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i have seen a ton of em in past
split views or something
@SomeKittens good morning
there you go
found it, just need them in horizontal, but thanks
Can I represent javascript strings outside BMP? using string primitive?
basic multilingual plane
What's that?
wikipedia says its complicated
When a String contains actual textual data, each element is considered to be a single UTF-16 code unit.
I'm guessing @overexchange really means character encoding, asking whether you can use values other than UCS-2 (or UTF-16) and the answer is no, not in a string primitive.
@Mathematics I remember caprica... You were able to tell her that you are afk...
BMP is one of the plane in UTF-16
@overexchange Kind of. Support in ES5 is sporty at best, but ES6 has full support of full Unicode.
ok so how do I represent surrogate pairs to represent planes outside BMP?
SMP or SIP plane for example
ch1 = '\u00A5'; //this notation is for BMPplane
But, how do I represent outside BMP using JS? technically it works thru surrogate pairs for UTF-16 format
FYI.. here is a 30 minute video for Unicode youtube.com/view_play_list?p=383CCF1CD8313E13 best video on Internet
@overexchange "\u{1D306}" or String.fromCodePoint( 0x1D306 )
Note that not all browsers are up to date.
IE does not support code point at all, for example, even 11...
i think we can also surrogate pairs
Well... you can, in the sense that you would be using string like binary data. JS's string functions does not work with surrogate pairs, regardless of encoding. You may want to use Typed Array for binary data, depending on your use case.
ch = '\uD83D\uDCA9'; which is technically accurate, because directly mentioning the Unicode code point, is one level above it
"\u{1D306}" is not UTF-16 format, just a code point. JS looks very flexible in Unicode repre
Depends on what is technically accurate. I think ES3 or ES5 defines string as series of UCS2 character for purpose of string processing.
forgetting about JS for a moment, if one needs to represent code point 1D306 in UTF-16 format, should use surrogate pairs as it is outside BMP 0xFFFF
Yes. But I haven't had the chance to care whether JS use UTF-8 or 16 or 32. That would be binary level. In JS I usually work with characters.
across languages we learn same approach, like java
@Sheepy But spec says, When a String contains actual textual data, each element is considered to be a single UTF-16 code unit. so representation bothers
@overexchange ES5?
Indeed. String.fromCodePoint( 0x1D306 ).length gives me 2. So it is UTF-16 indeed.
Wow. Got to do [...string].length to get the correct count. sigh backward compatibility.
code point value has something to do with Unicode. surrogate pairs has something to do with UTF-16. JS supports UTF-16. In UTF-32, surropair is not required
one advantage is, technician using '\u{1DAAA}' do not require caring about encoding format, correct.
It is ok. Most of us here know unicode, codepoint, surrogate, and utf. I think.
sorry about that, trying to be on same page
$ git stash && git pull && git stash pop && git add . && git commit -m "ENV-1. Swap AT to AT" && git push #yolo
Not your fault. I do believe most programmers don't get it. And then we have encodings like UTF-9. Quite enjoyed it.
UTF-9? i didn't know that? new for me
It's true. It exists. Not a typo. :)
ya may be, because byte was 7 or 13 bits in olden days, so UTF-9 could be
Yes. And UTF-18 is even more interesting. :D
Because, if I recall correctly, their logic were not like UTF-7 or UTF-8. They served a... special purpose. :)
@MadaraUchiha I've only had good luck with it, and it's way better than node inspector
