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@argentum47 in build.js
hi guys
@madumlao Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BenjaminGruenbaum you are reading something in hebrew which takes my curiosity to level 11 :(
im trying to write down my understanding of javascript in comparison to other languages and there's a feature that I don't know the name of so I don't know how to search for it
@madumlao what does that feature do?
in some OO implementations, there's a reference to the "current class", such that you can call methods and properties defined in that class and not in inherited classes
whereas in others (js), calling a method always refers to the method defined in the most specific "this"
as you can see, all the keywords i said above are too generic and return the whole internet on google
.constructor or getPrototypeOf
wouldn't constructor always just return the constructor of "this"? (i.e., the derived object)
yes. How are you doing inheritance in JavaScript?
If just by sharing of prototypes, then the second option.
but any ideas what that general idea is called?
"keyword that resolves to the current class" or something like that
not shadowing, an explicit escape to shadowing
i think in php there's a "class" keyword. and in ruby when self is called in class scope.
@madumlao thinking of js in terms of classical class based system mostly doesn't go well.
constructor is the class loosely
just use getPrototypeOf and call the concept whatever you call it in other languages. It really doesn't matter.
im not solving a problem, im writing down my understanding of language features, might be a blog post or article
im not sure what the name is in other languages either
oops, i think the keyword is also "self" in php
@madumlao that's because there is no "standard" of how to implement classes. python's class system is widely appreciated but differs from that of ruby. php's oop OTOH has named some stuff weirdly (like magic methods). so there isn't any consistency.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Gilad7640 I have sent an email
Don't bother with O(n^2) and labels though
while atom sucks at opening long text files, like the bot's master.js .. it closes really fast
@argentum47 Sublime is great
i like my emacs
yeah, but there are common words that we can use to describe a lot of things without standards. "inheritance", "method chaining", "static vs dynamic languages", etc etc. im trying to find out if there's a name for that "self" thing without suddenly ending up on websites advising me on yoga and healing salts ;)
I <3 vim
I like nano
what do you guysthink of brackets or zed
@madumlao Use brackets if you want it to crash all the time
@afonsomatos I like humour.
I like reality
I like my girlfriend
!!are you my girlfriend, cap?
@uselesschien I expect so
current class is pretty standard. see this:
!!google javascript current class
Hi guys
@DilMac Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@DilMac Hi JavaScript. Welcome to DilMac.
I have feedback button on the side of my screen and when I scroll up and down I wanted the feedback move with the direction. Anyone can help me there pls
Thank @uselesschien
@DilMac position:fixed..?
@uselesschien yes stay on the side when the screen moving up and down
element { position: fixed; } in CSS
@uselesschien yes he wants element position to be fixed using css. tell him how to do it?
tbh, I donno CSS
@uselesschien thanks a lot I was searching for js code to help me
I complete forgot css
@uselesschien again resolved my problem thanks :)
Wow, :)
@uselesschien y u no provide code
@CapricaSix that's not exactly it. I already know how to get the prototype of an object from outside the object (always resolves to most specific instance). what i don't know is whether a method in an object can know that it's defined at that level and refer to methods at that level only. (without otherwise calling the object by name)
@AwalGarg sandbox room once :(
@AwalGarg Y u always think u alwayz need code
@argentum47 Please go and play in the Sandbox
That's for me oops
Have a great day all
i.e. methods in Foo.prototype referring to other methods in Foo.prototype without typing Foo.prototype
and you can't "this.prototype" because an instanceof Bar derived from Foo will return Bar.prototype even on methods in Foo
@madumlao Hey, CapricaSix is a bot.
@madumlao can you show some code demonstrating what you want in a jsfiddle?
oh sorry
@AwalGarg lemme type something out
@AwalGarg how's this? jsfiddle.net/6kvtnuu6
So finally decided to check out this babel-noise, can it transpile with browser as target or do I run it through browserify after transpiling?
because on first go, it turned "import" into "require"
forgot to type: and if so, what's it (the general technique) called?
the general technique of what?
@madumlao no there isn't
but wait...
i think i can emulate it with a closure
hold on ill try it
@madumlao jsfiddle.net/6kvtnuu6/1 here is your best bet
