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The var data; json is invalid. How can i set it up correct (the input that is there, are originally a response from a ajax post)
this guy is essentially bitching because people are writing stuff in pojs and he probably is lost
@Karem JSON is (basically) a string. Since you've already got an object, you don't need to parse it
Also, don't use live
@Dennis I want it to work on this jsfiddle only, as i have a question for it. But it cant seem to load. Where do i have an object in the fiddle?
var data = ...
@dennis thanks
@Alnitak The game is impossible after level 9; starting there, x * (x + 1) / 2 > 5x
A: Best way to convincingly evangelize front end best practices to colleagues?

Matt McDonaldDon't evangelize. Evangelism is marketing. Use clearly-defined logic to convince peers of what works and what doesn't. Don't cite "best practices"; they're dogmatic. What works for "popular" developers isn't going to always work for you. Instead, clearly lay out why technique X is more likely t...

"this guy is essentially bitching because people are writing stuff in pojs and he probably is lost"
i thought SO used to let you click on a score to see upvotes and downvotes separately
did i imagine that
It does
hmm it's not working for me
on programmers.se at least
You need x rep for it
ahh figures
need to recover my old acct sometime
cant have low rep users knowing the vote count can we
hey may i disturb the state of things with a question?
i have a form on a page that posts via jquery/ajax method (no page refresh) and as soon as it posts the data a pop-over is triggered on the same page with another second form.

What i want to do is to GET the email value from the first form and "echo" it inside the email input of the second form.

Any idea how to do it??
uh, just a wild guess, but set the second input's value to the first input's value?
@Zirak ok but how? since the first value is set when the user submits first form
Did the first input field get eaten by a bear?
If not, then why can't you access it like you would any other element?
no i think nobody is eating it, but how would u set it
Do you know how to get an input's value? Do you know how to set one? If both are "Yes", then you can already solve this on your own.
And assuming it is eaten by a bear, keep it in a safe before the bear-zone.



no bears here
Syntax errors and redundant script tags in a demo aside, yes, you've succesfully set an elements value using jQuery. Well done. balloons pop out of every hole
but i dont know how to set a value to correspond to another value of another input
i know how to say: ohai, please set this X value to this Y element, but not sure how to say: plz set th same value as that one
Do you know how to get an element's value?
i think
Let me make a play out of this. You have two friends: Lucy and Yerdonoyterosaurus. Lucy wants an apple. Yerdonoyterosaurus has an apple. Lucy is mute, so she cannot communicate with Yerdonoyterosaurus. What shall we do!?
"I know", says a suspicious-looking bear which appeared from the sewers, "why don't you ask Yerdonoyterosaurus for the apple, and then give it to Lucy!"
she should offer sex in exchange of the apple?
With this magnificent plan, you have succesfully delivered an apple from one person to another. And there was much rejoicing.
$('#firstemailinput).val(); ---> asked for apple
$(this).val(); something
i dont know how to give THAT value to the second input
Do you have any knowledge of any programming concept at all? Because I just made a very sound re-enactment of a completely retarded process, and you still fail to grasp it.
im just retarded, please dont discriminate me
I'm mad at you just like I'd be mad at anyone else.
why u mad
NOW, let me say this...ONE MORE TIME: You know how to FETCH a value. You know how to SET it.
i cant link those two
Let's assume these two actions are called getDonkey and setDonkey
setDonkey( getDonkey() )
I highly recommend that you not write another line of code before getting a brain transplant or learning how to program.

