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@NathanJones You can do that, but depending on the complexity of the changes it can be hard
we host the code, but it's completely closed source, so i'm not sure if that's legal
O no, I just read the rules of this chatroom and stumbled accross the last point, it's been 8 months now :(
@Callum, yes i tried with res.cookie also
@Srle So the cookie isn't clearing?
@NathanJones I've done that, but only changed a few values
@NathanJones Is it a JDK rest API?
Or a private closed source one?
@Callum, no i tried everything still persists
a sticky cookie? we're gonna need some milk.
@Callum, cookie is set with domain option set to '.example.com' so it should be cleared from something.example.com in redirecting to www.example.com
Is the cookie path set to "/"?
@Lalaland what do you mean "JDK rest api"?
in the cookie options passed to app.use(express.session({ ... })); ?
@Srle Yes
i didnt use path there just domain, i think it will be "/"by default
@NathanJones Oops, wrong terminology. Java standard library API (ie docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api)
@KendallFrey I'm sorry if I made you lose aswell
@Srle Try adding the path in the options
@SomeGuy Happy Birthday!
Has everyone got everyone here on Facebook or something?
@copy around?
@SomeKittens Yep
@Callum yeah, what's your facebook? I'll add you and remember your birthday.
Do we have a canonical "Why does my cross-origin AJAX fetch fail?" duplicate or other basic same-origin-policy primer for SOP dupes?
Got a link to what your company does? Might be useful to us.
is there a shortcut to reply to a message or do you guys press the arrow, and then "reply to this msg"
@Lalaland i'm not sure what it's built on
@catgocat Not built-in, but some people use a plugin
@BadgerCat I've not got my birthday visible to my friends anyway - I'd also rather people stalked my twitter not my Facebook, anyway.
Oh, you are not directly making the request?
IIRC, static analysis of JS was something you folks did?
@SomeKittens Not more than what you can find on the website, I think
@SomeKittens Oh, hang on
@Callum got it, following
@Lalaland I make the http requests to the api, but i don't know what frameworks they used (other than hibernate)
and now to wait for a .pdf to load on the super-slow internetz
@copy what's the name of the company again?
@SomeKittens you're on my wifi
@SomeKittens I'll send you a mail
Morning guys
@ʞɔᴉN Nah, new office has 10mb/s until Comcast stops dragging their feet.
@copy awesome, thanks
ajax: function(key, value){
		method: "POST",
		url: "../includes/functions.php",
		data: {
			key: value
		success: function(data){
Please check this code
just out of curiosity, does anyone here use Java for backend?
@ZahidSaeed Alright, now what?
Actually the problem is that if I use the key variable then it doesn't work in PHP code
but if I type the value of variable key in the place of key then it works
@ZahidSaeed What's the PHP code?
@ZahidSaeed Have you tried inspecting the resulting request?
You don't know ?
@Lalaland Console returns nothing
Just a blank line
@ZahidSaeed No, you haven't shown it to me.
maybe it throws out an error?
	echo "I got it";
The value of the variable key is pp1
in javascript
Oh, I see the issue.
You need to use the key name :P
{key: value} isn't valid.
But why ?
you need to return a JSON response
e.g. $_['KEY NAME']
@ZahidSaeed That only works if you have a constant key.
You need to do : var temp = {}; temp[key] = value;
You access values within an object with the key.
You can also do { [key]: value} in es6.
or temp.key = ""
The situation is that I have 4 <select>
@Rsauxil Key is not a constant. It's a parameter.
temp[key] is the only way.
o sorry, didn't notice that
If I select 1 then select 2 data is fetched
Okay, that's great, you need to access the value with the key, not the other way around :p
If I select 3 then select 4 data is fetched
I don't want to use the AJAX code in every method
Cause that would be a bad practice
And I'll be repeating myself
So what's the solution for this ?
@ssube Do you use the LTS version or the lastest?
@ZahidSaeed Have a constant key value. You access the value with the key, not the other way around
or do some $_POST[array_keys($_POST)[0]] weirdo shit
Basically, the ajax call is doing {url}?key=value
You access the value with $_POST['key']
You mean I have to create an attribute in my object ?
Have a constant key value.
What's the difference ?
make your key like "selectOption"
You access the value with the key, not the other way around
so you can easily access it in php
using $_POST["selectOption"]
Let me try
There is no difference. Everyone here is being facecious. @ZahidSaeed Let me know if you have any other problems.
(it's only an example, name it as if you like)
@Lalaland thanks
I have a greasemonkey script that runs on several webpages, some of them recently changed and are now using https, in the greasemonkey script however I use an external webserver database to store some information from the page, I do not have ssl certificates however thus it logs some cross domain security block message in the console, anyone knows a workaround?
or is the only way to fix ssl
@Rsauxil In chrome, there is a blue shield icon in the address bar they can click to get around those errors.
