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^ really well done
Good morning.
@ZhengquanBai Google translated that as "jet lag" lol
I got "Jet lag, and now nobody"
@rlemon yeah
@KendallFrey The real meaning is that no one is in the chatting room due to the time difference.
Right, I figured
@rlemon How do I use the script to get the people who starred things you posted in the lounge?
it had to be running in the first place :/
you need to capture the events as they come
but if you already know that..
just paste it in the console.
reporter.get('stars') gives you an array of all of the stars
Ah ok.
Let me try...
reporter.get('stars').slice(-n) gives you the last N
your script is working? link please
@rlemon Oh it works, thanks!
May I ask, how does it work?
the information is sent to the chat via websockets already.
it just grabs the right events and stores them
Huh. That's weird. Why bother sending information on who starred the message if you aren't going to display it...
they know it is there. they used to send flag information (who flagged what)
that was patched tho
because of you?
nahh, others had scripts
and it was reported on meta a few times
I'm sure I didn't help tho
so, where's my link? :P
to what?
9 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
your script is working? link please
@KendallFrey nahh, just the old one
new one isn't up yet
ok, let me know when it is
New one? What'll that have?
Blackjack and hookers
I had minor issues getting phantomjs running on centos
but that is sorted now
also, it will be useless off the bat. Like mentioned, it needs to run while events happen.
I need a general word for farm, mine, oil field, etc., basically any business in the primary economic sector. Can you think of a good one?
I know its not correct but i have seen the word abused in the way you are indicating before.
that's is quite "not correct" :P
it's neither general nor primary sector
I am well aware of what it means.
But the english language is so shitty
Can't deny that
well the monitor is running. give it a few days to collect data I suppose.
nothing to see here
move along..
Read above? lol
@KendallFrey trade
@rlemon wait, so is this a browser-side thing I would run, or a service that you're providing?
service is an autonomous collector
so you don't have to run your own monitor
oh cool
@rlemon too general, could refer to any business
so you want a word for agri + mining + ??
blue collar? lol
i know that would describe the person and not the industry but....
@rlemon primary sector in general
but that is the term for them.
abbreviate it to ps
everyone will love it
an idiot-friendly term is kind of what I'm after
like factory for secondary sector
I can't think of anything that describes a modern farmer and a modern miner
other than dirty work :P
well, thanks for the brain power anyway
"extractive" industry.
1 hour later…
@rlemon in WoW we used to call them bots
Happy new day. Someone do my homework for me please.
If you promise to turn it in
And I get screenshot of the feedback/grading
I am actually ashamed of the homework I have got. I have to write a document "describing the version history of Windows and Microsoft Office" and create a resume and describe ROM, RAM and kernel etc. Kids in K-2 can do this shit.
Google makes a WiFi router now. Great.
@copy nice :) easier to parse into an ast, I guess
Guy wants to find a HTML element in a string, I tell him to use DOM manipulation tool, he tells me this:
@Cerbrus Yes I'm using io.js. How does that make an ordinary string question a "node.js" tagged question?? And I told you many times this isn't about HTML parsing. You are really annoying. — Li Hang 2 mins ago
Basically, I'm annoying for telling him not to do it all manually o.O
Oh, and "I'm on io.js 3.0.0 using ES 2015." is apparently not a reason to add or
"I'm doing this for fun, so don't try and teach me the right way"
Manually parsing HTML is fun? Man, kids these days..
good morning my friends
@Cerbrus Wow, that Cerbrus guy ios really a major annoyance. Has absolutely NOTHING to contribute but keeps writing useless comments. — Li Hang 2 mins ago
That's meh!
Heeeeeere's Cerbrus!
oh no, I'll just go to sleep again.
maybe someone have an idea to this: I have a .csv. If I upload it all columns get filled in a select. Then the uploader starts to select the connections between the upload columns and database columns (importer). Now I am at the point where I have to do something with my connected columns. I mean how would you now fill the .csv data into mysql (but in the connected order) ? Here is a screenshot of the current progress:
    With _.pluck I'm not able to get the list of values when I try to access the param which is part of the nested obj

    arr = [{
 now _.pluck(arr, 'val2') and _.pluck(arr, 'others.val2') both are returning an array of undefined values. is there any way to do this with pluck or should I use any other params
@strikers Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
@strikers Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
anyone knows why the divs at bottom are not auto width to one line?
@Maurize They are
The input is assigned 50px and so that doesn't fill the line
@Neil yeah because the right input should auto width
check this exmaple: jsfiddle.net/FKZUA/55
@Maurize Do you mean that you want the second input to be put to the right of the first one?
@Maurize In your example, you assign width of input to 100%
Whereas in the former link, you assign it to 50px
nothing wrong with div
@ZhengquanBai @Neil Yeah but I have the left button which must be always 50px x 50px and the input on the right have to autofill the screen. :D
I'm thinking about using percentage
your console has 100% width
    private List<string> GetCreatableItemsForEmployee(Employee employee)
        bool createItems = false;