@Sheepy what is the source code format for JS code? i mean for example is java code \u0063\u0068\u0061\u0072 ch3 = \u0027\u005C\u005C\u0027; that declares a char variable ch3.
@phenomnomnominal Start app, it runs. Set a breakpoint, refresh, breakpoint doesn't hit.
You have to have a debugger statement to begin with
oh yeah, I did notice that. But that's the same as the node debugger too
@overexchange There is no char type in js. It is either a number or a string.
and it loads so much faster
@Sheepy .js source code format?
@phenomnomnominal I normally use IntelliJ's debugger, and it doesn't do that
@overexchange If you mean source code charset, it varies. I have maintained GBK, GB18030, Big5, Big5-HKSCS, utf8, utf16... The server tells the browser what encoding the file is in.
@overexchange The source code chatset is whatever you save the file as.
But take note that all browsers today read UTF8 by default, and it's all-around good practice to be consistent with them.
this is how it works in console
\u0063\u0068 = 'sham';
@overexchange ES2015 added support for unicode literals in source code as well.
@overexchange You have to distinguish "source code charset" from "javascript (execution) charset". The format is usually utf-8 (but not always). The later is, as we just learned, utf-16 (always).
Oh! Spend a week in Russia grazing, and I already forget it is now called ES2015.
I hate the new name.
someone sent me some ssh keys to my mac
do I just store them in the .ssh folder, the 2 files (*.pub and non extension file)
@MadaraUchiha Saw my last message?
@Sheepy How source code charset is different from javascript (execustion) charset? am not clear on this.
@overexchange For the record, Java also support different source code encoding, as long as all codes use the same encoding. Java String is also always UTF-16. What a happy family, Java and JavaScript!
@overexchange UTF-8. Always. Please.
@cswl Yeah, hold
let requiredFields = [ 'email', 'password', 'server', 'defaultRoom' ];
let allFieldsPresent = requiredFields.every(presentIn(request.body));
if (!allFieldsPresent) {
    throw new HttpError(
        'Request must include the following missing parameters (see extra)',
I implemented it a bit differently than what I've remembered
export function presentIn(inWhat) { return field => Boolean(inWhat[field]); }
export function not(fn){ return (...args) => !fn(...args); }
I went with the other way around, i,e, presentIn returns a function accepting an object and returning a function that returns true if the value under any given key is truthy
(Rather than trying with an array)
@Sheepy when you say javascript (execution) charset, javascript engine interprets abc.js file in UTF-16 format, am I correct? this is the reason, we are able to write code in UTF-16 format \u0063\u0068 = 'xyz'; Is my understanding correct?
@MadaraUchiha But you still used, array methods on requiredFields and not request.body... You gave the opposite to me
Yeah, sowwy XD
But i implemented it anyway.. B)
Damn it was soooo hard :'(
Oh yeah! My parser can now parse BNF...one step closer to a parser generator. :D jsfiddle.net/purmou/a82kr75n/4/embedded/result
here's a more minimal example: jsfiddle.net/purmou/a82kr75n/5/embedded/result
@overexchange js string data encoding != source code encoding
anyone use charles proxy?
@Purag nice
good morning
@SuperUberDuper I use Fiddler instead.
@Purag a parser for everything or just something specific ?
@Roel I want to stop scripts loading and instead return success some js files for a specific site
@SuperUberDuper On Linux? Your own code? Or via what?
@Sheepy yes I understand that part. but how source code encoding different from execution encoding?
