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.. but..
I just ..
maybe it's that obvious that i cannot see it
@Alundrathedreamwalker QUICK BRAKE ?
um dude
@Alundrathedreamwalker Did you read the thing?
!!afk I'm out.
selectors are the way you select stuff in html
@rlemon take a smoke
yes i did and couple times
I don't smoke
@Alundrathedreamwalker What is #tab-content?
good for you
smoke kills
vaporize or whatever
not reading the fucking document kills...
on a scale of 1 to nature valley granola bar how much is ur life falling apart
@KendallFrey Grand Can {tab}
@Alundrathedreamwalker okay lemme break it down for you
@Alundrathedreamwalker Okay, so what is #tab-content? What does it do as a selector?
Compare the answer to what you have as HTML
when you write your code in html like <a href="foo" id="bar" class="baz">
selectors allow you to select this element
i know all of that
like a query langauage
okay if so then try this tutorial
hint: google "jquery add class"
@minitech #tab-content it's an element with the id tab-content
 jQuery("#tab-content .tab-pane").first()  this should look in the document for a element with the id tab-content and then look for the class named tab-pane. the result is a list and then the first() will pick the fist element
That’s right.
Now look at your HTML.
Is there an “element with the id tab-content”?
what i dont understand. is why this code doesn't work
jQuery("#tab-content .tab-pane").first().addclass( "active" );
yes there is
i shared my html
i will share it again
one sec
@Alundrathedreamwalker Hint: there isn't
 <div class="tab-content">

                <div class="tab-pane" id="phoneSettings">
@KendallFrey ?!
you know the difference between a class and an id, right?
what is tab-content?
@Alundrathedreamwalker <div class="tab-content">
so i need to select the class and jQuery("#tab-content i slooking for an id??
To select a class it would be like so $(".tab-content")
instead it should be <div id="tab-content">
@RandomCouch Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Alundrathedreamwalker yup
I'm just here to see if I can answer some questions :P
@Alundrathedreamwalker In your code, you're referencing to "#tab-content", but in your html, there is no such element with the id of tab-content. If you did ".tab-content" for your selector in jquery it would work, unless you do want it to be an ID, then you'll need to adjust your html.
got it
I got it now
it's clear
I need your help guys. A good ES5 feature article, go.
Thank you all
@RandomCouch Are you any good with node.js? I'm having hard time grasping about how I should go about comparing php sessions to authenticate users.
anyone in the DMV area . drinks on me
If you link me the ES5 spec imma fucking spank you!
I don't know at what level I'd consider myself good @JordanRichards but I did make a few projects in NodeJs and I really love it, there is a module I used for handling sessions, one second.
@OctavianDamiean Do it anyway
spanks @KendallFrey
@OctavianDamiean who are you?
enjoys it
I used this module and it was pretty easy
@SomeKittens HO-LY SHIT!
@minitech Thanks a lot
haha, welcome back
@rlemon thanks
@Alundrathedreamwalker rlemon is afk: I'm out.
how's Eve?
eve is kill
i'm out of here as I know you don't want me
they fucked up a patch today and the servers went nope
Basically, users login in php, but in a specific part of the website I'd like to use node.js awesome sockets for realtime stuff.
@php_purest go ~compose~ something
@JordanRichards Oh.. I'm not sure actually, I never used nodeJs with PHP
@OctavianDamiean got it ;) ;)
The point of nodeJS is that it's one language only for anything you want to do
@catgocat Why would I use jquery?
Basically, users login in php, but in a specific part of the website I'd like to use node.js awesome sockets for realtime stuff.
Eve is written in Python
Python ftw
@SomeKittens you know, a skill of questionable usefulness I learned from my EVE buddies is the use of tilde to emphasis shit.
anyone played UnEpic before?
@Zirak rescue my poor soul!
@Zirak When you're doing post requests, IIRC you define a IO.xhr function
There's been some advances in making it entirely browser free, no headless cheats. But it's a time consuming project, and I lack time
@catgocat Correct
But isn't jquery available in all stackoverflow pages?
@OctavianDamiean Beyond hope
Why not use $.ajax
@OctavianDamiean ~interesting~
@catgocat Why would I use it?
Why not
I need a reason to use something
@Zirak let's try anyway, ES5 feature article, a good one
ES 5?
yes, yes I know
@OctavianDamiean I read that as sarcasm
@copy is it sarcasm or is it ~sarcasm~?
I'm not saying you should, since you know better than me if you should or not, I'm just asking since using it seems reasonable instead of defining a whole new function to make ajax requests.
the meta is real
@OctavianDamiean JavaScript is ~webscale~
@copy also yes, Python is life, Python is love
@OctavianDamiean uhrm, I dunno. It's basically array methods, JSON, and some functions on Object
You can go over the compat table and look individual things up
I can scale my web service with just one line of JavaScript
document.body.style.width = '500%';
@RandomCouch That link seems to have proved useful, this looks like it might do the trick: slideshare.net/leeboynton/… Thank you :)
@catgocat Because I hate jquery's API and it'll rot up my code
you're welcome
@Zirak Ok, subjective, therefore acceptable.
I saw no reason to use it
@catgocat how about no real promises
@OctavianDamiean Would you hug me if I were sad?
> jQuery.Deferred is now Promises/A+ compatible
JQ 3.0
@Zirak erryday
There's a jquery 3? People are still working on that?
@OctavianDamiean Come hug plz
is booking plane tickets
Anyone having issues in jQuery where you can use $row.find to obtain a dropdown, but you can't use the arr() function to rename it?
@Trasiva Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I suppose this group missed my poorly-received header
@Trasiva ARR like a pirate?
Sorry, attr().
It's...been a day, haha.
Days are bitches
It's an interesting case, all my other controls are being properly updated, -except- the dropdown list.
Please criticize critique my header
it's at the top
@minitech It doesn't complement your eyes
@minitech those lines are really web 2.0
Ssssoooo last spring
@minitech white on yellow is a really bad choice
stripemania.com web 2.0 stripe generator!
@tereško Mmm, but white on red has been done
@IsmaelMiguel Hello
May I ask you something really quick?
Howdy Ismael
I promise I won't bother more than the necessary
@Loktar I clicked. Was not disappointed.
@Loktar Thank you
haha I remember using a site like that way back
Actually I was, read that as "stripper mania"
@minitech also, the pink (?) shadow for black text on white background is somewhat painful
@minitech lol thats my only critique, in all honesty it looks nice
How, in the name of the Holy Spirit, I show a goddamn simple warning in a Chrome Extention?
The documentation is below garbage
BUT... I'm no designer lol
The examples are even worst
There's nothing
You mean besides just using a basic alert()?
Q: How to programmatically open chrome extension popup.html

