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Why is my wikia in German...?
oh sorry. Just google Ben Drowned.
what is the condition for ie8 showing the message, are you sure you want to navigate from the page?
@SuperUberDuper When you have data in form fields, I imagine
@Cereal Uh, blank flash app?
@BenFortune Turn on your sound ;_;
@Cereal I can't :c
Knock Knock Knock
i genuinely thought someone was knocking on my roof
like twice
I thought that is someone knocking on the door here.
flash app without image files 'n stuff
haha. i got up twice to look out the window. no one was there and i thought perhaps a bird was nesting.
you guise
MGS:V is out. Anyone who doesn't know what that is, should buy it anyway because it's going to be the best game of the decade
@Cereal I could never get into MGS
The last one I played was on the PS2
Well you're wrong
Oh, well there's your problem
Try out MGS: Ground Zeroes if you want a taste of the modern ones. It's like 10 bucks or something
The only thing stopping me from getting mgsv is the stupid US CAD exchange rate
@BenFortune dammit got me
So British Pounds are twice worth as canadian dollar
I'm pointing out how much worse the gbp>cad conversion is to usd>cad
59.99€ in spain
RIP canada
If I setTimeout 60000 and the user closes window after 30 seconds, does the timer still gets executed?
(just to have another opinion)
Is there a way to check if user has closed window?
@Maurize you answered your own question?
(just to be your meaning)
@Maurize yes. The code won't run.
@Maurize anyways, only Notification objects are allowed to live past closing of windows.
oh come one now.....
A: Is there a standard function to check for null, undefined, or blank variables in JavaScript?

jAndyYou can just check if the variable has a truthy value or not. That means if( value ) { } will evaluate to true if value is not: null undefined NaN empty string ("") 0 false The above list represents all possible falsy values in ECMA-/Javascript. Find it in the specification at the ToBoolea...

give me that DIME
he's asking for upvotes!! let's downvote!!!
@SomeGuy well played sir, I lost
@AwalGarg not really. I don't get any notification from so if I close the window.
@Maurize because so doesn't ask for it
2 2 go
@jAndy The Game
waiting for 999 to do the upvote
@AwalGarg It cannot be that there isn't a way to detect if browser window is closed.
I hate you downvoter :P
pretty jumpy
Pleasure :-D (didn't downvote)
@Maurize there are many ways to detect that
you got it
Thanks to my upvote.
@Maurize window.onbeforeunload
@jAndy not so fast, wait for it
I'm like a high-class hooker now
damn you I'm a normal slut again
wait! jAndy is evolving!!!
I read that as high-school, haha
screenshot !
Dim Dim Dim -
diiiii dim, dim, dim
What's the difference between Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments) and Array.slice(arguments)?
yea yea play with the feelings of one high class whore
@Neoares o/
@jAndy edit the answer just once
@corvid support
@Maurize \o
@AwalGarg why
@jAndy my vote is locked until you edit :(
lol the room has a new game
yes, it's called THE GAME
the game?
bold was enough
@phenomnomnominal I just looked at your JSFiddle for the Misidirection contest. It's pretty good! (I'd opened it in a tab and then I had to leave)
!!afk lunch
@jAndy now take my upvote
someone downvoted xD
I guess it was sir Awal
thanks thanks thanks.. I feel so slutty now right, amaaazing feeling
yes, he unlocked my vote :D
@SomeGuy function generateKey() { return 4; }
it feels so dirty and good at the same time
he changed his upvote
@BenFortune Haha, and then cite the xkcd as a source
!!google the xkcd
1k ! nail it nail it :P
@jAndy changed back to upvote lol congrats dude
This looks like my dream mmo o.o
Death penalty, no levels
it keeps getting better. Just came from the doctors. it isn't just cartilage I fucked, apparently I cut through a ligament as well.
I stretched a ligament once. Not fun
I severed mine
God damn
and they don't know if surgery is even an option
might be perma-fucked :(
There are no character levels, only skill levels.
There are no PvP zones, only a single open and realistic world where you are free to choose your own path.
There are no separate server regions, every player inhabits the same huge world.
I'm not very impressed right now :/
I'll give it a try
> ♥♥♥♥'s better then Tinder.
could anyone help me with this problem please: networkengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/21074/…
@wouter Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i know it isnt the right room :/
@rlemon for what we are waiting for?
@Maurize end of days
@rlemon ahh right, I forgot...
!!should I heat up my coffee, or make more
@Cereal make more
I can't believe I'm letting a bot control my life
!!should you let a bot control your life?
@ivarni Not at all
Good news, @Cereal, you're off the hook
Don't tell me what to do >:(
!!should I let ivarni tell me what to do?
@Cereal Probably
Now make ME some coffee
Does anybody have idea how can I rewrite "spyOn(modal, 'open').and.returnValue({});" to use JSMockito instead of Jasmine. I need to stub returned value. I tried to do it like this:

