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!!tell AwalGarg eval 'you are lame'
@AwalGarg "you are lame"
!!tell foo eval (_ => 0, {})()
@foo "TypeError: ({}) is not a function"
@SomeKittens thanks
this new pack of cookies is not good. I like the old ones better :(
Room talks?
user image
Good Morning
I'm so bored.
I bought GTA V on PC anybody play?
I just run over stuff tbh..
in here github.com/argentum47/node_scraper/blob/master/… why replacing the string with elem doesn't work.
I know a custom context menu won't work on an element whoms contents continuesly refresh. But I was wondering if the same goes for an element (a div for example) that's continuesly being updated by a websocket?
I was wondering because unlike jQuery ajax load function for example, all the socket really does is appendChild / removeChild and doesn't actually reload the entire element.
@rlemon You can do that? looks around conspicuously
how long can you go without food
Like 5 hours
I can do 6 if you really need me to :P
Oh, I finally got some jumper wires
I'll probably test the motors out when I have the time later today
did I send you the new code?
int motorpos[9][4] = {
	{0,0,0,0} // no state
then in the loop
	digitalWrite(Pin0, motorpos[_step][0]);
	digitalWrite(Pin1, motorpos[_step][1]);
	digitalWrite(Pin2, motorpos[_step][2]);
	digitalWrite(Pin3, motorpos[_step][3]);
run step till < 7
you don't wanna run nostate
it it 'off'
Looks much nicer
Anyone mind telling me if that custom context menu is going to work? Just want to know before I start writing all the code for it only to see it's not going to work xD
Sometimes I really feel like talking to a wall in these SE chats.. no offense intended
changes avatar to a wall What do you mean?
Well I'm working on chat based on sockets. Obviously I'm updating the userlist in the same way using appendChild / removeChild. Now I'd like to add a custom context menu to it for obvious reasons (open pv chat etc)
I know for experience that a custom context menu doesn't work on a div that's being updated by Ajax or something. I was just wondering if the same applies if it's updated by a websocket?
Why shouldn't a custom context menu work on an element whose contents continuously change?
As in: The context menu closes on every refresh with Ajax
suspend updates while the context menu is being shown?
Hmm ye that should work. Though that might open up a path for other issues. EG: User left while you had the menu open
if too stale is an issue - autoclose after a while?
... or just don't hide the context menu when you update it?
I'm not sure how to do that? It's the browser that automatically closes the menu
is it? Fiddle?
Don't have one ready yet. I just remember having the issue in the past. Just wanted some general ideas to overcome the issue before I start coding it. For now all I could show you is the code that generates the list
But you can easily test it. Just create some field that auto updates and right click it with normal browser context menu. Should give the same issue
Wait.. hmm.. seems like this only happens if the page actually reloads. Strange. Probebly been a while since I had the issue. My mistake
well... actually reloading the page does cause a context menu to close...
@monners I got an InMail that proffered the job of "Senior Architect"
Is there such a thing as a junior architect is this industry?
I won't accept a job at any place that would hire someone like me
Are you freelancing then?
Well gotta go. Thanks for helping me out @JanDvorak
@JanDvorak nope, just channeling Groucho Marx
Hello GM
@monners Perhaps our industry need one. An architect do quite different things from coding. Now we are like, if you lay bricks long enough, you will learn to build skytower.
@SomeKittens zing
am trying to know about document object. so I did the following
> var documentNode = window["Document"];
> typeof(documentNode)
> documentNode
        [object Function]
> documentNode();
        [object XMLDocument]
> new documentNode();
        [object XMLDocument]
I know that I need to call function as new xyz() if xyz() can be invoked within a context.
If I cannot call a function within a context, then I should just say xyz();
my question is, the document object is nothing but the object returned after invoking documentNode(); . am I corrct?
How to handle loads of if-else in js in functional style?
Q: Convert all html templates to single object and store it in a js file

Mr_GreenIn my project, I am keeping all html files in an organized way such that I can understand. For now, I am keeping them in template folder, something similar to as shown below: template --> Dashboard --> left-content.html --> right-content.html --> Analytics --> graph-...

@Ant's is a hash an option?