        if (hasAdministratorRole || hasDepartmentAdministratorRole)
            createItems = true;

        if (createItems)
            return new List<string> { typeof(Asset).Name };
            return null;
100% + 50px = more than 100%
Code from a co-worker...
it wraps to the next line
You can literally remove 6 lines, and keep it functioning exactly the same
@ttj this doesnt matter when display is table. table cell will autowidth to table (normally)
return (hasAdministratorRole || hasDepartmentAdministratorRole) ? new List<string> { typeof(Asset).Name } : null;
Ternary's nice as well :-)
I just went for:
    if (hasAdministratorRole || hasDepartmentAdministratorRole)
        return new List<string> { typeof(Asset).Name };
    return null;
width: calc(100% - 35px); here you go folks.
As not to confuse my coworker too much
@Cerbrus y u no use braces? :)
Because they're optional
if you don't mind, can you give me an estimate how much he earns?
I guess as long as it's an explicit return there there's no risk of creating another "goto fail" Apple-style security bug
I couldn't if I'd want to
But he's supposed to be a medior
But you mentioned you had co-workers and we've seen how they write code
I don't know their salary, I'm just here finishing my education (with job opportunity)
my co-worker doesn't even indent properly
Make him use a proper ide
CV: Close Vote stackoverflow.com/questions/2855529/… as duplicate too
stackoverflow.com/questions/414809/… too (duplicate for 6 years)
Gah... why do I keep finding all these dupes
I'm gonna go for a walk, see you guys
They're from 2012, 2010 and 2009...
How are you even looking at those old questions
Well, why didn't mods close them? Instead they delete good questions like meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/286966/…
Not this shit again
I'm searching for JS stuff on Google and landing there. Why would I look at random new questions?
@Cerbrus tinyavatar++
As in add em to the ignore list, doesn't show any sign of change vOv
@DanDascalescu: Closevote as dupe if you must, but frankly, I can't be bothered to CV a 2010 post as a duplicate of a 2011 post.
@Maurize How did you calculate 35px in calc(100%-35px)?
@ZhengquanBai because 35px is the with of the button
@Maurize It seems 35px is related to the width of the #execute input.
If you make the #execute input wider, that value should be larger than 35px
I have several images in a div
on image click I want to know which image has been clicked
should I add data-customattribute to images
or just use this.src (check ends with for image or maybe contains src name)
how would you do it ?#
event.target is your clicked image (Element).
@Sheepy this gives me the element atm, so am happy with that
@ZhengquanBai no, it fis perfect
@DanDascalescu If you already voted to close the question, and now there are no close votes on it, then a mod probably cleared them for some reason
Don't close votes expire?
They do, but I think they stay around for quite some time
Oh, and they can be cleared through the review process as well IIRC
Oh wow, how cool is this? tonicdev.com
A: Why do close votes expire?

user149432The system has actually been reworked recently to take into account low-traffic beta sites: If the question has less than 100 views, the votes expire one per day after 14 days. If the question has more than 100 views, close votes expire at a rate of one per day, starting 4 days after the last v...

> - If the question has less than 100 views, the votes expire one per day after 14 days.
> - If the question has more than 100 views, close votes expire at a rate of one per day, starting 4 days after the last vote was cast.
So they can expire rather quickly.
Oh wow. Is that Stack Overflow specific? I should know this ;D
That question / answer is on meta.stackexchange.com
So, it's valid all over the network
lol this shit works. :D terminal.bm-designs.de/?id=1 but need many optimizations :D
@Cerbrus Did they take that much care of content validation when they moved the content to Meta Stack Exchange?
@Maurize Doesn't work if I use single quotes
@OliverSalzburg Hm, probably not
@BenFortune yeah will fix this. step by step :)
@Maurize FIX NOW
@BenFortune I think this won't be soo easy
@Maurize You just need to escape quotes
@BenFortune &quot;
or ' becomes \x27
" becomes \x22
Can I download google books
I find that I can preview the whole book. Would it be better that I can download?
@Maurize Escape them, not encode
Double quotes are alright if you're using json_encode, just escape your single quotes with a backslash
I have several images in a div
on image click I want to know which image has been clicked
should I add data-customattribute to images
or just use this.src (check ends with for image or maybe contains src name)
how would you do it ?#
@Learner You've already asked that, and got an answer...
@BenFortune no answer
where is it
32 mins ago, by Sheepy
event.target is your clicked image (Element).
how is that a answer ?

did you even read my question ?
@Learner Did you even read the answer?
I am already getting the element using keyword "this"
why on earth would I need event.target ??????????????????????
I am already getting my clicked Image, are you all going nuts today ?
or just trying to take piss out of me ?
your name is Learner. So calm your ass
depends on where your event handler is bound to
@Maurize Yes its learner, its not "hit me with a hammer"...
@Learner this !== event.target
Q: Difference between $(this) and event.target?

