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@RoelvanUden I'd look at something like bootstrap, even if you don't plan on using it. It's a decent (if overused) example of a responsive design that looks decent on lots of screen sizes
bland, but still a good example
if I knew of any good articles, I'd post them.
whoo, pipboy app is sweet
@Luggage I'm using quite some issues with Bootstrap :-)
my app has sawtooth curves when profiling,what should i do now?
using some issues?
is there a way to add a random background-position to 20 different divs ~without~ javascript?
like, why can you not just do background-position: random;
Why does firefox come with a chat client now...
@AaronHarding interesting, but I can't think of any way to randomize withou JS
except for handing out random images from the server
that's what i thought too
I can't say for certain there is NO way, but I doubt it.
i'm basically using a texture as a sprite, and it'd be so nice just to give these elements the texture and have them randomly placed
there's always huge chaining, say element + element {}, then element + element + element {}, and so on .. but eugh, that's horrible
maybe i'll just have to use js for now
nothing wrong with js.
no, not at all
it's just the only Javascript on this site at the moment
@Luggage actually... there is a shitload wrong with js
we just choose to accept that
No. JS is perfect. Nothing wrong with it. Shut up.
and jQuery is perfecter
fallout4 holy shit... building a settlement... it looks so fucking sweet
@Neoares impossible. JavaScript is perfectest.
@DenysSéguret no, jQuery is :(
Math.round(Math.random() * 100) + "%" it is then
because it does all the things
we just say,use most of the good parts and some of the bad parts and live in peace and` Harmony with js
JS can be quite a pretty languages, these days
especially es6
it's like scala, but not a mess
I wrote that wrong.
@AaronHarding I think Math.floor(Math.random() * 101) will produce a more even distribution (if you care): your rounding scheme means that only 99.5 and higher can produce a 100
!!s/I/your mom/
@Abhishrek @AaronHarding your mom think Math.floor(Math.random() * 101) will produce a more even distribution (if you care): your rounding scheme means that only 99.5 and higher can produce a 100 (source)
oh no -_- i was targetting lemon
whaa, thanks!
my mom has a sound comprehension of probabilities, sounds like :)
i care because it's :3
The new girl at the coffee shop scalded the milk in my latte :(
say "now, lick it"
@rlemon @SomeGuy any offline game with good ass story ?
@Abhishrek FF7
@BenFortune Firefox 7 ?
Final Fantasy 7
@Abhishrek I heard Witcher 3 has a good ass or two
The Stanley Parable
@NathanJones I've played that game
1. Must be PC
it's a mindfuck
2. The more guns the better
i finished battlefield 3 on hard today -_-
Depends on what counts as a story, Breach & Clear
@Abhishrek doom 4
@Abhishrek HuniePop has some good ass story
I'm the king of singleplayer games, so I'm just looking through my library
Mark of the Ninja is a fantastic game, but you don't get the guns, only the other people
I don't remember who showed me the Doom 4 demo
but oh god
I want to shred the monsters faces with my own hands
@Abhishrek Bastion
@FlorianMargaine doom 2016 / 4 is not out yet
I must obviously recommend Kerbal Space Program
Quake > Doom
hence the demo
@KendallFrey For an "offline game with a good story"?
Well, I have to recommend it for anything
@rlemon the isometric bastion >
I second Bastion.
It's offline, and the story is a good as you make it
dead or alive beach volleyball had the best ass story i've ever seen
Why aren't there any good games on star trek ? Like ones where u fucking go on way missions and stuff ?
because TV shows aren't supposed to be games
@Abhishrek the Dragons Age series, of course
RPG, offline, weapons... although not guns
@KendallFrey but the franchise has insane potential for a game
just think of how big the franchise itself is.
but Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator looks pretty kick-ass
@KendallFrey Its awesome
You've played?
@KendallFrey +2
a number of times, yeah
I have 2 copies from a bundle
never played it
JS room activity?
I've always wanted to play it, too...
Artemis is pretty fun; they also have GM mode and support for mission scripts as well
It probably doesn't work well online
I dont think it would really work if you arent in the same room
Only bad thing is --- you need 5 more star trek nerds __-
me and you and lemon could play it...
in theory
Bastion, This War of Mine, Super Time Force Ultra, Game Dev Tycoon.
@Abhishrek ^
we'd have to double up on roles, but yeah
why is [] instanceof Array.prototype an error?
@rlemon done sir.
!!afk zoup
@rlemon arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online Its online but wtfh i didnt realize they support alpha level customization
@vamsiampolu The right hand side of instanceof must be a function, I think.
