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how is that better?
@oldmud0 how will javascript open an UDP socket on the browser?
i.e. which code?
Should I use Infinity If I want a variable that is used in conditions like (myVar > value), to pass all those tests no matter the value?
@FlorianMargaine What do you mean by that? The code would be calling the ENet bindings directly to establish a UDP socket, i.e. client = new enet.Host(new enet.Address('localhost', 0), 128, 1, 256000, 256000, "client"); peer = client.connect(...)
@oldmud0 how is enet.Host written?
var enet = require('enet');
no, wait
how is the enet.connect method written?
what's its code?
client.connect(serverAddr, channels, data, peerConnectCallback(err));
no, the code of the connect method
not how to call it
Ah, I see what you're getting at. Gimme a sec.
Took me a while to find it in the bindings: github.com/mnaamani/enet-npm/blob/master/src/…
Uses dgram to make the socket. Apparently chrome has its own? but otherwise it uses the one from the package itself.
@oldmud0 window.chrome.socket is only available in chrome extensions
@oldmud0 my point is, there's no API to have UDP sockets in browsers
for http requests, there is XMLHttpRequest
there's nothing for UDP sockets
or just network sockets in general
So the best way would be to create an HTTP wrapper on the UDP?
(There's no way for me to take out the UDP part - it's required as part of the game protocol)
@oldmud0 I have no idea how that makes sense in any universe
Looking for examples of terrible recruiter emails. Ping me if you've got one.
oh snap, did I miss the talk?
@FlorianMargaine @tereško Fixed it.
@KendallFrey paste me
You've made the classic logical error
Pinging you if I have one does not imply having one if I ping you.
...and I wonder why I have no friends.
(@SomeKittens still didn't miss it ^)
Can somebody get there and tell me if the resolution's ok and shit?
can't be both
20 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
...and I wonder why I have no friends.
right, so how do I see it
Go to event, hit "trailer" I think
I decreased resolution by a lot, increased font
the big play button in the middle?
all I get is your avatar
how should I write my new nodejs modules so that I can use bluebird PromisifyAll
Welp the first minute's going to be you telling me to reticulate splines
I can't get it to play
did you get my ping?
Just hit play, I'll see if I can do something about it
You see my giant blurry avatar, right?
Oh well. Just hang there, I'll be on in a minute.
ok, starting
I'm gonna watch, not because I give a single microfuck, but because I just like hearing you talk.
Did I come on time?
@argentum47 o/
I can only see some octopus like creature :/ @Zirak
I think you need to broadcast yourself reading bash.org more often.
ahh ok
I may have fried something
I can see it yay!
@Zirak say "Hey SomeKitten's wife, this is a live stream"
Zirak: now you'll work or I'll be sad hehehehe
@Zirak read this one bash.org/?3749
@rlemon D:
@rlemon aah my ears
hey zsh looks pretty.
user: 'whoopsie'
@Zirak can we ask questions as well? (how?)
@AwalGarg Q&A section (check the icon grid menu)
@KendallFrey I can't see it :( I am watching it on youtube, does it matter?
why not on G+
It doesn't load. Just shows me his pic.
dammit, can't stop reading
ahh I see now.
it is embedding the same link :/
@KendallFrey hahahahaha
bash.org/?348697 ahahahahaha
I need to try zsh, it seems
Welp that was terrible
dang @Zirak XD
it was fun at least
you can go over it, have sex with it and all that stuff
lol good job @Zirak xD
was fun, TBH
@AwalGarg That's fish
Posted a link to the stuff done gist on the event
Hopefully it'll work for you ~_~
@AwalGarg I figured the error
@Zirak lol awesome
@argentum47 great! did you finally ditch Q? :P
@Zirak can cap make a websocket connection from that cheerio thing or does it fallback to polling?
@akaRash What cheerio thing?
on which you run it with node
Or is it night~something?
night-bitch ? from kickass 2
nightmare nightmare
oh, that shit's old. Currently it's running on top of phantom, but the not-as-lame version does authentication itself. IIRC I think I got websockets to work, needed to specify cookies and some headers. Maybe not.
@Zirak what headers?
I don't remember
chat is hopeless
ok @Zirak listen to this:
Do I have to
@Zirak did you promisify phantoms those nested callback ?
I'd rather return to bed and weep
@argentum47 I didn't promisify anything about phantom
@Zirak well, tl;dr: basically when I try to connect to the long websocket url I get from ws-auth and the page is not a chat.so url, it doesn't let me go through :(
That's a real bitch
I think they detect the origin header
and cancel the socket connection if it doesn't match what they want
how to solve?
I dunno, figure it out
ok, go and weep now @Zirak
!!afk weeping
why would he weep
@argentum47 V8 source trolled him
god knows
But what I did figure out is that I can hijack the headers from the webRequest API and use a little hack to get this done.
I can't figure out why bluebird's Promise.promosifyAll solves my problems.. too bad I couldn't figure it on my own
"promosify" your bengalism is leaking XD </racist>
chrome.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders // mind blown
haha lol
I need to buy a bigger backlit keyboard
@akaRash that calls for shots.. screenshots
^ Hi, any suggestions ?
@argentum47 soon, wait for it.
I don't want to share a devtools screeny with the cookies and stuff and I am too full to edit stuff out.
thats fine.. I meow
I wonder how @Zirak figures out whether I can figure it out or not.
As in mostly when he says go figure out... I go figure out :/
I think he knows what is figurable .. like my ceo
@akaRash Math.random > 1.0 ? 'Awal can' : 'Awal can not';
...I see what you did there.
@SomeKittens you are terrible at conditions btw. It should be 'Awal can' + (Math.random() > 1 ? '' : ' not');
@akaRash Operator precedence
Also, exceedingly clever code usually gets one in trouble
It's better to be clear than concise
Concise is usually good
what is clear to you can be unclear to me. what is concise to anyone is concise to anyone else under a realistic limit of agreement.
@copy Yeah, don't be Java
Linux at its best in @Zirak's talk
Aww, Subtle Patterns is down
i'm back
1 hour later…
@SomeKittens They're on GitHub
just went with a white background
too much scope creep in this project already
Now that's very subtle ;D
function clearDOM () {
	document.body.textContent = '';
	document.head.innerHTML = '';
	// that is how you finish a fucking document
My userscripts are great.
Why can script tags take an src attribute and forget about what is inside the tags but style tags can't?
One whole day to document my library
sad face
I'm using jQuery .hover() and it leaves it with the switched image.
@KendallFrey Amazing
@KendallFrey So there's this exoplanet that has an orbit whose axis rotates(?). Is it possible for a satellite to "go all the way around", so to say?
@Shmiddty I, uh... er... 42?
I thought you knew about this stuff. haha
about questions that don't make sense?
"I don't understand what you mean"
oh, that
you mean in the YZ plane? or something else?
I'm not sure of the terminology
there's an exoplanet whose orbit is not restricted to a single plane
Is it affected by another body?
N-body orbits are hell
What I want to know is if an orbit can, essentially, touch every point on a sphere
(and remain stable)
I think it should be possible, right?
N-body orbits are never stable for N>2
if (~(i = this.options.indexOf(optObj))) {
this is badass ^
no, it's not
Don't quote me on that
@FlorianMargaine Is it bad javascript?
@FlorianMargaine Ok, let's see..
var i = this.options.indexOf(optObj);

