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Does JavaScript suck?
damn, foundation depends on jquery, too
@BenjaminGruenbaum Object.create(null, {/* literal form */})
@Shmiddty that's not the literal form, that's property descriptors.
close enough
function descriptify(objectLiteral)
More dvs :S
I should really stop answering stuff in main.
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's a problem that we all feel that way
@Shmiddty downvotes, on stackoverflow.com/questions/31062390/… , dude copied my answer, then trash talked my answer and downvoted it, awesome guy D:
Oh, I see
It's not a big deal, but I feel like I'm wasting time on this sort of drama way too often.
Maybe I'll stick to questions where I'm pinged to answer.
Also pretty sure he got a friend to downvote, but really, I feel like this is too time consuming for me.
Yeah. I'd say just answer questions with bounties
After paying off my lease, I'll still have like 1.8k left over from my signing bonus. That's more than enough to buy a beast computer rig, right?
@NickDugger Paying off your lease, for a whole year?
Nah, breaking my lease. Gonna cost 3.2k
wait, someone posted a dupe, that's a win win anyway.
@NickDugger ouch. You have 6 months expenses saved up?
6 months, what?
"Emergency Fund"
You should start building it if you haven't
It will give you peace of mind
Oh, uhh, not t that mmuch
I have 6 months of heroin in case of apocolypse.
But some
Do you need a computer now?
Not saying you shouldn't spend money on things you want, only to spend wisely
Then buy heroin instead
It's an investment!
become a heroin farmer.
land + money === win
Invest wisely, spending money on a computer is insignificant compared to that.
I'd love to get back into computer gaming. My cirrent computer is fantastic for programming, but has shit graphics
Buy some heroin, wait for it to reproduce, sell the extra heroin, win
buy a house, it is a good investment.
but, yea, you can get a 'modest beast' for that.
@NickDugger Can you upgrade the card?
Nah, it's a shit premade tower. I'd have to upgrade the power supply and motherboard too if I wanted a good experience
Which means a new case
Only thing I can salvage is the ram
it's hard to find a good pc case that isn't gaudy or too large
desk = case
It's brilliant
you just build the case into the desk
plenty of room
you can hide cables easily
slide out the case part for easy access
i don't want my drawers to catch fire
or my desk
whoever came up with the idea is brilliant
@BenjaminGruenbaum put that SO karma to good use on Hired.com I noticed they post my SO karma. My SO penis feels so tiny
@taco I'm not friends with recruiters.
@BenjaminGruenbaum it used to be called DeveloperAuction.com - no recruiters, companies bid on you
Gonna see how it works out. I just signed up
I hope I sell for enough to buy a taco
The ideal system would be something like: Client posts detailed task requirements and budget for task. Devs make time bids for task. Payment upon completion.
upon completion?
as per the requirements
How am I gonna pay for my taco, though
@Shmiddty Well, no. There are plenty of shitty devs out there that'd undercut and do a poor job
@monners Then the requirements weren't good enough
What @monners said is right. Checkout out those freelancing sites
@Shmiddty That could be argued to the nth level of minutia
Fair enough. That doesn't mean there isn't a solution waiting to be found
React docs say even handlers are automatically bound to their component, but mine have this = null. I'm using the es6, extending React.Component.
Reputation tracking of devs and clients would be good
And the client would select the bid they wish to go forward with. Perhaps even a brief interview process
@Shmiddty Have you ever worked in a digital agency?
Anyone know about node.js
@ZartashZulfiqar Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@monners Slinging static websites? Negatory
@ZartashZulfiqar what about it?
I'm setting up mongodb but in trouble
@ZartashZulfiqar We all know of its existence, yes.
@Shmiddty Then take it from me - Clients never give you all the information you need.
And everyone fancies themselves a designer
@monners The agreement would be fundamentally contingent on the acceptance criteria
If they could be verified by a third party, that could be effective.
when I use command line and put --rest at the end, while setting up mongodb then it shows --rest is specified without httpinterface and then enabling httpinterface but hang on from last 10 min
@ZartashZulfiqar Ask away. We'll answer if we know. I'll warn you that Mongo is disliked by many here, but some are familiar with it.
Poor Mongo...
It's been raining like crazy here lately.
U r a n u s
but when you are using node.js then which db you will use?
whatever you want/need
!!weather Denver
@Shmiddty Denver: 76.262F (24.59C, 297.74K), moderate rain, thunderstorm with light rain
"moderate" Hah!
!!s/go /ners /
@phenomnomnominal @ZartashZulfiqar Ask away. We'll answer if we know. I'll warn you that Monners is disliked by many here, but some are familiar with it. (source)
!!afk why can't i go afk
!!weather paris
