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@Callum There are reserved ports and reserved ranges for private use
But it's not illegal to use any port
@copy almost there, writing up a quick server
Hey, hello world works!
If a hello world doesn't work, it's far too complicated :p
Now reading up on pubsub
@copy why zmq instead of all the others?
OCaml doesn't have many bindings
I searched for a popular and well-supported one
makes sense, that's how I ended up with Angular
now, how is this working, am I a subscriber to your publisher?
Neither, I think. Sec
We use request-reply. I make requests
looks the same on my end
Ok. Let's try it
@SomeKittens Can I have the ip of the server?
Did you get the message?
Let me set it up on my laptop and see if I can ping it locally
If you're on Linux, try netstat -lp
doesn't show up
From here the port looks closed
Wow thansk @AwalGarg for your tool. I wonder if all my current messages will look just as stupid after a couple of years.
@SomeKittens Maybe you have to setup port forwarding in your router
Yeah, that's up and running
I'm willing to bet I'm not binding zmq correctly
I think you need to listen on tcp://*:5555
@Lalaland My very first message looks stupid, and I've been here for little over a month :p
Or another port
@copy what's the point of it ?
> I used to say stupid things. I still do, but I used to, too.
2 hours ago, by copy
I have a table from keyCode to scancode which is send to the emulator (and represents a physical key). Now I want to send text programatically
ok, trying 5555
can ping from OSX (having install issues with libsodium again)
All of the things I say will be stupid forever until I clone myself and create a nick-colony on the moon
/// <reference path="typings/tsd.d.ts" />

'use strict';

//responder = server

import zeromq = require('zmq');

let port = 'tcp://';

let socket = zeromq.socket('rep');

socket.identity = 'server' + process.pid;


socket.on('message', function(data) {
  console.log(socket.identity + ': received ' + data.toString());
  socket.send('got it -SomeKittens');
^ my codez
@Nick Well, I believe that reveals your investment of choice:
oh geez, there's a brew recipe
@SomeKittens Hang on, the problem might be on my side
@copy no offense - bt i believe what are you trying to achieve is could be simple achieved by 'C'. running as a demon.
You could also just write assembly
@distalx What is 'C'. running as a demon
@SomeKittens Still nothing?
Nope. On 5555. Making progress on getting it set up on my laptop to ping from there
@Lalaland Did you read my amazing foreign policy?
hah, just found one of these at goodwill for $10
its a footpedal with 3 "buttons"
got a autohotkey script to bind the pedals
.... now I need to figure out wtf I should/could use my feet for
@copy binding specifically to eth0 now
@SomeKittens I tried with a demo zmq client and it doesn't work
tried connecting to me?
alright, lemme hammer out some things here, I'll ping you if successful
5555/tcp filtered freeciv
was calling .connect instead of .bind
ok, try now
@copy ^^
successfully pinged the desktop from the laptop
I'm sending
try again
got it
It works
hah, wonderful!
will I be able to restart the server?
or will you have to restart your end every time?
Nope, you can restart
Do you also get the s-expression messages?
server32200: received Hello
server32200: received ((src( 36244))(service_name ssdp))
server32200: received ((src( 59503))(service_name ssdp))
how often are they firing?
It's pretty random. Sometimes you get a thousand, sometimes only a few in an hour
I'll keep a lookout, thanks
I'll point my servers at your server then, now
/me braces himself
Watcha guys up to?
Trying to fix my pronunciation
/// <reference path="typings/tsd.d.ts" />

'use strict';

//responder = server

import zeromq = require('zmq');
import fs = require('fs');

let s = fs.createWriteStream('./zmq-data');

let port = 'tcp://eth0:5555';

let socket = zeromq.socket('rep');

socket.identity = 'server' + process.pid;


