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A: How to expand/collapse (+/-) for a nested dynamic list using jquery

guest271314Try var json = { "Asia": [{ "regionList": [{ "regionName": "Eastern Asia", "Countrylist": [{ "countryName": "China", "subCountryList": [{ "subCountryName": "Southern China" }] }, { "countryName": "Hong Kong" ...

This is an interesting concept...
omg I laughed so hard
Hmm. Anyone has experience with JQuery's $.when? For some reason this never actually goes into my .then() handler, and throws no error:
      .then(function(elements, layouts) {
@mrp Stop spamming!
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Shouldn't you add a fail callback to get the error ?
@mrp cv'd dv'd
@DenysSéguret I tried it with done earlier, which should have called in regardless, shouldn't it?
But I'll give it a shot.
@DenysSéguret Its not a spam
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I don't know jquery promises very well but I don't think done is called in case of rejection
this one is better
just lol xD
unexpected output
@DenysSéguret In that case I suspect I don't understand the difference between then and done.
not much
Q: jQuery deferreds and promises - .then() vs .done()

screenm0nkeyI've been reading about jQuery deferreds and promises and I can't see the difference between using .then() & .done() for successful callbacks. I know Eric Hynds mentions that .done() and .success() map to the same functionality but I'm guessing so does .then() as all the callbacks are all invoked...