@vamsiampolu instanceof expects the right operand to be a constructor function
is this even a good way to check for Array?
I mostly use _.isArray
Is Array.isArray() es6?
@Cereal Ha
I know nothing
+1 for _.isArray
ES5, so IE9+, I think.
!!> [1,2,3] instanceof Array
!!> Array.isArray({ 0: 'Hello World', length: 1 })
@Jhawins "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
@Abhishrek false
@Jhawins true
The asshole that named instanceOf instanceof...
and Array.isArray,good news --->can be used in Node
@Jhawins i totally agree on that one.
@vamsiampolu Cause you checked the prototype lol
@vamsiampolu its old.... very old
Promises question, using bluebird: I've got an array of functions, e.g. [a, b, c], and the behavior I want is:
a().then(function () {
    return b();
}).then(function () {
    return c();
Is there a Promise utility for this? Or a succinct way to write it?
I hate florian, 2.9
I mean the array is dynamically sized.
has a recent major change happened to jquery?
use thrush,they have series npmjs.com/package/thrush
@Retsam how do you like this
> Iteration happens serially.
@Retsam depending on what you want, reduce may do a better job.
let a2 = await a();
let b2 = await b(a2);
let c2 = await c(c2);
xmlhttprequest is depreciated :(
2 mins ago, by Retsam
I mean the array is dynamically sized.
@Retsam what @FlorianMargaine said.
@Abhishrek looks like C#
Oh, .each
Promise.each(array, action);
@KendallFrey looks es7
If it's an array of functions you can do:
1 min ago, by Florian Margaine
@Retsam you'll want each: https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/blob/master/API.md#eachfunction-iterato‌​r---promise
yay es7 then
Is it just me or half the messages in the chat doesn't reach ?
Promise.each(arrayOfFns, function(x){ return x(); })
@FlorianMargaine ^^
@KendallFrey you can do it right now with Promise.coroutine
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm the local bluebird resident, you can rest for a while
Promise.coroutine(function *(){
       let a = yield request("/foo/bar");
@Abhishrek do what? await?
oh cool
Promise.coroutine is bluebird btw
but bluebird is promising ;-)
@Abhishrek that just delcares a function and then doesn't do anything with the return value btw.
Huh, .each doesn't take an array, just the function. Do I need to do Promise.resolve(array).each(function(x) {return x()})?
@BenjaminGruenbaum i know :P
1 min ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
Promise.each(arrayOfFns, function(x){ return x(); })
is Promise.coroutine specifically designed to make generators into async functions?
@BenFortune hahaha
@BenjaminGruenbaum how did the research end ?
@Abhishrek it didn't, it's ongoing
Research takes time
@FlorianMargaine I get type error, Promise.each is not a function.
@BenjaminGruenbaum is the research "js numpy"?
@Retsam Then you don't have bluebird.
Err, yeah, I do?
@Retsam then you're not using bluebird, or your bluebird version is too old
@BenjaminGruenbaum .each wasn't in bluebird 2 iirc
2.5.1 too old?
@FlorianMargaine no, he's talking about the RegExp.escape thing, numjs and datascience-js are deliberately done in the shades - but we're meeting this Thursday to discuss progress.
@Retsam always use the most recent version.
Without .each you can still use a for loop btw.
@BenjaminGruenbaum ohkay. i thought it might have been done
numjs datascience.js ? WTF ?
err, I wonder when .each was introduced now...
@BenjaminGruenbaum cool
var p = Promise.resolve();
     p = p.then(function(){ return x(); });
    // all done
@FlorianMargaine what do you mean?
Or, with .reduce
@BenjaminGruenbaum which bluebird version
Oh, I thought you asked why, there is a changelog
@BenjaminGruenbaum Upgrading dependencies isn't always trivial in a large project; I can probably upgrade it if necessary, but "always use the most recent" isn't necessarily useful advice.
If I do git reset without specifying a commit, what does it reset to? Does it checkout the remote branch instead?
arrayOfFns.reduce((p, c) => p.then(_ => c()), Promise.resolve())
^ this is it without .each
@BenjaminGruenbaum oh :D
Error: listen EADDRINUSE
    at exports._errnoException (util.js:746:11)
    at Agent.Server._listen2 (net.js:1156:14)
    at listen (net.js:1182:10)
    at Agent.Server.listen (net.js:1267:5)
    at Object.start (_debugger_agent.js:20:9)
    at startup (node.js:86:9)
    at node.js:814:3
weird, it's in 2.0
@BenjaminGruenbaum This is probably what I'll end up doing. Thanks.