@CSᵠ Paris: 89.5999F (32C, 305.15K), sky is clear
@taco because you aren't cool probably
!!weather Paris, France
@Shmiddty Paris: 16.86C (290.01K), Sky is Clear
sure, i meant Paris US of course...
better, btw, nice feature
Paris, TX or Paris, MD?
!!weather Mars
@taco [object Event]
omg. what's happening on mars?
[object EventHorizon]
oooo noes!!! the singularity
I welcome all overlords who come bearing tacos
@rlemon recommended some books on the Singularity but i still haven't gotten to 'em
good, by the time you get to them, it have been already changed
All calculations were wrong. Dark energy is just because some jerk used feet instead of meters.
The universe in contracting and scheduled to end in 2020
I have created server.js file but it gives error at .static(__dirname)
please take a look on code
var connect=require('connect');
var port=3000;
console.log('Connect via port : '+port);
@ZartashZulfiqar you can should use Ctrl+K to format code when you paste in chat
@Zirak ^^ false negative
@SomeKittens it's not all code...
help anyone
@ZartashZulfiqar what is the actual error?
2 hours later…
Chrome warns about synchronous AJAX, that's pretty cool.
@ArupRakshit Follow the instructions. The instruction specifically tells you which file(s) you need. But usually we just extract everything into its own folder.
@Luggage That is good news. So God is going to solve our global warming problem for once and for all!
Another Li-Ion battery breakthrough that reduce cost and weight, increase power, flexibility, durability, safety, and recyclability.
Haven't seen a battery breakthrough that claims so many titles in a while.
Best of all, it is not some theory or experiment. They say they have produced 10k units to be tested by partners.
@Sheepy cool so only 2yrs till it hits the shelfs hopefully
They manufactured 10k units though didnt they?
sounds like a PoC / testing phase
ya possibly
They'll probably be on Ali Express before you know it though. Those Chinese manufacturers dupe things before you can blink
I bought custom Apple Watch bands not available yet to people on Kickstarter
lolwut :))))
rolf !
@taco The more good batteries the better
so far the best AA or AAA rechargeable i know of is "eneloop"
We don't have much gadgets that use AA/AAA batteries now. Recently a hand held fan is all the rage in our city, because it is much more powerful than others. Their secret? The fan use Li-Ion battery (charged by USB) instead of disposable battery.
Is there any consequence/benefit of a virtual machine's sleep setting?
I never messed with it before. I was just thinking it makes sense to turn that stuff off.
@AwalGarg murning
/me stroke argentum47's cheek
Atom editor just made it to 1.0
Oh batteries i thought we were talking about asian bra sizes.... A, AA, AAA
GitHub today released Atom 1.0 code editor
sup @HatterisMad
@taco I just said that. Like, literally a few messages above this one
btw atom editor just reached v1.0
I hate you.
Like, more than a friend
I only hate you as a frenemy
@taco trying to be employable and land a job
what have you been up to man
trying to be employable and land a job as of today
got laid off :/
I guess it's good you didn't get hired here
atom looks K E W L
Stable version any good?
used it in the beta was missing stuff
@SomeKittens I can see #13 being legit
^ If that helps
Best way to find a software job, I've found
@SomeKittens thanks
I think I like atom better than Brackets and Sublime Text already
Does it support ES6? I mean, ES2015.
Wow. The installer doesn't ask me anything. But I don't want it on my system drive. I have a program drive!
@Sheepy, I don't know. Do you mean auto-complete? You could probably write a package for that if it doesn't.
@Sheepy I take it you mean for windows? Mac OS just has a zip
@taco Windows. I found a es6 syntax package, but it says I have to disable the built-in js package for it to work. On the other hand, the atom blogs says you can write package with ES6. I will know soon enough, just let me find out how to change install location...
I need to go to bed. Good luck
Oh hell, it didn't go to my system drive. It went to my data drive.
@AwalGarg what?
@somekittens i actually used your link to sign up for that two days ago
@taco that sucks man like a lot
@taco Atom supports some ES6 out of box. Got proper highlight for template string, for example.
I also find lots of quirks. No install location. Main menu cannot be navigated by pressing left and right arrow. keywords like 'in' or 'of' (loop) not highlighted.
Still some way to go...
@SomeKittens so wait…they give a $2k signing bonus. How much are they being paid by these companies, though?
@royhowie In my city job agencies are commonly paid a month of your salary, if you stayed for at least three months.
I guess it's six of one, half a dozen of another
because you could get a larger signing bonus, if you land a job outside the website
but the website might make you more likely to find a job (a month) earlier
hi all, i am using controllerAs and bindToController in an angular directive, how is best to check if any passed in variables have changed?
Q: Angular directive that binds to controller