//modal.open = spy(modal.open);

but it didn´t work for me. Any clue how to do it?
Does anyone have idea who put the bomp in the bomp bah bomp bah bomp?
EJS:: I have a rather large HTML Select list, I need to select the users value from the db... however this is a crapload of checks.. it would be like a bajillion times easier to do with js after the page has loaded
how bad is this?
( I hate correcting layouts/uis with js )
Can you watch for changes in a file with node? (natively, without additional packages)
@Cereal If you can't decide something, the trick is to ask the bot, then decide based on how you feel. If you're disappointed by the bot's choice, do the other one.
No, Cap is love. Cap is life.
Google only came up with tons of external packages :\
@corvid your google-fu is weak
I don't get Sublime Text.
Node's fs.watch has been reported to be fairly broken, use chokidar
even with the options disabled it still opens the last project
@rlemon wish there was a cli flag to turn that off
so if I open a terminal, cd to the folder and subl . it opens the folder, and the previous one.
if it was the same project, it opens twice.
@AwalGarg there are two options, neither seem to change this :/
@rlemon but none of them are cli flags, just the json config. and yeah same exact problem to me as well
it isn't the end of the world, just slightly annoying
okay, seriously. I have this list of timezones for user select gist.github.com/rlemon/5e114b94a5c80bdfaaea
in ejs, what would the easiest way be to select the correct value?
I can change the markup.
by 'correct values' I mean the user selected value from the db
I'm thinking of just doing this with js(client)..
also, @RyanKinal o/
@rlemon I'm guessing those options aren't looped?
long time no see
@BenFortune nope
@rlemon \o
@RyanKinal how's life?
Don't you have an option to store them in an object?
@BenFortune ??
Not bad, not bad. Finished recording with the band, just waiting on mixing and mastering.
@rlemon var zones = {'GMT-12:00': 'International Date Line West'};
@BenFortune ugh, I could
Then loop it, and check if the current iteration matches the user input
I just figured out that lil dicky fans call themselves dickheads
@rlemon I had to do the same in PHP for an app which had to support no-js browsers, and my solution was to have a selected attribute on all of them, and set it to enabled/disabled based on the current iteration value. Dunno ejs but maybe you can do that?
I wish there was a 'selectedIndex' attribute on the <select> tag itself.
that would make life SO MUCH fucking easier
WTF?! JSZip is zipping my pdf files, and when I try to open the files, it is password protected. Not the zip, but the .pdf itself.
any ideas?
agreed. that'd be the first thing I'd ask from a genie
@rogcg I'd bet they were password protected before zipping
ejs looks nice except for that erb syntax. eww
@rlemon There is isn't there?
there is a property
I know not of a attribute
no.. I have the file in server.. I uploaded it for testing. it wasn't.
and besides, it is read only
I want a setter
@BenFortune it used to be?
