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!!> var fakeSparseArray = Object.create(null); fakeSparseArray[666] = 'omqwtfbbq'; Object.keys(fakeSparseArray).length
@Luggage 1
I like how he also told me that reduce returns an array
granted, it could
but not how it was suggested
Anyone? :P
keys() works fine if you trust that nobody dicked with enumerable properties.
That's why Object.create(null). make sure it's as empty of an object as possible.
@MadaraUchiha I'd say that's a resounding no.
oh, derp... my eyes skipped right to the end there.
@MadaraUchiha gave the front page a read. this, and few other frameworks just look like a glorified version of the event emitter model. look great in readmes but fail to provide any real help in userland code. further it requires jquery.
@AwalGarg I do like the idea of it though
managing messages via events rather than direct function calls
@rlemon That's all opinion man. Personal choice in tabbing.
@rlemon Meh, not worth the effort
Plus it's got a good answer so, let it live
good answer doesn't mean let it live
means don't delete it
keeping poor questions open for a good answer is bad
Guys :|
@MadaraUchiha give it a ride and a review :-P
That's me!
I'm irritated that I didn't get to address his comment about reduce before he deleted his answer.
You've hit your gif quota for the day.
@AwalGarg A coworker of mine (with rather radical opinions on most times) whose professional opinion I value very much recommended it to me
@rlemon have you done anything with using canvas as a DOM replacement?
no because that is probably a bad idea.
did someone say canvas?
@canon it is possible but it's plain stupid most of the time
@MadaraUchiha FTR, facebook's flux has a similar model of communication, just abstracted over and not using native DOM.
Canvas cannot reasonably replace the DOM for accessibility concerns.
@rlemon I just remember you toying about with canvas a bit. I thought of you when I read this: engineering.flipboard.com/2015/02/mobile-web
@MadaraUchiha That sentence needs some reordering
@copy How's that? ^
There you go
@canon besides in the first 2 minutes I see incorrect statements
> It’s not just slow, it’s really slow. If you touch the DOM in any way during an animation you’ve already blown through your 16ms frame budget.
this is not true
many dom animation libs run at 60fps
I think the concern is on mobile
60fps on mobile?
depends on the animation ofc.
also I would NEVER use canvas to show any text I cared about
it cannot be seleted, read by screen readers, understood by crawlers, etc.
images are not index'd
everything is a big fucking dynamic image
sounds like a terrible idea.
Don't do any animation on mobile
@canon Remember the dark days of flash only websites?
now using Canvas to do things like background animations. sure.
I don't disagree
Do you want to go back to those dark days? Go and use canvas for everything.
The article goes on to say that most of their stuff is still DOM based
but in a particular aspect of the site
they were trying to get greater control
but yes
it's a shit show when it's all locked up in an image
Visitor's battery is more important than your gimmicks
Also his data plan
Also his time
I hate animation on my mobile
irritated by it every single time
well looking at their example pages on emulated mobile I'm instantly annoyed by not being able to select text
blocking text selection is like the biggest nono for me
unless ofc there is a damn good reason for it
consider what that view is, though
I am
it's a snippet directing you to a full article
I select text on my mobile all the damn time
me too
not generally from the lead-in, though
select stuff from articles all day long
Browser platform should split into "opera mini" and "chromium os".
I select titles of articles to share them
you share them before you read them?
I am here to lead, not to read.
@rlemon #3!
I need good examples of reusable react components to see common use patterns. Anyone know any components they've used and liked? I don't care what it is as long as it's a good example of 'doing react right'.
specifically editors and other 'small scale' type of components.
@Luggage no one really knows yet.
Lots of people use React, no one is sure what doing react right looks like. I can tell you what my opinion is, but it's just my opinion.
yea, and I'm thinking the 'right way' can vary a lot depending on the type of component. A dropdown box component may work similar to other react inputs, where a full menu-bar component will have completely different style of use..
In my case, I think I need to focus on input-like components.
I should read more about flux, too.
@rlemon Your gravity code pen would make a killer screen saver.
