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I use these, but half the amounts
so I end up having to crush them
so in a 375ml bottle I use half a tab
for carbonation? Yeah, I saw something similar at my homebrew store
CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
Fixing a bug when the whole world seems to be against you
I have big bottles; I might be able to use the full tab
500ml-750ml use a full tab
you can use two on 750ml
but you end up with some crap settling to the bottom of the bottle.
it isn't a problem, just doesn't look great
Eh, I don't mind having a cloudy brew
hotsauce under pizza cheese
that's the way I like my pizza
that is the best office prank I've ever seen
anonymously leave doughnuts in the kitchen.
I'd eat that knowingly
rule 34 states that someone is getting off on all these prank foods RIGHT NOW.
if anyone uses bars of soap and not body wash.. coat the soap with clear nailpolish
okay I need to stop getting ideas before I landmyself in the dog house
So many maps .-. I feel like I am bad at data structuring
Fans of The Martian ( @SomeGuy ):
@towc Very hard to borderline impossible
I can't do it as well as the devtool's debugger, maaayyybee get it to a per-line step-through, but that's about it.
@SomeKittens I forgot what I wanted to say
@Zirak hangouts in T-3.5 hours?
@rlemon Sorry, my aspiration is to be sleeping like a smooth baby in ~3 hours. Ping me, maybe I'll come.
@rlemon looks familiar... codepen.io/phipix01/pen/xwxEQP
@Nick yea
same technique
@SomeKittens oh oh I know what I wanted to say.
@Zirak other than writing a js vm in js, or some reaaaallly crazy eval hack, how'd you get it to a per line step through?
@Zirak Smooth babies are more aerodynamic
@AwalGarg Since I'm the one who does the eval at the end, I can insert arbitrary code into the input
@Zirak that's so not fair
@Zirak did you see @AwalGarg's recent find?
fetch was allowed to run on codeWorker
Doing everything else (previews, scope navigation, giving you a console, etc) is the hard part
@rlemon ooohhh snap
@AwalGarg Good find
also, I never expect publi.sh to need quotes.
so the commit message is fucked
Whadya mean?
@Zirak you know writing a socket stream to hook with the native devtools frontend would be much more efficient :D
@AwalGarg How do you do that from a webpage?
The usual Monday mental switch between Linux and OSX keyboard shortcuts
@Zirak paul irish did that somehow. I don't really know how. see his reddit.m audit.
@AwalGarg His what the what? Link?
you can copy his url and see what he saw
He 1-upped me!?
The bastard...
You can open this recording up to zoom in and poke around. Open this crazy-ass link in Chrome stable:
@Zirak jsh, IIUC, only supports chrome anyways
@Loktar ping
That's a chrome internal page talking to a regular webpage, it's cool
whats up?
@AwalGarg Of course not, that's part of the point
@Zirak it won't work on FF for me :(
@Loktar when was the last time you logged on your ps4? also, do you own Diablo for the ps4?
That's because I haven't touched it for a year and it's broken and dusty
It used to work splendidly!
I own diablo, and the last time was probably 2 weeks ago?
Hrmph... es6 promises should have each and map :\
aaaand the code your borrowed from devtools is like archane now
maybe sooner if it auto logs in since I just have it in sleep mode always
// @SomeKittens
var SiteSource = Gustav.Source(function run () {
    // ...
var FindTLD = Gustav.Transformer([SiteSource], function run (source) {
    // ...
