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but other than that it's fun
But you can impress girls your age
I'm look too old XD
I don't really care, in the end I came here to study anyway
You can study and have a girlfriend
although even if I'm taking the advanced maths course (8 periods, instead of the common 3. A period = 45 mins, it's the base unit for lessons), it still looks very basic and boring...
@BadgerCat thing is, I'm too old for girls in previous years and too young for girls in my years. There may be excpetions, I'll see
How are you too old?
I look 18
But you're not
And girls that age like older looking guys
Not too old, but yeah
Let me put this another way: 15yo girls that look 15 are not for me
so I guess I'm the problem
Oh well
also, for now I'm just "the new kid" in the eyes of most people, so it'll take some time before I realize what's going on
how are you doing? :D
I'm ill
you're still in vacation tho, right?
Yeah :)
until the beginning of oct?
That reminds me that I still haven't picked my courses
oh, so you're still in the second year of uni? Or can you chose courses from year to year?
You can always pick your courses in my masters
I'm in my third semester
ooh! You're doing masters!
right, I forgot, sorry
@BadgerCat meow
@towc lol I am 15 look like 13
@catgocat hi! What's up?
my school calendar :(
and you?
not much really. School too, I guess
Mine starts in the 16th
oh, I started 2 weeks ago ;)
and italians start tomorrow
Our school is really weird, we are going to start on a Wednesday
I hope this year I am going to be more organized so I can have time for other things
said noone ever
Organisation? Pah!
Last year I didn't have time for anything! Seriously, I just got home, studied, sleep, school, repeat.
For 5 months.
just skip half of the study and sleep parts ;)
Or just don't study.
(jk, don't)
We have 8 hours of school per day.
I actually skipped most of my classes in my first semester and only went to the exams
We start at 8:30 AM, leave at 4:30 PM
@catgocat same here :/
How do you find time for things? Ughh
@BadgerCat I would do that, but the new NQF requires so much more in class stuff.
we start at 8AM and leave at 4PM tho
I start wondering what college will be like
Sleep, Social life/Programming, Study -> pick two
@catgocat Start at ~09h00, leave at 15h40 Monday-Thursday and 13h20 on a Friday.
lucky you
@catgocat totes sleep and programming ;)
Programming and splitting social life and sleep.
Ugh the bad thing is that last year, I spent like 4 months without programming...
> Social life/Programming
Holy fuck...
Programming is a social activity
And I forgot most of the syntax of Javascript like for a week
but then I got back to normal
@BenjaminGruenbaum Depends where and how.
Try to be a 15 yo teenager with friends around that want to go to the beach everyday.
Hey everyone, has anyone here played a bit with react native? I'm having a weird time using NavigatorIOS...
@catgocat I'm fine only really seeing friends at school, thanks.
Hey, could someone look at this real quick and tell me the best way to align the red text with the textboxes would be?
Seems like @towc is the perfect teen around here
Thank you very much for taking the time for explaining everything, you're great! — Eyal Solnik 29 secs ago
I'm flagging as too chatty, but I do appreciate honest appreciation
@catgocat uhhmmmmno
@towc do you have like a html5 games portfolio ?
@catgocat not really
I guess codepen is as close to a portfolio as I can get
Why did node go from 0.9.9 to 4.0.0 ?
oh, because of iojs
@catgocat it merged with io.js
has anyone ever made a touch/click map from a png with indexed colors?
@Elric what does that even mean?
I have a png8, colors are not rgb, it uses a 256 color palette
I want to get this png read by js somehow
Like a matrix in matlab
I want to make a point and click game using js
uhmmm translate the palette format to proper rgb?
And was thinking that the easiest way to create levels would be if I had a image to show and a overlay image with the colors representing the active zones
no, translate to a matrix of numbers 1 to 256 or 0 to 255
how's the image like?
is it rgb and you want to port it to values or what?
wait a second
I may or may not do that
my internet is to slow today...
it works like this
It says image not found?
it's from wikipedia.. wth
from what I understood you want to turn the second one into the first one, right?
so instead of colors, png (color type 3) stores the matrix of number and the pallete, kinda...
the problem is that this is stored compressed, I wanted to read and recover the matrix information
how is it compressed?
apparently it uses a type of filter that varyies (you can select between two types) and them it uses deflate (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DEFLATE)
I don't really know the png spec though... I was thinking if there was a known way of doing this or any js lib that just handles indexed png
well, start by figuring that out then ;)
yeah, I thinking I'm going to have a long read tonight :P
I was curious if there was something that existed and I was unaware
ok, if I make something I post here..
You can draw it on a canvas and then obtain the imageData
@copy from what I understood the problem is that he has a compressed matrix or something, not even sure why he considers it an image
Got another stupid question. Assume a central job server and several servers that run the jobs. How does the server know when it's ready for another job?
@copy thanks! If I can't find a way of reading the png file to an array I will try that
Closure Compiler also transpiles ES6 to ES5
@SomeKittens how does the central server know, or how does the runner server know?
@phenomnomnominal Runner server, I'd assume
Looking at some implementations, it seems the workers run serially
@copy Didn't Closure Compiler also butcher your code?
Only if you use it wrong
@copy Is it possible to enter valid JavaScript code and get invalid JavaScript code?
Worse, is it possible to enter valid JavaScript code that means one thing, and get valid JavaScript code that means another thing?
I don't think so (at least not without warnings)
Because I can't remember where, but I've read somewhere that it might
(Change the meaning of your code that is)
Certain patterns can't be used in advanced mode
got task 0
completed task 0
got task 6
completed task 6
got task 1
completed task 1
got task 9
completed task 9
@MadaraUchiha Closure Compiler at worst causes you to get a lot of undefineds
For instance, if you declare (sans externs) var foo = { bar: 4 } in one file, not CC it, and in another access foo.bar, it'll turn into a.b or something like that, giving you a nasty ReferenceError.
It also, of course, doesn't deal well with subscript[notation]
So you have to be careful, especially when using 3rd party libraries.
workerCount: Defaults to the number of CPU cores on the computer.
can someone explain to me why I get an undefined error in this code:
var Horizon = function () {
this.routes = {};
this.asbClient = restify.createJsonClient({
url: config.asb.host,
version: '~1.0'