@JanDvorak: Didnt get you, sorry
@JanDvorak: Sorry still didnt get you. What you mean by
I guess this is what your speaking about
Guess thats what I'm looking for ! Thanks @JanDvorak for pointing out
though in Haskell you'd just pattern-match on the constructor
Q: URL attribute in document object of JavaScript

overexchangeI have browsed google.com and checked the "URL" property of document object of JavaScript in browser console. > documentNode = window["Document"] [object Function] > obj = documentNode(); [object XMLDocument] > obj["URL"] "about:blank" I am expecting google.com as the output,...

am observing that firefox browser console gives details about document object better than chrome browser
@JanDvorak: I guess js doesnt support pattern matching. But however, this hash techinque, looks very similar to it
@Zirak nice list, forked it because there's stuff I need to add to my packages :-)
Any good reason not to use Object.keys(input || {}).forEach(...) instead of if (input) Object.keys(input).forEach(...)?
@FlorianMargaine since you have >10k rep, why was stackoverflow.com/questions/30607812/… deleted?
@ivarni the second solution is probably marginally faster
@royhowie Yeah, but in ES6 any non-object arg to Object.keys gets coerced to an object so I was thinking the performance aspect wasn't very big
I guess I should just run it through babel and see what kind of ES5 code Object.keys(null) produces
except the company proxy doesn't seem to want to talk to babeljs.io...
@ivarni Because the engine do much less things when the condition is false.
With the first, you result an additional object, an additional array, two additional function calls, and very likely an additional Function object.
And all the relevant cost that goes with them. JIT profiling, garbage collection, etc.
anybody proficient with jasmine here?
Right, so I would be sacrificing some performance for readability, I'll try to jsperf it and see just how much
I guess the readability gain isn't huge either...
@ivarni To me, the if statement is easy to read. Shorter is not always easier to read.
@Sheepy true
if it is then
so atom can do markdown parsing…this is so great
goodbye sublime, was nice knowing you
guys, I need some help jasmine?
!!welcome leyth
@leyth Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Leyth what's that?
To be fair @royhowie - It can indeed, but it doesn't display it compiled very well IMO
1. Please state any area/s that you think would be an opportunity for development for the individual (Mandatory)

what is suppose to go in here, developers ?
@Fitblip Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I usually use Mou for that
this is the most toughest question
Hey, thanks @capr
@CapricaSix **
(chat client doesn't auto-fill mentions on enter? :-P)
you can edit your messages by hitting the up arrow key
and you can press tab to autocomplete
ah, makes sense, thanks @royhowie :)
I am writing a simple test with 8 specs, I am trying to make all 8 specs fail
oh, so jasmine is just a way to run tests
but for some reason only 7 fail
I guess because one of my last test is not comprehensive enough
expect(1).toEqual(2) <-- put it at the top of each test and they should all fail :p
Is writing my servers in node/express with views rendered via jade passé?
@ivarni expect(0.1 + 0.2).toEqual(0.3)
check out the last test
you can play around it with as it has gh-pages along with it
expect(expr1 === expr2).toBe(false) looks horrible
I am trying to learn how to make this test suite more comprehensive
I just can't find good documentation on this
Meh, unit tests. Who cares about them
It's definitely a bug, 6-8 weeks is a consistently up-to-date schedule. There's no testers though, straight to prod or bust. — Tim Stone 2 days ago
But unit tests can have value, as long as they're actually testing something meaningful
Indeed. But 99/100 unit tests are meaningless. Moreover in JS world, 9/10 times the things tested are things that should be bound by contract/types. It's such a pointless endeavor.
Unit Tests have great value. Just not as valuable as code or documentation.
@FlorianMargaine I know it was closed as a duplicate
but duplicates aren't usually deleted
twenty.frenchguys.net -> this game is as addicting as 2048
they are if people start delete-voting
I brought it up on meta
and so people delete voted it
(and then and went and down-voted my other answers)
why do people vote out of spite?
and the odd part is that people always choose to down vote what I consider to be better answers
if you're going to down vote nonsensically, at least go and find a cruddy answer
(but I guess that wouldn't be very "nonsensical")
Async iterators landed in babel
@FlorianMargaine wow, nice redesign
@BenjaminGruenbaum :D
I'm gonna mention the room in the talk
should we expect a wave of noobs?
@royhowie You are assuming most users are sensible and logical. Personality survey shows that these people are very, very minority.
