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ConEmu for better terminal
Isn't NTFS resistant against power failures?
and most of my toolchain is node so platform independant
TIL squirrels will kill and eat young birds, our nesting box got raided earlier today :/
@JanDvorak should be
this one killed the disk itself
@JanDvorak lolwut?
Q: Is NTFS fail-safe in case of a power outage?

JonasIn case of a power outage, can the NTFS filesystem be harmed? E.g be broken or cause file corruption? And is the NTFS built-in mirroring on dynamic disks guaranteed to keep the files in a consistent state in case of a power outage? My point of view of this is that journaling file systems is spec...

> Theory aside, there are so many problems to be found on this site, caused on NTFS by power outage, that the answer has to be : NO.
@uselesschien read till the end of answer what are u VB interpretor ?
> The answer then has to be that NTFS is safer, but not fail-safe.
Too bad, most of the world runs on extn.
and mobile phones...
And car entertainment systems.
remote kissing devices
> Because not built by MS ?
yeah, lol
@uselesschien erm i'd rather have a mac and stop this bullshit debate
but then i just bought a car !
Which one is more expensive?
@Abhishrek good luck....
@JanDvorak obviously the MAC !
@JanDvorak mac, of course
@uselesschien There is pretty much no linux environment which can use my 23" touch screen, nor can i play games (and i have 2gpus for that), The reason why i wanted to install ubuntu is windows 10 comes in 15 days i thought maybe i can install them side by side and use ubuntu till windows 10 comes.
@AwalGarg it was the contributors army, not creators. Because of what @rlemon said.
@Abhishrek I don't understand. There's isn't a linux environment that can use a 23" touch screen?
Do y'all think that multitouch gestures are mostly just a gimmick? Yes/no/maybe so?
Mine's a 20.1" touch screen and GNOME 3's fine for me.
@JanDvorak I love the 2-fingers scroll
@uselesschien mine connects using a usb port separately
And 3-finger scroll left or right to change workspace is neat
@FlorianMargaine mac.
@Abhishrek I have fedora on my mbp :)
@Abhishrek ohgod
in what form does cmp store the results on EEFLAGS register? and how to inspect them?
@FlorianMargaine highfive
@AwalGarg Hex
@uselesschien which makes it require a driver, which well since microsoft being a bitch works well with windows distros, but not very happy with ubuntu or any other linuxes i tried
@uselesschien hex of what?
@AwalGarg the memory
i tried building a driver for linux from source but it was outdated
@uselesschien what is the result of cmp "foo" 1e5?
on 15.04 the touchscreen starts acting like a mouse
and multi touch gestures are gone -- poof !
@uselesschien how can it store raw hex on memory?
@AwalGarg It doesn't store raw hex in memory. You convert what's stored in there to hex to inspect.
@AwalGarg in which language ?
Good old assembly
@uselesschien I can convert it in whatever format I want, but the value won't change. What does that value correspond to??
Like the operation add 4 5 will result in 9. what is cmp boy girl?
@AwalGarg what do you think cmp does, exactly?
@AwalGarg It doesn't result in anything.
@FlorianMargaine cmp a b substracts a and b
@uselesschien sure it does.
Wait, isn't that assembly?
@AwalGarg what is the result of a subtraction?
> The CMP(compare) instruction is used two compare two values and to act upon the result of that comparison.
@uselesschien it is. cmp substracts, and the next jump are based on the results
e.g. jnz means "jump if not zero"
@FlorianMargaine for integers, it is what it is. what about strings?
@AwalGarg there are strings in assembly?
Didn't know CMP subtracts the operands.
O_O how did you think it'd compare ? csn.ul.ie/~darkstar/assembler/tut3.html @uselesschien
@AwalGarg you can loop
@FlorianMargaine umm, ok. I am stupid.
@AwalGarg look up the "repe" instruction
or cmps
@FlorianMargaine A list of characters isn't one?
Array of characters*, list becomes a data structure, moreover what he says in future.
@uselesschien there are characters in assembly?
@FlorianMargaine got it.
@AwalGarg "rep" stands for "repetition"
i.e. loops
@FlorianMargaine No, but my assembler understands me. And tells the machine what I meant.
@uselesschien Awal understood what I meant. In asm, you don't work with strings, you work with bytes.
To computers ff20 can be a or 00f1 can be a, a compiler or interpetor of a higher level language implements a spec defines a to you, or you can do that yourself :D
@FlorianMargaine right. thanks. one more thing. I am trying to inspect the eflags register from gdb. I did i r eflags, which gives me a hex address, then i did x/x $eflags and it says "cannot access memory at this location". why?
(wait, lemme google that)
yep just reading that.
for you*
awesome! this is so much fun!
thanks @FlorianMargaine erik and shrek! :)
@AwalGarg try making a ball jump in asm :->
@rlemon mobile is fixed towc.eu anything else to complain about? :P
haha I won't make anything in asm. just understand how that, and other low level stuff works. for making things we have our dear high level languages!
