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@AwalGarg thanks :D
@CapricaSix it should throw an error. Or is the bot anticipating on that ?
!!> 1/0
@uselesschien "Infinity"
!!> 1/0 === 2/0
@uselesschien true
useless chicken
Told you
!!urban chien
@uselesschien [chien](http://chien.urbanup.com/2658020) 1) Money in Chinese.
2) Chinese and Singporean last name.
3) French for dog.
TIL you can write android and iOS apps in c#
You can also write javascript in C#
That's horrifying
yes it is
public static void Main()
    var body = Document.Body;

    new jQuery("<div>")
        .Attr("id", "div1")
        .Html("Hello World!")

    new jQuery("<button>")
        .On("click", () => {
I hate UIs
I really, really do
do you?
I love a good UI
I like UIs. I do not like making UIs
The web should be cli >:(
I like mountain dew
You have to buy a can of red bull to access a quest in destiny
> drink verification can to continue
@uselesschien there is a lot of capitalization there that looks wrong
Making a UI is way more fun than back-end work.
instant visual feedback
Yeah but backend's ... backend
Why is everything javascript
What happened to javascript is a kid language only for the browser
C# is all about capitalization
ohh.. that's some c# jquery thing? why?
Because someone thought it'd be fun to do DOM with C#.
We breed a culture of, well, I can technically do that, so I will, without stopping to think if they should
Razor is better. and I don't really like razor that much
@NickDugger That's how you clone dinosaurs.
what the fuck does Razor have to do with javascript?
My life goal is to write the game of life in shakespeare
what the fuck, child?
fuck the what?
nothing. it has to do with modeling/generating markup in c#
the what fuck?
I'm so tired right now... I just wanna go home and nap
!!urban smae
@Cereal [smae](http://smae.urbanup.com/1800786) Originally a typo, this word is used instead of the word "same". It is used to describe when you feel the same way about something that someone has just said.