if (~i) {
no way
better, but still not good
Because ~i only returns false for -1, so I don't see the reason to do !== -1
Other than to be more readable
Yeah right ok
If your code is explicitly designed to never be maintained, go for it
!!> if ('foo'.indexOf('s')+1) { console.log('yo mama so fat'); }
@akaRash "undefined"
dum dum
@KendallFrey That's stupid, ~i is not maintainable? The only reason not to use it is readability.
		var i = this.options.indexOf(optObj);

		if (i !== -1) {
If you can't read code you can't maintain it well
I can, I wrote it.
Are you maintaining it now, or will you be maintaining it in the future?
I know ~i is the same that i !== -1
Array.prototype.contains = Array.prototype.contains || function(ref){return this.indexOf(ref) !== -1;}
how bout you shim es7 .include and use it instead
It's still readable for me, but I will stick with i !== -1 because I want feedback when I put this on github.
you make your code readable, future proof, etc.
And it's more readable for other people.
I'm writing a CLI module.
another one?
No, still the same I was writing yesterday.
@argentum47 :(
I'm documenting / reviewing the code
aren't you writing it since the past decade or something?
No, since yesterday.
if you say so...
I started writing yesterday, but I had previously been searching for a cool structural design.
!!> "use es6"; let bananas = "delicious";
@Shmiddty "SyntaxError: let is a reserved identifier"
Yo mama is a reserved identifier, because you're a robot.
her mama is a yellow floating face, actually.
@akaRash Your momma so fat she is almost as fat as me send help :(
cats are not allowed to say yo mama jokes
shut up and go stand in the corner
have you guys used mithril
copy of angular thingy?
I don't think so
it's a tiny mvc framekwork
with virtual dom
I read about it on hackernews I think.
that weighs 12kb min+gzip
some example of it making a spreadsheet in less than 30loc
and is much more performant than react
why is it not as popular as react, then? (just curious, not hating)
converting something I made yesterday with react so we'll see
@akaRash less hype? it's made by basically one guy
@RyanKinal Would you be interested in trying to play some EDH via google hangouts?
which is good in some respects, bad in others
it does have ~4k stars on GH
github.com/lhorie/mithril.js this, yes. it says 5kb gzipped
the site says 12
@Shmiddty Tabletop simulator, man
@SomeKittens I already have a deck though, and I just want to play!
I don't have a playgroup locally :/
@Catgocat What was your time?
@Shmiddty Wait, what?
@Catgocat from start to finish. your time
Like 10 hours?
@Shmiddty what does your nick mean? Is it your real name?
I'm going to make an example code here, you guys let me know what you think
@akaRash It's a derivative of the name of my first WoW toon
World of Warcraft
@Mosho you should change your name to @somedoge
did you seriously not know what WoW is just now
or manydoge
why yes?
Is it something important to know?
it's just something that you know, you know?
I mean, I have heard about "World of Warcraft" but not the acronym.
no, but it's something important to not be ignorant of
What is important to know?
what is drugs
> I hope you're doing well.

