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Haha, right
You keep making me want to try to learn Lisp. I just give up because I don't know what's on the horizon
@towc it's not easier than triangles. Culling any surface uses surface's normal vector.
@ssube maybe there's a way to do this without that tho :/
If the angle between the normal and the camera's vector is <= 90 degrees, the surface is not visible.
@towc not a good one. Face normal culling is the best method.
but the implementations I've seen are extremely expensive
normal culling is incredibly cheap
like, loads of trig, right?
@FlorianMargaine How were you testing the module knowing for sure that you wouldn't lock yourself out?
@SomeGuy like every new programming language you learned
a lot will be stuff you already know
it should be a single cross product
@towc it's a dot product: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Back-face_culling
@SomeGuy I used python3-simple-pam (that I already have on my computer for an unrelated reason)
Calculate the dot product of the surface normal and the camera vector. > 0, cull.
@SomeGuy I could've used something like this: github.com/beatgammit/simple-pam/blob/master/src/test.c
a simple program using the PAM API
like login managers are doing
Ah, makes sense
@towc you also calculate the surface normal once when you create the surface, then simply transform it when you move the surface. The transform is a matrix multiplication, so you have one matrix mult and one dot product (vector mult). It's super cheap math, no algebra.
@ssube my objects rotate around different center points, so the normal for each face will change
@FlorianMargaine Oh yeah, since you're a PAM module, you get called on a login attempt, right? So it's "Login screen -> enter usb stick -> enter"
@towc no, it won't. When you rotate the object (by applying a matrix transform), apply the same transform to the normal.
That's why we use matrices so heavily in graphics.
Every tri or mesh is in its own space with its own origin, you just make them work together by applying matrices down the scene graph.
@ssube oohh! So you'd suggest me to use matrices to describe the position of every object?
that would make sense...
a lot of it
A 4x4 matrix can store the translation, rotation, and scale of a surface or object. Organize your objects in a scenegraph (a tree) and apply a transform (matrix) to each node.
Every object in that node receives the transform, as does its normal.
yeah, makes total sense
So in your demo, each bar (with four sides and two end caps) would be a node in the graph. You transform each node (the whole bar) and that propagates down to all 6 rects.
You can even just have a single bar and just render it multiple times with different transforms (the basis of batching, which is critical for performance when you have millions of nodes).
Each time you render, walk the graph, apply the matrix, check the normal, then draw.
A scene graph is a general data structure commonly used by vector-based graphics editing applications and modern computer games, which arranges the logical and often (but not necessarily) spatial representation of a graphical scene. Examples of such programs include Acrobat 3D, Adobe Illustrator, AutoCAD, CorelDRAW, OpenSceneGraph, OpenSG, VRML97, X3D, Hoops and Open Inventor. A scene graph is a collection of nodes in a graph or tree structure. A tree node (in the overall tree structure of the scene graph) may have many children but often only a single parent, with the effect of a parent applied...
holy shit, that explains so much about 3d perf!
although to apply that I'd need to rewrite most of my code...
I guess next time, but thanks for explaining this to me, it's awesome!
you're welcome
@Nick shut up
It's also really easy to implement. You have a Tree and a Surface. Trees have nodes, leaves have surfaces, surface has the element, color, normal.
@Zirak although technically, the usb stick can be plugged in before
but yes, PAM modules are short-lived programs
Each node on the scene graph looks roughly like this SceneNode class
well, technically, it's just a shared library that pam-runtime calls. And pam-runtime is a short-lived program.
@ssube lol, I saw the template placeholders for a second there
I'll read them sometime, bookmarked tho ;)
just search "javascript scene graph" and look at the libraries
there are a few webgl ones, a few DOM ones
ofc, thank you ^^
you're welcome
@Nick of course I am
> Head to this Google form to let me know your size and where to send it. Instructions for the locationally challenged have been provided.
@Nick I actually went back to check if you had actually sent me something interesting :P
There should be a way to receive swag without the sender knowing my postal address
@AwalGarg get it to a friend, then he can send it to you ;)
@AwalGarg thats why we have PO boxes in USA
@Nick In India, every box is a PO box.