Originating from Melbournes eastern suburbs, it is now a common phrase used mainly by the youth of Australia.
smae m8
!!urban jsut
@NickDugger jsut Jsut is a screw-up for people who type way too fast to think about what they're typing. It's meant to be just but jsut comes out and instead of changing it they are too lazy to go back and fix the error.
!!urban javascript
@uselesschien Javascript A powerful, object-based, interpreted scripting language, created by Brendan Eich, most commonly embedded directly into HTML web pages to manage client-side interaction.
> I have created a loader that fit your needs, it do not contain the glitch at page load.
fucking aids
The loader's actually pretty nice ._.
But yeah
>     $(function() {
There's a jQuery plugin for everything.
Some of them have nothing do with jQuery, but they require it anyway.
'Coz jQuery.fn.fuckPeople.
I hate that bootstrap needs jquery
but those features that are just setting active classes, you an skip their JS and just do that yourself
i have tabs and such with the active class data-bound thorugh knockout.js instead of using thier code
@AwalGarg @corvid added source maps and coverage
Hi Room.
hey beautiful
Bootstrap js is like jquery pulgin
Is there a jquery even for clearling value of input text using backspace?
@andex you could do a keyup with the event code of backspace when they're in the input
@uselesschien free?
@ssube nice
Thanks corvid.
@MadaraUchiha I figured out the problem i was having earlier
@havingagoatit What was it?
@MadaraUchiha all the code was fine but the type of jquery plugin for a multipush menu that was tied to the button is not compatible with i.e9
Could I post jsfiddle link here?
@havingagoatit Of course.
@MadaraUchiha totally !
@havingagoatit This is why I dislike jQuery and the jQuery plugin community in particular.
They paved the way, sure.
@MadaraUchiha luckily there is a i..e 9 comppliant version very similar to the one currently used , I am jut learning how to detect in my index page if i.e9 then use this script.js instead this script.js
jQuery advanced JavaScript years ahead
But the jQuery plugins directory is of such low quality, it's not worth a second look today.
@MadaraUchiha <nitpick>s/javascript/dom/</nitpick>
@MadaraUchiha yes and clearly as I am not a developer and just doing this for a side project I very much understand your view on this that I believe is shared
I once wrote a jquery plugin
@FlorianMargaine You disgust me.
@MadaraUchiha I believe the quality was fine
@MadaraUchiha so i am looking into the possibility of detecting ie9 and then swapping two script files that would be the ie9 plugin js files , is this even possible ?
@havingagoatit Probably, don't do it.
@MadaraUchiha oh right , what do think ? --- don't tell me "just ignore ie9 as its for chumps " :p
@havingagoatit For starters, that's what I'm doing. Works out great for me.
I officially support one version backwards for each major browser.
heh, it voluntarily used sparse arrays
Fun stuff
That means IE11 and IE10
And in the future, Edge and IE11
@MadaraUchiha hah , would save a lot of time , i know for a fact though that some large organisations in the uk which is where i am from use i.e9 as a standard such as the NHS so i can't really ignore those guys
most large organizations use IE9
What, like government organizations?
if it's got more than 20k employees, you bet it's using IE8 or 9
some gov , generally the lager , non-it company orgs
Luckily, I get to not cater for these large organizations.
im with ssube on this , have done a lot of research , the 1% global figure of ie9 usage is a bit of a smoke screen
@MadaraUchiha i need to do more of that
@havingagoatit 1% global usage is meaningless if your audience is mainly office folk in large companies.
Then your IE9 userbase will be much higher...
exactly !
@AwalGarg hehe
and here we are this is why i am doing this stupid stuff
anyone can access this and tell me how much time it takes for the indexing the complete (open the console, and click the update button, and don't laugh)
i rekon if i can find a way to swap js files on detection of ie 9 on page entry that should do the trick
(and wait for all dom to load)
gist.github.com/argentum47/… how can I properly write this method so as to get all the previous elements upto the body .. i mean the parentNode and previousSiblings, ignore the that = this; I forgt to remove that
@AwalGarg I right clicked to open the console and there's like 107 options on the right click menu
what did you even do
@Cereal are there now? hit f12 anyways
Does anyone know what could be taking up all my disk space every time I start my computer?
that page takes forever to load
I'm running out of things to delete
@AwalGarg i'm not sure what i'm doing. dom ready was 26.75s tho
but 5 gigs just disappeared overnight again
it loads up, then freezes the tab
i click Update and nothing happens too
are you giving us viruses, @AwalGarg?
yeah you all don't need to open it...
I have a very slow connection
oh, we all opened it
and that page loads like ~6 megs of stuff
And now you have a slower connection
its es6 spec
oh god stop stop stop
@AwalGarg Don't you have a data cap?
well, it won't load anymore
i'm too paranoid to open any ports but 22 :l
I think @AwalGarg successfully DDoS'd himself :D
@AwalGarg You can use my linode if you need a test server ._.
> Exception happened during processing of request. ERR NET CONN RESET.
use ngrok
whatever ES6 module loader it is you're using, you probably shouldn't
that thing is burning a ton of CPU
Oh, the network panel shows it's doing something!
jesus christ python server froze
maybe it will work better if I refresh it... :P
I closed the server. @Cereal can I open a new room with you? (you use FF which is gonna help :D)
wait a minute...
@crl That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@rodit Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rodit Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@crl suube (source)
@rodit 666, help, listen, eval, coffee, refresh, forget, info, listcommands, tell, afk, ban, unban, convert, define, doge, google, hang, jquery, learn, put..it..back...ლ(ಠ益ಠ)ლ, phucket, gtfo, moneycantbuylove, catmode, coffeetime, lifeban, stopmyself, instagram, kendallfrey, excited, manigga, meinneger, dgaf, infiniteriot, okay, feelsgoodman, fabulous, sausage, playerpimp, installjavascript, moarkittens, kendall, kfc, uwot, nsfw, facepalm, somekittens, erase, fry, dudeism, hahastillhere
onebox, morecoffee, steve, whoosh, burn, woosh, roomowner, phony, really, inur, coffeescript, macaroni, b
@rodit please do that in sandbox room
k sorry
@ssube Why are you returning a promise frrom render()? It's not async
@MadaraUchiha convention. In our products at work, render has occasionally ended up actually being async (especially if there are animations involved).
when some function happens and then it is complete , if i wanted to start soemthing after that point when it is already in the dom do i just do .remove and then .add ?
Having the view return promises helps with chaining and means the controller doesn't know (or care) if the view is rendering synchronously, loading data and rendering async, or whatever.
I'm planning on fleshing out that page more so it has some animations and stuff, actually makes use of the packages.
That and adding a Travis CI config. Then it'll be actually worth talking about.
I do the same. Each of my viewmodels has a restoreState(state) function that is called with url parameters (or html5 history.state) and returns a promise so that I can have a site-wide loading indicator (among other uses)
so if i have a class like .tile and it has other classes that are within it , and i want to simply do the same thing it would normally do on page load how would i do that ?
@havingagoatit Please, have a coworker or something read that question, and ask him if he understands any of it.
@MadaraUchiha sorry
@MadaraUchiha if a page loads and then 15 seconds later i want a defined class to re-run effectivly how would i go about that ?
Classes don't "run"
css classes don't run. they automatically get their style from the stylesheet
if a page loads stuff runs though right
yeah so if i had classes like .tile .animated .stuff1 and then .tile .animated .stuff2 and i just want those two tiles to do their thing again how ?
how are they "doing their thing" the first time?
they are classes that in the css say animate webkit stuff
CSS is applied to all element that match the rules. Even ones that were added to the DOM after page load.
yes but some classes are different
ok. show us with an example, because you are not being very clear.
a class="tileC half bg-darkGreen animated three flipInX"
No worries. that's just what we may need to help you.
a class="tileC half bg-darkPink animated four flipInX
I mean, show us a jsfiddle nd tell us what's wrong with it
we need to see the problem.
these two are called tileC but have three on one and four on the other ....
or continue..
so i ahve this code that says after 11 secs do stuff , in the "do stuff " I want to add two three and four to three different tiles called tileC
so i am guessing that i need to ('.tileC.two')removeClass('two) then (.tileC.two')addClass('two') that would effectively reset things if i put it in the 11sec timer code
That would do nothing.
well, it would remove the .two, but the then next $(.tileC.two') would find nothing because you already removed that class
why remove a class just to add it again?
@Luggage force animations to occur again, I think
right so don't remove anything just add it in
this is what ive got
$.cookie('index_viewed', '1');
$(document).ready(function() {
     if ($.cookie("index_viewed") == 1) {
     } else {
       setTimeout(function() {
         $("#loader-wrapper .loader-section, #textbit, #logo, #wrapper").hide("slow");
         $.cookie("index_viewed", 1);
         ('.tileC.two')removeClass('animated, two');
         ('.tileC.two')addClass('animated, two');
         ('.tileC.three')removeClass('animted, three');
         ('.tileC.three')addClass('animated, three');
wtf is that? that doesn't even look like valid JS
('.tileC.two')removeClass('animated, two'); <-- not real javascript.
ok ok sorry
$.cookie('index_viewed', '1');
$(document).ready(function() {
     if ($.cookie("index_viewed") == 1) {
     } else {
       setTimeout(function() {
         $("#loader-wrapper .loader-section, #textbit, #logo, #wrapper").hide("slow");
         $.cookie("index_viewed", 1);