DrogoNevetsJust hoping to be given a simple exmaple of a use case. I have the following directive, angular.module('aahBreakdownLocationMapModule', ['aahBreakdownLocationMapControllerModule']).directive('aahBreakdownLocationMap', [function aahBreakdownLocationMap() { return { restrict: 'E', ...

umm, here is a thing... I have a simple logout code that clear's the cookie (ngCookie) and then redirects. The problem is when the dev tools is open, it doesn't clear the cookie.. but redirects .. why
also there is a delete api request associated .. that removs the access token from the db
@madu Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
how to set image size limit in javascript code at codepad.viper-7.com/vkCufJ
any one
how to set image size to 2 mb and file in only images
naming convention, can we change this to anything shorter >?

oh wait, it's friday...
anyone know?
how to allow image format jpg png gif in javascript for file
IE is such ass. ie 8 no support FileReader :(
And 6 years ago firefox and chrome didn't have it either.
someone didn't update their browser 6 years is not acceptable. I mean its ok if the user used ie6 before and still uses ie6 now.. but someone using firefox shouldn't do that..
I added this file github.com/dubrox/Multiple-Dates-Picker-for-jQuery-UI/blob/… ... But the calender is not coming.. What else I need to include to make it work ?
how to allow image format jpg png gif in javascript for file
is anyone know
@wonderb0lt hey you provided me a (rather large) git command to pretty print some repo history in a readable way. is it possible to make it also display the number of lines added and removed per commit?
Anyone here have used PostgreSQL in NodeJS before?
@AwalGarg why you no gitk ?
Any of you guys having issues searching/installing packages in atom?
@argentum47 one reason is that until now I didn't know it existed :P
I am not installing another GUI. I already have a GUI text editor and a GUI browser which is more than enough of GUI.
ow.. if you like more visual than xp looking thing. you can gitg as well
any hints pls ?
I'm having an issue regarding the data returned from queries. There are extra spaces. Anyone have an idea?
so one day you would quit broswers to use W3M ? :D
@ArupRakshit your code is large, and nested awfully. Not many people here have to motivation to go through it. If you can trim down your problem to minimal lines of code reproducing the issue in a jsfiddle, we can surely help you out.
@argentum47 if only I could! :P
@argentum47 anyways, well problem is not that something is gui, problem is stuff like toolbars, buttons, panes in abundant amount. I hate all that chrome.
@AwalGarg That's not my code.. someone else code.. I am trying to use.. But don't know what else I need to include to make it work
@argentum47 yeah that is in man git log as well but doesn't list number of changed lines :/
@AwalGarg they don't havemuch ui at.. I will show a screenshot
Q: How to display line numbers in less (gnu)?

Alex. S.Does somebody know the command to make less display line numbers in the left column?