@afonsomatos nah that's not what he wants
My bad then
Also, don't use ; after function definitions. Those are interpreted as null statements, not end of statement.
@afonsomatos, it has to work even when the object is derived from
@madumlao Follow Awal suggestion.
sorry i was in a hurry
but that is not what he wants.
wait i think i can hack it with a closure
hold on
So what does he really want?
see what his original fiddle logs. now replace the Foo.prototype part with anything else such that the logging doesn't change.
You are overriding .prototype.say, of course it is going to change.
It is going to hide the chained prototype.
and he wants a way to get back the hidden method without hardcoded references.
sorry for the delay
overwriting the prototype object will take away hasOwnProperty from your object
like i said, i dont know what that technique is called, but basically im looking for "current class", "self" etc
@madumlao This is the wrong way to use the prototype-chain. Create static functions for this.
yeah, sorry, its not exactly best form, just wrote it quick.
the idea is for the functions to know the "current level"
id probably individually close on each function needing self. but then that'd be just as bad as typing Foo.prototype then.
You have to make a reference to the prototype either way.
well that's one way to do it
and don't include methods inside the constructor
because that way the code is going to be executed each time you create an instance of the object
which doesn't make any sense for the methods to be created again and again
uh, i didnt do that, did i?
oh my bad, you didn't
@afonsomatos, when you said "create static functions" do you mean create Foo.function... ?
Properties of the constructor itself.
i think you mean a "class" function?
No, I mean constructor.. ES5 doesn't really have classes.
ES6 does, but it's just syntax sugar.
hence the airquotes
none of the functions are really "static" anyways, and technically prototype members are "static" on their children
but anyhows, I don't see how that allows a method to know its "current class"
@madumlao nope. prototype properties on children are dynamic indeed.
Hey @MadaraUchiha , I updated my blog using jekyll successfully. I suggest you also try it. kamlekar.github.io
@madumlao it doesn't. he probably didn't understand the situation.
@AwalGarg, depends on what you mean by "static". they're not necessarily copied and modifiable
modifying them on the children shadows them
@madumlao by the general definition of static in pretty much every language, prototype properties aren't static in JS :)
in some languages "static" just means "shared on all instances" ;)
which doesnt really make sense to me haha.
shared via what? the class itself right?
static means you don't need a new instance of the class to call it, but just Class.method
pretty much.which sorta kinda makes prototype members "static". it's just that the modifying it shadows the prototype member
yeah, but you also don't need an instance for prototype members either. Foo.prototype.val = new_val
i think the terms are just confusing for javascript
wow, I can even attach other github repos, to that jekyll blog kamlekar.github.io/slim-scroll
and technically Foo.prototype is the actual <airquotes>class</airquotes> so all members of Foo.prototype are "<airquote>static</airquote>
sorry if i broke your mental parsers
@madumlao You're confusing prototypal inheritance with type-based inheritance
i just dont think the "static" keyword applies to js at all.
it does, but not how you think of it.
es6 has classes with the static keyword, for instance. and it just defines those methods on the class.
the prototype or the constructor?
aight, i think my handle on inheritance is pretty ok then
i know that that's what they'd hook "static" into, but semantically it doesn't mean the same thing as in other languages
im more comfortable calling those "class" members as they reflect the meaning better
i think "static" oriiginally meant - allocate memory on definition (static / lexical analysis) rather than on instantiation (dynamic / runtime analysis). since js is entirely runtime, static as a keyword is kinda like when we "roll down" car windows even though we just press a button.
or "dial" a number, or "hang up" the phone etc
should I use angular 2?
it's static in the OOP sense
@Luggage In bash man command, I often see things like close(2), fcntl(2), ioctl(2), lseek(2), open(2), pread(2), readdir(2), readlink(2), readv(2), select(2), write(2), fread(3). Is the number between parentheses the page? And if so, how do I browse pages? I can only see the first one.
@afonsomatos - the number is the "section" of the manual. it's archaic
1 is for commands, 2 is for C functions, 5 is for config files, and thaat's all the numbers that kinda matter
i think 7 is for "sysad tools", but i cant really remember
Oh right, so the manual is immutable? I mean, can you dynamically add pages to it?
Q: What do the numbers in a man page mean?