         $('.tileC.two').addClass('animated, two');

         $('.tileC.three').addClass('animated, three');

         $('.tileC.four').addClass('animated, four');

         $('.tileC.five').addClass('animated, five');
but still, you can't remove ".two" then expect the next search for ".two" to find anything.
yeah so if its already there on page load i am basically getting it added again
try $('.tileC.two').removeClass('two').addClass('two');
i'm not sure if that'll trigger an animation or not..
> Assertion Failed: Expected 'null' to equal 'null' at line 153
you need 4 equals signs. null ==== null
or !!==
null uses four, undefined can use up to five
your mother uses 120
Nope. My mom is written in perl :(.
I now see the source of the dirty behavior.
ok i now see the logic more clearly , i simply need to add the following classes to the following tile
$('.tileC.bg-darkBlue').addClass('animated two flipInX');
From that storm near me yesterday:
that doesn't seem to work is there something wrong with it
so on the basis that the classes animated, flipInX and two , three , four and five all work (tested) this is what i have done
$.cookie('index_viewed', '1');
$(document).ready(function() {
     if ($.cookie("index_viewed") == 1) {
     } else {
       setTimeout(function() {
         $("#loader-wrapper .loader-section, #textbit, #logo, #wrapper").hide("slow");
         $.cookie("index_viewed", 1);
         $('.tileC.bg-darkBlue').addClass('animated two flipInX');
         $('.tileC.bg-darkGreen').addClass('animated three flipInX');
         $('.tileC.bg-darkPink').addClass('animated four flipInX');
so it works !
but only if the script is embedded in the actual index page so i have had to take the script out of the js file that is called in the index file
is it ok to leave script in the index page ?
got it working as well
I don't know, without knowing the rest of your code organization
but there is always a way to have your scripts in a separate file
it might be firing before the elemts are loaded. Are you using $(function() {})?
ive done it
it always helps when you want to include seperate files THAT YOU ACTUALLY INCLUDE THEM !!!!
having goat it == d-u-m-b-a-s-s
how would you get the current class value down of the third <tr> child of and id(table)?
get the tr child and select the 3th object from the array ?
i wonder if it is possible to detect if browser is i.e9 and if so redirect to the microsoft download a proper browser page
so get the table id and select the class value of the third tr down?
how would that be selected in jquery?
if id = gridView
@havingagoatit ie9 is still a proper (supported) browser
var trList = document.getElementById('tableId').querySelectorAll('tr');
if (trList.hasOwnProperty(3)) var theclassName = trList[3].className;
..... it just doesn't work like the new guys
something like htat
awesome thanks KarelG I will play with it
what do you guys use to generate HTML documentation from your inline ES6 comments?
there is a <tbody> element I will account for as well
I don't write comments. Problem solved.
@KendallFrey str.replace(/\/maple(.*)syrup\//, '$1') isn't gonna cut it, I want real docs
The entire es6 spec contains 2 images, both of which are flow charts which look like ascii art.
no meme, nothing
because of the tbody we have to do: if (trList.hasOwnProperty(4)) var className = trList[4].className;
doing ZebraStriping theme changes on a gridView

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