Horizon.prototype.processRequest = function (req, res) {

var match = req.url.match("(/webhook/)(.*)");
if (match !== null) {

// undefined me.routes but below in addRoute it's fine?
console.log("routes %s", this.routes.toString());
var imageId = this.routes[match[2]];
if (imageId) {
var docker = new Docker(imageId, req.url);
var cid = docker.load();
if (!cid) {
> Format your code, pleb
it doesn't seem to know about my instance variable.
Ok, let me try to format
Make a JSBin?
oh wait, is that Node?
Ok, how about pastebin? pastebin.com/xMd0yf3y
what's the error? What does it think is undefined?
Lin 17
line 17
routes is undefined
and how are you calling processRequest?
Let me update with the whole file.. one sec
ok, update
I am totally new to JS and trying to understand scoping and such
We're glad you're joining us from Java-Land
I was bored in Java -- needed some "stimulus"
Yeah, this problem has left me scratching my head too
it's calling your function from a different context
connect.createServer(horizon.forwardResponse, horizon.processRequest).listen(config.port);
^ here
Yeah --- so, how do I get access to my "routes"
so this points to a different value
Sorry for the dumb question, but I have never used these kind of frameworks: Is AngularJS used only for single page apps? And if so, should it be used to say, a blogging website, or a shopping website where it requires a lot of navigation? For example, amazon, or something alike.
(this is why I don't write stuff like that in a prototypal style. Just too many bugs)
you can use .bind to force this
@catgocat Yeah, you can use Angular for all of that
? where?
connect.createServer(horizon.forwardResponse.bind(horizon), horizon.processRequest.bind(horizon)).listen(config.port);
Ok. let's try that
@catgocat The big advantage of using Angular in that instance is that switching pages doesn't force a reload (and reloading all the data). The only data over the wire is exactly what's needed.
@SomeKittens And to clear something up: AngularJS, KnockoutJS, BackBoneJS and ReactJS basically do the same thing right?
They're all used for SPA
hurray! Thanks @SomeKittens
KnockoutJS only does two-way binding of data, ReactJS is only really a rendering pipeline (as far as I know)
@ChristianBongiorno no problem
You are correct on ReactJS and KnockoutJS.
I was everywhere trying to understand that
oh, good to know
I accidentally hit enter. doh!!
I think Backbone does more, not sure if it has a rendering engine.
There are so many frameworks
how do you guys manage to keep up with all of them?
Backbone has mehh templating engine..you can use reactjs for backbone template engine.
@catgocat by having no life. :P
@catgocat I don't, I focus exclusively on Angular
Though I've written Knockout in a past life.
@SomeKittens I'm not thrilled about Angular 2.0.
I've heard that reaction a lot, usually from people who are annoyed about something that's been clarified.
@catgocat if you're familiar with Rails then Ember comes really close to it.
What are your major issues with A2?
@shriek @SomeKittens thanks for all the info
@SomeKittens we'll find out. I'm honestly happy with ReactJS right now.
Typescript being one.
You can write A2 in ES5, ES6 or TS
Can you write it in jQuery?
No, as soon as you try to include jQuery it reaches out and stabs you.
I'm aware but I know for sure that predominantly most plugins are going to use TS.
@Luggage Hello, how are you?
How is the project going?
@SomeKittens But how else are you supposed to do stuff in the web, y'know, you use HTML5, CSS3 and jQ2 :s
it's live, so not too bad.
working on a new phase, now, dealing with payroll
npm install [email protected] - Why would you install jQuery from npm? I can't think of any advantage
good :)
@Callum because npm is a fantastic package manager?
@Callum why not?
and it's useful to have everything through the same manager
IIRC jQuery supports commonJS
It just seems bizarre, like downloading gimanocs onto your toaster.
next task: take three unrelated tools (RedisJobQueue, SocketCluster & Gustav) and fire them all together in a particle accelerator.
can someone explain to me about unit testing a bit: specifically from here:
specifically looking at the tests like:
"this is a test of the emergency broadcasting system" : function() {