@DenysSéguret Yup, found that page a second ago. :)
nodeJS also included in this room ?
So basically, done() is older syntax which should be deprecated. I see.
@greW yes
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan basically, yes
@Neoares her accent tho
@AaronHarding her what?
Well, I found the syntax error in my JSON fle (keep forgetting that its not 1:1 to general JS syntax), so that's why it never got resolved, and I kept thinking that done will fire regardless of success or fail, when in fact it's always() that does that.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
@AaronHarding oh sorry I have the PC muted
so you were just watching for the visuals 😹
she chokes on her script a bit too
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan You're welcome. Hopefully jQuery will start to be clean on that with the availability of standard promises in every browsers...
FR: have Caprica translate non-win7 emoticons to english automatically
do ES6 promises include .finally()? If not is it possible to add it?
perfect, so hey all, I've a question, using mongoose, I'm trying to to use find() function to get specific row by a field that is Schema.ObjectId typed. I tried to use the function objectid.fromstring but nothing seems to be working, any clue ?
@corvid If not, it will likely be added
refered to node programmers
@corvid not yet
most users here add it with bluebird...
do stick to bluebird
that looks more like a mongo question than like a node question...
well, true, ill try there
but its a mongoose .. which is a js lib
node lib
I'm not telling you to go elsewhere
I'm just telling you that your introduction ("node question") isn't really relevant
@greW are you forgetting to use your apostrophe key?
@JanDvorak (Nice message id in base 10) Or kick those users
@JanDvorak where ?
in my function ?
*I'll, *it's
should disabled inputs send data? What's the attribute to make an input show, but not change?
laziness I guess
Nice: youtube-dl -q -o- $1 | vlc -
@corvid try readonly
any relevant answers ?
@JanDvorak Alas, that doesn't seem to work for some reason
i have src of image, how can i select previous image using this src ?
@BartekBanachewicz That is beautiful.
@corvid You could hack it from a disabled one and a hidden one. Not saying it's the best solution though.
the only real problem is that I want it to show. Tbh I think it's the third party library I am using. Doing serverside validation though so it should be fine.
document.images[document.images.indexOf(document.querySelector('[src="' + currentSrc + '"]')) - 1]
thanks , how can i be that dumb :(
document.images is a NodeList though, so you need to make it have array functions.
@phenomnomnominal let's hope the src is properly escaped already
@phenomnomnominal isn't it an HTMLCollection?
yupp i have escaped src properly
@DenysSéguret just edited. Now it's too broad.
another close vote is needed
answered by a 3-rep
(done to 1)
(I didn't downvote that answer, there's no good reason for that imo)
neither did I, but I like the downvote.
one more delvote...
I wanted the rep :(
can't. Where should I repwhore?
@Neoares which one ?
@DenysSéguret which one what
@JanDvorak dunno. I try but I only find questions so bad even I don't want their rep...
@Neoares which rep ?
@DenysSéguret rep from the easy question :)
I know
@Neoares Girl: my favorite is margin
@afonsomatos how can you hear that?
i'm batman
@FlorianMargaine oh yeah maybe
somebody worked with Socket.IO 1.0 version?
oh, they made juice out of it from version 0.9 :)
What is the let equivalent in python ?
undeclared variables are local by default in python, IIRC
yes but there is no way to make variables only available within an if-block for example?
what for?
stupid mongo arrays...
@JanDvorak just wondering, I'm learning python
Try the python room
there isn't anything like let, perhaps it's not useful or needed
@afonsomatos JavaScript has function scoping and block scoping in very specific parts (an if statement is not one of them), with let it changes.
!!> { let x = 10; } x;
@BenjaminGruenbaum "SyntaxError: let is a reserved identifier"
woah, bot running on old JavaScript, quirky.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes I know, just wondering if there was something like let in python
nevermind anyway
no, there is not
Python is function scoped like JS with var - but it's not as big deal as it was in JS because the type of programming JS is used for is not as common in Python (event driven)
!!> let x = 10; x;
@FlorianMargaine "SyntaxError: let is a reserved identifier"
!!> let x
@rlemon ? ^
@Neoares "SyntaxError: let is a reserved identifier"
!!6> let x = 10; x;
@afonsomatos That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
What's the usual way in python to deal with asynchronous closures?
!!> var k = 2; var d = {k}; d
@afonsomatos That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@afonsomatos 2
@afonsomatos {"k":2}
@JanDvorak well, I guess it depends on the lib..
So many mouses... http://www.ldlc.com/informatique/peripherique-pc/souris/c4613/ ...
How do you guys choose one ?
cheapest one
or, err, most classic one
@DenysSéguret Recommendations + try&error
I ended up with a G602 recently
@DenysSéguret I pick the cheapest one that doesn't have bad reviews, has the features I want and I like the look of.
I use a CM sentinel advance ii at home and some cheap crap at work
I'm looking for some special script (maybe JS is a great solution) which downloads automatically from a FTP server if it is possible. I have no access to that ftp, but I have the link.
@FlorianMargaine I hope this isn't real:
> Compatible Windows 7 / Vista / XP
Do some of you know some tool/already existing tool which can grab in that way some files?
@SJD if you don't have acces keys you can't download it
@DenysSéguret yeah mouses work on anything
@SJD are you looking for a script or a crack?
@Neoares well.. In some way I can: right click-save as :D
@FlorianMargaine some have special features that need extra drivers
well there is a public page, so you can download piece by piece
@JanDvorak look at the one we're talking about.
but there are a lot of files, and I wonder if it can be automatized in some way
@FlorianMargaine yes?
@SJD linkpls
@rlemon where is Cap running?
@rlemon also, hai
Guys how would you turn the following jQuery into vanilla?
@SJD that's not FTP
  $("." + this.classname)
              .css({background: s[0]})
              .css({background: s[1]})
              .css({background: s[2]})
              .css({background: s[3]})
              .css({background: s[4]})
@Neoares it's painful to download piece by piece ..you may understand that :P
Yeah... that one shouldn't need any extra drivers
@SJD you should use something like wget
!!> navigator.userAgent
s is an array of strings (linear-gradient(...))
@rlemon {}
@MadaraUchiha that doesn't even make sense.
@rlemon "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0"
@MadaraUchiha document.querySelectorAll('.' + this.classname).forEach(function(el) { el.style.background = s[4]; });
@Neoares you mean GNU wget?
@SJD when you say JavaScript do you mean nodejs?
@FlorianMargaine ^^
do I need to upgrade her FF?
@rlemon how come es6 doesn't work anymore?
@SJD yes, I don't know why you want to do this client-side
!!> let foo = "bar";
@FlorianMargaine iunno
@MadaraUchiha "SyntaxError: let is a reserved identifier"
@rlemon how come this doesn't work???
MDN says let existed in FF since version 2
Weird thing is that lambdas do work
!!> (s => s+42)(42)
@MadaraUchiha 84
"unpredictable bugs" ? You mean in a perfectly designed code casually wondering whether null is greater than 0 ? — Denys Séguret 59 secs ago
@MadaraUchiha First off, they're looking for every element with the same class name as the current one, in a way that breaks if the current element has multiple classes, then they assign five different backgrounds in turn (overwriting one another) to each of the elements.
@Neoareso it's not a must to do via client side.. I need a way of doing it:P At least, first thing in my mind was to checkout JavaScript channel. The closest channel for this kind of solutions :D
@SJD can you repeat the problem for me please?
web scraping
use node
and cheerio
problem solved.
@MadaraUchiha well.. I'm trying to grab some files from a website. Actually is a public FTP server (as I've seen so far). And, I need a simple solution (not using explicitly some difficult solutions), so I wonder how it can be done using a simple js script.:D (just for my knowledge)
by reading the link I just posted :P
Yeah, the link @rlemon posted is pretty spot on for what you need.
Got the point. Thanks guys:P
Ah @JanDvorak it's used for adding the various prefixed version of linear-gradient
unsuccessfully, I must say
I also guess they only meant to target the current element rather than every element with the same class.
correct me if I'm wrong, but adding to an array using arr[n] where n is greater than the current array length just sets the .length of the array to that number and populates the value there?
@rlemon yeah
@rlemon Looks like on v8 it fills with undefined.
@BenFortune it doesn't fill anything
that is what .toString shows you
Makes sense
var arr = new Array(5)
arr[10] = 'foo';
someone wanna reply to that reddit post and make it clear in a coherent way how this works?
because I feel like the person who commented there has no idea.
God fucking damnit why won't Chrome load proxmox
gist.github.com/argentum47/… what should be used here so that the headerContent from vm.profiile gets shown here? directives is so so hard
@rlemon I'd love to, except that I don't know how it works.
it's too early, I haven't had coffee, and I don't care to argue with reddit folk if I miss a detail.
reddit is toxic
so yea, I'm just leaving it be and hoping someone else handles it
I'd sometimes rather be on 4chan than reddit
...I forgot I had coffee
I got my first ebook. Awesome to listen to during my commute
also a great sub
Pretty much any non-fp sub is great
well, except of course for "those" subs which we don't talk about
@Kippie This is the most inaccurate sentence I've read in the whole day.
Any Chrome/HTTPS aficionados?
I imagine most of us use chrome and https.
Trying to load a page over HTTPS in Chrome and it's just throwing ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE errors
Whilst the same works fine in firefox and IE
What response do you see in the dev tools?
I would imagine the response is empty...
https everywhere extension?
@Kippie imagination can be dangerous
@ssube Where should I be looking?
@BenFortune the network tab
or, like, curl the page and see if it replies
@BenFortune I WIN!
clear the cache
No cigar
give up, today is not your day
just grab a bottle of jack and go back to bed
Jack Daniels tastes like a dirty corn field. Shit's so gross
@rlemon having gone on a weekend bender, that is so tempting
Btw, Grim Fandango remake is -50% on steam. Anyone know if it's any good? I liked the original one, and don't want this to "spoil" it for me
instead I'm going to work from home and wallow in gatorade, probably
Famous Grouse all the way

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