@Nick PigeOn Boxes? (jk)
Post Office Box
It's a private box that you go to and pick up mail instead of them putting it in your mailbox
In India, most boxes are lunch boxes. (j/k, in case you assume this is true and start a stereotype out of this)
in europe, most boxes are filled with cats
The two are not mutually exclusive in Thailand.
just thought that in 6-8 weeks I might not be there anymore
@AwalGarg wtf kind of stereotype could we come up with about lunch?
... oh well.
post redirect will be used.
@ssube that every box in India would be a lunch box only?
in china, most boxes are both lunch boxes and are filled with cats </bad-joke>
/me makes a joke about China killing all their boxes at birth.
@AwalGarg THey should
@towc @MadaraUchiha just did this joke with Thailand.
Oh, I didn't realize he was talking about boxes :P
@rlemon your highlighting script doesn't work on truncated scripts. Eg. ones long enough for the site to hide. When you hit expand, it loses all formatting
@Cereal rlemon is afk: shower
Long ass shower
hello all
!!s/ass /ass-/
@KendallFrey Long ass-shower (source)
Good morning
is there any way to catch error if image is broken? like if i provide wrong path to image in <img src-"wrongpath"> "
unrelated but fucking amazing (misleading image, it's actually incredbile)
onError ?
you can't try/catch in html
what's that attribute to give the image a label
I forgot
@MuneemHabib If you do an img.onerror you can spot that there was an error, but not the reason
@catgocat alt? title?
@catgocat alt
@Zirak what about the error event? no details?
ok thanks sir
one thing more can i know size of image? if i am getting image from <img src="path">
@AwalGarg No. It's by design, for the only reason these things are limited: Security.
@Zirak but that only makes sense for cross-origin images
alt, that's it
@AwalGarg Not just. Use your imagination.
if you were to test a web url in javascript just to get a server response (the page is up or its a 500 etc.) what would the correct approach be? just trying to google something..
@JoJo Use a mock request that returns a predictable response.
@Zirak can't see how it could be worse than xhr exposing return headers of GET requests
ok I will try googleing javascript mock request
@JoJo you just pass a fake request class or factory or whatever
that's how mocks work in general
Why is the html room so dead?
> html ... dead
I'm sorry if this isn't a good question, I suck at coding after two years now, I kinda get jquery and thats the only thing I've read a book about but when people help me workout a problem I see clearly that I don't know shit. any suggestions on the best fast track to being really good at this
@MaxMeents Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Nick because it's not the html5 room
@ssube might I employ JSONP to do this? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSONP
@JoJo no
@MaxMeents do stuff
any particular suggestion @FlorianMargaine
do stuff without jquery
Im confused, I just want to make sure for example cnn.com/index.html does not return a 500 from my server so it is cross domain. How is this done in Javascript
it's not cross domain if your server does it
or at least cross domain is not a problem
My server will call a zillion other url's.. so it needs to be cross domain
therefore I think JSONP is the answer
CORS is the answer
@MaxMeents from that wording I understand that you took on jQuery before you mastered JavaScript?
JSONP is a half-assed hack
if it's your server, there are no restrictions on calling other domains
@MaxMeents not really. Do stuff that seems interesting to you
CORS only matters for browsers, not server-side requests
yes this is done from a browser..
I will look into CORS
ohh.. then stop saying server
your right
@MaxMeents learn JavaScript then. One of the key flaws with new developers is they learn jQuery without understanding fundamental JS. Do a project without jQuery, and you'll learn a lot
would you pay for college in this subject?
programming that is
Programming is like driving, you learn it by doing it.
your decision to get a college education should be aboure more than JS.
@MaxMeents hangout more here, and don't take anything personally
You can't read a textbook on programming and be a programmer. You have to write a lot of code and learn a lot of things to be good.
I'd move to Germany and get free education there
For JS, you can read "JavaScript: The Good Parts". It's short and it helped a lot of people.
Portuguese college is free, come! Just kidding we have enough refugees..

rhapsodynMy WebAPI was deployed in the Intranet environment. That means security was not my concern. It seems that CORS is much more friendly to the client and easier to implement. Any other concerns I might have missed?