@Trasiva Do it
@Loktar Oh look, tools I can use to even make it happen.
yeah I've turned a few of my pens into screensavers for the hell of it
I also used to sell screensavers years and years ago lol
Does it come with the motivation to make it happen on your first weekend of not having to do anything?
he sold screensavers door to door
he had a big binder
with a single, glossy still of each screensaver
they only worked if someone had a screen door though
this one paid for his son's dental work:
mostly that one :p
made over 500 on that
that one did well too
Hi everyone
Selling software, ewww
didn't you pay for Kerbal Space Program?
I didn't even know that people sold screensavers
heh yeah it was a thing
Or that people bought them
download.com was the place to sell them
That's crazy that you made $500 off one
mostly old people would purchase them
@Loktar Not until I felt Squad deserved it
would they send money orders through the pony express?
through the mail slot
@KendallFrey eww software piracy?!
I was joking
I didn't know there was a male slot
seriously, they'd mail payment?
@canon lol me too
it was dgital
hahahah no man
that would be too much work lol
> gotta go cash all these $5 checks
@Loktar it's cheaper that way
hah, thank god
@Loktar Rofl, I was just screwing around with it, leaving the size growth as it was, and then making the mass increment by 1000 per particle eaten just made things hilariously funny.
U guys web developers for a job?
Do you use Mac?
no, and no
Most developer use macs though
they do?
Perhaps still growing
But most tutorials online use macs now
most you've seen I suppose
I've Watched a ton
@Trasiva which pen?
Do you code .net
@rlemon The gravity one. I gotta figure out how I'd make it work since @Loktar's tools don't work on PC.
What gravity one?
on PC?
my stuff only works on PC
I hate that people associated PC with windows.
I have a linux branch for the screensavers working, but there isn't any real support for them in Ubuntu so I abandoned it
@copy I'd love to hear your input on github.com/Zirak/pkgfs
@Loktar My bad, I misread, add support.
Apple coined the term, all computers we use are personal.
only supports Windows @Trasiva
There is a service like Firebase for functions?
@Trasiva ohh yea. That boid pen sucks.
@rlemon If you want to be technical, yes. But even Apple themselves have distanced themselves from the term, leaving it to Windows.
Still stupid
I don't want to be associated with Apple anyway
so good
Not really a fan of Apple.
@Zirak It's interesting, especially for the features that aren't easy using the standard package managers (for instance files/)
@copy Would you use it? (what distro were you on? Fedora? if so, assuming we also wrapped yum/rpm)
@Zirak Then again, some features rather fit into an interactive executable than a filesystem, for example searching (is it fast?)
@copy @FlorianMargaine's is fast, I'm working on mine being fast (especially on the /pkg/index directory)
I've been eating my own dog food since it became usable, and I really like it so far
@Zirak Probably not, I can do everything using pacman easily
To access the files of a package, maybe
Shucks. Can we do anything to convince you? I'm convinced because I run different distros on different computers, so a common interface scratches my itch.
@copy pacman -Ql pkgname
Pacman is too awesome
@Zirak I only use Arch and Debians, I don't really have that problem
@Zirak Yep
What if I were to tell you I'm planning on building a web frontend to package management?
When debugging in chrome, is it possible to move up and down in terms of scope
Like move to the scope of the calling function
@Zirak like npmjs.com?
@Zirak That doesn't sound more useful than than the command line tool, but I'd try it
@Seanny123 You have a stack trace to the right, click on the different spots
@Zirak oh jeez
@ʞɔᴉN As in your own computer
@Zirak how does that work?
@ʞɔᴉN A server on your computer?
It's not hosted somewhere on the intraweb, it's something you run on yourself which runs a web server locally
so it's a replacement for ordinary GUI package managers?
On top of pkgfs
@Zirak I'd love to help, but I'm not very motivated when it comes to change working software and I don't use my package manager all too often
@copy That's okay, it's just that there's a nagging feeling that I'm missing something basic that'll render the entire project useless.
make a package manager for chrome OS
It'll be ready in 6-8 weeks
@rlemon @AwalGarg look at my top question on programmers.SE
@Zirak did you have the chance to try exwm?
@rlemon on mobile.
@FlorianMargaine But the dual monitors :(
Q: If my team has low skill, should I lower the skill of my code?