// you see where I'm going with this
@Loktar kk, I just got diablo for ps4. I sent you like 2-3 gifts
No overrides, no verbosity. Just a function call.
oh nice ty
I think because you're my only friend with d3 on ps4
I keep finding "gifts for Loktar"
I've never played it on the PS4 even :(
I got it to play coop with the kids
I got it to play coop with the gf
We got HellDivers the same nice, which is also coop
ended up almost beating it last night alone
and fucking awesome (hard)
I'm too nostalgic over D2 to give D3 a real chance
hah nice @rlemon
@Nick D2 imo was MUCH better
we should play together some time
but they've really updated D3 alot
yea, the new D3 is a lot better
it isn't trying to be d2 any more
I really like d3
I want it to be D2... D2 was amazing
never played d2
getting rid of the real money auction house was a good move
Speaking of Diablo, I got this today for $30 at Half Priced Books, amazon.com/The-Blizzard-Entertainment-Nick-Carpenter/dp/…
friggin kickass book
I don't like Half Price Books
what why not?
anywho, @Loktar ping me next time you feel like killing some daemons
Half Price Books is awesome
@rlemon will do!
I get PC Games (and console games) there all the time
I've had negative experiences with them
@Zirak er, why?
I don't like ebay due to negative experiences.
Oh yeah, my parents own a bookstore. If anyone's looking for a book, we can ship it to you: http://www.covertocoverbooks.ca/

(because sales have been dropping steadily over the years :/)
but I know the majority of people have nice ones.
so meh
@SomeKittens You don't need a class
How's that help? Also that means I can't use decorators
Use whatever you want
@Cereal maybe get off your lazy ass and fix the website for them?
images 404'ing. ugly design. public error pages
ugh. pleb
@rlemon I didn't write it, and they won't let me
the site is legit broken tho
I've offered to do it for free :/
no wonder business is failing
heh yeah I've purchased hundreds of things off of Ebay I've had a few negative experiences but fortunately the good outweigh the bad by a lot.
@Cereal damn yeah the missing images on the main page are really bad
@rlemon It's not an online business. but holy shit, the site is broken
it definitely takes confidence away
Like nothing works
a little lorem pizza will fixe those images right up
@Cereal I used the 'contact us' page
The website is broken in a few places. The images 404, the 404 error message is visible, and the overall design doesn't scale well on touch or mobile devices. Not sure who you have working on this, but it needs updating ASAP.
"... also PHP?!" j/k :)
I'll let my dad known when he's back. I've never actually used the site, didn't know it was broken
best site 10/10
@Cereal ugh. don't open the source code
<table> EVERYWHERE!!!
that's that way old websites looked..
Let's rewrite it and give it to them as a surprise
ohhh hgod
in the middle of a <br> block
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" >
@Cereal just by seeing this, I can 100% guarantee this was written in a 'design mode'
and it doesn't even look like DW
@rlemon it was made by chrislands.com asaik
@Cereal classic code
The guy who made it's link is i the footer
@Cereal yea I'm just pointing this out so you can tell pops
go complain to him
dad, they didn't even design it. they fucking drag and dropped components to the screen in FrontPage
If they have a struggling book business, they likely can't afford to get some new aweseom site, just maybe fix the most glaring problems with the current one
@Cereal HA! you know what is OUTSTANDING?!
by someone willing to work with that thay have instead of rewrite large sections out of disgust.
they include jQuery 1.4
they NEVER actually use it
@rlemon I worked on a site that included 6 different versions of jquery throughout the homepage
but did they at least use them?
@rlemon color me surprised
and several versions of bootstrap. The bootstrap was rough, because they were overriding each other
At least it's not XHTML
<script type="text/javascript">
//put this in the header
function checkKeywordLength()
    var keyword = document.getElementById('keyword').value;
    if(keyword.length < 2)
        alert('Please enter at least 2 characters before performing a search.');
        return false;
        return true;
dat comment
@Cereal I hope he didn't pay much
because he got hosed.
Not sure
@rlemon aww, I can't search for * then :(
Let's see if he's on skype. He's in hollywood at the moment for work
Or on a plane, one of the two
Or both if he just departed
or landed
or neither
if he's dead
which he probably isn't
I think I just found out how to hack the site
@Cereal sorry, I'm gonna try to XSS papa's site
or you can do something useful like blowing soap bubbles
Careful with that, I believe it falls under something something illegal
nahh, just changing the 'contact' value on the HTML
for some reason there is a hidden form field with the contact (info@website) base64'd in
figured I could send support emails to myself by changing that
@Cereal tell pops there is one junk one from me now
does anyone know how to manipulate attributes of ProcessingInstruction objects?
it didn't work.
