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location.href = "http://stackoverflow.com/questions"
location.href = document.links[35].href
Hmm. Reading it again, it sounds like the OP hasn't heard of the if-statement.
Are there hashtable kind of things for Javascript?
hashtable for what?
Built-in objects are hashtables, but they're not 100% safe.
They can be safe in ES5.
But not in ES3.
var hashes = {},
table = [];

function addHash(obj, hash)
	var index = table.length;
	if (hashes[hash] === undefined) {
		hashes[hash] = index;

function removeHash(hash)
	var index = hashes[hash];
	if (index !== undefined &&
		index >= 0) {
		table[index] = undefined;
		delete hashes[hash];
can you give example how objects are not safe in es3
you can't lock them down
Object.prototype is accessible from global scope.
So any code can screw with any object.
I should have used that code for a previous project
I ended up using splice(index, 1) and that led to a bunch of problems
it will fail after four billion uses
and Object.prototype is accessible from global scope in es5 as well?
I don't like that. I'm just going to use an array; then cry
In ES5 you can create an object that doesn't inherit from anything.
@KianMayne If you're in complete control of your code, you can probably just use an object.
Or, you could use a pair of objects.
Object.create(null) + "" is TypeError :P
Heh, no toString()?
cannot be converted to primitive value
Does that matter?
JSON.stringify works though
Well, that sounds sensible.
well I don't wanna mess with them and be bitten in the ass from stuff that I have taken for granted with normal objects
Well, now you know! :-p
jQuery is best protection from Object.prototype anyway
it will break if object prototype is augmented
so you're automatically safe
Q: Please critique my first jQuery plugin (Learning Management System/AICC Project)

php-grasshoppaLike I mentioned in the title, this is my first attempt at a jQuery plugin. If someone could help me make sure that the code is clean, efficient, and formated correctly I would really appreciate it. Background So the reason I wrote this plugin is because I cannot find an easy to use code that h...

wasnt aware of that peerreview site until now
Can someone please help me out with this question?
Q: dont know why touch events triggered twice

codeninjaI'm using Jquery Mobile, and my touch events are being triggered twice. At first I thought it might be an overlap between mouse events and touch events, but I tried to unbind mouse events on tablets/smartphones and the events are still being triggered twice. Here is my code //Tablet Features ...

ugh since when do we get tornados in florida
ladies and gents.. in chrome(ohh did i mention on ubuntu), how would one go about setting the width of a textarea in js without disallowing it to be resized smaller?
@GGG reminds me of : bash.org/?35417
2 hours later…
IEBlog: “Debugging IndexedDB Applications” using IDBExplorer to view DB schemas, object store content & index details http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ie/archive/2012/01/25/debugging-indexeddb-applications.aspx
RT @ilmarihei: Overview on HTML5 game dev from @photonstorm http://www.photonstorm.com/archives/2759/the-reality-of-html5-game-development-and-making-money-from-it
RT @dalmaer: Enyo 2.0: Write a Web app, package it with PhoneGap, run it through PhoneGap build, and get it in stores http://enyojs.com/
RT @mahemoff: Detailed report on HTML5 video browser compatibility from the maker of JWPlayer http://www.longtailvideo.com/html5/
3 hours later…
@all Gud Morning
@adscriven ES5 isn't safe either. hashmap["__proto__"] = "herp_derp"; // oh shit
need small in help google map
@Raynos You're kidding. Crap. Is that in strict mode too? If so we may as well just give up.
3 hours later…
A: Placeholders in IE

sv_ininstead of $(':text[placeholder],:password[placeholder]') use $(':text[placeholder],:password[placeholder],textarea[placeholder]')

:text, :checkbox, :password et al need to die a horrible death.
2 hours later…
@AndyE correct, they do
how about `:first`.. it runs this function through the whole collection:
function( i ) {
     return i === 0;
I just can't understand what was going through the mind of the person who "invented" these selectors. They should be shot.
my god that plugin is shit
	var isPassword = function(input) {
		return $(input).attr('realType') == 'password';
I use twitter style placeholders myself ;O
as in the grey text is still in the input when you focus
@Esailija rage quit
because it sux
the twitter style is awesome
@Esailija every time I select a html input control on my mobile and I have to delete the entire fucking placeholder text to insert my own text I ragequit the internet
the placeholder text is not in the input
it's a sibling span that is styled
look at twitter
this also means easier password input handling
Exams are finished
time to job hunt ._.
did you do good
I did ...
It's ok, I'll get a 2:1
but those damn exams were too hard to get a 1st without relying on luck
or severe hard work in sem 2 -.-
I took the hard subjects -.-
like what
[[insert obligatory sex joke here]]
Advanced group theory and computer algebra ._.
@Esailija kind of like this?
yes but significantly simpler as it's not a mask
it disappears if you write something
but not on focus
yeah, the concept is more or less the same, though.
Masks are generally ugly.
Placeholders, not so much.
@adscriven Some browsers handle JSON.parse("{__proto__: 1}"); the same as eval("({__proto__: 1})");, others don't.
if it's legal to do:
2 = 4 - 2    (* 2)
4 = 8 - 4

