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Jesus @rlemon.
I know, I'm ripped right?
@rlemon why
because you touch yourself at night
!!why am I minjailed?
@Nick because you touch yourself at night
@rlemon Tonight, @Zirak will have something else to fap to aside from the jQuery docs.
oh, I'm not
@rlemon You just HAD to post that when my supervisor was talking to me.
@Nick You do live, haha.
@Nick still, you touch yourself at night >:(
@Trasiva You just HAD to be on the chats when your supervisor was talking to you.
For RAM, would you go for 1.35V or 1.5V?
@rlemon Hey, hey, I try to be somewhat productive and bounce ideas here while working.
(And why)
@Trasiva ahahaa xD every tome someone came into my office I switch to something serious
@MadaraUchiha the bigger the number the better, right?
every time someone comes into my office I start barking at them loudly until they leave
@towc I heard other claims
@MadaraUchiha she was just being polite
> There are two types of people in the world. Those who say that size doesn't matter, and those with 7 inches or more.
how many cm is one inch ?
@overexchange: The spec says number must *behave* like double. The spec does not say they must be *stored* as double. IE, Firefox, and Chrome all use integer when possible, because it is most common and most efficient:
@alovaros 2.54
!!convert 7 inch to cm
@JanDvorak Confuse converter with inch, receive error message
:D I googled it 18 cm isn't less xD
guys, next time your boss approaches you, just put this pen by @Loktar on: codepen.io/loktar00/pen/jbCzt
!!convert 1 cm to in
!!google 1cm in inch
!!convert 1 cm to in
I broke it D:
!!google 1 dollar in silly dollar
Oh. Too bad. Caprica does not support google calculator.
it's better when you google it yourself
@KendallFrey I just did, and you're right.
what did it come up as for you?
jeah 7 inches are round about 18cm I googled it too
@KendallFrey .92 Euro
size doesn't matter
I have a hunch "silly dollar" is interpreted as the local currency
so what happens if you do that in the US?
thats an easier link haha
@Loktar lol
@KendallFrey google explode
@KendallFrey 1 USD = .92 Euro
> It's not the size of the ship, it's the motion of the ocean, but you can't get to England in a row boat.
!!tell alovaros convert 1cm to in
I did that for a codegolf question @SomeKittens posted
@Trasiva oh, weird, it gave me CAD
A: Make it look like I'm working

LoktarJavaScript So I went a little crazy with this. I did it between breaks from working on my GUI to track IP's using Visual Basic. You can access it by going to the super serious domain I made for it tonight as well so you can look busy anywhere Gui Hacker and fork and create your own from the fol...