say I have badscript1 and goodscript for www.mysite.com, how can I get a 200 success but no file fom badscript1?
on mac
@SuperUberDuper No idea. On Windows I once redirected the DNS to my localhost, proxied the requests, and filtered out things I didn't want to load. I have no idea if that applies to Mac, but something to ponder perhaps?
@KarelG It can parse any BNF where terminals are in "" or ''
@Sheepy sublime editor storing the file abc.js in UTF-8 is source code encoding. JS engine interpreting the JS code in UTF-16 format is execution encoding. Is that correct?
@overexchange js file is usually in utf-8. So an 'À' will be 0xC3 0x80. This is the source code. The browser read it, and if À is part of a string literal, the actual js data would be 0x00C0.
soon, it'll translate the parse tree to a grammar my parser can understand, and you'll have a parser for the language you gave it.
I'll personally be using it to parse C.
it can also accept regular expressions as terminals. for example, /a-z]/ is a good way to indicate a single lowercase letter as a terminal in the expansion for a rule.
@Sheepy For Execution encoding, var a = 10; is read by JS engine in UTF-16 format, am I correct?
@RoelvanUden would fiddler do what I want?
@overexchange No. There is no JS string here. JS engines do not necessary convert your source code to utf-16. They may, or they may not. If you have a string literal there, that literal will be utf-16 on execution. When does this conversion happen depend on the engine.
@SuperUberDuper Probably. I don't know how though, but it can break on literally everything and alter the response.
@SuperUberDuper a proxy like squid is probably what you want.
@Sheepy In java world, one can write the code in UTF-16 format directly in eclipse editor, am coming from there
java syntax \u0063\u0068\u0061\u0072 ch3 = \u0027\u005C\u005C\u0027;
Hi guys...
@overexchange Your code "\u0027" (6 characters) may be saved as UTF-8 (6 bytes), UTF-16 (12 bytes), or UTF-32 (24 bytes). When compiled to bytecode, it is only one character (2 bytes).
so we do not have this facility on using UTF-16 format source code in Javascript world?
JavaScript is the same. It happen in the browser. V8 compiles JS to machine code. SpiderMonkey compiles JS to bytecode. In both cases your 6,12,or 24 bytes source code become 2 bytes in memory.
@overexchange don't forget that the script content sometimes get parsed through the DOM module before its execution (if you write the script code on the document itself)
Yeah. And the DOM may be HTML or XHTML. They handle <script/> differently, for starter. :p
My website is responsive, I've set a CSS attribute via Jquery, but there is a problem, when I use of @media (for mobile display), that attribute does not change, why ?
@Sajad style attribute does not support media query. There is no selector.
Because you've set it through Jquery [sic]
@JanDvorak then what should I do ?
@Sajad You should manipulate the stylesheet object.
the @media is not a CSS feature, but a filter.
@Sheepy in the .css file or .js file ?
it executes the defined css below that tag if it meets the defined requirement
@Sajad js. But if you can do it with css, then do it in css. Much simpler.
@media xy{
The 1# movie on my birthday is The Silence of the Lambs \o/
@MadaraUchiha o/
@Maurize \o
@Sajad use classes, as in addClass, inline styles have priority over external stylesheets
who the fuck is scared to show his internet history ? I don't have to hide something
@AaronHarding em, ok tnx
if you are talking about adult content: private browsing
@Maurize does not work
did u edited it?
not just copy and paste...
instead of body take your dom and add other attributes
!! tell Sajad mdn CSS media queries
*you, *edit

