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after that.. you want to be able to quickly listend for "when the windows goes bigger than 500px, tell me, don't tell me avery time it changes, jsut when it changes according to my rule" ?
Oh, I got those functions already! : )
Works great and no leaks. I am going to show you the end result of my experiment on sunday. Hope you are there :D. I will post it here anyways.
If people hate spoilers then why did snape kill dumbledore?
digby dies
Tyler Durden is the narrator.
There is no spoon.
he had a sled named rosebud.
@rlemon going up to an orchard tomorrow, so maybe?
can't hurt to grab some fresh cider
you need a carboy and vapour lock
and champagne yeast. works better for cider
@ssube their cider is the best
I could get those from the surplus store down the street
for cider you don't need yeast nutrient
if you can get a glass carboy, I suggest it
easier to clean
axman is fuckin sweet: ax-man.com
d47 yeast is what I used last, turned out great
get some Star San too
or san star
forgot which it was
star san
cheese cloth doesn't hurt
but you don't need that till bottling (2 weeks)
Northern Brewer is awesome
I like ciders, but I don't like buying kegs
so maybe I should make some
you don't need kegs
@rlemon I can either buy kegs or make my own
carboy -> bottle -> enjoy
like, full kegs, from the store
2 weeks in carboy, two weeks in bottle.
carbonated cider
isn't the bottling a pain?
I've done that before on beer
you need a press, right?
you get a siphon with a turn noob
$15 for a bottle capper. 150 bottle caps is like $4
use old beer bottles
don't have any. My roommate who works at Surly gets beer benefits, but only cans.
so we just drink cans
you can usually buy clean empty bottles from micro brew places
look around
today I bought 60 wine bottles for $1 a bottle
clean, new.
also have to make sure the housemates are ok cooking booze
do you have to carefully temperature-control it?
why wouldn't they? mormon?
nope. Doubt they'll care.
@Shmiddty Happy birthday you smelly koala!
@ssube imho they'll care when it'll be brewed
@FlorianMargaine oh yeah
@Nick you are in MN right?
13 hour drive
I've driven worse, though
hey, in case a noob to javascript ever comes asking for help, I found this - Cody Lindley : “Basic JavaScript” … [is the] most complete and concise write up I am aware of. 2ality.com/2013/06/basic-javascript.html
its so short yet packed
is also nice
Dayum, rlemon, that's a hella nice beard you got gan' there.
Holy cow, the satisfaction codepen.io/towc/pen/GpZNgm?editors=001
I implemented my first backculling thing :D
and it works like a charm
I did use normal vectors calculated at every frame tho :/
There must be a better way to do this...
let result = _(schedule)
  .groupBy((doc) => doc.schedule.day)
  .reduce(function (arr, current, day) {
      day: day,
      cycles: _.omit(current, 'day')
  }, []).value();
Has anyone here had any luck using PhantomJS on a page that executes the saveAs() function to save a Blob?
I can't get it to not crash
Welcome to the wonderful world of PhantomJS, where stuff like Function.bind is still considered an error :)
i do expect errors when using stuff that's not in spec, Function.bind giving errors is ridiculous
@corvid Looks fine to me; except that you're not returning anything in your reduce function, and you shouldn't have the .value() at the end.
Yeah it's also just a map, so changed it to map
@corvid the reduce was changed to a map?
so you just return the vals, rather than push the the arr right?
that was the only weirdness I saw, the arr.push
yeah, this method is going so slowly for scheduling. Too big to post in chat
@towc try this codepen.io/towc/pen/…
Guys tell me if im imagining things or if this really works. The first week I had really problems learning javascript because I started with jquery until I read an article about how bad the usage of jquery for newcomers was and how one could get better performance by creating microlibraries. Now after nearly 2 months I can create entire plugins with native javascript.
I never wanted to stay comfortable and kept pushing myself to extremes. This languages is great, I feel like some magician
@rlemon I had a nice friday until now XD
Also you guys and the community are pretty harsh. Criticism is really gold especially here.
@Asperger javascript is horrible. But javascript is love, javascript is life, so...
@Asperger is that even a compliment? ;)
@towc what?
yes it is.
you guys are pretty harsh
alright, thanks!
Well with the criticism but that is what I like
It's true, we are
expecially Florian, he's the harshest
If everything was "great" then how will someone improve?
ok well never had the chance to see his harshness!