Rafael AdelI'm new to jQuery, and was making tabbed panels, following the tutorial in JavaScript and jQuery : The Missing Manual, there's that first line when the author does this : var target = $(this); But i tried to do it that way var target = evt.target; and i got that error : Uncaught Typ...

^ this
and to your question... it doesn't make sense
you're saying you want to know which image you clicked, the next sentence you say you already have it. What do you want to do?
make it visible that the image got clicked? -> add a class and style it per CSS
Where this argument is coming from !!!!

I am telling you I already got the element,

Should I use it's src property or add a custom data attribute to it to identify specific images, or should i add ids to them

or just use src property to find the file name
add a data - attribute? cool, do that
@GNi33 Yes, I want to know it's name
no need to throw a tamper tantrum in here, because somebody said something about event.target.
@Learner so how would I know what you mean by name if you don't share any markup or code? what is this name you're talking about?
last time I checked, the img-element doesn't have a name attribute
Honestly, I give up
I'm kinda pissed about your shitty behaviour now, so fuck htis
yeah, we are not kids here. we are adults and should behave like this
@GNi33 I am pissed off by you all not understanding what I want but taking piss out of me instead
@Learner Jesus christ, read the fucking q/a
@Maurize You all are having a go at me WHEN i do same you cry, WTF
You say you have the element, but you're using this, not event.target, which is what you need.
dude, calm down, nobody really "had a go at you"
Nobody is taking the piss out of you, we're pretty much telling you what you should use. Yet you're completely ignoring us.
@Learner this is probably more of a "depends" answer. I don't know what you want to do with the data, but I would probably just use a data - attribute with the name in it
I bet you want something like e.target.src
but it's all about what you want to do with this information later on
@BenFortune no, let me get my code
there are so many ways to identify an image, what you want to do with this info later on is crucial to deciding on what the proper way is
@Learner should I be honest? I'm not the best, but I am grateful for everyone here who can help me. I behave and get help. someone asks, and if it's possible, I'll help. so runs the here and not otherwise!
seriously, nobody said anything to make him go that mad all of a sudden. But let's keep it at that
so runs the here and not otherwise! What does this sentence mean? I am Chinese.
"that's the way things work around here"
I asked a question, Ben said it's already answered when I said it wasn't everyone started having a go

and still having a go, even though I said I am going to clarify my question

Please give me a break
something like that, I'm not a native speaker myself
					This is what I have,

<div class="DoOne">
   <img  src="......\images\abc\efg\image-no-1.png" />
   <img  src="......\images\abc\efg\image-no-2.png" />
   <img  src="......\images\abc\efg\image-no-3.png" />
   <img  src="......\images\abc\efg\image-no-4.png" />

        $(".DoOne img").on("click", function () {
            var targetElement = $(this);
			var src = targetElement.src;
			var imageName = src  // get image name here from property

