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before that I was unemployed for 2 years because no experience.
right now the big players in the 'space race' for the nasa contracts is SpaceX. SNC, Boeing, and I think one more. @SterlingArcher your company is serious in the space business. I'm sure @KendallFrey knows a lot about them
I'm certainly impressed
@rlemon unfortunately I'm not on the space side of the company lol
doesn't matter
500 quid? I could probably make that in a week of busking at the Fringe..
@SterlingArcher your office is on earth? sucks :(
I could work at Google as a janitor and still brag. "yo brah, I work at google!"
lmao Florian god dammit
@Callum I was on about £950 a monthj
@BenFortune Wow...
@Callum that's like $2000
that's like a lakh rupees here. sooo nice.
What's a quid?
@SterlingArcher a singular squid
"500 British Pound equals 774.77 US Dollar"
I thought that was a Euro
@FlorianMargaine GOD DAMMIT
@BenFortune If you can handle a lot of torture, come to India and live like a pro.
@AwalGarg I don't think those two go together...
Anyway, travelling home and getting blind drunk. See you all tonight/tomorrow :)
I'm sure things will work out
@BenFortune if you're open to relocation, I can help you find a job in Northern VA/DC area
@BenFortune are you in London?
high paying jobs for jr level devs ;)
seems like you are right in line with those people here insisting that the US minimum wage should be $15/hr ($2400/mo).
@FlorianMargaine Yorkshire, midlands
It will work out! Go get unemployment drunk. I experienced that last month, it was wild
@SterlingArcher Thats... far
Whatever you do, don't climb up a balcony
@BenFortune send a resume to florian at margaine dot com
@BenFortune my company knows how to dry tea
@BenFortune we have an office at london, but we hire remote. Depends on your resume though.
I hear that is popular there
@FlorianMargaine Awesome, thanks for the help. It needs reworking since I haven't touched it since I started here. I'll have it to you by tonight or tomorrow at the latest
@rlemon Nope
@BenFortune by "depends on your resume", I mostly mean "depends on your skills". I don't care about the actual pdf file.
@FlorianMargaine Yeah but my resume is all IT stuff, I had nothing to do with programming when I started
@BenFortune My company is hiring too: copy.sh/jobs
@copy That's mean :(
@BenFortune send me your resume as well. My brother is a recruiter, so I can see if he knows of any positions in your area, or other recruiters that do
jordan.a.724 at gmail
send me instructions on how to make a resume. I want to make one too.
You people are awesome, speak to you later.
me too!
I so badly want to get out of florida....
I have no resume worth mentioning
My resume was baller
I have a background image though which I copied from ubuntu wallpaper's directory. I put it on my personal site.
I like @Loktar's
mine is pretty nice too
(although it needs updates. margaine.com/CV_Florian_Margaine.pdf)
!!afk lunchtime
and the one guy who commented doesn't know who steve buscemi is
you are all a bunch of pricks. :D
@FlorianMargaine I need a new one
@Loktar sure you do hun
aaaand we just invaded teenagers chat
you did, I am a teen
so mony oo
invading teenagers is not cool
@KendallFrey aren't you one?
oh, you're 20
I'm trying to get a list of 'static method's given a reference to a JS 'class'. The last line of this fiddle, I am trying to find: jsfiddle.net/e0s53enL
I'm making a @decorator to copy static methods from the parent class to the child in order to allow es6 classes with a certain library.
can I make a lead acid battery from an orange and a #2 pencil?
@rlemon swap the orange with LSD
@Luggage can't you do for (method in clazz)?
@Luggage Object.getOwnPropertyNames
class Foo {
  static foo() {
    return 3;

  static bar() {
    return 4;