x = y         (* 0)
0 = 0
Is there a way to do something like this, instead of naming each array key and value individually?: var array = ["ohai" => 5,"ohaider" => "OHAI____DER"];
//Regular objects.
var obj = {
    ohai : 5,
    ohaider : "OHAI____DER"
//an array is just a regular object with numerical, consequential indices
var array = {
    0 : 'meep',
    1 : 'moop'
Note that you can wrap the key names in quotes if you want.
Why did I not think of that? I've even done that before :| thanks xD
@Zirak not true :£
var array = {
  0: 'meep',
  1: 'moop',
  length: 2,
  __proto__: Array.prototype
It also has a magical length property
Then it also needs the magic [Class] based semantics on .length
uhm, is it okay if I can't make the reversed polyfill without screwing with older browsers? I have to use HTMLOListElement.prototype.reversed getter/setter
anybody tried to code something in PhoneGAP ?
1 hour later…
is someone is around and can give me a hand with git..
It depends on the issue.
basically I have been mucking around with branches (working with more than just master) - and I just want to push my latest changes to my online repo.
rdl@rdl-ubuntu-work:/var/www$ git checkout 2.0-development
Already on '2.0-development'
rdl@rdl-ubuntu-work:/var/www$ git add -f *
rdl@rdl-ubuntu-work:/var/www$ git commit -am 'there is a problem here'
# On branch 2.0-development
nothing to commit (working directory clean)
rdl@rdl-ubuntu-work:/var/www$ git push -u origin 2.0-development
Everything up-to-date

however, none of my changes have made it to the online repo.
Why are you using -f *?
that was an attempt to force it.. the commit before that was this
git push
Counting objects: 45, done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (25/25), done.
Writing objects: 100% (29/29), 3.90 KiB, done.
Total 29 (delta 10), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: /data/github/current/lib/github/config/resque.rb:27: undefined method `constantize' for "GitHub::Jobs::GrabAuthor":String (NoMethodError)
remote: 	from /data/github/current/lib/github/config/resque.rb:26:in `each'
remote: 	from /data/github/current/lib/github/config/resque.rb:26
remote: 	from /data/github/current/lib/rock_queue.rb:9:in `require'
git status, see if there's anything changed
You pushed something that wasn't changed. Edit a file then add it.
that was the 'first' one - successive pushes have done nothing.
If there was no change the commit won't show up.
> nothing to commit (working directory clean)
lol, I pushed like 15 new files.
i'm looking at them.
Were the 15 files in the staging area?

push (everything up-to-date)

online has
no .gitignores anywhere.
Link me to the github page.
I still suggest doing git status to see if you missed something
git status
# On branch 2.0-development
nothing to commit (working directory clean)
hhhmmm...maybe git log --stat to see the latest commits, see if it's actually committed, and the problem is in the client->server communication or something of the kind
that was so strange... i did as @Incognito said and made a single change to some arbitrary file (added a tab) and commited that. git says only one change in one file but when i pushed it all of a sudden both showed up.
server cache?
I defiantly cleared my browser cache - i know github sometimes has issues with that.
Maybe some weird communication error that didn't push your last commit or something
ohh well, it's there now :P
thankyou all for your time.
How good is Kindle on Android?
When in doubt, git status and eat a trout. (rhyming matters!)
Didn't try coding for it, because I fear the Java, but as a platform, so far no complaints on the device itself.
When you're dire, or your gits on fire, or your working copy is clean, but files are not seen: git status
@Zirak I just wanna know if it works with 4.0.1
Sounds like an ad
next step: rhyme a tune to learn git in the style of this.
To avoid frustration, which causes flatus, don't go to Banger, just use git status!
(He raps a story backwords about getting shot ontop of a sample from a beatles song)
::sings:: "Let's git it on..."
secretly wonders how many people in this room are aware of Marvin Gaye
> We're looking for talented designers and developers who have a passion for teaching. If you love helping people understand your craft, and feel comfortable on camera then we'd like to hear from you. Please send a 3-minute tutorial video on a subject of your choice. The first 30-seconds should be a head-and-shoulder shot of yourself introducing the tutorial and the rest should be a screencast.
Should I try making a screencast (easy 3 minute example is DOM2 event model)
@Raynos Explain the y-combinator.
Or some algo.
Who is doing the looking?
DOM is dry.
Or explain how to make pretty css effects.
gist: My Y-Combinator example, 2011-09-29 18:42:08Z
First group takes a function and returns a 
function that calls a function with an 
(function (ycomb) {
    return (function(n){
        return ycomb(ycomb)(n);
Second group is the function passed to the 
recursive combinator. 
})(function (self) {