I'm reading terrible recruiter emails, so things could be better.

> I ran across your profile and thought you would be a great individual to reach out to.

You "ran across it"? I should tell that thing to stop hanging out in recruiter bars.

> My company is continuing the expansion of its headquarters here in San Mateo, CA. We are searching for a full-time Senior Software Engineer/Architect that is interested in working with the best.

If my two years of experience qualifies me to be a "Senior Software Engineer/Architect" there, I'd hesitate to see what you of
(see full text)
I won't settle for anything less than QCTO
@SomeKittens why so harsh?
@SomeKittens why so soft?
@SomeKittens Why so humorous?
@Mosho that's the theme of the site I'm throwing together
(so, is it good or not)
const Interface = require('./cli');

// Create CLInterface
var cli = new Interface({ version: '1.0.0', outfn: console.log });

	.command('add', {
		params: '[Number] [Number]',
		description: 'Adds two numbers'
	.option('t', 'third', '[number3]', 'Adds a third number')
	.callBack(function(opts, n1, n2) {
		var n3  = opts.get('third', Number),
			sum = Number(n1) + Number(n2);

		if (n3) sum += n3;

		this.output("Result: " + sum);

cli.parse('add -t=4 1 2');

// Result: 7
is what good
What you guys think? @SomeKittens @KendallFrey
@SomeKittens better than "fair"
@Mosho The snippet I pasted. Funny?
@Catgocat s/\t/ /
@Catgocat I think you just pinged me about something I don't care about :P
@KendallFrey sorry
@SomeKittens nope :D
And you didn't ping when I actually care. </3
@Mosho ah. Drat.
it is too late. good bye.
no wait
* dies inside *
Anything I can do? Is it the theme (haha recruiters) or my responses specifically?
@SomeKittens it is a little pessimistic. How are things in your world?
@SomeKittens Well, some really top-notch responses would make it "good" but not "great".
@SomeKittens so that snippet isn't based on reality?
@Shmiddty Ah, well.
Can't say whether a format change would be good
@Shmiddty Things are pretty good out here.
@KendallFrey Better source material? That one was picked at random.
@SomeKittens Looks good in my opinion
@akaRash The quoted sections are real
@SomeKittens Ah. So you're not reading the emails looking for work?
@Shmiddty Nope, looking for comedic stuff
I see
@akaRash ^
@SomeKittens I'd say, if you get good enough material, you can just publish it as-is.
someone bin that please? ^
@KendallFrey ok, so let them run themselves into the ground.
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@Catgocat what exactly do we have to review? code or interface?
The only reason coders' computers work better than non-coders' computers is coders know computers are schizophrenic little children with auto-immune diseases and we don't beat them when they're bad.
@akaRash interface
How was Zirak's talk?
@BenjaminGruenbaum zsh-ish
@copy I've found a niche!
@Catgocat it's ok. Consider accepting an options parameter with all the info in addition. Calling a method to provide a single piece of info each time (setter injection~ish) is generally not the best idea.
@BenjaminGruenbaum you missed all the fun :(
@BenjaminGruenbaum He didn't seem impressed
@BenjaminGruenbaum Some technical problems
@akaRash The methods are chainable
I just let it play in the background so I could hear him talk
@akaRash who the f are you?
oh wait
I am florian's dad.
@FlorianMargaine your wish is my command
@Catgocat same deal
@akaRash ^
@BenjaminGruenbaum that's what I said, but more polite
I should work on that
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@copy ?
@Catgocat ok cool
Use hastebin.com
@copy do you know how apt-pinning works?
@FlorianMargaine Nope
@Catgocat you think this is some kind of programming chat?
@FlorianMargaine Is it really like that everywhere?
night night :)
(I mean, I have found it to be true in my experience)
@Shmiddty same.
@FlorianMargaine hey programming doesn't suck. It is awesome and I love it.

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