WilduckSo, for example, when I type man ls I see LS(1). But if I type man apachectl I see APACHECTL(8) and if I type man cd I end up with cd(n). I'm wondering what the significance of the numbers in the parentheses are, if they have any.

they're not page numbers, as i doubt anyone has a printed Uni... (gets slapped by a super bearded guy)
the sections are used to categorize the topic of man page, nothing more. best practice is to create a new page corresponding to the section as needed if you're writing your own tool
Q: How do I manually install a man page?

FlimmHow do I install a man page file system-wide? For example, if I have a man page file examplecommand.1, how do I install it so that I can just type man examplecommand to view it?

This is cool ^
@madumlao Thanks
i.e. if you write a command named foo, you'd probably create a foo.1.gz to be installed in the user's MANPATH (usually /usr/share/man). i dont know what the format is. never written one.
@Dan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i'm trying to open a jquery dialog on page load. but i cant get it to work. can anybody tell me what is wrong with the following script?
var idleTime = 0;
$(document).ready(function () {

var dialog = $('<div id="uiTimeout"></div>').text("Please complete your action or sign out.");
height: 'auto',
width: 'auto',
autoOpen: 'true',
modal: 'true',
title: 'This page will expire soon due to inactivity',
buttons: [
text: "Continue",
"class": 'test',
click: function() {
text: "Sign Out",
"class": 'test',
click: function() {
window.location.href = "/Index/Signout";
the uiTimeout div is being appended to the body
but it isn't opening up as a dialog
am i missing something?
ughh jquery
morning :)
yes, haha
in my experience, i always get confused whether you should refer to the event target or this in jquery.
can someone bin the above block of ugliness please?
Mornin kittens
Back, beach was fun
@AwalGarg that's philosophy, nothing too fancy, some dualism stuffs.
@BenjaminGruenbaum hey in your challenge, does 0 count as positive?
@afonsomatos don't remember, that was a whole while ago.
gnite you guys
thanks for the chat
@madumlao night :)
@afonsomatos it's a cute question though, right?
yes it's cute I did it in js
Cool, code?
4 for loops :D?
yes xD
hehe, cool.
It basically rules out 85% of developers who interview for senior positions but can't write a for loop
I am forwarding github page to www.example.com
it is working fine
but when I just type "example.com" it is not working
wait let me remove those labels
ok I edited
take 1 [a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + d^2 == 101, a <- [1..], b <- [1..a], c <- [1..b], d <- [1..c]]
Haskell for the exercise, cute use of labels.
Anyway, I have to go meet people, I hate being late :D
!!afk meet peoplez.
Atlast uxrim.com powered by jekyll :D
feel free to give any suggestions..
"stack overflow".replace(/\b./g, ''.toUpperCase.call.bind(''.toUpperCase))
@AwalGarg "stack overflow".replace(/\b./g, (k=''.toUpperCase).call.bind(k))
Since assignment yields rvalue
keep your buggy code away from here
it's not buggy :p
sure it is. in strict mode, which is on by default in all es6 classes and modules.
oh I thought it was some kind of golf code
It was for @Mr_Green in response to his request for suggestions.
Oh ok.
"stack overflow".replace(/\b./g, function(){}.call.bind(''.toUpperCase)) works too
gents, mind boggled. Propably something silly, but when i create the following object
var event_item = {
	  user_id : current_user.id,
      event_id : $stateParams.event_id,
      name : $scope.event.name,
      start : $scope.event.start,
      end : $scope.event.end,
      location : $scope.event.location,
      tags : $scope.event.tags,
      private : $scope.event.private
or "stack overflow".replace(/\b./g, (x=>x).call.bind(''.toUpperCase))
Happy 4th @Loktar @Shmiddty @RyanKinal @SomeKittens @NickDugger and the other 'muricans I forgot
and send it via with HTTP PUT request in angular, i get half the properties... i get start, end tags, and event id
@afonsomatos you can replace your function with any Function object, the shortest coming to my mind is eval.
@FlorianMargaine Your eagle will arrive shortly
@AwalGarg I know, I had previously written atob, but it's better with no global shit.
natives are superglobals.
it doesn't
Object.keys(this).sort(function(a,b){return a.length-b.length;})
but doesn't work on strict
@AwalGarg I didn't get you
@Mr_Green it is just a small nitpick from the about page.
"stack overflow" should be "Stack Overflow"
there we go
switched from fedora to debian
tips debian
@crl teehee
any thoughts why properties would not be set in an object?
A: When does (x == x+2)?