@Asperger oh, we could give criticism in a nicer way
We just cba
@FlorianMargaine do you think with the rising significance of "Browsers" will we see HTML5 and Javascript become the number 1 language?
I mean considering that we already have node.js
and web apps are getting very desktop like. JS might be interpreted but could there be a chance that in 10 years from now this language, or Dart etc will become the most dominant? We can see what can be done with Node.js, html5, WEBGL
@Asperger Its already been happening and has for a while
I can't remember the last time I was asked to create a non web app... its seriously been 8 years or so
(minus mobile)
especially webgl. I saw some graphics that rivaled ps2 stuff, or even 3
I wonder if webgl will ever trump apis like directx
@Loktar that's because of the field you work in tho
@FlorianMargaine true
I can't remember the last time I was asked to create a mobile app
@FlorianMargaine To an extent yes, but more industries are ditching desktop applications for web based ones
Mobile apps are Java?
I created a gui app a few months ago, it's still useful for some things
(but agreed, desktop apps are going the way of the dodo)
@Loktar agree. I read a lot about that
I can't remember the last time I got asked to do anything programming related... oh wait, it never happened XD
@Asperger objective-c
Can someone create a post for me in stackoverflow ?
@AshwinVenkataraman Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AshwinVenkataraman no
@AshwinVenkataraman can't you? explain
@Asperger For Android, yes. For iOS, enjoy ObjectiveC
he is blocked
I can create. But I want someone else to create it. I want it to be a reference
@ivarni swift.
@FlorianMargaine Oh right they made a new thingy
@ivarni ah but there are awesome things like cocoonjs ect. that let you write it all in js/css/html :)
What happened to google dart by the way?
Or write JS and compile to whatever via the dozen tools for that because the only thing we do in JS-land is compile to and from JavaScript.
@Loktar you may want to look at this ;)
I've played all #js13k games. This is VERY subjective of course, but here is my top 20: https://gist.github.com/gre/f1bf4887d6c799ff7adb
woah wow mines on there?
thats pretty cool actually
Yeah, 14th
@Loktar I was in the PhoneGap beta because I prefer to not bleed out of both eyes while programming :)
Did google stop developing Dart?
@Loktar 4th for this guy
I did not hear about anything new lately
wow craz
@ivarni phonegap is way different
cocoonjs is mostly for games, its great
@towc thats kind of an honor, but idk I feel weird because I mean I think my games fun but technically so many more are way better
I don't really do game dev but I'll take your word for it
the scoring seems pretty messed up, but I hope you enjoy knowing that a lot of people actually really like it
Which is yours, Loktar?
ribbit smash
I like the driving mechanic in mine, it turned out well imo. I'm going to do something more with it
lol to ruin the magic, its basically the same method used to make an asteroids clone
and I dampen the velocity when you're turning
man the 2d fighting game is amazing imo though
the one with swords and shields. Skeletal animations as well.. its so fucking nice.
that one is god danged amazing
@Loktar yup, I'm very glad it's not competing in mobile XD
hello everyone
@RezaMansouri Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I'm copying a div content to clipboard using zeroclipboard library.
the problem is the text is multiline, but when I paste the text, it's not multiline :(
can any one help please
Happy Birthday @Ṣhmiddty and @RyanKinal hope you guys got some cool shit!
do you prefer a for() loop or a while() loop when searching an array of key pairs?
an array of key pairs?
@jbolanos you mean an object?
If I'm searching, I use .some
var data = {
    'start.seam' : { "queue": "GEN", "pageName": "OAO Start" },
    'apprequest.seam': { "queue": "GEN", "pageName": "OAO Personal Information"    }
That's an object
not an array
Is there a more simple way of converting a mongoose implementation to a MySQL one? Please say yes...
@DemCodeLines no
remember the 11ty billion people who said "Don't use Mongo?"
11ty billion and one
Yes, and that's why I am asking this question. I initially followed a tutorial and built a basic backbone. Now I am trying to build on it and convert to SQL.
your punishment is to start over
@DemCodeLines Delete all code and start over
Your punishment is to refer to objects as "arrays of key pairs" for a week.
key paris france?