							<td colspan="2" align="center">
								<input type="hidden" name="func" value="sendContactForm">
								<input type="hidden" name="page" value="shop/contactus">
								<input type="hidden" name="contact" value="aW5mb0BDb3ZlclRvQ292ZXJCb29rcy5jYQ=="/>
								<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Send"/>
what is a good place to find programmers for pair programming for freeeee?
Maybe it's a "cleverly" disguised auth token of some sort?
@AwalGarg mirrors
@rlemon I did some work for them. Check the my wants page. I had to make it look like the actual webpage. I had to trudge through all the HTML to convert it to something sane
Wouldn't recommend
!!mustache ChrisT
okay, someone needs to rehost that
Not it.
@AwalGarg That was interesting. Not exactly rigorously scientific, but interesting.
maybe I should read it too
TL;DR: most of Gen Y are entitled punks.
What's a gen y
!!wiki generation y
@Nick That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
I thought wikipedia was a command
It's wiki
I am writing something for personal use. I can either do it in web stack in an hour, or I can go native (probably with python) but that'd require me to do some research since I am not very well versed with python. opinions on which road to pick? I personally want to do it the native way since, I guess, it'd help me learn or whatever.
Millennials (also known as the Millennial Generation or Generation Y) are the demographic cohort following Generation X. There are no precise dates when the generation starts and ends. Researchers and commentators use birth years ranging from the early 1980s to the early 2000s. == Terminology == Authors William Strauss and Neil Howe wrote about the Millennials in Generations: The History of America's Future, 1584 to 2069, and they released an entire book devoted to them, titled Millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation. Strauss and Howe are "widely credited with naming the Millennials...
@AwalGarg If you have no time constraint and want to learn, go the hard way
I'm a Millennial
I might be a millenial.
depends on whos definition, since it changes a lot.
s/ millenial/roused/gi
@KendallFrey the time constraint is "I want it ASAP because I want it ASAP"
@Loktar I consider us the MTV generation
1980? jesus
@Cereal yeah its a really stupid range imo
anyone who enjoyed actual music on MTV is part of the MTV generation
@rlemon haha
@AwalGarg Then feel free to do it the easy way and not feel guilty
I remember when MTV was new, I was pretty young
we had it, and it played music videos.
and it played fucking music.
@Cereal No, he was around 0
we (internet folk) ruined MTV
@Loktar everything was new when you were pretty young
there is no money in showing music videos on TV anymore
Your mom was still old
burn conceded
For the first time in my life, I'm excited for a show coming out on MTV next year...
I remember MTV when Carson Daily was still cool.
@Loktar born in 82 right?
Loktar's so old, I bet he can remember computers before the invention of the 1.
I wanna make "old person" jokes at you, but I was born only 4 years later :/
mostly a whole lot of nothing, I bet
Loktar probably owned a Betamax.
maybe @DenysSéguret ??
Loktar probably owned a pterodactyl
@KendallFrey it was his record player
ugh, is it really still monday
(inb4 pedant "that is not a pterodactyl")
is there an easy way to say "copy all rows from table A to table B if the column exists on table B"
I have a new data structure, and to mitigate migration I need to have a 'temp' table for a bit with all of the content of table A
and I'm too lazy to write the script by hand
is this if per-row or global?
@rlemon lol nah
we didnt own a vcr for a while either
we did. I remember as a kid having TV rips of Land Before Time
and Dumbo
@rlemon land before time is the shit!
Anyone know any libs to parse an MPQ file clientside offhand?
@phenomnomnominal only the first one
also, I don't care who knows it, The Sound of Music was one of my favorite movies as a kid
oh yeah they murdered that shit
@rlemon @Loktar what do you think of my misdirection thingie: jsfiddle.net/phenomnomnominal/9y2h82fv/7
too much complication for me
oh ffs
linux renamed overlayfs to overlay
and lxc added support for overlay in 1.1
I have lxc 1.0.7, 1.1 is not even packaged in unstable
Hm. In mongo, is there a way to set a field if it is not already set, but not if it is?