LomseI have a created a desktop notification using google extension which works great: icon = ''; var popup = window.webkitNotifications.createNotification(my notification'); icon, 'Awesome title', 'Click here to view more. '); popup.show(); Is there a way to launch the actual ...

Like there
The box, at the bottom
and if we exclude the text-related issues, the gradients were popular around 2005th ... it makes your page look dated, @minitech
That says "Awesome title"
@tereško There are gradients?
the menu bar
@IsmaelMiguel Digging into it, Franz linked another question that was similar that states the dev team wasn't going to permit that.
Seems like “what’s trendy” is changing every few years or so
well .. I am saying that you are about 10 years out of date
@Trasiva That's the popup on the top. The one that says "Please Wait"
He wanted to open it automatically
Well, then I'm not sure unfortunately.
Well, I guess I'll have to do the ugly way
Spit an ugly div there, and hope for the best
Google is a good company with great products
@towc Are you there mate? I wanna ask you a question real quick.
But when it comes to screw up, they do it really big
@Dendromaniac sure. For future reference, don't ping random people
@IsmaelMiguel yea, products like me and you and all the other people using their services :P
@minitech you should probably look at some "2015 design trends" link and ignore everything related to paralax, because that's have been on it's way out
/cc all those who use ubuntu / fedora / mint / elementory / suse / whatever
@OctavianDamiean I use IE... I'm just writting an extention for it. And my poor poor RAM is crying for me to stop Chrome
exactly, don't pick one person in particular, ping everyone in the room
1 message moved to Trash can
@sunto Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, and see the faq.
@tereško In all seriousness: I don’t want this to look like everything else in 2015.
Or even like everything else that I tend to do.
@IsmaelMiguel get more RAM
function requestContent(file) {
  $('.content').load(file + ' .content');
Like so?
also don't IE
@towc It wasn't random, I need to ask you specifically xD You know your codepen has some canvas animations, is there any chance I could use one for my site? I will give you full credits, though xD
@OctavianDamiean Can't. The voltages of the new modules are incompatible with my board
IE makes little baby Jesus cry
IE is my hell at work
@Zirak please confirm
IE10 is not loading my website if it's in HTTPS
@Dendromaniac sure
Confirmed, I had visuals
although my SSL certificate is ok and trusted
@OctavianDamiean I can't. I have to. Or my card will lock at 40% it's clock
How can I write that in pure javascript?
I want to have my page load some content, and I am missing to load a file.php from my server..
@minitech then don't do anything with parallax. But I am quite serious. That header looks like something from "advent of ajax" age
I can't use any browser that uses Hardware Acceleration
when everything had gradients and rounded corners ... and "beta" star-stickers
holy shit get a new computer
@Dendromaniac in which ones are you interested particularly? I could try and optimize them for you. Some are just left there without full support for some stuff
@towc Thank you loads :)
Or one that actually respects when I disable it (looking at you Firefox)
Will you pay it? Cause I can't afford
My priorities are surviving
@towc I'll go grab the link quick :)
@tereško Also kind of going for that
But it needs to be obvious and not look horrible
Difficult balance
@towc This one: codepen.io/towc/pen/EabOvQ Many, many thanks for helping me out!
@minitech that would require talent ... not something an average developer has for web design
@Dendromaniac that's pretty optimized. Just make sure to credit me and link to the pen!
Anyway, I give up. Chrome users will have a bad user experience. It's their fault for using a broken browser with a broken API
Have a good night
@IsmaelMiguel Have you ever written a Firefox extension
It’s not better
@towc Yeah, It looked pretty complete, the only thing I noticed, is it doesn't automatically resize when the browser window changes size. Is that an easy fix? Also, Don't need to worry about me giving you credit, I hate leeching!
I fucking love chrome's extension api
I hated it when I started
But once it clicked
@tereško But I am a “web designer”
Oh god, so much better
Secret to winning web design competitions, by the way: giant images
Just stick that image in the background
* Only applies if you are in high school
btw, please, be a decent person and dont use #FFFFFF for the background there
@Dendromaniac refresh the page
that might make it less jarring
@towc I take it that it was an easy fix, massive thanks for the support!
@tereško What would you recommend? Grey is not a catch-all
no prob ;)
not sure .. you currently have magenta, yellow and white
I have no idea what can work with magenta and yellow
For some reason

$list = $row.find('input[name*="dlList_"]')

won't find the drop down it needs, but

$remove = $row.find('input[name*="chkRemove_"]'),
$section = $row.find('input[name*="txtSection_"]'),
$name = $row.find('input[name*="txtName_"]'),
$value = $row.find('input[name*="txtValue_"]'),
$comments = $row.find('input[name*="txtComments_"]')

All find their respective items? Does that even make sense?
@tereško What about an orange to transition?
@minitech No, I looked at what it was required and bailed out

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