I remember caprica... You were able to tell her that you are afk...

Sorry I didn't get you there :S
@JanDvorak thanks, teacher.
@Zirak : Release the bot from your bedroom. We need her too
greetings javascript people :D
@Sajad : mdn CSS media queries <-- please read through this
!!google afk stands for
@KarelG ok
@Mathematics "afk" = away from keyboard
@alovaros greetings, javascript plant :D
@Sheepy lol plant :D
someone may can help me with websocket connection ? :s
I've also got an issue with node/jade
Q: Jade/Node database data not showing

tomtomy8I'm attemting to create an application to make restraunt reservations with Node, but currently my data from the database is not showing on the page. Here is the jade file of the page that is meant to display the data: extends layout block content h1. Reservations ul each reservation in ...

hmm you guys have a bot ? :D
normally yes, but she's not on
We used to.
The number primitive type has exactly 18437736874454810627 (that is, 264−253+3) values. so every integer is also stored in the form of double-precision 64-bit format IEEE 754 format. am I correct?
oww :s
She helps us query google and mdn and run javascript. Which partially turns this room into an IDE. Quite nice.
sounds good :D
@overexchange i'm on holiday.
She can also unleash Cthulhu on any code you specify. It is cool.
wtf she can unleash cthulu ?
o.O i just thugth BP can do this while trying to get oil on the moon
holiday? you mean busy? am week in english
ohh it's to late to edit my bad english :D
@MadaraUchiha wise words
@tomtomy8 cthuhlu
wat dat?
a deamon
@overexchange Sorry missed your question. No, JS object does not always result from function. 'xyz' is itself a perfectly good JS object, with prototype and methods and private data. No function necessary.
@alovaros The Deamon
@towc no that's Diablo :P
no that's Belial
str = 'xyz'; is an object only after boxing, where it gets wrapped as window['String']()
decide xD
now :D
haha :D no Belial isn't as cool as diablo but arrgh what was the name of the witch ??
jeah ... killed her own daugther ...
but I know you can buy spells in D1 at her "shop" I hate her so much
I can't remember :P
but in the expansion you kill that bitch
I used to repeat her name before sleep
In my ppl2kill list
But then I killed her and I forgot her name :P
haha jeah :D I haven't bougth ROS yet ...
such a spoil then
I knew that already
but don't spoil more xD
buy it, it's awesome :)
the new mechanics and game modes
jeah I 'll buy in the next month maybe
I can rush you when you finish the story mode
but I need to play the complete story again with my lvl 59 ._. I deleted my quests xD
@overexchange Oh yes. My bad. There is a primitive String type. Have to dig where is the boxing logic.
maybe :D
would be nice
I can rush you from 1 to 70 in 1-2 hours
:D I can just reach 60 atm
but you need to complete the story mode in order to unlock all post-game modes
adventure mode
jeah no problem
can I get paragon lvl with lvl 60
quick question: -> possible to find a word in a string and then get 6 letters 3 letters behind it? - php :D
@overexchange Kind of. Technically, number is as good as double. In reality, JS engine will "escalate" a number's type. The actual representation starts with int - if it is within int range - and, when necessary, promote it to long. And if long is insufficient, it gets promoted to double. I forgot whether it is Mozilla or MS who blogged this behaviour.
@alovaros I don't know
maybe, cause your lvl is capped at 60
@Neoares I hope so xD
@overexchange A number's type only goes up, by the way. So an integer number may be int, long, or double, but once it is double it will never go back to long or int.
Hi party people! :)
var a = 10; as per this spec, stored as double-precision 64-bit format IEEE 754
@overexchange Beware that bitwise operations will cast any number to int32. No question asked.
@overexchange No. The spec defines the behaviour of number. The engines are not required to always implement it as double.
is anyone familar with an issue relating to russian characters, times new roman, and ie9?
@overexchange And they don't. In all engines I am aware of, your code is (initially) an int.
@IamZesh Hi!
@Neoares Hello
I'm stuck when trying to load tinyMCE on a textarea element in an firefox addon, could anyone give me an idea where I should further research?
I get the error that "HTMLFormElement doesn't have a named property setter."
verdana vs times new roman: imgur.com/a/ald2y
like a really "come on ie" moment right now
but I only get that when trying to add the tinyMCE editor in an addon
@AaronHarding was about to say that
I tried to insert in on a test page directly and it works
@copy ssh whoami.filippo.io
@Neoares like i'm laughing because what an odd glitch but i'm crying because why do this to me
so I don't get why the HTMLFormElement is different when using the firefox addon sdk then when not
@Sheepy Thank you for the comment on my question
Sorry couldn't help solve it, but that may be the cause of the different.
@FlorianMargaine I'm not to sure how to use squid to filter out those bad scripts
@AaronHarding verdana as text display on webpages ??
@KarelG look at the spacing of the russian character й
Times New Roman adds white-space to the right of it
in other fonts, it does not
ah. And that's good or bad ? (i cannot read the cyrillic language)
to me it's bad
Бойлермейкер reads as Бой лермей кер
which is like
@AaronHarding Character specific spacing (and positioning) is specified by the font and you have little control over it.
stackoverflow reading as stacko verflo w
@Sheepy yeah i thought so. so it's either change font or gtfo?
@Sheepy Yeah at least I know where it could come from, thank you very much!
@AaronHarding From my experience (non-Russian), yes.
@Sheepy alright, thanks man
seems like the alternative for other people too
@AwalGarg : your government is banning a lot websites lately it seems
@KarelG Most recently chat.stackoverflow.com, which is why you won't get an answer.
wait... wut? India banned the chat?

I need to create a custom input field that has an icon on the side to remove the contents when the field has focus.

