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when using apply or call, does the object your calling the method on get cloned? I'm noticing that references this 'this' in the function is modifying the object 'this' references, but other references to the same object are not reflecting any changes
this is a variable. apply and call change its value.
yes ... maybe i'm not explaining it well, my appologies
And no, the methods aren't clones
They're just called differently.
func.apply( object, args ); // is object cloned?
var foo={bar:function(){console.log(this)}};
var foobar = foo.bar;
foo.bar(); // Object
foobar(); // DOMWindow
var o = { color : 'lemon' };
function floop () {
    this.color = 'banana';

floop.call( o );
o.color; //"banana"
> 9. Return the result of calling the [[Call]] internal method of func, providing thisArg as the this value and argList as the list of arguments.
(thisArg is the first argument, argList is a List made up of the array you passed as the second parameter)
i'm trying to write a small peice of code the explain the issue i'm having, but my test code is working as expected
however my application code is not
Then the problem may not arise from what you originally thought
roughly what i'm doing is :
var obj = {
foo1: {
prop1: "val1",
prop2: "val2"

var foo = function() {
this.prop1 = "baz";

foo.apply(obj.foo1); // alerts "baz"
console.log(obj.foo1.prop1); // alerts "baz"
which logs "baz baz" as expected
however in my app i'm seeing "baz val1"
i'm new to using apply and call so i thought maybe they were cloning the object
but now i need to rethink this
var obj = {
foo1: {
prop1: "val1",
prop2: "val2"

var foo = function() {
this.prop1 = "baz";

ugh, formatting
lol I got an idea to make PostData parser and now after a few hours its 500 lines long
feature bloat much
gggaaahhh, hit Ctrl+k to format
var obj = {
    foo1: {
        prop1: "val1",
        prop2: "val2"

var foo = function() {
    this.prop1 = "baz";

I cannot find :focus on caniuse.com - can anyone tell me how well supported this is?
New to this chat interface---can I retroactively make something a reply?
wow focus is broken all the way thru ie8?
did not know that
Like so many things :(
@Domenic edit, then while in edit find the message and reply.
@Domenic hit up in the test box to edit
@GGG nice
and hit esc to quit editing
got it!

var obj = {
    foo1: {
        prop1: "val1",
        prop2: "val2",
		context: this,
		func: function() {
			this.prop1 = "baz";




why is this?
sorry for the formatting issue:
var obj = {
    foo1: {
        prop1: "val1",
        prop2: "val2",
        context: this,
        func: function() {
            this.prop1 = "baz";