socket.on('message', function(data) {
  console.log(socket.identity + ': received ' + data.toString());
  s.write(data.toString() + '\n');
  socket.send('got it -SomeKittens');
@Nooble if that helps
my weekend project is to play with realtime data analysis
so @copy is throwing some data my way via ZeroMQ
@copy Neither works for me, first requires login, second hangs
:25253929 `inline code here`
@SomeKittens That's the expected behaviour
ah, so it's working. Though I haven't recieved any messages since the ones I pasted earlier. (two restarts since then)
I do get requests from my laptop
Did you get something just now?
Almost looks like JavaScript: The bad parts
(From the index)
quick question, how can I import from a higher directory?
@Username Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
import Nav from '../../components/Nav';
is not working
what's "is not working" mean?
it keeps looking for the file in the directory im running the code from
like I want homepage/app/component/foo.jsx
but its looking in homepage/app/js/
I don't know JSX
@SomeKittens Is the server offline now?
no, still running
Oh, I need to receive non-blocking
That might have been a problem
restarted mine
its the same thing just imagine i need a foo.js file
I need from a really good javascript developer
@Araldy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
thank you caprica six, I didnt know that, first time on this chat. Basically my question is about uuuid with javascript/angular js Im tryed to link a random id to a certain part of an array
@Araldy create a self-contained minimum example on jsbin.com
@copy getting piles of chargen
I assume that's you?
Nope, that's an evil person
@Username its just a matter of getting to that directory from where you're at.
probably have some incorrect traversals in your import
it says its looking in this folder /Users/AmmarKarim/Desktop/Homepage/app/js
but i dont want it to look there
Hi. This is prob a bad idea...but how to mock NTLM authentication in express (node.js) app? Any lib to this end?
That too on a linux machine ^
What is the easiest way to create a string having n number of zeroes? Like for n=3, "000"?
@SomeKittens I'm off now, let me know if something interesting happens (I'm not actually doing any analytics on the data yet)
@copy Thanks again, I'll hopefully have some realtime d3 fun midway through tomorrow
@catgocat wtf are you talking about. nodeos is just linux with a node-based shell and npm as a package manager. Also, "popularising node and javascript"?
@Sawarnik somethng like this: jsconsole.com/…
But I guess the optimal way is to go classic...loop + concat
@deostroll That is what I did .. but I thought there would be something more optimal. One last thing, how do we change a character in a string? For example, in "0000", I want to change the third character to 1, "0010".
array.slice it; change val at desired indx, and then array.join all that
bcuz strings r immutable....
Okay, thanks :)
@catgocat you have one guess why it is there
also, happy sunday peeps
@FlorianMargaine I couldn't understand your makefile. Do I have to run make <file.o> first? Wouldn't that break the current state?
This will cost me approx $30 to get here
Considering whether I should or not :|
@MadaraUchiha "Awaglass" why... does that ring a bell
@Zirak benji just told me how smart he thinks you are
and how he admires you
isn't that right, @Benj
12 hours ago, by Zirak
npm is a terrible package manager, node (as is) is terrible (read: inconvenient) for doing sysadmin work, the entire thing is woven together terribly, everything's terrible.
how wise and true words
@Zirak I havent looked at how it is done but it just surprises me that they did something like that with node
and morning
@Cereal help!
any one who does nodejs express here?
There is a static file placed in my public folder...(manifest.appcache)...I need it to be static but serve that as a HTML5 cache manifest file... (text/cache-manifest)...any idea how?
Q: Run node.js app remotely on WebStorm?

I'll-Be-BackI have node.js installed on Vagrant and WebStorm access to a project on shared folder via VirtualBox. Can I run node.js application on WebStorm and see the output on WebStorm (Terminal or SSH)? At the moment I have to keep switching to Putty to run it to see the output, its gets quite tiring.

In the section Drag and Drop Events in JavaScript:The Definite Guide, I am puzzled at a sentence.
@deostroll Sounds relatively simple, have you consulted the internet's omniscient entity of searching?
@ZhengquanBai Yes..?
There is such sentence in that section. I dont quite understand, can somebody write some codes to explain this?

Unfortunately, both the dragenter and dragleave events bubble and if a drop target has elements nested within it, it is difficult to know whether a dragleave event means that the drag has left the drop target for an event outside of the target or for an event inside the target.
@ZhengquanBai Consider the following
<div id=a>
  <div id=b>
    <div id=c>Boop
@MadaraUchiha I have...but it keeps show me pages where code explicitly sets it... stackoverflow.com/a/7116561/145682 ...is that my only option?
If I attach a click handler on div#a, and click on "Boop" which is inside div#c, the event on div#a will be triggered
That's called event bubbling or propagation
Yeah, I know what event propagation is.
A: Express: Setting content-type based on path/file?

Andrei NeculauAlso, if you want to extend the mime-types that express(connect) knows about, you can do express.static.mime.define({'text/plain': ['md']}); or connect.static.mime.define({'text/plain': ['md']}); PS: the mime module is now located at https://github.com/broofa/node-mime