Florian MargaineFor example, there is a common snippet in JS to get a default value: function f(x) { x = x || 'default_value'; } This kind of snippet is not easily understood by all the members of my team, their JS level being low. Should I not use this trick then? It makes the code less readable by peer...

@Zirak add support for it, I'd like it too
@FlorianMargaine But the lazy :(
@FlorianMargaine same lol
@rlemon hahaha
@Zirak fine, I'll do it
@FlorianMargaine yea I reffed that earlier. Just too lazy to grab the link.
any angular gurus in here? need some help again:(
Q: AngularJS: $routeParams service causes ng-bind-html directive to not work - why?

redshiftI am consuming a JSON feed in my AngularJS app that contains HTML elements in a string that I am trying to bind to the View when using the $routeParams service. Without the $routeParams service it works, but when I use the $routeParams service it doesn't work. Does anyone know why? Here's my hyp...

@Zirak a close-to-home pun thread. reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/3g4blw/…
but still a good pun thread
!!weather barcelona, spain
@Neoares Barcelona: 25.4C (298.55K), scattered clouds
I want to run Firefox in a chroot now
impossible, here is 30C at least
hey guys, ive asked what im fairly sure is a pretty dumb question. Would anyone mind breaking down the answer for me? I cant seem to get my head around it :( stackoverflow.com/questions/31886253/…
@AshleyHowe Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Is this the right room for even Jquery?
@Jason Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
2 messages moved to JS trash
@AshleyHowe Don't spam
gah did that post 3 times?
really sorry, it kept saying it had timed out and to retry
We will spare your life. This time.
hah much appreciated
@Jason jQuery is love, jQuery is life
Guys, what's the JS framework where you basically have HTML within JS?
brain is not functioning properly
with jsx
ah yes, thanks
Ive not heard of react before, whats it good for?
bootstrap tabs are one of the easiest things to use for keeping pane windows for display of code. But sometimes you want to have multiple pane like windows inside one tab that flips based on a jquery call. And maybe you don't want actual tabs to be shown as it should only be controlled by buttons in the first loaded pane. What is the best solution for handling this? Hopefully that explanation is ok
@AshleyHowe the object being returned probably contains all the relevant data, but you can't browse through it because you're not logging to console
Let me also say that having a menu with tabs already is why I ask
@AshleyHowe it's good for more advanced frontend work
that's all I really know about it; haven't dug too deep yet :P
@Jason could you clarify that a little bit?
@Zirak oooooh! exwm actually supports multiple monitors!
@FlorianMargaine what the how
oh so you have tabbed views but views but you want to use controls other than the tabs?
;; To use this module, first set `exwm-randr-workspace-output-plist':
;;   (setq exwm-randr-workspace-output-plist '(0 "VGA1"))
;; Then configure RandR with 'xrandr':
;;   $ xrandr --output VGA1 --left-of LVDS1 --auto
C-x 5 2 works?
you set workspaces
@ʞɔᴉN Yeah had a quick read, think its probably slightly beyond me at the moment! Yeah i think ive nailed the issue now, think i was just misunderstanding exactly what was being returned. Im thinking it would probably just be easier to pass it all over to SQL and do the calculations on the server side (SQL just gives me a headache so trying to avoid using it as much as possible!)
jsfiddle.net/srtpx0ds Notice profile tab is hidden and maybe I want many tab panes under it that I can flip the screens through using jquery as the user uses buttons. Is there a better way?
a workspace being a new frame, basically
So (setq exwm-randr-workspace-output-plist '(0 "VGA1" 1 "LVDS1")) or i r stupid
@Zirak yep, this
omg dis is best
can't test right now though
I tried just using div's but they don't play well inside the tabs.
@Zirak you use s-w to change workspaces
@Zirak although I'm pretty sure there's a function to switch to a specific workspace, so you can just bind this
@AshleyHowe Haha yeah I get that
@Jason the profile pic tho
@Zirak well, it's emacs
@ʞɔᴉN profile pic?
@FlorianMargaine 2.9 emacs
I'll fix this null deref bug and try
> Error getting local db: unexpected error
I thought I'd make you laugh
I giggled