@Sheepy it kills me, even though it shouldn't
does atom have a bug with regard to displaying a trailing newline at the end of a file?
@FlorianMargaine hopefully
Let me see...
I'm an INTJ, according to the MBTI system. I hate (J) people who ask without thinking (N), and I'd keep comments impersonal and rational (T). I would rather sit in online chatroom than a real chatroom (I).
Who's next?
@Sheepy ditto—my history teacher made me take the test in 10th grade
@royhowie /me high five
never heard of the MBTI system
@royhowie because people want to feel valued - when you downvote them or leave a negative comment you're insulting their perception of how smart or useful they are
@royhowie it's their way to retaliate, and feel important I guess.
@BenjaminGruenbaum sometimes I go and clean up cruft/junk on the site
it always causes me to lose rep
I don't think people realize that voting is temporary. If they fix the content/problem, I'll change my vote.
@royhowie Stack Overflow is built in a clever way that losing rep isn't really a thing. A downvote is just 2 rep and getting 200 rep is about 20 minutes of work.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I shouldn't say rep. I'm more concerned with the score/whether I helped someone.
@royhowie there is a nice way and a not-nice way to leave comments - if you don't want to be respectful just don't leave a comment
I should do that...
19,968 rep...
@FlorianMargaine 20k gives lots of extra mod abilities, right?
but no
I'll wait
patience and laziness
@royhowie yeah, delete vote
the irony
I get ~30-60 points/day
chat says you have 20k rep
so I should be able to get it today.
The important thing is to not deteriorate to meta police - be nice or be funny. If it's not either then don't post :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, I posted a mean thing on meta
felt really bad about it
(although tbh the guy I "denigrated" should not have complained—I'm pretty sure he gained over 100 rep)
@royhowie Those things happen, I tend to not care too much and carry on with my bizniz
lol, the fact it got deleted is funny - it's like: you both lost
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't even know why it got deleted
sense of justice probably.
his answer was deleted before the post was
@FlorianMargaine The MBTI sort people according to their mental model. How you receive information, how you process them, and what kind of result you come up with. I find it easy to understand and apply - much better defined than Enneagram.
Yeah, I realize.
either way, I lost doubly because people went back and down voted some of my content
@BenjaminGruenbaum was it deleted by him or by 20k+?
So what? Downvotes are pointless
Focus on useful content.
@royhowie 3 20k users
(I'm not too concerned about whether I "lost")
> deleted by David Thomas, dsg, Soner Gönül 22 hours ago
> Dude accused me of copy write I am going to take you to court. – RiteshK yesterday
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, that was ridiculous
who deleted the question?
1 min ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
> deleted by David Thomas, dsg, Soner Gönül 22 hours ago
@BenjaminGruenbaum oh, I thought you meant they deleted the one answer. Who deleted RiteshK's answer?
> deleted by Ken White, Fabrício Matté, Soner Gönül yesterday
excuse me, I had a problem of selection. can it be discussed?
This is nonsense. It would take more than 25 seconds to comprehend the fact that your answer is better and edit your own to use the content. Shame on you. — Ken White yesterday
!!welcome RahulGopi
@RahulGopi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
thanks.. this is my question I had asked, and code I had used is which answered by siguza.
also this is my output generated. stackoverflow.com/questions/30344673/…
so what's your problem? Did the accepted answer not fully address it?
my problem is that, on clicking the checkbox, for example if first checkbox clicked then it should return , first row only.
ok, I see some problem description of sorts there, but no code or actual question. Unclear
@RahulGopi This conversation is not going anywhere. I'll say "You can do that, what's your problem?" Then you say "How do I do it?" Then I say "What have you tried?" Then you give me another three lines of text with highly ambiguous terms and claim it "doesn't work". Ask a new question, show the code you have, make a clear statement about what you want to add, and show any attempts to do so. — Siguza Jun 2 at 7:53
Siguza gave you some salient advice. Follow it.
I have to bookmark that
@royhowie but now I cannot ask questions, I think my questions are not accepted anymore
@JanDvorak it's incredibly well-worded. I'm going to save it too.
@RahulGopi are you question-banned?
@royhowie yes, I cannot ask a new question? how it can be solved?/
@RahulGopi meta.stackexchange.com/questions/86997/… you should read this post in its entirety
@royhowie I had deleted 2 of my questions. I think it may be the cause for ban.
