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@Abhishrek pc games? if so, yes
they are fun
> the walking dad
needs to be done
the story of some fathers running away from their annoying babies
> a story about a man in Bermuda shorts and a golf tee walking briskly into the crisp night.
it's been some time since I've made a minigame
I actually do have the skills to make an almost professional-looking one :D
@rlemon that is just toooooo funny! ahahaha
so... funny meme bro?
@towc make a real game but make sure to launch a kickstarter campaign first
i'll help you if you get funding :3
@ʞɔᴉN I'm still nowhere near professional
I'm kind of sad this didn't go anywhere: towc.eu/game/portal-2d
that's the thing about indie games.
10/10 will fail
now that I think about it, in that game pretty much the whole logic part was done, I even made a crappy-but-working level editor, all that needs to be done is the art and level design
and music and marketing packages..
@rlemon I don't care so long as I get paid
@rlemon and everything else, but I'm still pretty proud of it
as you should be
and I'm not discouraging you
I'm just looking at the numbers.
yeah, that's going nowhere near the market
and probably none of my little projects will be
but in the end, minecraft was a project by a single guy initially, even if it's 1/1e6
no you should put everything to the public
just don't get down if they all get rejected
which is easier said than done
@towc it was even a clone of another game
@KendallFrey so was 2048 and flappy bird
bottom line
wait, 2048 was a clone?
success === clones
@towc threes
@rlemon never heard of that 0.o
students I tutored made 2048 in Java as an assignment. great times.
@rlemon Actually it was a clone of a clone of threes
still a clone :P
and 2048 sounds better than 1024
double the number double the fun amirite?
I'd prefer 8192
not as fun as 16384
I've never finished 16384 though
gotta know those powers of 2 @KendallFrey
I made a game called 7, but it was all about 5's so it never took off. :(
that's numberwang
you're numberwang
did anyone find the pattern behind numberwang in the end?
Or is there even one?
@Abhishrek if you like adventure games definitely like @rlemon said
personally I'm not too much of a fan but.. I hate adventure games
the story (as far as I got) was really good though
I'm not even a fan of adventure games
still played it
also For Sale sign in the yard, house is officially selling woot
it had suspense
@Loktar congrats
@rlemon yeah I got frustrated at a part where you're behind some trucks at a hotel
couldnt figure out wtf to do, and was like "This is why I hate adventure games"
also thanks!
remember pre-google
you needed a strategy guide or bust
I don't even think I was born pre-google :P
google is love, google is live. He comes every night to... you know how the video goes
@Loktar Nice!
@towc is my new name?
is brackets really not w10 compatible? 0.o
@ʞɔᴉN no, I come to you every night, this is different
it's actually time I change IDE
any free fast-to-launch IDEs out there?
is it fast? It runs on the cmd line or something, right?
ok, that was terrible
I should sit in a corner and cry for that
Not necessarily
semicolon to you aswell man! What's up?
@towc what os
@rlemon win10, I'm trying vim
gvim isn't that bad
apparently atom is now windows compatible.
certainly looks old
out of the box vim is usable.
after spending some time on the config.. omg
I use vanilla vim daily.
it isn't fantastic.
don't pretend it is :P
here's the .vimrc I use in case you want it @towc. it's a work in progress.
set nu
colors desert
syntax on
set expandtab
set tabstop=2

autocmd FileType asm set noexpandtab tabstop=8

set colorcolumn=80

set lines=50 columns=85

set ai

set fo+=r

set backspace=2 " Normalize the use of backspace key

set ignorecase  " Ignore case in searches by default
set smartcase   " Look for uppercase if searched for
set incsearch   " Highlight search results as you type

set wrap
set textwidth=80
set wrapmargin=1

set showmatch
@rlemon good dark color scheme?
@towc desert
@rlemon definitely depends on the person. i'm insanely productive with vim when writing C/C++
desert's not that bad

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