@ssube I'll try it for a grand.
my highest voted thing on SE
@Trasiva BÖHM EUROPE !!!
@towc I prefer this pen: codepen.io/ndugger/pen/qdVqQw
@Loktar codepen also seems to have appreciated it a lot 0.o 7000 views
@alovaros English if you would.
@Trasiva oke (english)BÖHM EUROPE
@Trasiva Your husband/wife won't appreciate it.
now I want to make something hackery looking aswell >:(
@ssube I'm single, it's cool.
@Trasiva better currency then murrica :P
lol nice @Nick
I still <3 that pen
it's @SomeKittens!
@Loktar I'm blown away 0.o
It's the most 90's sweater ever
haha thanks, I love the sine wave text
@Loktar you script that by yourself ?
the code is so shitty though lol
@Nick who's the black guys ?
its such a mess honestly
@KendallFrey must we do this every week?
@Loktar lol but rlly nice !!
@Loktar what's up with ,8,1? I don't get it...
@SomeKittens Do what?
@KendallFrey @SomeKittens Holy cow!
I never realized it!
@towc thats how you loaded things from the drive on the commodore, 8 was the drive number 1 was the device number
@Loktar oh :D
august 1 was 4 days ago tho :/
@Loktar you had 8 drives in your commodore?
nah 8 is the default first device# for the diskdrive
I had a commodore once it was sooooooo fcking fun but my floppy device broke :s
@alovaros lol I have like 6
@JoshLeBlanc pffft codepen.io/towc/pen/gyEBz :P
still in working order
@Loktar gimmy one D:
I've never seen a commodore with my own eyes :'(
@towc where do you live ?
@JoshLeBlanc renders sooo slow :P
I've seen a few at thrift stores (in the US)
@alovaros I swear it's earth!
they sold like 4 million or so in the US (the c64 model)
@Loktar soo I live in germany :s
@alovaros Michael Jordan, you muggle
@alovaros we can meet for a beer!
@alovaros you probably see Amigas from time to time then eh?
@KendallFrey But real time
Amigas are much rarer here
@towc you live in UK :D come to gamescom :P
@alovaros when's that?
@Nick ohhh who ?
@towc next week xD
I'll be in romania :P
but it's sold out
@BadgerCat I'm not sooo in beer but we can do :P
@Loktar naa I only see them on the gamescom :D amigas commodores all that stuff on market I see sometimes nintendo consols
@BadgerCat sunday too ?
hmm :s sick went there the last 3 years
why you say you life in mexico ? :D
I life in you
Oh, haven't updated.
@BadgerCat so now you live in ger right? :D in what bundesland?
I live right next to you, NRW
nice :D I live there too :P
so may that was obvious xD
Ok, so we will visit you.
anyone know what ... of @ in a eco template means?
hue ? o:
particularly the @ sign
@ROODAY is there a number after it?
@alovaros What day is good for you?
I'm working on a backbone app and in the eco template for a view there is <%if delivery of @ : %>
@BadgerCat in what city you live ? xD
I'm not sure if @ is referencing activerecord or something else (the main app is a rails app, but the views are through backbone and eco)
@towc there is no number, just a colon
@ROODAY might just be a variable name
@BadgerCat if you bring money so we can make a nice time with something green we can meet when ever you want :P my intership is over after this week and then I have school that means more freetime
lol, school = freetime is a comparison that I've never heard
@KendallFrey is requestAnimationFrame the fastest way to draw something in real time?
school = pain
@JoshLeBlanc Yes
@alovaros Got it, next week then... Friday?
@towc Depends on the school I guess :P
@JoshLeBlanc RAF should definitely be used for drawing -- it caps at the browser's draw limit
@towc As opposed to work
@JoshLeBlanc I don't know what that means
@towc I've said more :P i'm at home at 7 O'clock now when I have school at 5
@BadgerCat muss mal schauen :P aber ich muss jetzt auch los zum bus ich komm morgen wieder in den raum
@all have a nice day I'm out
see ya @alovaros
@Nick So you should perform calculations outside of it, and draw inside of it. How do you do non-blocking calculations, then? eg calculate until the new repaint, then paint everything calculated
@JoshLeBlanc You have two loops; one for updates (logic), anjd one for strictly draw calls
Don't have any logic inside of your draw loop
@JoshLeBlanc I like to do all my calculations within RAF
make the logic loop a setTimeout
yay, possibly a social life
It ensures that RAF always draws the most up-to-date scene possible
I have negative social lives
Social lives are overrated.
by people who don't have them :p
/me will get to see @rlemon in the next six months or so
I need to get a passport as well so I can visit Canada since Ill be so close again
talking about rAF, I've heard that you could add the canvas element as the second parameter, any idea what does that do? Or just superstition?
its dumb you even need one :( (a passport from CA to the US)
I've always wanted to meet Gaben's sugar daddy
whats RAF?
@KendallFrey gaben ate him
hah yeah man Ill visit you as well
@BenCraig Royal Air Force
I mean, MDN has no mention of the second parameter
Rote Armee Fraktion
requestAnimationFrame @BenCraig :p
I should just google stuff, you guys never give me real answers
@Nick You ever look at my resume?
Relinquish All Friends
@Trasiva I saw that the email was there, but I didn't get the chance to open it yet
@Nick All good.
Is there a more direct way to remove dupes from an array than [...new Set(arr)]?
The syntax is ok, but I would prefer a Array method.
@ŠimeVidas arr.filter((e, i, a) => a.indexOf(e) === i)
@MadaraUchiha Accidentally quadratic
@copy Gots better way?
@MadaraUchiha Using a set is the better way
@JoshLeBlanc I generally never use setInterval, and opt for a setTimeout -- don't remember why, I'm sure there was a good reason
but otherwise, yeah
right idea
I know the reason
Hello, I'm trying to insert a line break inside a button's <button value="some text BREAKLINEHERE some other text"/>
is this possible ?
I know the word
the bird is the word
the bird is microsoft word
@Nick setTimeout and setInterval do very different thing, how do you use setTimeout?
setInterval can stackup if it takes too long before the next interval iirc
it tries to get itself back on track
@JoshLeBlanc use setTimeoutjust like raf
@JoshLeBlanc The same way you use the RAF. Have it call the timeout again at the end of the function
just call it again with an interval.
setInterval is scheduled at regular intervals, so it can happen that your handler is executed twice in a row, because the first time it took long, or the main thread was busy with other tasks.
first time I enter windows server
Some random bloke invited me to a private room
didn't know that windows server had interface
what the hell
@Neoares welcome to 1998
its me
holy fuck!
actually sorry. 1993 (Windows NT)
thats crazy @rlemon
@Loktar well it's windows server 2012
@Icecreamsandwich why, and who are you?
@Neoares lol yeah just being snarky because Windows servers have always had a gui
i cant chat j
@Loktar :o
I don't understand anything you say
for newbies :d
newbie server 2012
@Loktar imagine jsNk
@rlemon trinity force!!!
you can supply it with svg paths
you can define complex paths as SVG data
yeah, pretty sweet
who drawn that triangle
your mothers friend Susanne
how to draw basket using javascript
i mean bin basket
a basket in which when i put some items to it ,it should disappear
are you even real?
1 message moved to JS trash
1 message moved to JS trash
damn, I need to change that extension
removing one at a time is painful
poor Nick
I am poor, give me money
Ooh, nice
In my continuing quest to deal with collections > 500k client-side
@SomeKittens Any specific reason?
just use a for loop
@SomeGuy new job
hum-big analytics
actual Big Data (7PB at last count)
@Nick I am pour, give me liquor
Oh, neat!
@ssube coworkers and I are doing a happyhour tonight
you're not invited
@Nick well then you don't get to sleep in my bathtub
@ssube fine :(
@ssube I'll sleep in your bed instead

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