@Rsauxil Try it in an iframe, perhaps?
Probably similar stuff for firefox.
So... there's this grocery delivery service. I ordered a bunch of stuff, and some prosciutto.
@Rsauxil Create a self-signed certificate and trust it in Firefox
I ate a small piece of the meat, found it didn't taste as I'd expected. Checked the packaging and it's actually pancetta. And now my ass is sad
but do I require all my users of the script to do so then?
Is there any disadvantages of installing Ubuntu LTS over the lastest release?
I find the stable version particularly appealing, but wonder if it lacks features.
@catgocat Older software.
@catgocat Yes, it's older.
@Lalaland Is this how I do it ?
Which can be an issue.
ajax: function(key, value){
	test['key'] = key;
		method: "POST",
		url: "../includes/functions.php",
		data: {
			test['key'] : value
		success: function(data){
@Rsauxil Oh, yeah. You can get a free cert from startssl.com
But this doesn't work :(
Gives an error
Unexpected token [
Test is undefined, so it should give an error.
@Lalaland How old?
You can't do test['key'] : value within an object.
ajax: function(key, value){
	var temp = {};
     temp[key] = value;
		method: "POST",
		url: "../includes/functions.php",
		data: temp	,
		success: function(data){
you could do test: Array() or test: {}
@catgocat For instance, the gcc version is 4.8.2 in LTS 14.0.2
That's 2 years old.
Go with either the latest stable release or beta if you're happy to do some small bug reports from time to time.
@catgocat That version is old enough that you can't use some important C++14 features.
@Lalaland thanks, that worked
But it's a bit tricky :)
startssl.com is so ugly lol
that's not nice of you
I'd even call it rude
@copy That's bad. You shouldn't say anything bad about someone's family :/
Welcome to the internet, toughen up or get tae.
:25191641 that's right, remove that before I bring it to tumblr
well even the good parts of the internet are infected by the interwebsvirus it seems
@ʞɔᴉN Any true tumblrerererer would have seen it and pressed the Tumblr key on their keyboards, sending a screenshot of the "offensive" content to their "blog".
That reminds me. Now that the star extension is done (chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/star-gazer/…) I should start working on the undelete feature.
@Callum ugh remind me to set up that bind tomorrow
So that no chat messages ever get truly removed.
@Lalaland that's terrible
that's like making a permanent archive of 4chan
don't do that kind of things
it's bad
@Lalaland Give me the code or port it to Firefox.
except with your name attached to the posts lol
Hey, no tumblr emotions in this room; nuhuh. Not allowed.
But if you want to feel euphoria, I have some right here: codepen.io/ndugger/full/PqgLJr
@Nick but the feels man!!
@Nick make it animated
@Nick Looks cool, but it needs a slight bit of optimisation :p
It's as optimised as it will get; you can adjust the amount of particles on the screen, but otherwise; it does properly cache the particle.
It runs perfectly fine on my machine
`const particles = [];`
Could someone explain how this line would work?
It looks like you push to the array later, so why const?
@Callum const is all about assignment.
Like a = b.
because I never change it. const is generally just right to use
You can still mutate a.
This is very similar to Java's final.
The solution is to only use immutable objects.
const particles = Immutable.List()
for true immutability.
I think I found out what my java rest api is built in: axis.apache.org/axis2/java/core
Why, out of all things, is it in Java?
Lolcode, even.
You can hate on java, but java has jobs
Java is a fine language.
Better, in many respects, than Go.
Or JavaScript
I dunno, I really liked Go
@Nick What jobs, may I ask? Which I may, by the way.
@Callum Google and Facebook are two examples of companies which heavily use Java.
@Lalaland God knows why, I strongly believe web technologies are the future.
@Callum You can use Java for web applications: gwtproject.org
@Lalaland I'm aware, however why you'd choose to go through that pain is beknown to me.
i think a lot of it has to do with the ecosystem, performance of the jvm
Feel free to tell that to [most] enterprise companies
Don't worry, I will.
We use java at work. It's not terrible -- would I rather use C#? Yeah, but I'm also a front end developer, so it doesn't effect my daily work.
ew C#
It's better than Java, ahemmostthingsareahem, though.
Nah, I like C# -- but I prefer some aspects of Java. If we could combine them both into Java#, that would make me happy
Not to mention that the tooling it top notch, the language only has a couple of major flaws, and that static typing is quite useful.
@Nick That would cause nuclear war :p
Java has many, many flaws....
but I like its HashMaps and ArrayLists
@Lalaland Java has many flaws and its type system is mediocre
and that it enforces one class epr file
Ok, so what flaws do you guys dislike?
If we could take the top 5 good features of java and put them into C#, that's all I'd want
The fact that it is Java
I don't like that java doesn;t have default parameter values, and that in order to get around it, you need to overload -- what the fuck? Even javascript has that now

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