This is the part that you're working with
that becomes your recursive function.
    return function (x) {
        if ( x > 0 ) {
It's really important that the value you 
return is a function that calls it's self
that passes the next set of arguments
            return self(self)(x-1);
And this is your input value

Notes: You could always abstract away
most of the ceremony for this, should
you ever need to use a y-combinator I
would advise you do so.

Uses: Really, the only time you're going 
to use this is when you're programming
a function that is anonymous and you 
cannot expose any variables to a higher

Warning: Most people will never encounter
this in JavaScript. Also, beware that
Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8 all run 
"JScript" not JavaScript, and it will
hoist all anonymous functions into a global
namespace. This is resolved with IE9.


it'd be pretty cool to extend their web dev section with good shit about DOM
@Raynos Alright then explain the DOM.
But make sure you can show them that you can do an exciting video that maintains interest and keeps people coming back.
Hand-wavy "hard stuff is easy" is more attractive.
I see
Good point
You're actually selling them on your presentation ability.
Also that company office is like 30 minute walk from here
So, explain how to do something with DOM2
If you can do that with the DOM, awesome.
@Incognito true.
If you can explain why pages with $("*").click(function(e){lololo(e)}) is slower than a delegation model, and keep it interesting, awesome.
@Raynos How many people are they looking for?
@Incognito no clue. The main company is not hiring, the child company (treehouse) appears to want expert content creators
I find it funny how everyone always wants experts.
Position: Expert
Filled by: Tap dancer.
wtf is that, that sounds crazy
> Aeron chair
Take the job dude.
@Incognito lol. But I need to get the job first :P
@Raynos Maybe I should apply. I do a video on how to tap-dance and hand-wave.
@Incognito I think you should :3
Writing a guide to BS is on my todo list.
BS for CS.
Or some other gimmick title.
@Raynos great, another site that requires a facebook account
closes immediately
@MattMcDonald Lol, my firewall blocks facebook, so I hadn't even noticed there was a "login with facebook" option.
IMO: add facebook.com and their CDNs to your HOST and remap IP to localhost or something.
@MattMcDonald lol :3
Looks like a nice place to work!
@Rich yeah hence the attraction. They also happen to have an office in my town. Which is kind of cool and weird
gaming as a tool for learning is picking up in popularity.
it's not an option
you have to use Facebook
small world
@Incognito did that already at home; this is at work
I'm wondering whether I should just walk into their office and say hello :P
please tell them their source code is horrible and that they fail to see past their own feet
and that the web is more than "pretty" graphics
@MattMcDonald I didnt look at their source
@MattMcDonald I've seen way worse than the page raynos linked.
The HTML is fairly sane, the CSS on the other hand is like "wtf?"
posted on January 27, 2012

We covered a demo earlier this week showing real time video processing with WebGL, but Seriously.js taking this concept even further: seriously! Seriously.js is a real-time, node-based video compositor for the web. Inspired by professional software such as After Effects and Nuke, Seriously.js renders high-quality video effects, but allows them to be dynamic and interactive. It features an o

if you want bad, look at linkedin's markup
They also do wtfs like ` <section style="margin:0;">`
And tabs instead of spaces.
hey, I use tabs
What's wrong with tabs?
tabs are for fags
@Raynos go for it...just don't talk about all the stuff that @Incognito is saying about their code
A magnificent point. I shall gracefully ignore it. Continue
@Rich ill try to avoid insulting their project they launched in 4 days for mediocre quality
Like I said, go for something that people find interesting.
Do they have anything on node?
You could do an "introduction to node" and your minimal tool chain for success.
node is still cool right now.
Gaming for a tool has been popular for a while actually
corporations have been trying to grasp it for about 4-5 years
@Loktar Much longer than that. I applied to a company that's been doing it since the 90s.
only reason I know is because I work in "training"
some of the attempts are so sad
Anyone knows C# here
need urgent response please
Your in the JS room dood.
"you're becoming a geek" (my boss after telling him about apt-get)
Hi! Can any one help me with this question stackoverflow.com/questions/9036717/…
@MattMcDonald apt-get moo
I was actually surprised mint didn't have both git and emacs installed by default
emacs is a beast (100+MB)
Emacs is an OS
There's a friggin calender
@Incognito that would be easier to do to be honest
Yeah I know.
> node hellowWorld.js
Q: Share This buttons working with jQuery functionality

Julian MorenoFiles: index.php news.php newsJavaScript.php Given that [news.php] is in an iframe inside [index.php], when I make click on the DIV with ID #btn_noti15 (the number is variable), the script is suposed to go to [newsJavaScript.php] according to the jQuery script which is in the same file and ad...