@towc are you a black hole ?
@Abhishrek yes, did you never notice?
damn, my life has been a lie !
@copy jesus... wtf is that?
@Abhishrek ikr, you've been using windows
I just realized the controversity: "mobile is fixed"...
@uselesschien most likely i have been on linux more than you :-)
@AwalGarg The JavaScript equivalent of scasb
@Abhishrek 8 years? ~3-4 hours a day?
My first distro was Zorin OS
@uselesschien For 2 years no windows puppy was my only os before i joined this room.
and after that every 2 -3 months i keep switching b/w os's thats 24/7 on one os
oh @copy I agree that haskell compile type system is much better than lisp's. No question there. Runtime typing is very good in lisp though, I don't know enough about haskell to compare meaningfully tho
@copy don't step out of your house. some bigass company might abduct you and conceal your powers from this room.
Everyone should look up how CLOS works, really.
!!google CLOS
> x86 virtualization in JavaScript, running in your browser and NodeJS
Oh, @copy, you're a god.
@FlorianMargaine I guess you mean the Common Lisp Object right ?
@copy <<<3
@copy let's go to some forest and you teach me 0.00000000000% of what you know?
@towc looks great.
@AwalGarg I'll join you guys. Whether or not I'm welcome.
@uselesschien go away. @copy is my teacher.
> Whether or not I'm welcome.
hmmm, rlemon doesn't say anything negative about something I did. There are only 2 possibilities:
1 - I've annoyed him to death, and he doesn't have enough energy to argue
2 - I've actually done something decent
I vote for 1, it's actually a good achievement, he has way too much vitality if you ask me
ok fight me
you lost. go away now.
!!do you think I lost????
@uselesschien Absolutely not
ikr. see what he's rambling.
i'm backkkkk
@Abhishrek yes, common lisp object system
@FlorianMargaine hey :)
hey guys i have an issue about reversing an array in JS
how do i do this?
@Farhad Array.prototype.reverse
[1, 2, 3].reverse(); // [3, 2, 1]
@catgocat no
@Farhad google it
@catgocat this time your avatar actually looks cute, btw.
@AwalGarg it would be awkard if you found me attractive
I don't. You are very irritating xD
@AwalGarg yes, but slow
And you LOST.
@AwalGarg no, you think you're better than everyone
He is better than everyone
!!do you think awal lost?
@uselesschien But of course
!!do you think I'm hot?
@catgocat Impossible
@CapricaSix hey get fucked
@catgocat she is not your mom
@AwalGarg yeah I know, I wouldn't say that to my mom
Have an haiku y'all
Flatfish headiest
Grievousness gloucestershire snout
Clawsetting sayers
@towc ping
aaand one more person in the ignore list
@catgocat what about it?
@towc how's life, have you finished your website?
life's green, I guess
are you changing the effects, or it's random ?
@catgocat random
every time I enter the website there's a new canvas effect
choses between 16 different animations
nice nice
it logs the js file btw
the page takes 200 ms to load, so it's not that bad
if you want to target a particular one, put a hash after the url to id it
what was your worry about page load anyways?
@catgocat just an experiment
nice, do you only do javascript?
@catgocat well, there's html and css in there :P
very cool, I have no idea about what to put on my website
I deleted the old one cuz it was boring
@JanDvorak hi
just put a bunch of links to other stuff, that way you don't have to maintain it
I wanted to make a blog to write stuff and to train my english
I just went for so minimalistic noone is ever going to visit twice
@JanDvorak guess what, I've started doing haskell xd
Links can go dead, @towc
@catgocat Oh you're the haskell guy
started last week tho, it's so much fun
Yeah I like it
@JanDvorak when codepen or twitter will be dead I'll update the links, but they'll last longer than the pope :P
Still working on the book though
@Meredith are you enjoying the book?
can you remind me which one is it
Yeah it's good
I don't care about the pope :-)
@JanDvorak 921 honor :))))))
I learned that it's too easy to make a binary tree in haskell
Like it's unfair
@Meredith yeah so true
Question: Why does Javascript have Int8Array/Int16Array/etc. for? Are they performant compared to Array?
@catgocat really? Gotta grind more then
@taco also, less memory usage
@JanDvorak ok thanks!
@Meredith ^
I wish there was a good ES5 PDF... best I can find is Mozilla MDN
es5 ?
@taco I can recommend you a book in es6 if you are interested
sorry yes ecmascript
@catgocat but I don't know ecmascript 5 well. should i just learn ES6?
