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@Neoares source ?
@DenysSéguret me
@DenysSéguret Thanks for the feedback! Once you earn a total of 125 reputation, your votes will change the publicly-displayed post score.
this happens when I try to downvote
@GNi33 Manager just criticized me about using it
e.returnValue is deprecated and older(?) jQuery versions use it in their implementation of preventDefault
does "Manager" know what he's talking about?
@StevensHaen Did your manager suggest an alternative?
@apsillers he just said that it won't be used "in the future"
whatever this means
An alternative would be return false;
@StevensHaen He's wrong. Returning false is the older way of doing it, preventDefault is the standard, and will remain that way for the forseeable future. There're no plans to deprecate it.
The WHATWG living standard mentions preventDefault 5 times, and includes no suggestion of deprecation whatsoever: dom.spec.whatwg.org/#interface-event
There absolutely no deprecation of preventDefault
@StevensHaen That is the past and I'm not sure it's still supported everywhere.
@StevensHaen Also note that return false is equivalent to event.preventDefault() and also event.stopPropagation(). Often this isn't a problem, but can cause issues if you're not aware of it.
If anybody know why is this not working.. pls help me forum.jquery.com/topic/…
@RoryMcCrossan Unless you're using jQuery, it isn't.
@ArupRakshit what happens in the done ?
jQuery has a support forum? God, I can only imagine the types of questions there... ew
@ArupRakshit Did you try to catch an error from your ajax call ?
Dan is just a realist
@dievardump I don't see any error
Where is the jQuery specification?
@ArupRakshit if the function you registerd in the done in not executed, there is probably an error somewhere.
how to make sure it
Oh ok then the done is executed
yes.. humm
Those are not the same codes
only the datepicker is not running.. I don't know why
on the jQuery forum the id of the dom element is different
So, Atom 1.0 released.
humm I tried both with id and class none of them worked
On the jQuery forum, seems that you already made a datepicker on this element 10 lines before
Yes.. there I initialized it
Why don't you initialize it in the done ?
ok let me try
$(function() {
  $.get( "/admin/hotels/fetch_dates", { package_type: 'weekend' } )
  .done(function( data ) {
    console.log( data.dates );
      multiSelect: 4, dateFormat: 'yyyy-mm-dd', showTrigger: '#calImg',
      onDate: function(date, current){
        var date_str = $.datepick.formatDate('yyyy-mm-dd', date);
        return {selectable: ($.inArray(date_str,data.dates) === -1)};
doing @dievardump
@dievardump Thanks Bro!
There is another main task.. That I need to handle now.. I'll give it a try
have fun
@dievardump I need to autoselect 4 dates once someone will click on any enable dates.. is it possible ?
put your hints here.. I'll be online after 30 mins.. leaving my office
I'll work from home.,,, have to run to catch my train
@dievardump thanks again
woa, chat refresh.
@argentum47 Yep. Best.
@rlemon wanna get a drink this afternoon?
@rlemon How are you doing that?
@BenCraig are you strong?
wanna move the rest of the shit out of my old appt for $50?
one of the things is heavy tho
what is it?
biocube (fish tank)
I can try :p
if you drop it it is $1000
biocube lol
drop it like it's hot
how heavy is heavy :P
oh wait biocube is a brand. :p
Im not a big guy
How big is it? if I google biocube fish tank, theyre like 300, not 1000
He also has all of the DLC
the one I have isn't for sale any more :/
Ah I see
it doesn't have black lid, it is a glass lid + metal halide light.
I have the other one as well.
I'm assuming they are the same weight.
other one is probably 200lbs
You can't even pet fish, man
@NickDugger get better fish
that's a big fishtank
get seven dogs instead
I can pet my puffer
I dont think I could do that by myself
if I put my hand in and curve it he comes and sits in my hand.
fish don't even understand you, man. Dogs love you
Fish are like, blub blub
fish are like, little floaty aliens
Im not doing anythign from like, 4-6/7 so I can come see though
if you don't know anything about fish, you can't really comment on their intelligence. common walmart fish are pretty dumb, but almost all salt water fish have personality
nah, fish are machines
i.imgur.com/gRwZAae.png rlemon playing with his fish.
in other news, my two clown fish died during the move
fish taste pretty good. ergo, they are not pets.
too stressful on them.
@uselesschien seriously!! XD .. but why is it better?
I love how a room of people who have owned (likely) little more than a goldfish think they can comment on fish. :P that is like owning a gameboy and commenting on pc gaming.
I bet with the right seasoning dogs are pretty good, too.
poor clownfish, theyre cool fish
posted on June 26, 2015 by Alex R. Young

npm's job is to keep you out of dependency hell, not put you in it. The beta of npm 3 has been released, and I'm running it right now: $ npm --version 3.0.0 If you want to try it, use npm install -g [email protected] but be careful:

I can comment on fish, just not accurately
@argentum47 CommonJS, AMD support..?
@rlemon what do fish do that give them personalities? how do they express emotion?
no I mean that style .. bcoz it allows AMD support? :(

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