			// if image 1 do this
			// if image 2 do this
Jesus christ, stop using this
Now should I get image's name from src property or should I add ids to all images
@BenFortune oh come on, it's perfectly fine here
@GNi33 Okay.
@ZhengquanBai I'm german. And if I'm in office I don't have the time to read my sentence twice. -.-
Is wrapping it in a jQuery object and getting the src property even valid?
@Learner now you didn't read my question. Use ids
@GNi33 cool thanks
Is there any restriction that English is the sole languge that is allowd here?
yeah, kind of
> Having a single unified language in the chat is a must, and this language is English
@ZhengquanBai you can start talking in jQuery if you want, but everyone will hate you then
sometimes when we are a lot of german speakers in here we just screw around in German a little to piss off the others, but that's it. Room language is English and should be kept this way
screw around?
act stupid
latin alphabet characters only! :D
@Sheepy Do you know Chinese?
@Sheepy Your answer to that question is awesome.
Hmm. You may not be so glad when you learn that I not only know Chinese, I also hate Simplified Chinese. Nothing personal.
Could I know why you hate simplified Chinese? How about traditional Chinese?
what is simplified Chinese?
@GNi33 CJK can all be talked in latin alphabet :D
Simplified Chinese is a languge commonly used in China mainland, while traditional Chinese is used mainly in Taiwan.
yeah, but I can at least make out words when you do in latin though ;)
okay, what are the differences?
First, you write the same character differently. Second and perhaps most important to me, Simplified Chinese combine multiple characters into one.
Some common terms, e.g. computer or object oriented, is also different, but that is simply because we are in different countries.
People in China mainland are able to recognize traditional Chinese, but the spell is more complex than simplified version.
so I think it is enough fallout terminal for today :D
I can start working in there and that is fine :P
@Learner So, that wasn't overreacting?
Simplified Chinese for software: 软件
Traditional Chinese for software: 軟體
Yeah. We think Traditional is easier to read because the shapes are more distinct and the meanings more refined. They think Simplified is easy to learn because there are are less strokes. Many people has wasted countless hours debating them.
@Cerbrus please, just leave it be
Meh, 'kay
Chinese is really interesting
@Sheepy Which country are you from?
pretty sure I'll never get around to actually dive into it, but it would be nice
@ZhengquanBai look at his profile. It says "Hong Kong".
Only thing I know about eastern typography is this
Three months ago I went to Korea and realised that their museum only have chinese (traditional) artifects. Korean is too new.
@Neil is this actually true?
@FlorianMargaine Really? Hong Kong is part of China.
@ZhengquanBai kinda
@ZhengquanBai It is hard to say. When I was born, it was Great Britain. Now it is China. And if I say Hong Kong, some Chinese will be angay because it is politically incorrect.
@GNi33 I assume
morning room can someone please suggest how i can extract the words before a number in a string, i cant get my head round the regex
the percentages look fishy...
Money Repository, haha, the guy that designed Kanji was pissed at his wife
hi to all
have some doubt in google charts
legends alignment issue
i fixed for one tab but when i click next tab it will same overlapping
is it possible anyone help me
Hello everyone!
@onner Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Is here anyone which can help me with node-xmpp?
@FlorianMargaine Sounds feasible. Many countries trade lots of USD. And the sum should be 200% because each trade has two currencies.
@GNi33 Testicles in japanese is the word "golden" next to the word "balls" :D
yeah, I just read that, haha, I need to learn Kanji
@GNi33 がんばで
Here is the question:
@Sheepy Either this made no sense, or google translate failed me once again
If an element is absolutely positioned, are the top/left CSS values the same as the corresponding values getBoundingClientRect returns?
and the prerequisite is that the nearest containing positioned element is the whole document.
Yeah. Google translate is quite poor with Japanese, from my experience.
@Sheepy ah, right
It's some kind of encouragement.
@ZhengquanBai yeah, I think so
not 100% sure right now though
@Sheepy it gave me "in Gamba"
having no idea what Gamba is, I looked it up, one of a dozen results was a territory in Tibet...
Isn't gamba a giant prawn?
oh, you're right
Not really. the top/left CSS values of an absolutely positioned element is the distance from the top/left margin, not the border, wheras getBoundingClientRect returns top/left values that are calculated from the border.
what the hell, Wikipedia? It only shows that article under the plural, and merely gives a suggestion on the overview page for "Gamba" to look for "Gambas" too
This must be murder. You are murdering me by making me laugh to death. Let's just say practical Japanese has many short forms. That is hard for machine to identify.
@ZhengquanBai ah yeah, that's entirely possible
@Sheepy Are you fluent in japanese?
and I'm just puzzled what may be behind the cryptic message "in Gamba" :)
Try やめないでください. This is the full form.
@Sheepy how do you type chinese/japanese chars? special keyboard layout?
@Maurize yeah, that doesn't work anymore since chrome put that little checkbox into alerts :)
@Sheepy It seems you know quite a few sets of language.
@Sheepy that works
yeah, that makes more sense :)
The Google Translate meaning is true to the word. Except that it is encouragement, not sarcastic.
@GNi33 damnit :D
@GNi33 shūryō shinaide kudasai
@ZhengquanBai Oh, you bet! I have mastered Java, PHP, SQL, HTML, JavaScript... They are all great and fun languages!
@Sheepy I mean the languages in real world.
Started to learn Android Developement... Java is still not a fun language
@Sheepy @GNi33 に入れてください。
@GNi33 I agree. Started with android studio
on... on the ground?
Nah, I really like fiddling around with Android, and Java is okay. But it will never be my favorite language
it's so clunky sometimes
@ZhengquanBai can you write "The Darklord Awal Garg" in chinese?
Let me first search that phrase in google
alright, I stop being an idiot now

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