
@SomeKittens you need spectacle
@SomeKittens How did you fail that hard?
@DemCodeLines took notes from yo mama
Assuming your profile picture is you, your (expected) age and that yo momma joke quality don't match. I am disappointed.
He's Canadian
@DemCodeLines how old do you think I am?
Between 20 and 30 ;)
@OliverSalzburg fork, fix, push ?
@DemCodeLines lame
you gotta narrow it down.
feeling old bruh ?
go get your stick and knock him
I prefer to call it my cane
thankyou very much
@rlemon 23 and 27
@DemCodeLines 29, and the beard is fake
forgot how it's called in english ... we're saying here (literally translated) "walking stick" to it
I figured, but I guess it's a good thing that you look young then, isn't it?
@KarelG It's a walking stick or a cane in English too
men age gracefully.
@rlemon Donald Trump?
at the liquor store the lady id's me and says "take it as a compliment"
@KarelG Go for it
what 29 year old man wants to be told he looks like a 18 year old.
@OliverSalzburg ah, it's not my issue. So .... ;-)
I look older than bob, and I'm only 23
but sometimes fixing an issue yourself is faster then the dev one if he's not active enough
How old would you say I look, photo
@KarelG It just cost me 2 hours to track this issue down. I'm not in the mood for contributing :P And it would be a nice change of pace if our dependencies worked right for a week or so
I've been told 16-18 previously
What a "guess"!
a co-worker once waited 6 months for an issue fix on a repo. I was really baffled that he was so patient.
No really, I'd say you look 14
Oh, it's not the youngest that's been said
ironically enough, he had fixed it himself after 2 months of waiting >.> (locally)
Does sequelize-oracle require me to install sequelize before I install the plugin or is it stand-alone?
@KarelG I've just spent quite some time working on fixes for postgres related libraries. And now a weird combination of FontAwesome, Bootstrap and clean-css breaks our layout. Ugh. I'd really love to work on our code for once :P
@DemCodeLines it's a fork
you've hust experienced the disadvantage of using libraries at large projects. In QA, we tend to not advise libraries if it's not "stable" if a library gets suggested during project meetings
jQuery 3.0
it's a matter of weighting
gotta be clean-css.
haha, a torrent that i just started shows "resting: 1y3d2h". A dead torrent >.>
@KarelG What on earth are you talking about?
@Luggage This is the bad part of using forks, don't know if the code is messed up or legit
/me stopped watching Youtube on desktop switched to mobile app expecting to have to find my place again..... It is already there. Yay Google
Windows already did that for a while
does anyone have any research on ~how much~ time concatenating css and js saves?
@AaronHarding what kind of time?
milliseconds, seconds?
the only advantage is the reduction on traffic ... (and server load ofc)
@KarelG and, ideally, once these are cached then this is further reduced
i'm just looking at concatenating but i really don't see the benefit
if my css files are split up in a modular way, then i can update one module of my css and keep the cached files of all the other ones in the clients browser
that is, for example, the reset stylesheet on my site will most likely never change, so this can be cached forever, and not re-downloading it if it's all concatenated
@AaronHarding developer time, user time, load time, vacation time?
@ssube haha
if anything, it takes longer to set up concatenating, and usemin, and so on
you're trading bandwidth for latency
client time
establishing connections, especially on mobile, is far more costly than reading from them
one file (one connection) with more content is typically faster to download
hm okay
so maybe this is a too technical question (but just to clarify) the connection to the file is established then it's all downloaded
why couldn't the connection break or drop whilst the file is being downloaded?
it's not technical enough
@AaronHarding it can, of course
if the connection breaks, it simply redownload the file again
is it harder to establish a connection than to download a file?
ah okay
thank you
do you have any other resources about this?
@AaronHarding did you have followed computer networks course ? OR you have still to do that
@KarelG nope, i'm more just interested in what i don't know? i'm just a hobbyist really
ah. ok
my technical knowledge is v low
it's usually explained in that course
hence, these questions :p
no problem :)
so theoretically it's better to include a larger css file that is downloaded once, and re-downloaded on every update, then to keep the css order so that only a css file is redownloaded once it's changed?
theoretically, you've spent more time on this conversation than whatever caching strategy will save you.
i have no strategy
just came to ask and understand
lots of css files will be slower to d/l, but you may not notice. I vote just one (or a few) cached css files. It's unlikely big enough to need any form of partial d/l.
but.. whatever you choose, it should be easy to change decisions later. That's the #1 goal, allow refactoring as new information presents itself.
i was thinking today how i've seen concatenated js files that can go quite large, and if you are updating them every now and then it seems like you are working against caching to do what the original intention was
lots will also run into HTTP1.1 limits
@Luggage thaaat's the best decision
Just use http 2.0, it's great and does everything
I use http 3.0. You may not have heard of it.
Should old software be preserved like old cars or is it OK if it's lost to the ages?
ngnix has an an alpha patch for http2, last time i read about it
hey kids!
hey, texmex
back in my day we used HTTP 1.0 and we liked it
@AaronHarding not just theoretically
@AaronHarding that's why you minify and compress
remember, server-side compression works much better on a single large file
@ssube sure, what i just wanted to talk about was concatenation tho
not minification / compression
@AaronHarding it's all part of the same thing
is it?
if you only do part, it doesn't really improve things
i don't think it is
You don't serve uncompressed content anyway
if you concatenate, minify, then compress, you'll see serious performance differences
imo server side compression is a huuge improvement
you can find separate tools to do either, but they go well together and are often found int he same tools
concatenation makes compression effective since it can compress the whole thing together
@ssube yeah okay, fair point
minification cuts out anything you're obviously not using more compression gets involved
@AaronHarding you've asked us if someone did a research on any improvement
all three and you can actually effectively serve resources
that's why my original question was if someone has done any research on this?