@ZhengquanBai Great, than the sentence means that the dragenter and dragleave events bubble
So if there's a nested div inside your target, and you trigger dragleave on it, you'll get dragleave on the parent, even though the drag session is still over the target.
* [ [    ]     ]
[ * [    ]     ] - DRAGENTER ON OUTER!
[ [ *  ]       ] - DRAGENTER ON INNER AND OUTER!
[ [    ]     ] * - DRAGLEAVE ON OUTER!
@MadaraUchiha what ?
@MadaraUchiha thats unclear...say I have file called foo.txt somewhere in my static/public folders...how to send it with mime text/cache-manifest...?
@deostroll afaik express.sendFile sould do that auto matigically
@deostroll That applies to file extensions
So you can define that all .foo files are sent with the text/x-foo type, if you want.
@MadaraUchiha In the fourth case, why dragleave happens on both inner and outer, it seems to me that it only happens on inner.
@ZhengquanBai Yes, but since the event bubbles, it also triggers for outer.
Same as a click on inner == click on outer
dragleave on inner == dragleave on outer.
Can someone walk me out
@Abhishrek I can kick you out. Is that helpful?
@MadaraUchiha where do you write it... app.js?
@MadaraUchiha erm
i forgot to type the rest of it.
@MadaraUchiha Thanks. I understand now. Your illustration is very clear and helpful.
@Abhishrek ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Can someone walk me out of fucked up windows 10 ubuntu 15.04 installation,... pretty please ?
@MadaraUchiha why the wrath on me ?
@Abhishrek I have wrath on everyone equally.
@Abhishrek Dual?
@MadaraUchiha yeah
And what do you want to do?
I have ubuntu installed already and the disk structure looks like this
I intend to install windows 10
(image will upload in about 3 minutes)
@Abhishrek I will also be formatting stuff in a few days too. I have ubuntu and win8.1 installed. now wanna remove all the things, see if installing win10 is a good idea, if not, re-install win8.1, else install win10, then install arch linux.
what I don't know is why I want to remove all the things :/
Q: How can I install Windows after I've installed Ubuntu?

Sk8erI have Ubuntu on my laptop. Now I want install Windows 7 in a dual-boot. How can I do this? I can't lose my Ubuntu files, and I'm afraid that I might break GRUB.

@MadaraUchiha that method makes grub sad
@AwalGarg How so?
@MadaraUchiha grub identifies the windows boot loader as another installation of windows and lists it in the boot record, and causes the windows mbr to identify the boot partition as a normal partition and shows it in the explorer
Hello everyone! :)
here is mine
p5 is /home, p6 is my personal data. p7 is swap. p1 is /, and p4 is windows installation. p3 is the windows mbr which I don't want :(
I can just remove grub, windows, windows mbr, join p3 and p4, remove p1, install windows, and then install arch
@AwalGarg just run make
@MadaraUchiha hey
@catgocat o/
how's life?
All's well
@FlorianMargaine it says 'circular dependency dropped'
@MadaraUchiha good :) Have you improved the UI on the caption-maker already?
@catgocat Nope :|
Do you plan to?
I want to supercede it with a more library oriented version, and have the UI wrap around that + imgur uploading
@AwalGarg duh
Maybe even allow the user to download it on the spot, rather than upload to imgur
@AwalGarg link?
sounds good
Yup.. I don't get it. And on mobile, so can't debug
@MadaraUchiha I am currently reading this: amazon.com/How-Linux-Works-Superuser-Should/dp/1593275676/…
very well written
@catgocat What does it include?
@MadaraUchiha It's not that much about command line stuff (but also includes ofc), it talks about how the user processes, the kernel and the hardware all relate.
It does sound interesting
Bookmarked for later
I had to check it out, look at the reviews
5 stars, linux best seller
@FlorianMargaine np, let me know if/when you look at it
@AwalGarg get a gaming PC
@MadaraUchiha that breaks on windows 10
@FlorianMargaine I debugged and got it to work, left you a comment for review.
@Zirak npm is awesome, you're just a noob and are upset you can't copy-paste NPM.
stop shoving jQuery at sysadmin work
And Emacs
how is a function stored in the memory in C?
Can anyone give me a hunch about online and offline events in a web page...? Is the browser repeatedly polling for this?
@AwalGarg just in the code address space?
It's just code
@BenjaminGruenbaum so the function declaration and definition is put as binary text in the memory?
@AwalGarg yes, declaration is just for linking, it's just bytes stored in the code space.
@BenjaminGruenbaum ok got it. thanks
@MadaraUchiha emacs sucks, get vim
@catgocat Tell @Zirak
He's using Emacs as a window manager
pretty good too
they present the information in small chunks of tips, so you don't have to read it starting from the beginning, you can jump as you like
the search and replace chapter is pretty boring but the rest is very well explained and entertaining
@Luggage hey
@AwalGarg does it work if you do this:
all: $(FILE).o
@FlorianMargaine nope. That requires aprog.c.o to be present, right?
(also use tabs mr. blank spaces :D)
@AwalGarg yeah
On mobile, so tabs are not possible :)
@FlorianMargaine but on the first invocation of make, how can aprog.c.o be present?
hey hey:)
hey @iamtery :)
can i ask you a quick question?
when searching on google you know how it created the search result url into %somethingt% something%
@AwalGarg it won't be there, but that's the point of the dependencies
is there way to generate that?
Make should go look at the dependencies to build them
@iamtery The % character would always have a code associated with it, and that code turns the entire %<code> into some special character. so % is nothing.
@FlorianMargaine how would make know how to build aprog.c.o?
i'm using yql and the link is in similar format
@iamtery alright... so where is the problem?
the file location changed
so i'm trying to change it new folder
can you help with that
show an example of the current state of your data, and what you want the final state to look like
current url query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20*%20from%20html%20where%20u‌​rl%3D%22https%3A%2F%2Fgoogledrive.com%2Fhost%2F0B0Uq10AGOvuvbTZMYlB2MVZDOWc%2F%22‌​&diagnostics=false
@AwalGarg you want the file link?
@AwalGarg because there is a aproc.c.o target
@FlorianMargaine and make should execute it automatically?
@iamtery yes
@FlorianMargaine Are you using Android?
@Callum yes
should be easy to isolate, then. sec
@FlorianMargaine Then you can use tabs :p
@AwalGarg current data file
Maybe not with your keyboard, but you can use one that uses tabs
@Callum teach me master
How big is your screen?
How is that related?
@FlorianMargaine this works:
ifndef FILE