console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Foo).filter(f => typeof Foo[f] === 'function'))
@Luggage using @AwalGarg 's method
hm, i assumed Object.keys would give me that., thanks.
@FlorianMargaine fastcgi.com/devkit/doc/fastcgi-prog-guide/ch2c.htm lol this is gonna be hard
i need to read more about the difference.
@Luggage ownNames returns non-enumerable too
!!afk seeing a man about a horse.
ahh, ok.
!!afk dine
HAHAHA. Fuck. I've been trying to figure out why my dimmer wasn't working. I was editing the wrong markup
Object.getPrototypeOf( ... ) gets a prototype when given an instance of an object?
@Luggage when given an object. There's no concept of "instance" in JS
well, an object created with new SomeConstructor()
if i had a reference to the constructor, i could just use SomeConstructor.prototype
Are we still invading teen programmer chat?
The room is dead
2ality.com/2015/02/es6-classes-final.html has a nice diagram that seems to explain what I'm looking for
Aww I thought that was happening :(
I love when people ask the "raisin" that their question was down voted
saw a question earlier, "Who fired my javascript?"
Sounds like a Who Framed Roger Rabbit sequel
Who iFramed My Rabbit.js
ugh, don't remind me of the iEverything movement
ew; there's cucumber on this sandwich
I actually saw a product in the store the other day called the iRuler
My movement is ironic to the iEverything movement
it's the iDontGiveAFuck :D
at least your sandwich isn't on a cucumber
That looks amazing
I love cucumbers
I love pickles, but fresh cucumber has a very distinct smell/flavour
@rlemon Something like that, nothing important
@Zirak rlemon is afk: seeing a man about a horse.
@Nick yeah, it's called cucumber
it's gross
natures marital aid
@Nick That's because it's not pickled
Is reading this chat technically considered working?
@ZackTanner If you use JS at least once per hour
var onePlusOne = 2;
we're good now
I tried JS once. I got pregnant and died.
Perfect. Thanks for that.
speaking of pickling... I need to make more firecrackers
@SterlingArcher Rape jokes, man.
@Claies Where I come from, firecrackers are a very different thing.
I got canning supplies for my birthday
I got older
I don't know what to make
Jokes are inanimate objects Kendall, I simply cannot, sir.
make hummus
well done
@rlemon canned beer
@Nick you don't can hummus
you can can hummus if you want to; jerk
although, inanimate objects are by definition incapable of consent
@Nick wat no
I use semicolons too much
it makes it bad
so are fleshlights designed to be raped?
backs away slowly
you can can if you want to
@Nick you can't can hummus
how much can can a can can can if a can can can can can
I can can you, you crazy canner, but you can't can hummus in a can, even if you think you can can
then you aint no friend of mine
My IQ hurts
Can can can you do the can can sitting on the can can, doing what you can.
@SterlingArcher Your Inner Queen?
@SterlingArcher It might hurt you, but she had to ask if it was in.
A function is accessible as Foo.doSomething() but Object.keys(Foo) and Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Foo) both do not include doSomething it in the result. Is there another way of inspecting properties?
Oh thank god JavaScript
Think this will get a question answered faster?

It is supposedly assigned with:
Foo['doSomething'] = function() {}
No, I don't think that'll help.
@Claies Only if the question is "have I been kicked?"
for(var key in obj)
Don't hurt me
no more
for(var key in obj) does return it..
that should be all 'enumerable' properties, right?
ok well time for me to take a nap :P
Should be
@Loktar I just played Ribbit Smash and I'm laughing so hard
Reverse frogger that's genius
function myRequired() {
				var str = "* required fields";
				var az = "only A-Z"
				var alphaExp = /^[a-zA-Z]+$/;
				var forms = document.getElementsByTagName('form');
				for (var i = 0; i < forms.length; i++) {
					forms[i].noValidate = true;