@ArupRakshit how are you including it and how are you calling it? Put that in a jsfiddle then and include the github file as an external resource.
Faith in microsoft destroyed.
It is a Rails app ... No idea how can I make a Fiddle for it..
rails doesn't send rails code to browser. it still outputs html only. your backend logic shouldn't interfare with client side code.
if you are having a problem with the backend, try asking in the rails room maybe?
oh my
@AwalGarg it is not backend problem... some files I think I need to add to make the plugin working.. But I don't which are those files.. Bcoz calender is not coming...
@ArupRakshit I get that :) I am asking how are you including that file and how are you calling the API it exposes?
@ArupRakshit check your application.css and js files and maybe check the network log and view suorce if you file is getting included
ahh good that you guys know Rails structure.. Let me show you how I did it..
Before going there any idea why stackoverflow.com/questions/31066328/… not working ?
don't you have it on github ?
@argentum47 I do / but the repo is private for my client
oh I get it
possibly you are having problems possibly bcoz you didn't put it in the right place or didn't include it in the application files. the second one... idk.. first try w/o a ajax request.
@argentum47 actually see in miaou :P
@argentum47 this JS is working as I used Gem and Gem placed it in the correct place.. I tried forum.jquery.com/topic/… .. no idea from where the error is coming..
I tried to solve it various ways as I could.. but I am out of luck
Q: What is the difference between offsetX,offsetY and pageX,pageY?

kazI need a popup div that will appear right below the anchor that i clicked. Now, I want to determine the x and y coordinates onClick event of an anchor. What's the best practice of doing it? What are the advisable event properties to use?

Did I really just stumble onto a question without jQuery tag or even mentioned jQuery in the question has two high-rated answers which only use jQuery?
which one is your problem? the datepicker isn't showing or you can't use teh date picker correctly
@Neil jQuery is used by 80% websites, iirc. So it is not that surprising.
sorry to make you confused
Forget what I said earlier.. Let me say you again
As 2 links I gave... Where Datepickers is coming .. But in 2 posts I tried 2 ways to meet my need.. But both are failed as I shown you on posts
@Sheepy Yes, but lets not get to the point where we automatically assume javascript is synonymous with jQuery
if either one of the error post work.. I am done..
@Neil That's why we have you, Neil! :D You can always put up an answer that does not use jQuery. :)
@Sheepy smartass. It would have been enough to have seen some downvote or comment to that effect
Do you guys hate me? :/
Well, my top voted Java answers are those that I did in respond to 3rd party library answers. Granted, they don't have much votes... but they are climbing up!
is there much diff between static and prototype classes ?
I am so confused about my program structure
@Sheepy I feel like people who actually know JavaScript are becoming way too rare
@tereško No. People who know JavaScript is always rare. Just look at Learner's question.
@tereško No one actually know anything (except few areas of life), we just believe in delusions
@Learner In essence, JavaScript has no classes, only prototype. The sooner you get it and think JS in term of prototype, the sooner you no longer get confused.
@Sheepy what is happening here then ?
Q: Static classes vs prototype classes whats the difference really

LearnerI am manage to create both static and prototype classes in this JS code, Keeping in mind that I will always need 1 instance of prototype class "Fruits" here, what benefit could I get over static classes, var NS = NS || {}; NS.Utls = { globalVariable1: "value1", gV2: 2, // so ...

