PSA: When defending your XYZ editor and flaming PQR editor, please try to give logical and factually valid arguments even if your editor is better than mine.
@AwalGarg Vim's ability to create repetitive sequences and repeat them with very few keystrokes takes most features ST has, including multiple cursors.
@MadaraUchiha I do know that vim is technically much better than Sublime Text. Not sure about emacs. But as you said yourself, it is not the top priority for me now.
Have to half-way agree with @catgocat that the "thinking mostly" argument is kinda invalid. when you are refactoring or cleaning up code, which is a lot, your typing speed and the speed of your editor matters a lot.
A mealy machine is just a stateful function. Hence, two mealy machines can be composed using simple function composition. A moore machine is a restricted mealy machine with an initial output value. Is there a way to compose two moore machines? This is what I tried in Haskell:
type Mealy a b = a ->...
@AaditMShah lol, of course you're not succeeding, you're representing the maching as a stateful function. Represent it as a 6 tuple like the definition and it all falls into place.
so, I'm shopping for servers so I have something to play around with. I'm looking for an older machine that's actually a server (as opposed to just throwing together some parts). Recommendations?
@AaditMShah the input alphabet is the input alphabet of the first machine, the output alphabet is the output alphabet of the second machine, the state space is 2 - tuples of states from the first and states from the second machine (the cartesian product representing one state from each machine), the transition function does the transition on the first machine state using the first, then the output function composed with the transition function of the second m on the second machine state.
@BenjaminGruenbaum The 6-tuple definition of a moore machine has three data types (the type of the state, the type of the input and the type of the output), some initial state, a transition function and an output function. The initial value of the moore machine is taken from the initial state and the output function. The transition function, the output function and the state is combined into the stateful function that I mentioned in my answer.
The output is the output of the second machine with those states.
That definition sounds quite simple, it sounds quite easy to prove inductively over a run over the composed function that the machine produces the input iff it is the composition of the two functions.
So you get an entirely definable machine using that composition.
A moore machine isn't a monad, it's defined on several type variables not two. Your definition of Moore a b does not encapsulate the required information.
Also, your definition of associativity in the questions holds here (although it is pretty useless on its own, we can just define a mealy machine to always evaluate to Unit, and compose them any way we'd like, you should actually demand function composition).
data Moore a b = forall s. Moore (s -> b) (s -> a -> s) s
composeMoore :: Moore b c -> Moore a b -> Moore a c
composeMoore (Moore g2 t2 s2) (Moore g1 t1 s1) = Moore (g2 . snd) (\(s1, s2) x -> (t1 s1 x, t2 s2 (g1 s1))) (s1, s2)
So a is the type of the input alphabet and b is the type of the output alphabet? The first function is the output alphabet thing, and the second one is the transition?
s is a type of state, where is that encapsulated? Where is the state space?
data Moore a b = forall s. Moore (s -> b) (s -> a -> s) s
| | | |______| |___________| |
| | | | | +-> initial state
| | | | +-> transition function
| | | +-> output function
| | +-> state space
| +-> output alphabet
+-> input alphabet
@SomeKittens you putting esxi on there or some other virtual platform? If so before you fully commit check out compatibility lists. I made that mistake and had to purchase a separate hardware raid card. But yeah its nice to have a server or two that you can just do whatever the hell you want with. I mean VPS's are alright but its more rewarding to own the entire thing imo.
@AaditMShah the problem here is that you need the type of the function to depend on the state space passed. If you pass {1, 2, 3, 4} inside as the state space you need the the transition function to be from that to that
@AaditMShah I described a construction for composition which I can prove is correct in terms of the output of the machine being the same as function composition.
It's type sound, any other way you'd have would be isomorphic at which point it wouldn't matter.
As in, belonging to the set is membership to the type.
Otherwise, the type information is incorrect, just look at the wikipedia definition.
It's a function whose domain is the state space. If that constraint is not represented you cannot accurately represent the computation. That's a type system problem not a composition problem. So to answer your question - yes there is a way to compose two such machines.
The way I've stated above is provably correct. It's a simple induction.
The Haskell type system does not have these higher order concepts as far as I know, maybe Idris? Who knows.
@AaditMShah let me try something different. Forget functions and functional programming, we now just have an automaton which happens to be a Moore machine.
@AaditMShah We have an automaton that takes every letter in the alphabet and output the following letter, how would you construct that as a Moore machine? (Our alphabet has 6 letters, for the 6th it would return the 1st, so a -> b, b -> c, c -> d and so on).
So given "aaaa" we want a run to output "bbbb" (after we make a transition, we add the latter produced by calling the output function on that state to our output).
But I think it would be simpler if we just ignore the first output and assume it outputs after each transition and not before, and for the empty string it outputs the empty string (which is the common way to define it as far as I'm aware).
A mealy machine outputs on transition. A moore machine outputs in between transitions. Hence, a moore machine without an initial output is a mealy machine.
> If we disregard the first output symbol of a Moore machine, s_0, then it can be readily converted to an output-equivalent Mealy machine by setting the output function of every Mealy transition (i.e. labeling every edge) with the output symbol given of the destination Moore state.
So, for my question, I'd make a machine with 6 states named q_a to q_f (irrelevant start state), when I see a letter I map to the state representing the following letter. That way I can depend only on the state.
Anyone hear of, or have tried Project Maelstrom? I just discovered it, and I guess it's a new web browser. Still not sure what to make of it, any thoughts?
:25260883 well, you can take the state as s * t, but I'd argue it also makes sense since you need all the options to make a transition (just like in the intersection of languages in DFAs). Now, how would the transition function look like?
@AaditMShah right, but not its type, based on the transition functions of the two functions - how would it look like?
@AaditMShah well, you represented it as a couple, a state from the first machine and a state from the second machine.
The first machine just works on the input, so it makes sense that it'll simply be the first machine applied on the input based on where the first machine would be at at this point in the computation.
We need to keep track of that so we can "simulate" the first machine as it goes so we can pipe its output as input to the second machine.
@Shea Idk... I mean, I guess I don't understand how it works enough to form a relevant opinion, but it seems to me that P2P could have some major potential security flaws. If someone were to take enough time to figure out how to serve the wrong content.
Just think about what it's logical for it to do, if the first half keeps track of the simulation of the first machine to get the resulting state - we also have access to the letter it'd output when reading the letter in that turn.
@iamtery I am not interested in your thing unless you have some concrete base for the project and some infrastructure, which I see is very much lacking right now. And maybe improve communication.
@Gofilord Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
So, who wants to laugh at me? I spent a good part of July building a real-time ETL system (neat!) and just spent an hour bemoaning the fact that there isn't a good ETL system for realtime data anymore.
So to sum up what I just read about torrents, a torrent served website is basically just a website with an added layer of protocols, which essentially serves it's purpose as buffer for a server's bandwidth. It's an interesting concept, but not very practical for non-static files.
@catgocat Why? It's not a great new idea or a revolutionary way of thought. I'll admit that it's a cool idea, but let's not pretend it's anything beyond that.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well if npm is so great, how come Obama uses it??
@Zirak solid point, but you have to remember obama is a nazi communist terrorist in disguise who actually hates america so it's probably part of an elaborate ruse.