Hey guys, do any of you have a quick snippet to turn any sentences into an hashtag (camelcase + remove special characters) ex: Where should le rosé go? -> #whereShouldLeRoseGo
@BenjaminGruenbaum wow
@Retsam Promise.each was introduced in bluebird 2.0, so you should be good to go
how do i get out of this error without restarting
@Abhishrek it annoys me too there is no lighter way to function call then _ => c()
Target corporate wants to follow up about my application. Another option is fantastic!
@BenjaminGruenbaum then(c) isn't good?
@FlorianMargaine how you type so fast ?
Well fuck I'm stupid
Yeah, that'd send the output of the last function in but I assume that's not a problem.
I made you feel stupid, achievement unlocked
@FlorianMargaine share the achievment
@BenjaminGruenbaum if output of last inst a problem why not .all ?
Oh geez, I guess we are still using Bluebird 1.x... eugh.
oh nvm realized if either fails.
@NickDugger How many is that now, 4?
@Abhishrek because that does something completely different.
@Retsam upgrading might be possible (look at the "Breaking changes" section)
@Retsam Bluebird 1.x is still a solid piece of technology and we still intend to support it, you should feel free to add .each by the way if you'd like - it's safe for application code to extend the Promise prototype libraries grab a new copy anyway (or at least they're supposed to)
Although a .reduce works.
if (!Promise.prototype.each) {
    Promise.prototype.each = ...
let's polyfill bluebird functions
Promise.prototype.each = Promise.prototype.each || ...  //?
@BenCraig Like 3 that would be really great. I've had plenty of interviews with companies down here in Houston, but I'm pretty set on MN
Also, those 240 lines of code that I wrote without building/testing? It finally works! It was me translating one of our shit files into ES6 to allow for a more extensible structure
@FlorianMargaine it's actually legit to do this.
@BenjaminGruenbaum oh, I can totally see it in big codebases where upgrading is hard
Yeah, major versions of bluebird break things - that's not a bad thing really - bluebird 0.11 still runs circles and offers a better richer API than native promises likely will for the foreseeable future.
I don't think any of those breaking changes break me, so bluebird 2 it is.
3.0 is supposed to come out pretty soon.
ohh, i misread, thinking 2.0 was a new thing. i'm already on 2.9.25
What's the difference between git revert and git reset, --soft, --hard --mixed options aside?
oh, fun
@StevensHaen are we google?
git revert makes a NEW commit that undoes previous code change.
@FlorianMargaine don't ever do this if you can avoid it - always prefer .promisify and .promisifyAll
git reset is for changing the state of the staging area / working copy
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, that was the feeling
@Luggage thanks. Do you happen to use both, or are you a fan of a single approach?
I use git reset --hard all the time to throw away changes
never used revert.
I've rverted, but just using other commands.
@BenjaminGruenbaum hehehe
@Luggage you do, if it's something that's been pushed
they all do different things so it's not about which approad I am a fan od
(and merged upstream)
I've modified pushed history before
we all have
Todd Howard is my Jesus
I mean't I've never used revert, nt that you shoudln't
but that's probably a lie.
i've used merge to undo changes, forgetting there was a convenient revert.
@StevensHaen Generally speaking, if you're undoing something that's pushed, use revert, use reset otherwise.
we have no idea what he's doing so can't tell him which command
@Luggage ever tried to revert in svn?
Now that I know what's possible with git, I spend a lot of time making sure everything is pristine before pushing
it's called "reverse merge"
Yup. I've used SVN for years.
Yeah, I probably spend too much time keeping my commits clean.
which is probably why you've used merge to undo changes.
yea, svn have a convenient syntax for it, though, -c
-c 1234 is the same as a range of 1233:1234
But I do a lot of fixup commits with rebase -i now.
yeah, svn merge -c 700:650
or negatives to reverse that: svn merge -c -1234
rebase -i is basically "write your own history"
it's fantastic, but tedious
after trying both though, I do prefer git revert
i prefer git for everything, but I am no SVN hater
@KendallFrey do you know that you can reorder and delete commits in rebase -i?
You can do anything
@Luggage I've had many issues with svn merges and reverse merges...
just, now that I 'get git', I no longer care about svn's supposed simplicity in use.
I had to sit down with a colleague and fix the conflicts more than once
@FlorianMargaine same here..
yup. 'tree conflicts' are the worst.