I forgot about .some - thanks
@jbolanos other option: use for...in loops ;)
!!mdn for...in
@copy Not really worth it, I am stuck on one file, the login issue
I'm having to deal with C#, PHP, my brain is on the fritz
I have to say, Common Lisp has some functions that could be out of the standard... although it's really useful
you don't "deal" with C#, you dance with it and get guided by your fingers ;)
PHP on the other hand....
I just look at the C# developers and tell them not to bring their devil code near me
C# is absolutely awesome :/
Yeah, what's wrong with you?
I love it
I stopped at ASP
C# =/= just ASP
@FlorianMargaine It's used all over in elisp
okay - going to stay with my for loop.
function getPageName() {
    for (var key in data) {
        if (document.URL.indexOf(key) > -1) {
            pageName = data[key].pageName;
            return pageName;
!!tell jbolanos mdn Object.keys
@Zirak yeah but it's normal for emacs to have this function
not so much for a general purpose language
Ah crap, need some advice guys
Q: Newly created objects call to constructor undefined if constructor is inside another function

AspergerI just learned OOP and there is one little thing that I am not able to solve. The problem is a scope issue of some sort. If I have a parent function for my constructor such as, lets say a resize event for example, and I create a new object outside of the constructors parent method then what do I ...

Wait, so Mongoose (and MongoDB) allow you to automatically create a new collection using var schema = new mongoose.schema({}) if it doesn't exist, but MySQL doesn't, so I have to manually create it and assume it exists without any verification?
you don't have to assume it exists, you just created it
@CapricaSix Object.keys() supported in IE8?
@SomeKittens Well, if I am not creating a schema (at least in the code), then that means I need to either accept the hash and salt in the class definition header or make it a global class variable.
@SomeKittens do you know how to access my constructor if that is inside another function... that is if I create a new object from it
@DemCodeLines Run a CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS before every query, that's how the pros do it
got an example above. If you have a minute that is
@Zirak Yeah, it's just that coming from mongoose syntax, any methods that are added on top of the schema and that are accessing the hash and salt, it was pretty much guaranteed that those two variables exist. Now, after switching to MySQL, I have to declare those variables globally (or treat User like a class and accept hash and salt as arguments).
My VPN connects to server but I cannot ping google and yet use this connection to use google.
hot apple cider + spiced rum
any clue ?
@Asperger bananas
@rlemon incredibly jealous
I love apple cider
used to get it fresh-pressed back home
@SomeKittens I dont know what you mean by that
we had scrub apple trees that weren't good for anything but cider
@Asperger I'm sorry to hear that
@SomeKittens somethings seems wrong lol
next house I get, I'm going to make sure I have enough land for an apple tree
or two
@rlemon Same here
I really need to read on function scopes, or whatever you call it
not so much "next" as "the first"
I'll be here for at least 5 years, most 10
@Asperger jsforcats.com
!!learn catify <>http://jsforcats.com/
@SomeKittens Command catify learned
@SomeKittens thats far too simple
is there a book u guys recommemd to on js not to a NEW person for learning
but far from an expert? want to give for a gift...
@anatp_123 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@anatp_123 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@anatp_123 Eloquent Javascript!
!!tell anatp_123 catify
Eloquent Javascript and the Mozilla documentation
great stuff
So what's the verdict on the better MySQL ORM for Node? Sequelize or Bookshelf?
I've heard good things about knexjs.org
Someone a good suggestion for learning AngularJS? pluralsight.com/tag/…
There are so many courses to start with :)
@Duikboot The tutorial on the Angular site itself is very good
BookShelf is built on Knex
I have to say: I have JS knowledge but it's not reaching much further than jQuery :) I want to digg deeper and start learning Angular :)
@Duikboot no, I meant this: docs.angularjs.org/tutorial
damn, just noticed how bad my question sucked. Edited lol
ok thanks :)
CLI utility for hermes is written
built a debian package... looks like it's working nicely :-)
now, documentation.
ah, that demise of all projects
doc written.
the angular phonecat tutorial needs some serious help; it mostly works, but last time I looked, it was terribly out of date
@Zirak I have since read/saw everything he wrote/showed
but thanks
for nothing
you shit
Please, don't whip me again
your reverse psychology won't work on me
Then at least use the thorny one
@Loktar I got myself a djembe and some teeshirts
and a petrified wood orb
and some art supplies

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