Learn es5
es5 is just methods and functions
yeah, where do I get a free PDF for 5
@taco you don't "learn" es5, you just dig into the documentation and see methods and functions for Object, Function, Array.. etc
@taco download the spec
That's probably what you want
But it's a long ass book
@catgocat I've been doing that since the 90's, so it's probably just time to learn it
1098 pages
if it has a long name and it takes a callback it's es5+
So nobody made a simple doc for JS like PHP.net's? Bleh
I don't know any other books that covers that much of the language with that much depth
Mozilla's looks to be the closest, but they mix ES6 into it instead of versioning their docs
@catgocat looking for ES5 though
yeah, but just so you know
ok cool
why don't you just read the documentation, for example read the Object section method by method
I'm pretty sure I'll get this sysadmin job on Monday, so I probably won't be a dev for a while. Right now I'd make more money as a sysadmin as I don't know JS well enough I think
Those are all of my js book recs
@Meredith How's "Maintainable" JS?
It's pretty good
@Meredith, is the PDF on that page?
I could use some help there
@taco sysadmin on what kind of system?
Yeah they should all have pdf downloads
Docker, so he doesn't have to do anything
@FlorianMargaine no idea, probably RHEL
Also, I have a Commit Strip DockerCon sticker. BE JEALOUS
@SomeKittens the keyword for maintainability is "modularity"
yeah I've learned Docker, too but not sure if Turner uses it
My next book to read is all about data warehouses, whee!
@Meredith Nice thanks!
No one here has worked with ETL systems, have you
@FlorianMargaine did you wrote your own blog?
@SomeKittens in more specific terms, respecting SOLID as much as possible will lead to maintainable code. Along with the bunch of obvious stuff Clean Code mentions
@SomeKittens is this relevant to you blog.plot.ly/post/123617968702/…
@SomeKittens I have
@FlorianMargaine oh! Now I know who to pester
@catgocat margaine.com is powered by jekyll
@SomeKittens briefly though :D
@taco Yes, but it's painfully slow
@FlorianMargaine Will hopefully be working with them at new job.
...did I mention I quit my job?
You did not
Got a raise somewhere else? Where is it?
@FlorianMargaine map.norsecorp.com
(sadly, I won't be working on the map)
@SomeKittens oh, sounds very interesting
@somekittens the hell is that
I'm building a real-time ETL system in TS with observables
(Just for fun right now, but we might use it)
@SomeKittens btw, ETL is really a buzzword for "data in, data out". There are a bunch of mumbo jumbo like olap cubes or stuff, but it's not complex.
Yeah. The "core" of my system is mostly done, and it's pretty simple
there's a lot of neat-o stuff I could layer on top of it
@SomeKittens it really means "get data in and make sure it's fast to fetch"
@FlorianMargaine I like your blogging style
!!urban etl
@taco thank you. I should do it more often.
I think some of your blog text is corrupted, though. It looks French!
@JanDvorak [ETL](http://etl.urbanup.com/1815509) A gang who calls themselves Escape The Law
They spray their tag everywhere and pretend like they do drugs and drink but when you ask them they deny belonging. They are from Woodinville Washington so they automatically arent a real gang.
Any faggot who wears a talltee is considered ETL
@FlorianMargaine can you read this? I'd love comments
Extract, Transform, Load
@CapricaSix nice one lol
@catgocat What did I just watch :|
@RoelvanUden haha my reaction was wtf too
@taco speaking javascript by dr.axel is a very nice book to learn es5. and it is available for free online.
@AwalGarg yup @Meredith recommended that one already
oh, then look no further.
It does look really good
yeah dr.axel is pretty kickass
his follow up book is exploring es6 which is also available for free online
read his es6 too
That's a pretty badass name, Dr. Axel
I've got a Phd in kicking ass & coding Javascript, and I'm all done coding Javascript
womp, bbl
@taco the phd implies that you will talk about doing it but if you ever had to then you will have forgotten how or never done it before.
@HatterisMad truer words have never been said
Hello Guys,
@koredalin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!afk refreshing my RHEL knowledge
@koredalin OMG it's koredalin!!!
His name is Hristo Hristov
I'm a big fan of his.
@uselesschien I don't understand you.
@koredalin You're from Bulgaria? Hristo?
@uselesschien I don't understand you.
@koredalin I'm your fan.
@AwalGarg chup
That's the only Hindi word I know.
I don't know it.
@uselesschien wow really?
what other languages do you know?
@SomeKittens what's there to say about it?
French is my SL. I know a few words in Sanskrit: Ahem, Tvam, Saa. Telugu is my first.
@FlorianMargaine Is there anything glaringly wrong about the concepts I present?
@AwalGarg Read: Interpretation of Exaggerations by Rajinikant.
I'm still very new to a lot of this so I'd like to catch any misconceptions now
@SomeKittens ah. No, the concepts are fine
Thanks, good to know.
@SomeKittens originally, big companies realized they waited 2h to get their generated charts. They wanted faster response times. This is how BI came to life.
that's the tl;dr on my new job
@SomeKittens get better at SQL, learn how it really works, and use explain.
I had to relearn a TON of SQL basics for that article
@SomeKittens Oh, we're in the same sector (right word?) now, kinda
What's your job title?
Technically? Javascript Developer (a bit of a demotion from "Software Engineer") but that's not terribly accurate.

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