:2495395 Hmm not a bad idea. It's not really my shim though, it's a fork of an older more-often-used one with the additional property that I set all the inherited array methods to undefined.
Because I was worried that people on my team would do el.classList.push("class") instead of el.classList.add("class")
Which would break when we got rid of the shim
I actually made that message before I noticed you did .prototype = Error.prototype
does it still apply though ?
I keep meaning to rewrite that
I dunno, haven't used it in a while
But I think @Raynos is probably the one most enthusiastic about DOM-related shims these days
sounds about right ;)
yea he is shim crusader
i am in love with google web fonts.... where was this 10 years ago
invader shim
look at this font... isn't it nice? Reminds my of the playstation font... google.com/webfonts/specimen/Play
I feel bad for him because shims are a lost cause
Man I am being a SOOPER noob :P
gotta make this .net app, using just databound controls. Feels good!
Yeah... developing code with the purpose of becoming obsolete is kinda pointless
@Loktar did you play gunroar yet
checks ticket number
@GeorgeEdison I don't like that the name differs from the id... i wonder if that makes it break
Yeah, but then it should break on 1.0.1 too, right?
I should also point out that I took the HTML verbatim from the jQuery Mobile documentation.
...but you can reproduce the problem, right?
yup breaks in chrome
wow jquery ui fails
Thanks - I always feel better when someone else can confirm a bug.
Does jsFiddle know you're supplying <html>, <head>, etc.?
I thought it wrapped the HTML itself.
i think so, it looked fine before i wrapped the labels around the inputs and removed the ids
(your original example)
But isn't that invalid?
wrapping the labels around the inputs instead of using for="id" is valid
oldie doesn't like it but who gives a shit
Ah, then jQuery Mobile is breaking on that.
you just have to click right on the radio button in oldie
but that's the kind of thing an abstraction like jquery ui/mobile/whatever should fix up for you, no?
Heh... now jsfiddle.net is down.
lol nice
i wish we could script browsers in D.
> Lori Goler, the head of human resources and recruiting efforts at Facebook, said her company was looking for the “college student who built a company on the side, or an iPhone app over the weekend.” The company also hires more-experienced workers, if “they are results-focused and can deliver again.”
"Yeah, we're looking for someone who built a space shuttle as a toy project while riding a bicycle and proving General Relativity in Assembly with one hand tied behind his back and a pirate stabbing him in the guts."
I like the LinkedIn blurbs
no wonder their site is a disaster
I'd like to meet these straw people
Follow the yellow brick road, there seems to be one there.
there's probably a few that do 72-hour coding sessions
you know, the type of people that are dead at 40 because they disregard any respect for human life
If Facebook offered you a job, right now, would you take it?
@GGG Type inferring, sweet!
would you?
Yeah, I think I would. In our profession, if Facebook says "Jump", you say "How high?".
anyone tried fullcalendar before?
I just assume that they only hire the best of candidates, and I imagine they have pretty good packages, so it would be hard to pass up an offer.
@Loktar please take a look at my problem here stackoverflow.com/questions/9070365/…
its about fullcalendar
@RyanKinal not a chance
@MattMcDonald No?
Google would get a second thought
Any particular reasons?
I won't take it too
Facebook and their data mining can take a hike
Google at least tries to sometimes be benevolent
Facebook is all about advertising $
and google isn't?
in the end, it's all about advertising $, everywhere
tv, internet, the street.
eh, not quite
soon they will have posters in your house
if you don't care about your users, then I don't care about you
i can get with that
i don't like facebook either, come to think of it
don't use it. i was just blinded by the $$$$
of the big 4, Amazon is really the only company I like
i do like my kindle
(big 4 being Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Apple)
hmmm, not a fan of fb or apple
Woul you consider a Yahoo offer ?
yahoo's fine
I thought MS were in the big four...
Interesting how Microsoft disappeared
the elephant in the room?
I've lost some faith in Amazon ever since they pushed me far to get a Prime account, and in the end I said "wth, I'll give it a shot", only to find that most content is US only
but you're in us, no?
If I were, I wouldn't notice it's US only
sorry, just checked your profile and it said WV, thought that was West Virginia
Canadian, no? Or am I confusing you with someone else again?
the problem with these big companies is they're either really evil or just have bad products
Although, you could make a claim about WV not being us
My profile says I'm 92. And Incognito is the Canadian
there's rarely a middle ground (zappos)
Oh, heheh. Everyone lies about their age though, maybe you like em old...
for all zappos goodness, they aint that cheap, though
@MattMcDonald Because the sad truth is that capitalism doesn't work with niceness.
If you're rich, you trampeled on someone on your way to riches or you're too much of a bitch to not be rich.
It depends on what you mean by "niceness" - a "nice" customer service department is invaluable. A nice marketing department and business development department, on the other hand, can kill your company.
Companies can't be nice. I mean the boss-man
Companies are just made up of people. A mean person in the company usually means a bad experience for somebody - whether it's the employees, the investors, or the customers.
Ideally, it means a bad experience for the competitors.
So, I suppose you're right. The boss-man, or whoever's running the place, has to be inscrutable at some point.
Steve Jobs, for example, wasn't nice. I'm sure that Bill Gates isn't a charm, and I've heard some horror stories of Jeff Bezos (Amazon.)
Hey guys
So yes. Niceness and successfullness (spelling?) aren't proportional. Because if I were to have lots of money, I'd have nothing to do with it, and most likely just give it to the first hobo.
Well, me too. Except, having thought about it, I'd most likely get a financial adviser, invest a lot, and make enough to donate to various charities of my choosing.
@trl13 Welcome :-)
You know, rather than just the first hobo I saw.
Guys, in php we can do something like that somefunc ($data1, $data2=0) but when I do it in JS function ajaxpPost(update, id=0) editor gives me syntax error. So what's right way?
function ajaxPost(update, id)
    id = id || 0;
ok. thx
@trl13 You have to be careful with that, though, especially if any falsy values (false, null, etc.) are going to be valid parameters.
Unless you want id to possibly be a falsy value.
@RyanKinal That's a possibility. But there's too much...evil in that proposition. Not getting involved in money, by delving into money business?
@RyanKinal what's the way to handle if the values may be falsy ?
I guess if you can manage to make a cash cow that keeps on giving, then more power to you. But if you want to live off your cash cow, then you have to invest (or put a shit ton of money in savings, I guess)
There is a 3rd option. Spend all money on opiates, null yourself out with joy, slowly drift into death. Happily.
function ajaxPost(update, id)
    id = (typeof id === 'undefined') ? 0 : id;
@Zirak Ah, the rock star option
Of course, there's the possibility that undefined is a possible value ;)
@Zirak ... in that case you don't need defaults -_-
hhmm...there is the possibility of writing a whitelist/blacklist function
Checking the arguments.length ?
I think @DieVarDump has the right of it, actually
But seriously, if undefined is a possible value, then you don't need defaults. Seriously... calling ajaxPost('yourmom'); will result in a value of undefined for id.
And there's no way to tell the difference between that and ajaxPost('yourmom', undefined);
if id is defined in the parent scope, maybe not.
But the function parameter would override that scope too
Well, I guess you could define your function as function ajaxPost(update), and then check the arguments object from there.
But that seems like a poor idea to me, for clarity's sake
function blacklister ( suspect, blacklist, def ) {
    //make arrays into arrayItem=>true objects
    if ( Array.isArray(blacklist) ) {
        blacklist = blacklist.reduce(function ( list, item ) {
            list[ item ] = true;
            return list;
        }, {} );