all: $(FILE).o

$(FILE).o: $(FILE)
	gcc -g -Wall -Wextra -pedantic $< -o $@

	rm -f *.o

dbg: $(FILE).o
	gdb -q $<

.PHONY: clean dbg

I'm talking about the tab character
Yeah, depending on the size of screen will depend on which keyboard I recommend :p
@AwalGarg what's the difference with what I wrote?
@FlorianMargaine quotes. adding them back makes it fail
@Callum galaxy note 2
@AwalGarg which quotes? Oo
@FlorianMargaine "aprog.c" vs aprog.c
this is fun, nice thanks!
Okay, Note II is 13.97cm, I'd use the one I previously linked
And where do I hit tab with that?
(Turns out I already had it)
@iamtery looking
thanks @AwalGarg :)
@Callum the hacker keyboard is missing some features to be truly used on mobiles such as autocorrect or period on double space
tests period on double space
@iamtery so as I understand it, the url to your file has changed, and you want to update that part in the yql query url as well, right?
yes sir @AwalGarg
"sir"? Is this army, or India?
@Callum I have big fingers
being professional @JanDvorak:)
@iamtery where are these urls (the yql query urls) stored?
@iamtery it is not professional to use "sir" outside of India
Quite the opposite
professional, or trying to be polite by replicating those british colonists that taught India their language?
google drive
@JanDvorak not really depends on type of work you do.
I've never seen "sir" used in professional setting
i provided the direct link for new file above @AwalGarg
Except when Indian people are involved
@FlorianMargaine lol
I'm serious
let's say if you go to bank or something you will hear from the teller sir or maam
And I've worked with french, swiss, German, American, British or Moroccan people
if you were to call any customer service they will call you either maam or sir
And surely other I've forgotten
@iamtery ahh I get it now. do you want to modify any other params as well or just the url?
@iamtery yeah... because they're indian
just the url @AwalGarg change it from old to new that's all
@JanDvorak so you are saying if any other race calls you sir or maam and trying to give customer service they are Indians?
Pretty sure noone does that but those who were taught indian english
@FlorianMargaine Please, friend
@AwalGarg that link seems to be to long i think it's using token url
@iamtery "token url"? I just replaced the original url in the yql query to the new url you gave me
*too long
@AwalGarg question how did you generate that?
prepending questions with "question" is also an indianism. We can get that by the sentence ending with a question mark.
@iamtery assign the url to an anchor element, extract query, decodeURLComponent, remove, encodeURIComponent(new data), assign back, extract href.
okay thanks @AwalGarg @JanDvorak i'm indian now nice:)
hey guys any idea how to create landing page like this -- i believe it's html 5
http://www.teamgeek.co.za/ its just made me wonder hows this effect works .. :)
in Lounge<C++>, 51 secs ago, by ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ
Nov 21 '11 at 0:22, by Jeff Pigarelli
Just a question: PHP has HTML as the default (we can say) markup language. What's the "default" markup/visual language for C++ software?
@distalx it's just a .png image with some transparent parts.
@distalx you can place it on top of a <div/> element and change the background color of the <div /> .
@FlorianMargaine autocorrect? For shame...
@Callum Let's call it autocomplete then
It lets you just mash the keyboard near the letters you want to type and then select from a list which word you actually meant.
@distalx particleslider.com for the particles .
@AwalGarg are you here?
@JanDvorak Autocomplete? Why? Can people just not spell?
@Callum have you ever used a mobile keyboard?
@JanDvorak Mhm.
@JanDvorak can you help an indian?
I can help an indian speak english :-)
it has to be private you got hangout?
Private, really?
please please
@iamtery yes
@JanDvorak doesn't like kinky stuff
@AwalGarg can you chat with me on google hangout?
i had you but lost you somehow
@JanDvorak more than selecting the correct spelling, I want it to do it when I hit space
... which Google keyboard does fairly well
@iamtery maybe, why not here?
@iamtery send me an invite at [email protected]
thanks love:)

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