afonsomatosJavascript let o = 3; Object.defineProperty(this,'x',{get:x=>o-=2}); x == x + 2 // true This doesn't work in strict mode, nor without a global variable (i.e window). Tested in Firefox 38.

@rodling The [[Extensible]] internal slot of the object would be set to the Boolean: false by the use of Object.preventExtensions invocation on the object.
@AwalGarg wait, i cant just extend the object?
If the above situation is true, then yes, you can't.
how is that possible? i create a new item. Initially it wasnt even an object. I passed a {} straight HTTP request
How? JSON?
yes json
Oh boy.
JSON != javascript, it's a form of presenting and exchanging data
it only handles arrays and primitives
and strings as keys
It doesn't handle all primitives either.
well it doesn't handle Symbol
doesn't it handle the others?
!!> JSON.stringify({a: undefined})
@AwalGarg "{}"
and that
!!> {a: undefined}
@afonsomatos "undefined"
!!> let obj = {a: undefined}
@afonsomatos "SyntaxError: let is a reserved identifier"
!!> var obj = {a: undefined}
@afonsomatos "undefined"
declaration returns undefined
!!tell afonsomatos sandbox
@afonsomatos Please go and play in the Sandbox
Oh right
Although {a: undefined} with no other statement is interpreted as a label inside a block.
!!> var x = Infinity; x == x + 2;
@Mosho true
@afonsomatos i understand JSON != js.. however, even prior to sending data it doesnt extend
@afonsomatos :>
@Mosho you little bitch haha
however, extending is also in question as it is a new object and I am assigning for the first time
@rodling Have you parsed the JSON??
because if not you will just be trying to set string properties
@afonsomatos forget about JSON, even before it gets sent, console is showing incomplete data
file a bug
simple object assignment is breaking here lol hence my sincere confusion
@Mosho Did you answer? I'd upvote your answer.
it's old
oh ok
how didn't I remember of that?
var event_info = {
	  user_id : current_user.id,
      event_id : $stateParams.event_id,
      name : $scope.event.name,
      start : $scope.event.start,
      end : $scope.event.end,
      location : $scope.event.location,
      tags : $scope.event.tags,
      private : $scope.event.private
geez I'm dumb
is the first time this variable is set..
@rodling And what's the issue?
!!> Number.MAX_VALUE == Number.MAX_VALUE + 2
@crl true
@Retsam only have the properties get assigned. Start, end, event_id and tags do, rest dont
@rodling I find that very hard to believe. Do you have a fiddle or something reproducing the issue?
!!> x=1/0;x==x+2
@afonsomatos "ReferenceError: assignment to undeclared variable x"
!!> var x=1/0;x==x+2
@afonsomatos true
18 mins ago, by Mosho
!!> var x = Infinity; x == x + 2;
^ 1/0 is Infinity.
but it's shorter
Ah, true.
@FlorianMargaine thanks!
@Retsam fiddler wouldnt work here, more of a conceptual problem. There shouldnt be an issue with normal assignment
clearly something in a broader scheme is wrong, that prevent extension was a good start.
@rodling I'm quite sure there isn't an issue with normal assignment, and you're likely barking up the wrong tree.
@Retsam haha yes.. there isnt, but in this case there is some for some weird reason... THATS what im trying to figure out. Replicating whole project in fiddle isnt feasible and neither useful
@afonsomatos you could also skip the var
@rodling Well, we can't help if we can't see the code that has the problem.
@Mosho Yeah I did, but caprica six is on strict mode.
@Mosho not with the bot
fair enough
I tried golfing once
I couldn't take the pointlessness
both code golf and also actual golf
actual golf is nice
golf is pretty awesome
but fuck GolfScript and Cjam gosh it's so unfair
I am going to make a programming language for each question, the answer is 1
Golfing is pretty fun, and also a fairly social sport
i.e. you get out of it how well you know the people you're with
A: Shortest way to reverse a number