Oh, $setOnInsert... nevermind me
@phenomnomnominal that's a lot of errors
where there is will, there is a way. there is no will in mongo, so there is no way
@KendallFrey other than the CORS one?
well, the HTTPS one
@Zirak if that's not too much of work, can you do help.github.com/articles/changing-author-info on 2 PRs (the patch for them reflects something I don't like)?
@KendallFrey what does it say? It makes a request to a server that doesn't exist, but there's no https involved
I run with HTTPS
and so it blocks you trying to access a HTTP resource
oh yeah that's why. It's for that pinned link, it doesn't actually try to make a request to a real server. Just hides the fact that it makes a request
ironically, it makes it more visible for me
well yeah if you run it :P
Will node always fire off a close event when a socket closes? Are there any other events?
not sure
might be best to make your own event if youre trying to do cleanup
Just trying to update a collection when the socket isn't connected
be wary of memory leaks if you're holding sockets in an object somewhere
why not just grab the list of currently connected sockets?
because of pancakes
waffles are a real problem too
@phenomnomnominal What do you mean by that? I am doing that I think
good night
if you don't remove them from that object when they're no longer needed the references will stick around
Oh, I think they're supposed to persist in this case until the application closes
well if it's supposed to happen, it's not really a leak. But that sounds weird
Why is that? I am interacting with a hardware controller, shouldn't it persist?
oh, they stay open the whole time?
I meant it'd be weird to hold on to them after they'd closed, dw
Windows users: Is there a way to force windows to index a folder? E.g, you download a program off the internet that's just a bare executable. Windows will never index it. Is there a way to index it
it will get indexed
doesnt seem to rank very highly in search though
hmm? what?
whats the .exe filename?
the new windows search has also failed hard on me a few times
beats me
for instance, it cannot find "gimp" but it can find "GIMP2"
isn't there usually a space before the (1)
@KendallFrey Dunno, that's the name of the executable though
if you know the name, why do you care if it's indexed?
So I can type it into the search and hit enter
so you can launch it from search
use a shell like any sane person
to address your question, have you read windows.microsoft.com/en-ca/windows/…
postgres: I added a column to the db, then added a default to it.
how do I update all existing values?
I added the default of 0, but the values are coming back as 'null' when I select them
update foo set field = 0 where field = null;
I honestly expected them to be updated to 0 :/ I should have added NOT NULL to the db
writing upgrade scripts is fairly easy
damn, there is a bunch of columns.
I hoped adding 'NOT NULL' would solve it
cannot set that because it has null values
@phenomnomnominal hah nice man
!!beer or cider or rum
@rlemon beer
i want to add an anchor to reload a partial in angularjs, any guidance for that?
Is it common for Node's event loop to fire off a callback a few seconds after an event occuring?
there's no way to tell when callbacks will occur, that's why event loops are a poor choice
Well the action happens, it just takes a pretty considerable amount of time, I'm trying to figure out why... I call it in a factory method
@Zirak then you're pretty much done! Variable detection to show their values shouldn't be hard at all either ;)
has anyone used the template element? I'm still looking for as many things to polyfill as possible, and am starting on one for the template element
@Cereal the news is that it comes pre bundled.
Chocolatey has been out there for ages. Been using it for at least 3 years
@Cereal about time
how about to add a link to refresh a partial in angularjs?
That is one derpy dog
Hangouts? cc @Zirak
@rlemon link? Might join you this time ;)
unless it's over-18 :P
like very dirty jokes about... code?
That promise is so sexy, look at that call!
@rlemon ^
I wish I were that cool
@towc no one else joined, and if it were just you and me Chris Hansen might come a knockin'
oh well :/
I have been having a social life
congrats to me
@rlemon Can I help

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