I don't see an example there of how to make those tests go. can I use mocha?
@Callum Not really that bizarre. Unless you're not using any public CDN then you're gonna have to bundle your deps anyway.
@ChristianBongiorno Sinon is just for mocking and stubbing. It's a helper library for testing frameworks. Are you specifically looking for just unit testing?
yeah -- I come from the java world of mocks:
Testing's kind of a big subject
Mocha is a good place to start in JS though.
I just wanted to know how to run 'those' kind of tests. instead of chai/should
Oh..you actually do need assertion library in mocha (chai/should)
@SomeKittens commander is actually pretty nice. Ever tried something similar?
Using redis-dist-job-queue
Looked at a lot of package, many were incredibly complicated.
yea, bull was simple enough to feel confident about being able to modify if i needed to
redis-dist-job-queue seems to have a comparable feature set according to the readme
Have you used Bull?
how hard was it to set up?
rdjq was a cakewalk
pretty simple. just give it a connection string or properties to redis
@SomeKittens interesting in your tests you actually invoke the programs instead of just executing and testing the code directly
@ChristianBongiorno yep, test ALL the codez
my tests use robotic arms to control the mouse and keyboard.
and a camera to read the results off the monitor
Well, here is out current team arrangement:
Use: using windows + nodejs + ruby + docker
everyone is running shell emulationi (mingw, etc)
but: to test we have to start 3 vagrant instances
each with sets of services on them (using docker)
and basically lay down all of our devops infrastructure to run any code
it takes me an hour in the morning to boot this
holy cow
Vagrant and Docker?
docker inside of vagrant on windows
lemme guess: you've got two dozen microservices?
@SomeKittens -- you must have heard this joke before
Please don't tell me you have vagrant inside a VM too.
because "Microservices is the architecture of the future"
not "the microservices pattern is a good fit for the problems we're facing"
vagrant won't run in a VM -- believe me, I tried. I was literally exporting a display from a linux VM to run this shit more native
@ChristianBongiorno I work in silicon valley.
I've heard ALL the buzzword siren songs
@SomeKittens -- netflix wanted me .. said no. I work in Seattle
wait -- the best part:
all the devs are in AU
ouch, missed opportunity. Netflix is a fantastic company.
They didn't ACTUALLY state a financial package
that's for another chat
so.. all in AU
Austria or Australia?
naturally, everything is cloud hosted in... south east asia
Yup -- so I am HOWLING that I can't work with this shit (I am the only dev here). I get.. it's not THAT bad..
finally, I demand they try it on my laptop through RDP
"Hmmm, yeah.. something's not right"
right now I am testing a curl POST that creates a docker image .. takes 7 minutes!
Ok.. I am done.. really
been trying to use harmony -- it's buggy
ha. On the bright side you do get to work with latest tools.
yeah..trying to deploy v4 in heroku too. Not working apparently.
why would an ajax call kill an auto complete in chrome?

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