I'm using angularjs

I'm pretty sure I need a directive for this but does anyone know of a similar example I can look at for guidance? I'm a bit lost with how to start.
@user2248441 you only need to know 2 things: onclick and input.value = ''
google them up and you'll be fine
@FlorianMargaine Saw that on HS earlier, couldn't find me :>
@towc sorry i should have been more clear, I need to be able to roll this out to all current input fields easily and any future ones which is why I thought I needed a directive
@towc in soviet angular, nothing is that easy
@user2248441 so using js to also put the icon? Check out element.appendChild then
it's pretty easy
@user2248441 The directive guide on the angular site is fairly comprehensive and includes directives that manipulate the DOM
@towc i think that madara is joking ;)
are you forced to use angular?
@KarelG oh! I read that all wrong!
yeah i joined a client project today and this is my first task -.0
@user2248441 still, just tell them that it's much easier and more performant/readable/whatever to use vanilla js for this
@MadaraUchiha yup :P
couldn't resist, so opened my work email (while i'm on holiday)
should not have done that
should not have done that
should not have done that
(a co-worker is QQ'ing about the scheduling)
@ivarni thanks, will take another look through that
@towc I'm only here for 10 weeks and this is the netherlands. it would take an age just to get approved ;)
@MadaraUchiha do you have 2 uzi's to share with me ?
!!urban uzi
he can be killed already before he can fire his flames from his hands
just "pang" quickly
@towc you have to google image "uzi weapon"
anyways... now i'm off for the rest of the days. Done with fiddling with Haskell
@KarelG If only it were that easy
@ivarni Dang USAians killing it :(
guys :s some of you have experience with websockets ? I could need some help
@alovaros Ask, and you may be answered.
@MadaraUchiha would be a bit long :P can I send you my SO question ?
Q: How to stream Data in with java websockets

alovarosI read some tutorials or tried it so now I have some JS code that connects with my java websocket and when I click on a button it sends some test string to the websocket and reciev some other. Now I wanna have some realtime stream so in the string that the JS code recieves is the current time in...

@ShauReturns sooo you just wrote jep cuz you are back ? :D
@ShauReturns damn :D
I have a problem with image getting overrided. Can anyone of you take a look!
Money euro = new Money(100000000)
me too now
Hi , I want to get android mobile udid from java script code.
can you help any one ??
:D hey you followed my hint
@BipulKhan As far as I know, you can only do that in Java. Either create an interface for webview JS to call, or actively provide it to webview JS.
can anybody help me this question
Q: Not getting proper output when shifting values in array position

LearningI am having 1 Array in which my Source and Destination are like this: markers.push({ "Location": "Chicago", "IsLocation": "Yes" }); markers.push({ "Location": "Los Angeles", "IsLocation": "Yes" }); Now when i will create points wi...

@Learning Simplify your code and scenario, narrow down the bug.
@Learning Also, you don't need to manually copy the Location property. Use Array.splice to insert new marker to a specific index. It will 'push down' subsequence elements.
@Sheepy here it is told that any number is stored as IEEE 754 format. ES5 spec also says the same
any one is help my javascript file not Working ? i have checked whole code using alert .alert is working..value not showing my input design?
@Thennarasu SO's JS room psychic esp'er team is on the case!
I detect some sarcasm there
@Thennarasu are you sure your computer's turned on?
!!afk rebooting PC (fixing alerts lol)
> Get the fuck out of here

> The fuck is already out
Squad has started work on multiplayer for KSP! kerbaldevteam.tumblr.com
How do they plan to handle time acceleration?
They haven't said
I'm sure they'll find a way
it will probably be like sleeping in minecraft MP, it just won't happen unless they all do it
That would be the simplest
I'm wondering if it's possible to have players have different time frames and translate the events such that as if they happened somewhen else.
@JanDvorak Are you familiar with the Dark MP mod?
@JanDvorak but then the ones in the future won't be able to feel the effects of who came before
@JanDvorak It allows you to time warp independent of other players, but you won't see the effects of the other players until they time warp to your position

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