If strings can be array indexes, is there a quick way to initialised and assign:
i.e. something like var array [2,4,5,6];
But if you wanted 2 to be indexed like this
array["a"] = 2;
array["b"] = 4;
they're not array indexes
they're object keys
all object keys are strings
Well what you said
no, but if you want non-numeric keys maybe you don't want an array anyway.
var foo = {a:2, b:4, c:5, d:6};
the point of an array is the magic length property
No I don't want an array; what the hell is that crazy new thing
(I'm going to say now, I'm a C++ guy)
Kian that's an object literal
which is maybe what you want
Yeah that would do nicely. Maybe.
I want to take an id of a HTML element (a textbox), read a string from a data structure, then set it as the text of that textbox
How's it ....play in auto mode
is it good to use the prototype approach than singleton approach while designing a framework?
what are the pros and cons of the two approaches.?
You can avoid using prototypes? Are we still in js?
Subtext: You always use prototypes. At least in js.
lol, the "singleton" approach
he means adding properties to an object
questions like that don't mean much to me without code samples
i've seen people ask stuff like that and it turns out they mean something entirely different than you'd think they meant
Since he says "prototype approach" and "singleton approach" and "designing a framework", I'd say yes - there are some false assumptions.
var Lib = {
	"foo": function () {},
	"bar": function () {}

// vs

var Lib = function () {};
Lib.prototype.foo = function () {};
Lib.prototype.bar = function () {};
var Lib = function(){}; in the second
these are for two different things though
either you need lots of libs or only one Lib
@GGG Can I use a string as an index for an object literal? Because I thought that you have to type object.key
Would object."key" work?
Singleton is a very...queer name for that.
@KianMayne Please pick up a js tutorial, which would've taught you to use object[ "key" ]
I've got a link; hold on
every property of an object can be accessed using objectName['propertyname']
if the key is literally named "key", then object.key
if it's like key = "foo"
then object[key]
like an associative array
Thank you
@Zirak I have, it was not what I'd call comprehensive.
keep Java-isms out of JavaScript
{}.foo is not static
var o = {};
o[ Object.toString ] = 42;
Object.keys( o ); //["function toString() { [native code] }"]
o[ Array.toString ] === o[ Number.toString ];
Whatever you pass into the [brackets], it gets turned into a string.
If you want non string keys use Maps or WeakMaps
@Zirak Does not work. Objects are compared by reference
any image processing libraries available for javascript...also is there any way to access webcam using js
google talk does it
@copy Where did I compare objects?
Anybody tried PhoneGAP ever ?
Also, for the spec on this: es5.github.com/#x11.2.1
@Abhishek I've tried it for a short while, looks quite good
@Abhishek yeah tested it a bit, seems to work as advertised
I need help with making it play audio
@clean your ears out :)
they are :<
i have been messing with it for like 1 hour -_-
what are you using to play audio:
anyway to access webcam?..or the access is limited to window?
@JinuJD wait for the HTML5 stream API then u can [hopefully]
@JinuJD Google "javascript webcam"
@AbePetrillo tried
nearly everything
@AbePetrillo its flash :(
i am waiting for any of the chart to go green LOL
Okay here is the issue
i wrote a nice lil html5 player [which works on Android 3.1 + amazingly ]
but when i tried porting it to PhoneGAP for some reason it dosnt works atall!
[on the same device]
further it gives
error 5, 7 , 9
what the eff are they supposed to mean ?
I think phonegap uses a different way of doing things, phonegap will have its own api for accessing phone features like the camera
i know :)
new Media(uri);
or new Media(uri).play(); should play it -.-
Yay! I turned this:
if(textBoxText==="First Name" || textBoxText==="Last Name" ||textBoxText==="Address Line 1" ||textBoxText==="Address Line 2" ||textBoxText==="Town" ||textBoxText==="Postcode" ||textBoxText==="Email Address")
into this
you've entered the wonderful world of lookup tables
@Abhishek how is the audio encoded?
mp3 128kbps 44.1khz
isn't mp3 still patented by frauenhoffer? do the phones come with that codec?
As per what i know my phone has mp3 support
hmm only thing i can think of is try re-encoding it into a format that's known to work with the audio tag
@GGG its not with the Audio tag
android 2.2.2 has a funny bug
it supports Audio Tag but NONE format
so how is the audio done if not with the audio tag?
PhoneGAP's media api
it uses the devices native player

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