maybe I'm just mistaken
It changes it in Chrome, doesn't trigger a change event though
I'm going to just write a regexp to convert this to an object and loop it
but I'm not happy about it!
w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-HTML/html.html#ID-85676760 here is the dom level 2 specification, and it wasn't read only then
1 min ago, by rlemon
maybe I'm just mistaken
w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/level-one-html.html#ID-94282980 level 1, no change. lemon mistaken confirmed
lemonade, lemonoob :D
shut up before I crush you with my wallet
Getting crushed under money sounds good
!!summon 44914
Ew you
Ruby is beautiful
Flash has its place. but that place isn't on the web
Flash games doe
I'm gonna create a partial support polyfill for shadow dom
@Cereal not the one you think
I'm wasting my time
@AwalGarg wat
ruby code looks like code suffering from malnutrition
I am right, deal with it.
python looks like poop code; but I still wanna learn it
@BenFortune I'd rather not use external dependencies because they're a pain to wrap for meteor
If python had some variable declarator (preferably let), it'd be the perfect language for me
if python ran in the browser it would be the language for me
if python used curly braces, it would be the language for me
You could probably use python for the web once someone writes a python->wasm compiler
@Nick Python can be quite constrictive.
@rlemon I thought I smelled syrup.
@AwalGarg What don't you like about ruby? Just curious
@Trasiva yea, I left some in your moms room last night
lemon syrup
@Cereal way too much sugar
@Nick makes a great starter :D
@rlemon I knew you were into gummy blowjobs, but I didn't know you enjoyed laying with demon spawn.
@Trasiva lolwat
@MadaraUchiha I commonly refer to my mother and father as Satan and her bitch.
Is this valid in es6? return this.isInsert ? totalTime : { [this.operator]: totalTime }
@corvid Yup
@Cereal the inline if construct for one
@AwalGarg do_something if some_condition?
That's the same as
and blocks being executable code but not first class functions
if some_condition
Hi all real quick question, looks like trying to access an iframe is a bad idea from a security perspective right?
@AwalGarg I mean, most blocks you're writing in ruby are tiny
so I should not try and do that ever correct?
@Cereal yeah but that other construct is really weird, I dunno. and people use it so it makes it difficult for me to read other's code. surely subjective, but that's my opinion
just need reassurance here
@Cereal why are they not first class functions?
@AwalGarg You can pass a function to a block
gonna have to explain myself to my boss in a minute and need to be sure I am saying the right thing
It's just not the "ruby way"
I get Security error when I try and access parent iframe which makes sense
@j0hnstew If it's on the same domain, it should be fine. But cross-domain, not so much.
Also because the function you're passing it to doesn't call the passed block, so to speak
@Cereal I didn't get that, rephrase?
This is a good so answer actually
Q: Blocks and Yields in Ruby