@copy you know, free education is the situation pretty much everywhere except the US.
I will check into it @BenjaminGruenbaum
but yeah Germany is solid :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum Is it?
I'm way out of the loop. What's with all the refugees I keep hearing about?
India doesn't have free education
@SomeGuy yes, in most of the world.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, any other place works too (probably even better because the weather is so shitty here)
But Germany is very open to accepting foreigners
you probably don't want your client(s) to be blasting ohh lots of requests to random sites.
what are you trying to do?
@SomeGuy by law, it does. but only by law.
@copy Germany is a pretty badass place, probably one of the sanest places to live right now.
@BenjaminGruenbaum France is not bad either :P
@SterlingArcher youtube.com/watch?v=RvOnXh3NN9w Refugee crisis explained)
@FlorianMargaine France is pretty awesome and affordable too, I agree.
Can someone tell me any reasons why the creator didn't include the invariant function inside of the proxied function in the following code?
function proxied () {
  var target = {}
  var handler = {
    get (target, key) {
      invariant(key, 'get')
      return target[key]
    set (target, key, value) {
      invariant(key, 'set')
      return true
  return new Proxy(target, handler)
function invariant (key, action) {
  if (key[0] === '_') {
    throw new Error(`Invalid attempt to ${action} private "${key}" property`)
@Luggage one of the types of 'content' a user can make on the web site is another website.. if the website is down or the url gives another error we want to show a pretty img instead
proxies!!! reads code
so they are submitting a url to your server?
@AwalGarg I'm trying to understand the use of them currently :P
@ZachSaucier why should it be in the proxied function?
@ZachSaucier because it's not an actual function, the poster illustrates that you can use proxies to enforce an invariant.
I can't hear the video.. is Syria under a revolution or something?
Oh wait, it actually is included.
@SterlingArcher yes, for like 4 years now.
Syria is FINALLY being defended by someone... good job Russia!
@AwalGarg because I didn't figure it would be used outside of something like that
@SterlingArcher Under, over, between, around... they're all over the revolution business.
There is not a preposition Syria hasn't revolutionized.
uhh... was that my outside voice?
!!afk lunch
never heard of assad or isis?
@ZachSaucier if you put it inside, everytime the proxied function is called, a new invariant function will be created
so because there will be multiple proxied calls then
The thing about Syria I most care about is whether people keep fleeing from there and what happens to them.
@Luggage honestly I haven't been paying attention. I know ISIS is bad and growing though
@ZachSaucier also that code should be strictly academical, but I guess you already realize that. technically it is not good code and useless.
I'm vaguely wondering if YourAdrenalineFix === YourCommonSense
pretty interesting! Google sends you $10 for every user who signs in to Google Apps with the link you shared google.com/intx/en-GB_ALL/work/apps/business/landing/partners/…
@ZachSaucier I'd also shift the handler object out for the same reason.
What would the point of the proxied function be if that happened then @AwalGarg?
@ZachSaucier creating a new private object, and returning a proxy for the said object
so to keep instances private?
@ZachSaucier better solution: look at real world code which uses proxies, instead of crap like this
does anyone have a good autohotkey autocomplete script for javascript or jquery?
lol, I still don't understand what they are supposed to do, so hoping to have some understanding. If you have real world examples to show I'm all ears
are proxies even supported anywhere, yet?
@Luggage spidermonkey
anywhere good?
@Luggage chrome follows the old spec
spidermonkey is good
@ZachSaucier hacks.mozilla.org/2015/07/es6-in-depth-proxies-and-reflect nothing better than this for now
Python room is really anal. No humour allowed, apparently
yea, just starting shit.
@Nick Python room is awesome
@MaxMeents write it
yeah, I'm looking for it right now and there is nothing
that might be a good way to start learning javascript instead of jquery
@Nick …
"is subjective"
Hm. Is there a good library to deal with time blocks displaying on the dom? I have a series of objects with durations I need to register as times.
@Nick you weren't really funny
Spam is objectively not humour
@corvid moment.js
The built in way.

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