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updated but still not working jsfiddle.net/Le8qx8ke what am i doing wring here
@rlemon My god we can only pray
Okay, I have a... jQuery question
@Tsea your fiddle doesn't have imported the jquery lib
@KarelG i just switched that but clearInterval is still not working
Has anybody here tried soylent.com/product/drink ? I intend to.
@SomeGuy @mikedidthis Great game! You guys have a lot of talent
@Abhishrek haven't, but I had a coworker who said it did the trick for him
@Abhishrek Yes
Tried 1.3-1.5
@SomeKittens Experience ?
they made a change in 1.4 that ruined it for me.
1.3 was great, worked well for me if I was busy or didn't want to do dishes.
what's the purpose of that soylent drink ?
1.4 & 1.5 had some chemical that made me lose all ability to focus
@KarelG to replace food.
@KarelG Easy meal that fulfills all nutritional requirements
I am really compelled to move on it completely for lunch.
@SomeKittens That's the people
@SomeKittens Is it there in 2.0 ?
Dunno, haven't tried 2.0
@SomeKittens how did you determine that it was the soylent that was having the effect?
@Ṣhmiddty process of elimination
took me about a week
I thought it was lack of sleep at first.
@SomeKittens could it also be psychological effect of not having proper meal ?
@Ṣhmiddty according the site, i only see addition of carbohydrates, lipids and protein. Where is fiber, vitamins, minerals ?
@Abhishrek did you miss the part where I did fine on 1.3?
and other nutrition stuff that i cannot name
@SomeKittens No. I am considering prolonged psychological effects.
as in effects that occured in longer run.
@KarelG Perhaps I am mistaken
@Abhishrek I still have 1.3 and use it occasionally.
Oh that explains, thank you !
part of the "What's distracting Skittens" was going back to 1.3
and I was fine.
I am amused by how the natural verb for soylent is "use" instead of "eat"
or even "drink"
"Quaff a Soylent today!"
that site is so full of marketing crap
" This version of Soylent is not GMO-free. "
@KarelG So you wont try it, I presume.
should of figured it out from that.
just showing belgian food culture :/
rodenbach is good stuff.
arstechnica.com/gadgets/2015/08/… <- shows just how bat-shit crazy the soylent guy is.
@KarelG Oh its kinda speaks loudly and proudly that you love food, which is great ;D
I love food too, but I find soylent economical and very efficient.
you may drink it, but don't do that 3 per day
don't think that it would be a wise move, to drink that 3 per day, without having a real meal
well, the idea is that it is a complete meal, but yea.. I have my reservations.
> In 2013 United States utilities generated 4,066 TWh of electricity and collected $370 billion in revenue. Of this, 70% came from fossil fuel sources like coal and natural gas. Nuclear has a strong showing of 20% and “renewables” are the other 10%, the majority of which is hydroelectric.
in my country, 50+% is nuclear energy. Just questioning if we're doing it good. Less CO2, but huge risks
@KarelG Supposedly the newer nuclear plants are quite low risk.
With even less radioactive emissions than coal.
Renewables have a lot of problems as well.
We don't want the whole grid to collapse when a cloud comes out.
the youngest nuclear plant is from '85 =p
oldest is 10 years older, still in use
nuclear: risk of a catastrophy, coal: a little poison every day
France is busy with a new form of energy: fusion
check for ITER project. Interesting challenge
yea, maybe one day. I think it needs more funding
it's the only hope for solving energy
Fusion has been 20 years away for like the last 40 years.
fission would do, for now, if people weren't scared of it.
@KarelG someone's wheel fell off
yet, today, those "greenies" are yelling for clean energy like windmills or solar panels. But most of them have NIMBY syndrome ...
(nimby = not in my backyard)
i usually react on a dry manner "where do you place them then ?"
How about in the middle of the desert?
roofs should be made of solar panels
windmills can work in farm-land, as they don't take up much space on the ground or block much sun
it depends if your country has space. My country is building windmills on a seabank because there is not much qualified locations for windmills. Solar panels however doesn't create problems
wtf... literally a hour after i visited that soylent webpage, its advertisements is now visible on some sites, even my fb ...
Yeah, retargeting cookies
@KarelG I love how Google is like "You've clearly been considering buying products from Acme Product Co., let me show you an ad for it in case you weren't aware of it."
@KarelG Get one of those tracker blocking extensions.
well, i don't mind that they track me, sometimes i see good products from amazon, worth checking out
but mostly, it goes ...
Why isn't fiddler capturing any traffic?
Capturing is on
I had that today. We were talking about something in the chat. 30 mins later it is in my YouTube ads
youtube ads are targeted?
He'll yea
I get vape and workout ads constantly.