@RahulGopi then undelete and fix them
ok, I will try.
TIL you can add links to your code blocks: stackoverflow.com/a/26953638/2476755
@royhowie nice
@FlorianMargaine it looks odd at first, but I think I like it more than sticking the links in elsewhere
@royhowie syntax highlighting is lost tho
@FlorianMargaine stackoverflow.com/a/30607874/2476755 got it from Bergi
@FlorianMargaine oh, you're right…never mind, not going to use it anymore
I like it on bergi's answer, not on yours
@FlorianMargaine I don't like it at all anymore
I didn't even notice that there was no syntax highlighting
@royhowie can I try something on your answer?
@FlorianMargaine of course
hm, no, give up, it won't work
what were you trying?
add the lang-js class
but each token needs to be in a span with the right class too
oh, I thought of that. It's far too much work, though.
i only embed links in single code tag. not block
@Catgocat Your proposal should have arrived by email.
Sometimes I must upvote trivial answers ^^
voted up for having read the question and having defined a proper selector ("#apnd1"). — Denys Séguret 1 min ago
Hi all
any way to know when all scripts on a page were executed ??
Add a script to the end and wait for it to run
in fact i have an ajax call so i am looking to put a progress bar but the ajax call returns some scripts that after execution alter the content 'HTML' of the page
so i am looking to display those only when all scripts were executed
are you downloading javascript through AJAX?
Yes i am .
Then you should know when they execute
i know when
... so?
problem is, if i start the progress bar beforeSend which you normally remove after success and before appending the resulting to html to your form won't cut iit
because in my case that resulting html has more work to do so it is not the true image on the end display
This is why i am asking if there is a way to hide the html until all scripts were executed
so i need to remove the progress bar some where like after loadcomplete
and then show the html
I am lost after the more detailed description...
Let me see... are you using something like $.load?
I've never used beforesend et al., tbh.
i will make it simple, i only want to display the html when the page has completely loaded , scripts inculded
sure. But then you load some more, and the page has no idea how much you want to load
exactly :(
The onload event will tell you all static scripts are loaded. If you introduce more script after onload, you need to tap into each new script's onload event.
jQuery lets you delay the ready event but you need to tell it to release it again when you're done
and how can i achieve that ?
and it's useless if your script loading script is running on page load
can i type some code here ?
Hi all................
makes it easier to explain my issue
You really should rethink your design. Loading scripts through ajax smells
it's not much of a big deal, it's a JSON string with a little JS to manipulate it and it's data that i control , meaning no special chars and all what can cause security breaches ...
well beside the js ofcourse
still... eval breaks debuggability and is slow
even if you trust the source
any chance you can point to a hash table of functions instead?
and if you're worried about special chars, I'm worried about how you compose your JSON and/or the code inside
@Joseph Yes. If it's only a few lines of code. I am still not certain we thinking about the same problems as yours.
why not load the .js file itself ?
Yeah, why not? Simpler and faster than loading from ajax.
because my js is not a constant , it changes depending on the inputs
github.com/tapmodo/Jcrop in this, if I want to extend some feature, like add a zoom_in .. how can I do it ?
like extending
@Joseph O_O
@Joseph So let's see whether I got it right. Your webpage has some input. User submit and you show a progress bar and send ajax. Ajax comes back with some html and js. You want to run the JS and then output the html and hide the bar. Is this correct?
grabbing a gas mask
i guess i am starting to make enemies !
Nobody sane does that, and nobody sane wants to help with such insanity.
@Joseph Ok... and the current problem is your html is displayed before the js is ran?
Just saying your design smells bad
@RoelvanUden @JanDvorak i get your points but ...
@Joseph lul
@Sheepy yes
i'm working in QA ... for that design i will get an axe ... really. Please rethink
@KarelG that deodorant?
@Sheepy i want a way to tell him display html only after the JS has done what it needs to do
@Joseph O_O
@JanDvorak haha. Not that brand. A tool, a real axe to cut woods
@Joseph If you just correct your design you won't have these issues.
The problem is I CANT
Budget ...
they refuse to pay for it
@Joseph Perhaps you can, in the ajax return, separate the <script> and the html. evaluate the script first, than hide bar and display your html.