It originally said "I smoke lots of crack" but I figured not a good idea for help in a chat room
@Zirak well if it was expected then it wouldn't quite be an error :)
@Jason hey we all smoke crack in here
if you don't mind me asking, what's the reasoning behind having these hidden views in a tabbed pane?
doesn't make much sense from a UI/UX perspective
Crap, this might be more difficult than I thought. Kill me. Why are we doing this @FlorianMargaine why caching why making stuff work right.
I have screens that if the user clicks projects on a menu then they get the tab screen. In that screen is a list of projects. There is a detail button. That detail button records which project they are now working with. That project now jumps to a dashboard. BUT you cannot get to a dashboard without first selecting a project. Hence why I do not show the dashboard in the tab menus.
Because everything is loaded using ajax on the entire project and there is no page loads
@Zirak can you do mtime-based cache btw?
@FlorianMargaine Sort of. I got it working for sync repositories (/pkg/index), but not local (/pkg/installed) because the local db is per-handle, so if I try to get it again later on it just keeps returning the same one over and over.
(the handle being a handle to alpm)
So to refresh the local db, I have to get the handle again, because the API doesn't allow me to force re-registering the local db.
And getting the handle again means pain.
what's a handle?
It's the bundle of fun I use to talk to alpm (to get databases and such)
@Zirak so pacman doesn't use /var/lib/pacman/db.lck for /pkg/installed stuff?
@FlorianMargaine There's a directory /var/lib/pacman/local which stores metadata on local files. But that doesn't matter: I get a handle, and to get the local db I call (say) GetLocalDB(), which returns a variable which was initialised during the handle's creation.
oooh I see what you mean, yeah
So to get a new local db I have to re-create the handle
basically you have to do a new, but the C API doesn't easily let you do that
and you have to fix all the references afterwards
Basically they're fucktards
And alpm wasn't meant for long usage sessions. I might create a bug report.
@Zirak btw, you'll need to show the time in the modeline if you use exwm. Also, battery might be a good idea. Do you want some snippets for these?
(setq-default mode-line-format
               ;; time
               '(:eval (propertize (format-time-string "%H:%M")
                                   'help-echo (concat (format-time-string "%c; ")
                                                      (emacs-uptime "Uptime: %hh"))))
@FlorianMargaine For time there's display-tiome
and for battery:
               ;; battery
               '(:eval (propertize (concat
                                    "B: "
                                    (format "%d"
hrm since I'm using smart-mode-line I'll have to spice things up
and don't forget about M-x ielm :)
How could I ever
dunno about your usage of it
@Zirak you monster
hugs @Zirak
blinks rapidly and uncomfortably
@FlorianMargaine Wait there's also display-battery-mode, what're you hiding
oh god
@Zirak so yeah, it happens that there are some bugs in exwm :D
What happened?
display-battery-mode made chromium all blinky
yeah, weird
ggrrr now I'll have to redesign everything again
adding a cache is that hard?
The local db thing.
It's worth it though. Cleaned up a few chunks of code. Basically moved a lot of dirt into one place.
is it because the language is limiting you that you have to redesign everything?
or would you have done the same in, say, python, and have the same redesign issue?
It's not redesigning everything, only the parts touching databases which means reshaping a lot of the structs. I wouldn't blame the language.
I'm using socket.io with two namespaces. One of the namespaces is used on one view. Should I connect/disconnect when loading/leaving that view?
I'm using socket.on('disconnect') on the server to do some cleanup, but I'm not able to make the socket connect again or something...
@m59 what do you mean, it can't connect again?
It's just never sending anything
does the .on('connect') event fire when reconnecting?
var socket = io(uri);

socket.emit('the-things'); // works first time this code runs

function end() {
@Zirak anyway, good luck. Gotta go.
why do you disconnect the socket yourself?
wouldn't you wait for the client to terminate connection?
distinguish "self" from "client"

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