Weird, because almost everything I see is ridiculously annoying and irrelevant
and it shows me the same ad 50 times
Well same. But they are vape ads or workout ads
Right now it's mostly Fido ads
no fucking clue
@Zirak you have some thought to give now
Has any one done any canvas designs where by you draw a bunch of dots on a canvas in a galaxy spiral shape? I am wondering if there is a simple way to do that kind of style
or may know of a tutorial to do draw dots in that manner
well, exponential spiral is what you want I guess
Youtube and google are same thing both are targeted ...
@SaeedAnsari Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SaeedAnsari Difference being YouTube is terrible at it
@KendallFrey yes I mean driven by same minds.
@rlemon Creepy
And I don't want to buy stuff all the time, especially not influenced by the company with the biggest ad budget
^-- difficult since they've income due of their ad strategy (if it works well)
:D someone is reviewing a lot of the js13k entries, in a couple of minutes, this was what the guy had to say about mine ;)
@KarelG Not when using ad blockers
i don't use it. i don't mind these ads under certain conditions
haha he commented on mine
In fact I enjoy watching them they are interesting sometime lol
Guys how do I round a number to "tens" 10, 20, 30, 100, 110, 160, 200. etc
@Asperger google.nl/…
I dont get the link there...lol
its unrelated
@Asperger urm.... what?
I will just use the round method
@Loktar he does a pretty nice job I think. He played all the games before and figured out the rules before jumping straight into it, not making a fool himself nor giving shit to the creator
yeah thats pretty cool of him
I watched a few yesterday was hoping he would get to mine
@towc kinda but with spiral arms
but thats a very cool animation
@Dave that was @towc
sorry :)
@Dave just spawn the particles at a certain range of radians and you should be fine ;)
oh now thats beautiful
@copy it was a voice recognition software. 30-ish minutes after we were telling that guy what to make and I was suggesting voice recognition
@rlemon How does google know what you type in this chat?
Google knows what I'm about to eat for dinner!
@copy well google does index the chat
but I wouldn't think so quick
I don't remember searching for anything to do with it tho, and it is a new youtube ad for me
coincidence maybe, but damn.
I find Relay extremely intriguing. That is all.
yeah it seems cool, but a bit complex as well
@rlemon sounds more coincidence than anything
@rlemon That's what they want you to think
schema for a todo mvc..
yea, but I have a schema like that for my app, it's just not in that form
@Asperger divide by 10, then use round/floor/ceil, then multiply with 10 again ? Just think a bit ...
types for all db columns, relations, validation/format rules.
and i build as much of the api and ui from that meta-data
so relay really seems like it'll fit well to me since it's all about the schema.
but i haven't really done more than read about it, so I need to find time to do something with it.
@Loktar google knows how many people I still have in the basement. I actually lost count
@Loktar but i don't get mutations.. :)
@Loktar you should log into diablo some time and see if you're getting any of these gifts I'm sending
I'm curious what a 'gift' is
> The staff would like to personally reach out and thank you for being a loyal customer.
just got this on an automated phone call.
nice Leon's, nice.
do you still play Diablo 1 or 2 ?
found 3 not so good
3 got better
but no I don't play 2 anymore
have it, just don't play it
@rlemon crap yeah I need to
they drop from mobs
LOL thats awesome @SomeKittens
"gift for loktar"
@rlemon alright Ill get it updated tonight hopefully
I can only do one thing, give it to you :D
I don't know why it doesn't just auto send them
picked up some juice, vaping is awesome... I can do it in the car with the windows down, which was nice, since it's raining
@Nick did the guy show you how to prime the coil and stuff?
told him I hadn't used it before. He filled it up for me and everything
good stuff
yea, good shops will show you how to do everything
if you get any extra money, buy a second rig. if you break the first one and have to wait you are WAY more likely to buy a pack of cigs.
if you don't break it, batteries only good for ~400-600 charges
and if the cigarettes break, you're likely to buy some crack.
*well, it is good past that, but you get far higher drop off
you don't even need to get the same one, or a really good one. just something for emergencies.
ofc, just my opinion.
will one cig be a big deal if you just go back to vaping?
no, but yes.
a LARGE part of quitting smoking is mental
so physically will it matter in the long run, not really.
mentally. yea
Was @Nick a smoker before?
likely to want to just stay with the cigs?
Oh, good
i don't smoke* but i enjoy bumming a cigarette a few times a year.
i get quite a buzz since i don't normally use tobacco
Guys, new South Park episode tonight, which means watch it tomorrow on hulu
Hi guys, I'm kind of new to the concept of reactive programming, and trying to wrap my head around using react.js and either bacon.js or rx.js. Any recommendations?
my vote is always for bacon
essentially. just designing a big list that can either be added to or deleted from. I've found allot of examples. but all of them use so many external libs. And I'd like to try and keep it restrictive to the two.
I've been leaning towards bacon from what I've read.
what's the relationship to jQuery? I see it used in the bacon.js examples.
@DenysSéguret Miaou is 502'ing again. (I promise it's not my fault this time xD)
vaping is a good way to quit but don't give yourself a reason to occasionally go back to a cig
@AndrewMata I was considering rx.js, but bacon.js seems interesting.

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