Now that I "get git", TFS infuriates me
thats what still makes me hesitant with merges
that's where svn just says 'haha, you're on your own'
@Luggage ugh
@KendallFrey fuck tfs.
@Luggage you remind me of bad stuff
fuck TFS up the bum with a hot fork
they were using that when I got here, friggin terrible man
@Loktar not with git! :P
although some rebases are confusing.
Whoo phone call with Target at 4pm today
I am just on a roll
@NickDugger switching to retail eh? :P
at my last job, i converted source safe to cvs. then later, in ~2006, to SVN
@Loktar I'd rather die lol
ugh source safe.. another bad one lol
like, git fetch upstream; git rebase upstream/master after a couple of weeks... fix code, git add, git rebase --continue, fix code... ad repetitum
What does cbg mean?
i wanted to migrate to git but there was resistance from some davs and we had a documented auditied development process that would ahve made converting annoying.
It will be on an ecommerce team. Not sure how painful that will be, but I'm willing to give thema show
!!urban cbg
@afonsomatos cabbage, it means "hello" in the python room.
@KendallFrey CBG It stands for Chill Black Guy. Term became famous thank to the popular hip-hop hit CBG by Jay Ughh & Young Hawaii Slim.
Chill black guy
not to be confused with "chill, black guy"
commas, make all the difference.
why the hell would cbg mean hello ?
@afonsomatos you're in the python room, right?
this is just too weird
your mom is weird
so what?
we need everything in this world
Ah, so cbg = "cabbage"?
2 messages moved to JS trash
@Retsam yup
"Lemon" = "sarcasm". Explains so much.
I have never laughed so much on fruits
Could someone look at this and tell me what the best way would be to center the search bar vertically?
Is Promise.defer still an anti-pattern in unit tests?
@FlorianMargaine Sprouts
@Retsam I can't see a use case for it
damnit, accidently made a server in tokyo
amazon's north east is not north east USA
oh you thought amazon was all in america?
No, But I misinterpreted a zone name based on the way I'm used to describing the ares of my own country
@FlorianMargaine What about this sort of test:
var defer = Promise.defer();
spyOn(foo, "foo").andReturn(defer.promise);

var result = foo.bar(); //depends on foo.foo()



waitsFor(function () {
    return result.isFulfilled()
Is there a better way to write that without defer?
@Retsam Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't andReturn accept a constructor?
@MadaraUchiha It might, why do you ask?
@Retsam what are you testing exactly?
@MadaraUchiha That foo.bar() returns a promise that resolves once foo.foo()'s promise resolves.
var delay = Promise.delay(0);
spyOn(foo, "foo").andReturn(delay);

var result = foo.bar(); //depends on foo.foo()


waitsFor(function () {
    return result.isFulfilled()
@BenjaminGruenbaum is Promise.resolve() sync or async?
sync, but it will execute any callbacks asynchronously.
Is there a setImmediate() Promise equivalent?
Promise.resolve().then(function() {
     // it will take me an hour to explain the difference in semantics
     // between this and nextTick and setImmediate but I have two
    // questions about it in Stack Overflow if you wanna read
@Retsam see above ^^^^^
gtg folks, stay hot
@BenjaminGruenbaum At least tell us what Promise uses internally, setTimeout, setImmediate, postMessage, dom events, …?
The microtask queue, but not really since they run after certain microtasks
you know what
that code
makes me go mad
Wish me luck
var http = require("http");

http.createServer(function(req, res){
	if(req.url.indexOf("favicon.ico") >= 0){
		res.writeHead(404, {});
		(function poc(){
			res.write("Never Gonna Give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you");
			console.log("Writing Poc");
	} else {
		res.end("Hello World");
}).listen(process.env.PORT || 3000);
Gonna test Chrome :D
Pasted here in case it crashes the computer
won't it take twice the length of zirak's talk for chrome to compile?
Chrome just keeps on downloading and downloading the favicon
At 5mb now
Starting STO
and the page looks loaded lol this is such a ridiculous bug
and firefox and other browsers?
At 30mb, page looks loaded
45 mb
I should put this on GH
page is frozen
But not crashed
I am gonna try in a VM :D
		var buf = new Buffer(1024);
		(function poc(){
			console.log("Writing Poc");
Crashes after 10 seconds
Yeah, already did that :D (change to buffer
It's not a bad bug though, you can do the same JavaScript easily
Or am I missing something?
The page looks loaded
JavaScript can be disabled
At 700mb haha

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