    if ( blacklist.hasOwnProperty(suspect) ) {
        return def;
    return suspect;
Just for dem lulz
blacklister( 4, [9, 10, 4], 12 ) === 12
blacklister( 42, [9, 10, 4], 12 ) === 42
@RyanKinal are you about to be "flung" in your profile image?
@LittleTreeX Nope. I'm in the process of rappelling down the side of my office building.
wtf? lol
It was the company picnic
There's a permanent rappelling platform up there
some picnic.
if you look at the image, it almost looks like you are sitting on what (apparently) is a building in the background
Yeah, it's easier to see when it's larger.
i thought you were strapped into a slingshot.
was kinda wondering how you'd survived
Actually, the founder of the company almost mis-threaded my ropes. That could have gone poorly.
He's obviously superman
I thought, for a few months, that he was trying to kill me.
I don't remember what the other incident was that made me think that, but there were definitely two instances.
nice, you are braver than I.
maybe it's the hair.
I do have a lot of it
I love the blunt comments he's been leaving today
Hi all
I am stuck with errors one of them is I have code
Event.observe(window, 'load', function() {
pfc = new pfcClient();
if (pfc_isready) pfc.loadChat(pfc_theme);
@MattMcDonald rofl
I smell prototype
error is Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
@Lagrangian Ctrl-K please
it means pfc.loadChat is undefined
Event.observe(window, 'load', function() {
  pfc = new pfcClient();
  if (pfc_isready) pfc.loadChat(pfc_theme);
that, or pfcClient
Or Event.observe
can we check if they are defined
chrome says it is this line pfc = new pfcClient();
@MattMcDonald it's not a bug, it's a feature
@Lagrangian Okay, so where is pfcClient defined? Are you sure it's included? Is it included before you attempt to use it?
if his constructor is undefined, then I fear for the rest of the program
yes it is included
Oh crap
file is a bit big but error is on var pfcClient = Class.create();
line no 15
I don't suppose you have a runnable demo available?
Yes I have but worst is I have to convert it to run on Yii :( (a php framework)
any wild guess?
it is happening in all js files that tend to create class
@Lagrangian Well, out of 2000 lines, with no runnable demo, and missing dependencies, I'd guess you're doing it wrong.
is class decleration is fine? I mean constructor?
I don't know. I'm not even sure if Class.create is defined, at this point.
basic error is this Class.create is undefined
Uncaught ReferenceError: Class is not defined
(anonymous function)
Okay, that sounds like a missing dependency. Did you include all the necessary libraries?
I suppose.if some thing is missing does chrome give error?
Well, Uncaught ReferenceError: Class is not defined is a pretty good indicator.
It may also throw a 404, if you've referenced a file that doesn't exist.
there is no 404 :(
looks like incorrect load order
Could be that too
Q: Better way to determine date

jnolteI am looking for best practice on how I may write this function more efficiently. var d = new Date(), time = d.getHours(), day = d.getDay(); if (day > 0 || day < 7){ if (time > 18 || time < 8){ // execute code } }

