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sweet dreams
@FlorianMargaine eww you use a web frontend for IRC
I use AIM
What don't we like about Rx?
I use irssi
@catgocat +1
same here
I just use chrome ssh, tmux attach, and am ready to go every day
though there are some pretty good looking clients
weechat has good reputation
Reading some book and im not quite sure what is meaning of the sentance:
"It is bad practice to use and depend on setTimeout instead an event call back should be used. Otherwise different time durations can give indeterministic results."
@AaditMShah have you read "introduction to computation" by sipser?
Hellloooooo javascript!
@TylerLangan hi
Hey bros :)
I'm in bitter agony this eve because I can't ask a question on SO. WOndering if you could help?
I keep asking questions, and they're quality questions, but they get down votes. -1, -1, -1 x15 until my account is suspended from asking any more q's
@copy ^^ Live data
@TylerLangan You've got one question with negative votes
Oh hey SomeKittens :)
Aren't you also on #economics on Freenode?
or maybe ##javascript
I'm in ##javascript
but not active
Yeah when I wanted to get into programming again, I was looking at ios. I spent hours trying to understand the cost because I didn't have a lot of money
And asking that question really put my account on thin ice
Um, it looks like some admin just deleted my ios question with -11 votes
meaning I can't redeem my account
IIRC, the Q-ban expires after a while
It's been quite some time
don't make an alt, that'll just make it worse for you
so go on mechanical turk and get some upvotes?
@Callum I like that, OP link?
@Shea Got it from Facebook
Yeah that's what I thought, but I was wanted the link to the post so I can share it
@Callum And yet the Scottish are still subject to British rule.
@SomeKittens i'd spread 70 or so percents back onto thinking and debugging, maybe even typing (but ctrl+x and ctrl+v don't account for too much)
@Nick About as much as me or anyone else subjected to their own government's rule?
No. Read a history book
about as much as Washington DC gets
> still subject to British rule
sorry could have sworn you were implying the present
@BenjaminGruenbaum No. I haven't. I'll try to find the book in my campus library. Is it a great book?
@Nick i will cut you off from jquery m8. no jks,
do it fgt
fine i will. i hpe ur coffeescriptcake tastes liek sht.
Shoot, StarGazer was down for a little while today. Never fear, it's back online now.
Well, I guess I only guarantee 9 9s of reliability. That is 9.99999999% uptime.
@SomeKittens Oh, that's maybe less data than you expected
But it looks nice
Yeah, maxing out at around 3 events/sec
I'll need to add more handlers and servers
gimme a sec and I'll link you the live version
Turn my display to 0% -> isn't off
You know what also ins't off? Your chains to the British empire
Pretty cool
The source port isn't very relevant
You could also show the ip of the ZMQ connection, which is the destination address (there are two currently)
hmm, not sure if I'd be able to get that
I'll add that info to the message
/me braces self for all the parsing to break
Using geoip on the addresses could be interesting too
For interests sake, what are you working on @copy And @SomeKittens?
A php_purest monitoring tool?
Copy's building a honeypot, I'm building a dashboard to interface with it
geoIP means we could build our own attack map
Why even use ZMQ? Seems like the simpler solution would be to use plain HTTP.
Perhaps some simple websockets at most.
The processing is where Gustav (my realtime ETL) really shines.
Glad I built that, should publish it soonish
@Lalaland Because the data resembles a stream of things
@copy Simple. A websocket is a stream of packets.
Or just plain length-prefixed TCP.
It's easier than TCP. I haven't even considered websockets
TCP is dead simple. Write length of data. Then write data.
Sockets are a pain
They aren't that bad even in plain C. ~10-20 lines of code to set up.
Almost gets ridiculously simple with stuff like libuv.
Thanks for your input
Just something to keep in mind if you run into problems with ZMQ.
But sometimes you don't need them.
@SomeKittens brb ;)
Anybody know why the ↔ character overrides styling & shows up as red on mobile chrome?
Similarly websockets do offer some nice features over plain TCP including: 1. Variable width length encoding to decrease overhead for small payloads. 2. Masking of data to prevent potential attacks on in-between routers. 3. Compatibility with web tech (can be hosted on port 80 and used by browsers).
@Lalaland it's pretty impolite to barge in to someone else's project and insist they're doing it wrong.
it appears to be getting turned into an icon?
@SomeKittens I was just wondering why the use of ZMQ considering all of the debugging between you two the last few days.
I did not mean any offensive.
Morning guys
I have a question
Here is the situation:
I'm trying to create instant search engine via ajax and php
But the problem is:
When i type number, I only want to select the number column from SQL
And retrieve the rows one by one
But when I type a name then I want to select the name column
And then retrieve the rows form the name column
Anyone has any idea how to do it ?
Similarly if I type email then the email column is selected from the SQL and its rows are fetched one by one
Use regular expressions to tell the different types of input apart.
Or run all three queries simultaneously.
@Lalaland What is the best and way
While maintaining performance and best practices ?
What is someone has a name that is also a number?
Or a name that is also an email?
It seems like you have no choice but to run all three queries simultaneously. My initial suggestion would not work very well.
The table holds record for customers
Now I want the user to type anything about any particular customer that is it's phone number, email or name
But when he/she does then select that column from the SQL then show only the rows from which column they were found
@Lalaland Did you understand ?
Yep. Just run all three queries.
Then ?
Is there any way to select the column from which a certain value is found ?
SELECT * FROM blah_table WHERE foo_column = value;
I don't want to select all columns
I only want to select 1 column at a time in which the typed value is found
Why not?
If you only want to select 1 column at a time, run three queries.
ok Suppose I select all columns, now how do I return only the column from which the value is found?
You can do that manually after receiving the result from the SQL server.
But running 3 queries might be the better option, less duplicated logic, etc.
Especially if you use LIKE.

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