afonsomatosES6 Javascript, 31 bytes x=>[...x+''].reverse().join('')

Welcome to PPCG! Languages which are younger than the challenge are not eligible for being accepted (as this would lead to people just including that challenge as a built-in in their own languages). Pyth is much younger than this challenge, so you should include a disclaimer that this answer is not participating. — Martin Büttner ♦ Jun 22 at 18:38
I present the new language AfonsoScript.. I'm the only one who has a compiler + syntax documentation
Oi guys
BatuaPay vs Simply (which one sounds better as an app name) ? [FYI: Batua means Wallet in hindi the lagnauge of 80% demographic of the app ]
@Abhishrek What's "Oi" in your language?
Oye or Oi = hey
Not being ironic, because that means hello in portuguese.
@afonsomatos if you look at global langauges
there are tons of things in common
which imply 2 things
cultural exchange in past and maybe similar origins
Or space aliens.
@Retsam i am pretty sure what we call as gods are space aliens
i totally believe in Jean Luc Picard as our savior !
hey guys, does anyone have experience creating a facebook-like messaging app?
@user1561559 on mobile?
So I have a canvas that I divided into grids with an onmousemove event to paint things on it. But the command execute too frequently that each grid is painted a few times before the mouse leaves that grid.
How can I make the mousemove event fire only the mouse is in another grid?
@user1561559 almost everyone here has most likely written an IM but what exactly are you wanting, the chat bubbles ? the infrastructure of realtime push something else ?
@Charly keep track of what grid you're in and only fire the paint/fill function when it changes
Hola guys, I have a setinterval function inside fadeout_music(); but wheren ever i run my javascript code to run these lines {fadeout_music(); alert('Done');} it always alerts Done instantly without waiting for fadeout_music() function to complete its set interval loop. Is there a way to enforce function to execute completely first then alert the message? Any help would be much appreciated.
@Loktar okay I'll see what I can do.
thanks @Charly
@softgenic put the alert in the last interval? like with an increment variable and a conditional statement containing the alert?
all I want is to enforce executing the function completely first and then lines next to it gets executed
Also how do you know I'm replying to you before I send it?
Failed to install zip-archive-
Build log ( .cabal/logs/zip-archive- ):
cabal: .cabal/logs/zip-archive- does not exist
Oh great, no error message and no log
watching a noob use wordpress is hillarious
@Abhishrek Watching an experienced developer use WordPress is painful.
@MadaraUchiha very true
!!tell 24267302 wat3
Not the one I was going for
There we go :D
@MadaraUchiha watching an extremely smart & experienced developer in c++ / c is the biggest moment of inferioirity you can ever face.
(atleast for me)
I guess not using wordpress is hellot painful as you have to write alot of code = waste of time on your own
@MadaraUchiha Yeah. No idea what drugs OP is on

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