what is the difference between NS.Utls, and NS.Fruits
other then that NS.Fruits can have more then 1 instance which I don't need
and it also has constructor which I don't need either
Uh oh... I think I annoyed someone i.imgur.com/eE3W5QE.png
@Learner Ns.Util is used as is. As a plain object. NS.Fruits is used as the prototype of the fruits object..
@RoryMcCrossan hahaha
It will be reverted by SO bot very soon
@RoryMcCrossan what have you been doing Oo
@tereško mostly because the number of people who don't know it are becoming too much abundant
@RoryMcCrossan there should be a badge for this
@Sheepy prototype of what :S
this concept is so confusing
to me Fruits and Utils look same
with almost no difference
@ArupRakshit what did you do.. you have to download the files . keep in vendor/assets or app/assets/ and then in the application.js =* require <filename without extension> then restart server and check if the file is included in the network's tab.. any custom js you write wrap it with $(function() ). unless you are doing $(document).on('event', '.selector', cb) which is what you do only in case of ajax requests
@AwalGarg yeah, it's kinda the story of computer-literacy in general
@Learner He's been doing it for 15 minutes and is still going now. I think he deserves the badge
After he gets back from his ban, obvs
@tereško Let's call it, the Grumpy Old Man
@Learner Fruits is an object. It becomes the prototype of fruits when you do fruits = new Fruits. There are many articles that explain the prototype concept, just google javascript prototype tutorial / explaination.
@Sheepy then Utils is not an object just a property of NS ?
@Learner you are asking for an tl;dr version , but there isn't one. You cannot explain a completely different paradigm in 3 sentences.
@Learner Utils is both an object and a property of NS. Just like Fruits.
@argentum47 files are included..Ajax giving data.. dates which I want only to be eanbled in calender are OK also.. Only thing is When I am clicking the enable date, it is not automatically selecting the dates.. But when I am doing second , third click, so on.. it is adding the dates in the calender.. Why on my first click it didn't add.. that's the Problem.. And in the other issue post in Jquery form.. it was giving me an error while I was selecting the items in the package
@AwalGarg Phew, no idea, I only stole it from the internet mzself
@Sheepy so they have no difference
@wonderb0lt np
@tereško if you can't then you don't understand it properly, can't remember the quote but its like, if you can't explain it to a 9 years old, you don't understand it fully
sorry, wasn't meant to be rude, but that's how i take things :(
@Learner Fruits is designed to be newable. It is designed to be the prototype of another object. Utils is not. As tere advised, this is a deep topic that should be explained by an article or tutorial, not in chatroom.
@Learner I hope you don't take metaphors that seriously everytime :/
Saying that a pen is mightier than a sword doesn't mean you can win over a sword with a pen all the time.
^ I read it without a space before "is"
@Learner We don't explain architecture to a 9 years old and ask him to build towers. Why would we do the same to programs?
And by "explain architecture", I means "explaining the difference of force distribution in bricks and concretes and reinforced concretes".
NS.Utils & NS.Fruits both are objects
NS.Utils is a nested object
NS.Fruits is like a function which has returning functions and we can create several instances of it, where with NS.Utils we can't

I understood it right ?
@ArupRakshit umm, firstly you ned not wrap that document on change inside the $(function()). try to use the debugger; and see if its getting triggered at all.
returning functions attached to it
@AwalGarg you can .. you should watch Kingsman
@argentum47 it is getting triggered as I see Ajax output in the Browser console.
@argentum47 OMG U R RIGHT
@Learner First two is correct. Fruits is not exactly correct. Fruit is a Function Object. It has a prototype object, which those functions are attached to. Fruit itself is an object but does not have functions attached.
@SterlingArcher Hi
The prototype make Fruits a constructor. When you new Fruits, the new objects have Fruits.prototype as their prototype object.
@Sheepy excellent that makes sense
You are learning fast if that make sense to you. :)
You're welcome.
Zirak's alive :O
can anyone reccomend ways of killing memers of staff without commiting career suicide?
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's just one of those things where I can just visualise myself or a peer a few years from now, using RegExp.escape and going "uurrgghhh" because it doesn't escape the /, giving birth to things like RegExp.escape(crap).replace(/\//g, '\\$&')
It's a vivid image in my head
@DrogoNevets flamethrower
i think that would come back to me
@DrogoNevets make them kill each other
you can use a fire suit
Befriend an ISIS sympathetic of opposite gender with your colleague, and introduce them to each other.
@AwalGarg this i like, elaborate
@Sheepy this is madness
@Sheepy and this is your meal
now eat it
@Neoares Hey, I have been programming for many years. Of course I am mad. Just look at my code. Thanks for the compliment!
/me feed on grasses
np :)
@DrogoNevets you have to learn from mid-aged indian aunties how to plant seeds of terrible hate between two people, practice upon that art and apply practically. hopefully the members will kill each other within foreseeable time.
@Sheepy where's your github link?
@Sheepy are you chineee?
pineapple buns project
from hong kong
@Neoares Depends on your definition of "Chinese".
hmmm pineapple buns...
@Sheepy where did you born :d
@Neoares Well, Hong Kong. When it was still flying Great Britain flag. :(
@Sheepy Rule Britiania!!!
how to propose a change in the english language grammar?
@DrogoNevets Yup. First step: Escape from EU. :) (Not that I think that'd be good...)
To be honest, if the political war continues here, I may really migrate back.

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