Always code as if your code reviewer was a murderous maniac who knows where you live. And I'm already looking up your address.
don't bother i can give it to you
just ask
that's not fun
@Sheepy i will try that
@Joseph Becareful that even eval() would not save you if the new script introduce their own <script>. You wouldn't like the solution to that.
@argentum47 too much Xs
@Sheepy no it doesn't go as far as that . Thankfully
@Sheepy it would be like the Inception movie, the deeper you go the slower time passes
@Joseph Can't! Budget, deadlines, pressure, management said it should be done yesterday. You just build technical debt for poor choices and poor code, and altering it and maintaining it SIMPLY COSTS A LOT. Too bad for the one that pays. Should've considered the consequences of rushing everything.
@RoelvanUden Oh i can assure you it was not me who put that system in place !!!
@ivarni Inception is a joke to me. Too shallow. Just last month I counted seven level of remote control.
@RoelvanUden Concur
@Sheepy and you ended up SSHing into the very computer you were sitting at? Because I've done that... :/
@Joseph I'm not saying it's your fault. I'm saying that fixing bugs in poor architectured/maintained code costs a lot of time. You'll probably create more bugs in the meantime. Manager should've considered this. Not your fault for taking more time.
@Sheepy your suggestion worked just fine :) Thank you, great full
@ivarni Does virtual machines count? :D
@Joseph Great and thanks God!
@Sheepy :) , i don't know about the God part tho :D
meh ...
@Joseph I do, so you may thank God for this solution at least :p
@Sheepy Are you suggesting that , noooooooo you are not !!!
@Sheepy :D holly , that you lord, wow
Now you know animals - woolys at least - have souls and faith too. :)
Is DOM hierarchy created and maintained by JavaScript interpretor or browser?
@rlemon What time do you see the event planned to? I'm worried about the time conversions and that I messed it up.
@overexchange Browser
So the window -> document -> body ... Objects hierarchy that are seen in browser console is shown by browser
@overexchange Kind of. The hierarchy is managed by browser. The console display part need some help from JS.
I mean window["document"] ... Commands like this
In browsers, DOM objects are C++ objects. JS code access them through wrappers / bridges.
What is your real question? What prompted you to ask this?
Because even "C++ objects" is easily an over simplification.
In pursuit of speed, browsers are really <s>messy</s> complicated.
what is this github.com/tapmodo/Jcrop/blob/master/js/jquery.Jcrop.js#L326 boxWidth doing? I change it to various values no effect
Why did git fetch just overwrite my working copy?
Whatever you type on browser console goes to JavaScript interpreter as input?
@overexchange Yes.
@StevensHaen Never happened to me.
@StevensHaen It did not
@StevensHaen unlikely
And javascriptinterpreter internally acces browsers maintained DOM hierarchy to provide required result, correct?
any chance you pulled instead of fetching?
@overexchange By the way, I want to note that no modern browsers ship with JS interpretor. Only compliers. Many compliers.
@overexchange dude, leaving out significantwhitespace in code I'veseen, but this is abit overthetop, don'tyouthink?
@overexchange Hard to say. What makes the statement correct or wrong? What is the reason of asking this?
@overexchange In Chrome, for example, the browser converts your JS code to asm before execution and every JS function call is literally an assembly jump, and are not 'interpreted' on the fly. Not in the traditional sense.
I think Firefox is doing this too, or will soon be.
@Sheepy actually, it's some registry pushes, then an instruction pointer push and then a jump
@JanDvorak I know...
If somebody asks me, what is the header content of cprogram.exe, shall I ask him what I the reason to ask? It I just curiosity by nature, you can't apply logo for everything
@Sheepy then don't say "literally"
Logic not logo
@overexchange You can edit message by pressing up or selecting from menu.
@overexchange Good! If it is curiosity, then perhaps the best answer is "the boundary of native browser objects (e.g. DOM) and JS is not so clear cut now".
@JanDvorak Whenever I'm checking out a branch, it actually looks up the local synced origin branch, doesn't go to remote, right?
Coincidentally, I'll be giving a talk on Chromium tomorrow gist.github.com/rlemon/d8630a365e665083d260#comment-1464171
Among other things, levels of abstraction and bindings will be discussed

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