@AaronHarding yes, they have
like, even with your example?
could you send some? maybe i'm being a derp but i can't seem to find any in detail
@MadaraUchiha fuck physics
Realistic as fuck.
like is gzip expotential or what's the improvement after 1000 characters of javascript, after 5000, 25000, and so on
@AaronHarding that's not a real question
yeah, maybe not
but still :c
it depends on the script, but gzip provides some amount of compression on your average semi-random text data set
all compression algorithms have issues with small files
the header and the tables to decompress have overhead, you have to save more than they introduce
@MadaraUchiha I prefer game physics like that. Unreal Tournament 135/35 speed was my favorite as far as physics go
with fewer files, you save latency (each connection has to go through a negotiation process, which is synchronous and involves handshakes, so it's heavily affected by latency)
once a connection is established, the server can dump the file to the client as fast as possible
@ssube yeah, this was also explained to me, why i didn't know of before. interesting.
so true -- updated link (to see the title)
so the download, after the conn, is bandwidth-limited but not latency-limited
@KarelG what game?
updated the link. War thunder
which is a performance boost on mobile or non-wifi connections
anyway sorry, i've got to go feed some cats
@copy @BenjaminGruenbaum @Zirak thoughts? gist.github.com/ralt/ee1f05fd969ae98bea0f
Am I missing something? It sounds fairly simple, yet fairly robust
@SterlingArcher : just noticed this Dang, i should rewatch futurama
@FlorianMargaine Nice
@FlorianMargaine Couldn't you write the old token and new token in a single step?
@KarelG One of my favorite lines from the show
Logic for checking if a variable value has increased in a loop? eg. If(value > prev.value) ?
@copy what do you mean?
@copy that's basically what I do, just that I do it in a specific order (old token after fseeking, then new token after fseeking back to 0)
@copy I edited to add some information making it clearer
It would be safer if it was done in a single step, wouldn't it
What do you mean by single step?
Single write operation
I can't do a write operation in backwards
So change the structure
It also doesn't matter which one comes first
Yes, indeed
But maybe the actual write is done in a single step anyway
I also don't see how I could change the structure. The advantage of how it's laid out right now means that I can have only one token at a time
@copy btw, why would it be safer in a single write? (let's assume unbuffered io)
I think this "algorithm" makes it safe if the operation fails at any time, doesn't it?
@LuluthoMgwali Rephrase your question, please.
Basically, i want to increment value p. But only if value a's value has changed. something like this in pseudocode if(a > prevous a value) then p++
yup, that's right. You just might need to save 'a' yourself.
I mean save a copy to compare against as 'previous a'.
Like a temporary variable
var previousA;
var p = 1;
for (var a = 0; a < 100; a++) {
    if (a > previousA) {
        p = p + 1;
    previousA = a;
in that example, a will always be greater since it goes up by 1 each time, but replace with your own loop.
i was thinking to objectify it :p
like we do our women?
nah, something like
let me try this. Thanks.
var Value = function(val) {
    this.value = val;
    this.changed = false;
Value.prototype.change = function(newValue){
    this.changed = this.value !== newValue;
    this.value = newValue;
Value.prototype.hasChanged = function() { return this.changed; };
Value.prototype.reset = function() { this.changed = false; };
ok, that's different.
then you don't have to wonder about the local previousA variable
right, but you need to be able to control a.
where as mine is more copy-and-pastable.
another thing, im coding in C#
well, wtf
you're in js room ...
anyways, the syntax is same. Just make a struct of that
well, mvc controller.
OK, my answer has the benefit of, coincidently, being 100% valid in C#, too.
i see what you mean.
and prototype.change is just a method internal void change(...)
@KarelG That's so verbose
Just make an object
And it's also rather useless; what's your goal in life?
not die.
That's a bad goal
i'm destined to fail, eventually.
just live your life
that code was so bad someone questioned your lifestyle choices..
it's a solid way to ensure that you don't have to wonder if the temporary value has been changed
So you've replaced a variable with 4 functions calls and 2 variables
slow clap
i understand you, but the temporary value can be modified simply than what i did
@FlorianMargaine It sounds so, but I'm not sure
why not Object.defineProperty and use get/set
much more elegant
(@Zirak just head-desked)
if this is one-off in some existing loop, then I vote for my way. If we're talking about tracking a bunch of values and we may want to add more in the future and maybe redefine the definition of "change", then an object, like yours, could be good.
you just invented single-property backbone.js
Object.defineProperty(window, 'foo', {
  get: function() { return 42 }
It is one-offish. it will only ever be those two values
Why is this a discussion
He wants to keep track of the previous value, he doesn't want to orchestrate a DI factory service
so, defineProperty, it is.
real time chess
no 'turns'
each piece has its own timeout
it's your problem if you're not amused, but you don't know if a is global - or a part of the system - or locally set. If locally, then yes, objectifying it is an overkill

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