					forms[i].addEventListener('submit', function(event) {
						//Prevent submission if checkValidity on the form returns false.
						if (!event.target.checkValidity()) {
							if (inputtext.value.match(alphaExp)) {
i'm determined to make this shitty libary work with es6 classes..
Can confirm, that is indeed javascript.
what lib?
Needs more $.
import JavaScript from 'vanilla';
import Vanilla from 'javascript';
import * as Vanilla from 'javascript';
was... was that sql
no, it's es6...
jordan pls
@AwalGarg Right? English teachers, man
es6 is looking like python
news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10226614 this fucking world, shit everything
> - A teacher confiscates Linux CDs claiming that the student was essentially distributing illegal copyrighted software - because no software is free [1]
> In short, Ahmed was arrested for making while brown.
That's a very poorly worded sentence
It's techcrunch; what do you expect?
no it's not. It's along the same line as "pulled over for driving while black"
poorly worded for a reason, at least.
No, it would be the equivalent of "pulled over while black"
which is just nonsense
Yes, but "making" is often slang for sex, or poopin
not where I come from
are you ghetto?
Not mutual exclusive activities
"making" sounds closely DIY related to me :/
No but i live in a sketchy area lol
@SterlingArcher wat
I've never heard that
"imma go make with that hottie over there"
y'all never heard that expression?
The only slang I could conceive from "making" is if you're making drugs, but I've never heard it
"make it", sure
yea, but only in elementary school
God i hate you all
make it is slang for succeeding at anything
jordan pls
later we started calling it 'fucking'.
it's like making babies
or 'calling the constructor on class Baby'.
like honestly
js chat pls
@SterlingArcher never heard that
const Jordan = new Pleb();
Cool clock, Ahmed. Want to bring it to the White House? We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It's what makes America great.
@Nick I was 100% certain it said "Cool cock, Ahmed"
@POTUS he will blow you up
Oh my god this comment on the article just gave me cancer
@joedickerfan3 you need to kill yourself
> Meanwhile, John the totally white and Christian guy, was allowed to bring his conceiled gun in the school.
Which he used to kill half of the classroom and the teacher...
I wonder if there's an intern working that twitter account
"allowed to bring his conceiled gun"
Do they not know what allowed or concealed mean?!
> "Ms. Teach, can I bring a concealed gun into school?"
> "You *may*, John."
@SterlingArcher i'm not aware of that expression either
Some days I wish I was just ignorantly stupid so that others stupidity didn't upset me
I'll allow you to conceal my gun, all night long.
class Jordan extends Pleb {
    static pls() { ... }
I'm gonna extend my foot right in the constructor of your ass, Nick
That this is valid js makes me so sad
I lose sleep at night because of class
class is fantastic.
It's the exact opposite of what was supposed to happen
tasty sugar
cry more
You can still have classes and still be functional; people crying over how they'd rather instantiate a function is just nonsense.
Instead of making the system more open and smarter and easier to use, they just dumbed it down and further concealed it
@Zirak but nobody needed that
What is "that"?
complexity, freedom, whatever term you'd like to use
i also don't understand the class either. It leads to bad code. Look i already see a static method
Sure, we just needed more sugar on top of a sugared system which flies in the face of the core concepts it sugars so you can sugar while you sugar so you don't use prototypes
Instead of, I dunno, making them easier to use
For instance. Just a weird thought.
making them easier to use wouldn't be backwards compatible and people don't want prototypes
How is class backwards compatible? And why do you say people don't want prototypes? Because people program in Java?
classes still use prototypes; are you just wary that new users won't understand that it's prototyping?
class wraps the iife class and prototype assignment patterns we were already using in place for more correct prototypical definitions
Classes are weaker than prototypes, and it's part of my fear: Most people right now don't understand prototypes as it is.
they tried prototypes, nobody cared, now we have prototype-based classes
How are classes weaker than prototypes? Definining a method in a class is literally putting that method on the prototype
They tried prototypes? Seriously?
ES3 prototype system is pathetic, what's called the prototype isn't the fucking prototype
It was meant to cater to class from the beginning
So instead of rethinking about it, they just said "fuck it"
What language has done a good job with prototypical inheritance, then?
Lua? Io? Self?
ColdFusion, obvi
Pretty much any other serious prototype-based language
I'm way more familiar/comfortable with prototyping than I am with classical inheritance.
Lua is the only mainstream-ish one of those and it's not even really gotten past a hobby/wee scripting language.
@Nick That you think that way shows exactly how backwards it got you to think
For whatever reason, people either don't like or don't care about prototypes.
@Zirak Yup
(mind, I'm not knocking the concept, it's pretty sound)
I like lua
@ssube Oh yes, Self was totally a hobby/wee scripting language
I use the love2d engine for gamejams, which uses lua. It's a good time
Not a fan of 1-indexed everything though
@Zirak never heard of it
@ssube AS3 did a good job for what it's worth (not much)
It wasn't like used in every commercial system starting from its inception to the beginning of the nineties
@GeorgePerry Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
you can actually implement prototypes in class system. But it's somewhat awkward
So... are we saying that classes aren't prototypical? I was pretty sure that putting a method on a class was the same thing as putting it on the prototype...
I mean, that's how it's transpiled down.
@Nick When you say "the prototype" at the end, that's not actually "the prototype".
The prototype of an object is its ancestor
Ohhh, ok.
JS has a very light form of prototyping that they now sugared over and call classes.
So, wouldn't a prototype of class Foo {} just be Object?
But in general, if prototype-based languages have been around for so long, why haven't they caught on?
@ssube You must know that argument is meaningless
@Zirak It's a question, not an argument.
Then you must know that question is stupid, because the answer is simple: People are set in their ways
My argument would be that there's nothing fundamentally right about prototypes and they don't match how we think about the problem, so nobody has been interested.
It's hard to say, it may be because prototyping wasn't matched with a language that heavily promoted it in syntax/documentation?
@DaymonSchroeder Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
They're expensive to think about and don't provide enough value.
The idea behind Go channels has been around from the 60s (CSPs). No language until then implemented them.
Therefore, they must be worthless.
That's not what he said
Just because a language has a set of features, doesn't mean it promotes those features.
@ssube My argument is that people aren't exposed to prototypical thinking, so when they use it, they don't know how
@Zirak But if it had some clear benefit, they would pursue it. They don't.
Whatever benefits it has aren't worth the time.
@ssube That's not true. You're assuming programmers are smart.
Programmers are cargo culters
Programmers are plenty smart, they are just usually lazy as well.
That's why we've had goto for years
@Zirak Programmers will chase after the shiny new thing if they can.
Even if it's not a good idea.
Programmers will go with whatever set of tools the language promotes.
capricasix gets a bit confused sometimes, it looks like.
You can't say programmers don't pursue new things, when literally every new javascript framework is "the best thing ever"
my driving profile is "punisher"
Javascript promotes callback hell, and thus programmers often fall into that trap.
You know what, I'm doing a poor job. If you want, read what Steve Yegge has to say
alot of programmers I know get so caught up in the design pattern they are using to try to solve the problem that they almost lose sight of what the problem was in the first place.
oh god yes, finally no more uncomfortable chair
coding in sheer cloth luxury atm <3
@Claies that goes both ways though. Some people get so caught up in the problem, they forget to program towards any design pattern.
design patterns are a tool to solve a problem. Not required to solve
@DaymonSchroeder The people who forget to architect in favor of problem-solving are developers, the people who architect over solving are engineers.
But they aren't specifically made to make things easiest the first design around, well at least not always.
@KarelG Eschewing design patterns on principal will screw you over, though.
They often promote a good idea of iteration in the future after a product has been launches.
Not using DI and contracts because it's too heavy will give you a bunch of tightly-bound modules.
For example, we are currently in the middle of completely redesigning a failing application, because its a behemoth of SQL-Server database calls, Applescript, Objective C, PHP, JQuery and Windows/Unix servers.
@ssube i know devs that uses static to reduce DI of instances to other classes ...
i immediately say "uhm ... "
is there a way I can comma separate number input as the user types it in? ex. 12,323
@KarelG what's wrong with static methods?
besides pretending they're part of a class
What rules do you want to use to seperate the numbers @BigRabbit
Yes you can
Python's module-level functions are better in that way
@BigRabbit does the comma need to be part of the variable value or just part of the display?
or is the comma meant to separate the input into multiple variables?
I just need it to add a thousands comma seperation. ex. 1,234..., 12,323..., 433,432...., etc. It would be nice if it would be part of the value
There are a couple of ways to do it then.
Are they entering this as part of an input?
well, if they are part of the value, then it's no longer a number, it's a string, and you can't use it in mathematic formulas
@ssube I'm talking about variables. Making a variable static is same as making it global. How are you sure that it doesn't get modified, overwritten, ... It prevents re-uses, leads to problem with testability of your code, thus leading to poor designs due of less test possibilities.
Q: How to print a number with commas as thousands separators in JavaScript