TraceI am trying to understand blocks and yields and how they work in Ruby. How is a yield used? Many of the rails applications I've looked at, use yield in a weird way. Can someone explain to me or show me where to go to understand them.

Most of the time you're using a block in ruby, it's quite short. If it's not, then you're calling a method inside it anyway
@Cereal right, so no way to pass multiple blocks?
Use case?
a few I can think of. like passing an error and a success handler
or passing different logging functions to a factory maybe (ok not exactly the best example)
part2 was just released
awesome vids for anyone interested
@AwalGarg Well keep in mind ruby is very OO
s/very/mildly, theoretically/
supposed to be
@Cereal <insert hahahahaha no gif here>
No? Everything in ruby is an object
@Cereal so is everything in JS, Java, C#, and about a million other languages
making everything an object doesn't make the language OO
encouraging inheritance, modelling, and behavior is what defines OO
@Cereal ^
Does ruby not do that? Maybe I'm biased based on how I learned ruby
@Cereal not really, no
Ruby is much more like JS, it just vaguely pushes you toward duck typing some of the time
Huh. Welp, I know nothing. ignore me
Conventional Java is actually strictly OO, with an interface providing a contract for behavior and objects inheriting that to provide state
I'll be over here pretending ruby is OO
I joined a W3c mailing list, and all they do is argue
Ruby, Scala, and sometimes JS are just a mish-mash of potentially useful features from other languages, reducing in inapplicability
@Nick That's why the web is so slow.
@Nick you didn't expect meaningful conversation from people who wrote the DOM spec now did you?
@AwalGarg good point
How dare you call Ruby a mish-mash?
Ruby is a mish-mash
@JanDvorak sorry, did I misspell it?
ssube 1 | jan 0
@ssube nope; then I would have replied "*mush-mush"
the empire strikes back
Hey guys. Anyone with Openfire, Converse JS experience. Please help to resolve this problem stackoverflow.com/questions/32334337/…
Ruby has that weird inside-out sort of syntax you get from combining a bunch of other language features.
It's a bunch of syntax that is clever on its own, combined into a single language and not all of it fits well.
The way it handles booleans (the trailing ?) is nifty, but feels weird in a language that otherwise tries to be fairly left-to-right.
and the implicit return is a joke
You're a joke
like coffee's implied return of the last expression?
I like implicit return
Python has some of the same problems, with inconsistency between types because of how some operator works.
yo mama so fat she is fatter than yo mama
no recursive insults
@ssube that's just a naming convention. You'll get used to it.
I'd say that a big problem in Python is that plenty of functions that should have been methods are top-level functions instead
@JanDvorak example?
@AwalGarg Probably len() is a good one.
ord("a") - why not "a".ord?
The problem with implicit return is when you deal with a function that does a loop. CoffeeScript, for example, will build an array of results and return it, even if you don't want it to.
Ruby returns the last iteration, IIRC
@Lalaland nope. len works on multiple type of variables like strings, lists etc. so it makes sense to have it top level
yea, i started not liking coffee's implicit return, even thought it was usually fine.
@AwalGarg nah, generic method is better
@AwalGarg it really doesn't
especially since all the other operations on those same types are performed with methods
I think sorted is unique to Python
as a society, we got over globals variables and functions in the late 90s, but Python still has a few
Non-member functions do make sense in languages with function overloading such as C++.
Cause then you can define len() for arbitrary types without modifying the type itself.
what's len()'s behavior when called with a non-list? any value there?
man love getting last minute technical requirements at the end of a build
creeping scope is what makes programmers stabby
@j0hnstew expect ti
> at the end of a build
how long do your builds last?
@Luggage it would check for the len method on the passed object and throw if none found
@Luggage There's a lot of junk. Dictionaries, tuples, strings, etc, etc. Not to mention user defined types that also have a notion of length.
> Programming to specification is like walking on water. It's much easier if they're frozen.
@Luggage just did this:
>>> len(3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: object of type 'int' has no len()
all requirements are full of assumptions and hopeful simplifications. The real world always has something to say about it.
@rlemon Yeah, right now I'm dealing with a group of people who are doing that. It gets really annoying really fast. "But , ... , what if we eventually need to support X? Your simple solution clearly doesn't work."
ok, so it throws an exception. no use having it in the main scope, then
in Haskell RealWorld is an opaque type. In Haskell you never have to deal with the RealWorld.
@Luggage there's a reason every other language has it on the interfaces that actually care about it
@JanDvorak Nah. I think there's another functional language with that model, but not Haskell. Instead, we have IO monads.
@Lalaland check out behind the scenes
> RealWorld is deeply magical. It is primitive, but it is not unlifted
its for a fkn HTML5 ad
man I hate building these things
do you really need to advertise fkn?
anyone ever have google cloud services just shut everything down and you go into the console and there is a "enable billing" button?
ugh, FF occasionally gets stuck on the 'loading <xyz> room'
guys; new Motion City Soundtrack song is awesome
Is it only me or are the deep web websites simply creepy?
@Luggage it wouldn't let me launch anything until I had billing set up
yea, i had that setup. well, my client did
but this morning it was all off and I had to reenable. Maybe this guy ignored some emails.

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