So... JavaScript can't read registry values, right?
hmmm let me hit my head against it
registry? computer's registery?
Yeah... that.
One of my coworkers just told me that he was trying to check users' registry values from out website.
I'm... a little scared.
Mostly, for the sanctity of our code base.
Given that registry is windows specific, I'd say it's likely that javascript itself can't but I'd be reluctant to guarantee that M$ hasn't leaked that via an activeX control somewhere... Even if you can do it however I'd strongly suspect that such things might set off malware alerts.
Hmm I don't think anyone's made a nodejs module to manipulate the registry yet
I'm tempted to do it
Just to see how many people I can get to hate me at once.
Anyway... time to go home. Food. Side projects (cough interestingprojects cough)
Later all
@Domenic Make it a separate library to "add on" to node.js and then pipe a log of ip-adresses of all the folks who download it to the FBI or something :)
Hello @all , i have a quick Question, where i cant find relational answer on SO or with google (perhaps i not use correct search key words) , but i try the following:
testproductprice = Number(productsPrice);
testoptionprice = Number(selectedOptionPrice);
//selectedOptionPrefix can be a "+" or a "-"
var calculatedPrice = (testproductprice+(selectedOptionPrefix)+testoptionprice);
there is no "@all"
Hello everyone , is maby better to say then :)
and there is no question
sorry, but i really did lol
hi all :)
i have a question too i hope someone can help ":)
Basically, you just ask it.
and hope that one of these other guys can / will answer (me being a noob who just trolls in here and all)
i have a form with some checkboxes to display and hide some divs, how can i make it smoother :)
my code is:

$(function () {
$('.inp1').change(function () {
}).change(); //ensure visible state matches initially
$('.inp2').change(function () {
}).change(); //ensure visible state matches initially
$('.inp3').change(function () {
}).change(); //ensure visible state matches initially
$('.inp4').change(function () {
you're not even using classes correctly
is the formatting like that because of the chat room, or the source?
what you mean?
@LittleTreeX ctrl+k
@GGG thanks.
I'd make the markup completely different, but...
how long has .hidden been a thing anyway
i've never used it
thanks zirak but there is no smoothness when displaying and hiding the divs :)
like fade in / out?
Raynos and Matt showed it to me the other day
The hell is smoothness?
define smoothness
If you want smoothness, go to an ice cream store (or is that smoothie?) Ƨ
yeah like fade in and out and so on or sliding :))
the latter
If you can't incorporate your animation eye candy of choice, then I urge you to learn how to think and program before writing any more code.
css transitions for smoothness
zirak whats that :)?
I'm going to pretend that didn't happen
the original code was using jQuery after all, it should have been a hint, no?
i dont use js alot just for basic validation and so on
@Domenic dom shims -> best thing ever
@GGG uh, it's HTML 5 so it's relatively new
@MattMcDonald so what, it's for fading and sliding and crap
if the broswer doesn't support it chances are it's a crappy system and they don't want to waste cycles with fading and sliding anyway
Also .hidden is a pain
The following script runs on IE 8 and 9.  What obvious thing am I missing?
        <!--[if lt IE 8]>
        <script src='js/upgrade-browser.js'></script>
because if you overwrite the display style on an element .hidden stops working
@LeviMorrison lt IE8
if you had the choice to program for one browser, which would it be?
@LittleTreeX chrome
@LittleTreeX Chrome, hands down.
Netscape 2
hi Levi how you doing :)
@Zirak I was leaning toward that :P
i like chrome too but its sucks at dropdowns :)
@Raynos Still runs in IE 8 and 9.
@LittleTreeX It's a toughie. But Netscape's pure genius financial plans overtook me
@Raynos, @LeviMorrison i'm seeing a space in every example =/
It's like, Make a browser -> ??? -> PROFIT!!!!
hahah i think they wanted to profit from the server side
and it didnt work out
@LittleTreeX ie6
@GGG they I fail
@DieVarDump I was going to say "excluding ie6" in my original question...
but since I didn't take it off the table then
@Raynos I strip all xml comments in my latest project so you can't use those anyway ;)
posted on January 30, 2012 by Vasilis

I'm moving this feed from Feedburner to my own domain. Please make sure that the URL in your feedreader is http://dailynerd.nl/feed/ if you want to continue getting updates. » 28 January 2012, baked by Cennydd Bowles @ The Pastry Box Project Here’s a kindhearted little article about the debate between die hard web app vs. native app developers. mobile, native, web Visual Idiot · CSS

IE is retarded :/ It's been 3 years since I've done any development where I had to consider IE issues. And now it seems I can't even get it to obey conditional comments.
Found the problem.
Thank you stack overflow.
What a stupid decision.
is there anything like browsershots.org but better?
Q: Looking for a CMS for specific requirements (Javascript, import/export...)

JVerstryI heard about Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress, etc but I don't know about their detailed features. I am looking for a content management system meeting the following requirements: i) Possibility to add simple text pages, with internal and external links (more or less the same features as a wiki) ii) ...

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