Elias ZamariaI am trying to print an integer in JavaScript with commas as thousands separators. For example, I want to show the number 1234567 as "1,234,567". How would I go about doing this? Here is how I am doing it: function numberWithCommas(x) { x = x.toString(); var pattern = /(-?\d+)(\d{3})/;...

I wouldnt need it for math, i am just going to submit the value into a db
and you want to save the commas in the db?
BigRabit, you probably want to store it as an INT instead
Hi guys, I need your ideas for Final Year Project regarding BS Software Engineering
a good example is singleton pattern. It's still used nowadays, but not advisable
And comma-delimit it when you are displaying it.
@BigRabbit that's not a good way to store numbers
@YourFriend Porn finder based on usage statistics
I could do that also
Display with commas, store as proper data type
Databases can optimize integer values, and they take less space.
If you're storing a number as a string, you're doing it wrong
@Cereal lol be serious man :p
eh, db's supports decimals.
@YourFriend to be fair, that's not a bad idea... lol
A big part of making a career of working with databases, is learning to normalize data before a ton of data has been put into it :P
@SterlingArcher lol they gonna kick me out of the University :p
then make it for 'music'
So store it as an int, and make a filter that display the value as comma-delimited when you show it.
We built a sonar machine using 2 microphone inputs nailed a foot apart on a peice of wood, connected to a raspberyy pi linux os
and market it for porn
@YourFriend Well then you'd have ample time to test your new creation
@ivarni sure :p
testing: watch lots of porn :D
@rlemon lol enough with it man :p
I could store it as an int within the db then if its better that way np. How can I filter it to display it to the user with commas as they are typing it in?
Are you using an Javascript libraries already?
thats it
Listen for the change event on the field, and modify the value of the field to be the comma-delimited value.
@SterlingArcher It exists. Can't remember the url
This exists, too
@BigRabbit if you want to store decimal values, why not using the appropriate type: float/double ?
Come on guys, share your ideas
it wont have decimals
change event, kk thanks i will try this
@YourFriend I think all cats are girls and all dogs are boys

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