whats wrong with this though
lol pleas stop punishing me just tell me the answer
Tell me, what exactly is "secondemailinput"? Is it (a)A leprechaun, (b)A string, (c)OH WAIT IT CAN'T POSSIBLY BE AN ELEMENT?
Because I don't think it's c. b looks like a very strong option.
Now. For the last. FUCKING. TIME.
something.value //gets the value
somethingElse.value = 'foo' //sets the value
If you cannot make this tiny tiny tiny tiny logical jump, then seriously...stop whatever you're doing. Come back in a few months.
drink two beers to continue
while(var jill = $("#jill").val()) $("#jack").val(jill);
@Zirak You must be discussing with someone on my ignore list, or gone totally mad. Because all I see is a page full of only you. ;).
It could be both
Also, "discussing" is a very...let's say "nice", description of what that was.
time to look at the transcript and see what happened.
Ah, well, to be fair dude, he totally gave you fair warning:
1 hour ago, by sebas
im just retarded, please dont discriminate me
OOf, people actually write lines like this? $("#firstemailinput").val(""#secondemailinput");
like, the two quotes in a row is bad enough.
He asked not to be discriminated, and indeed he didn't - he got yelled at for not bridging the gap between 3 * 2 and 3 + 3
Wait, I missed that part.
Oh you're being metaphorical.
I meant the part where he couldn't figure out how to do $( elem0 ).value( elem1.value() );
The play was fun, though. Yerdonoyterosaurus is nice.
Which play?
@Incognito NodeComposite, what you think?
1 hour ago, by Zirak
Let me make a play out of this. You have two friends: Lucy and Yerdonoyterosaurus. Lucy wants an apple. Yerdonoyterosaurus has an apple. Lucy is mute, so she cannot communicate with Yerdonoyterosaurus. What shall we do!?
@Raynos Auto normalizing()?
Reading repo, one moment.
Looks neat
oh, your selector matching will fail. You're testing for ^\w+$, but also expecting a string starting with # or .
@Zirak that's ok...
oh fail
@Zirak thanks, fixed.
@Zirak no
y so long, line?
@Raynos You'd be proud, applied to another company today. I'm going to escape that which I don't enjoy.
@Incognito meh, it's a hugh amount of data
@Raynos Yeah, I just feel it's less readable like that.
I couldn't be bothered to split it over 270 lines
It's obvouisly a long list of every possible css style :p you don't need to know the details of them
It looks pretty cool
@Raynos ids can be more than just /\w+/ too.
@Zirak concat doesn't alter the array, it only returns a new one
@adscriven ragequit
@adscriven So there's a good question, what's the actual ID match to? IIRC, $ is invalid in IDs but supported by all browsers because of ASP.
[].slice.call.bind([].slice) hehe, nice
@Incognito I don;t think \w+ contains numbers
/\w+/.test( '1a2c' ) === true. \w is alphanumeric
@Zirak oh cool
github.com/Raynos/NodeComposite/blob/master/lib/index.js#L111 does this being called from a for loop not hit performance?
> The id attribute specifies its element's unique identifier (ID). The value must be unique amongst all the IDs in the element's home subtree and must contain at least one character. The value must not contain any space characters.
Or is v8 smart enough?
The HTML5 spec is pretty accepting of all ids
@Incognito I need a new function which is bound to name
@Incognito it looks more complicated than I was expecting: w3.org/TR/CSS21/grammar.html#scanner
@raynos try adding ^ and $ though
@adscriven /\w+/.test("_a-1$£") === true
oh lol
@Raynos Can an ID not contain the hash or dot?
I time-travelled my reply, oops
dont know
I might just stop micro optimising
and have NodeComposite.$ map to QSA
God objects aren't the best thing anyway.
$ is not a god object, its a macro for QSA
bleh, my brain still tells me it's not whenever I see the thing.
I just mean I've been trained to see $ as such from other libraries.
Should I rename it to $$ ?
$$ is either gEBCN or QSA depending on what library you hail from
Only if you add one more and rename the package to "Ca$H MONEY$$$"
I don't know what a good name is
I could use select or beget or qsa
Hrmm, describe in your words what it's for.
without referencing another bit of code.
@Incognito whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/… "The value must not contain any space characters." Only restriction there...odd.
html4 spec was stricter.
@Zirak I guess it makes sense for consistency sake, given that spaces delimit class names.
yeah, but it sounds like you can use anything except a space
"this apple is kinda like an orange, let's treat it the same"
@Incognito It's a utility method to construct a new NodeComposite with a selector
@Zirak iirc hrml4 strict was more limited.
Because of the way ES5 OO works Object.create(NodeComposite).constructor(nodeList) is verbose, so having a shorthand utility to do it, makes things easier
@Raynos NodeReduce?
Sounds trendy.
Not really reducing much mind you.
I think I'll stick to $ for familiarity
Yeah I can't think of anything decent.
Can you make a function without using the word function?
hhhmmm...how about implicit-eval? Calling the setInterval with a string?
I'm eating lunch at 8:36 PM
@Zirak you're right. IDs are of type DOMString, defined here: dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/WebIDL/#idl-DOMString -- can be anything.
var f = Function; var a = new f("alert(1);");
var f = Function; var a = new f("b", "alert(b);");
/^#|^\.[^ ]+$/
var g='\u0066\u0075\u006e\u0063\u0074\u0069\u006f\u006e';
var f=eval('('+g+'(a,b){return eval("("+g+"("+a+"){"+b+"})")})');
var h =f('a,b','return a+b');
h(2,3); // 5
6 hours later…
Q: A good IDE for JavaScript developing

nK0deI recently started learning JavaScript and I'm looking for a good JavaScript Editor/IDE. I found dozens of them in a Google search but I would appreciate if users who have experience with using such IDE recommend me any. I want an IDE with syntax coloring, possibly IntelliSense and debugging Java...

A: A good IDE for JavaScript developing

RaynosThere are no good JavaScript IDEs. There are only Type 3 IDEs for JavaScript. The "best" IDE currently would be WebStorm 3.0 Use a text editor of your choice instead. Good choices include vim sublime text 2 vim and sublime text support syntax highlighting and allow you to run command line or...

@Zirak var f = Function; new f("return 'trolling you;'");
@Raynos I reckon so. Although depending on how dynamic your code is, that 10% figure could be much higher.
@adscriven WebStorm 3.0 is really good, so its only 10% I think
I'll check it out. That sounds impressive.
@Raynos If I'm generating methods dynamically or if they're hidden in a closure, will WebStorm be aware of them?
trying to imagine intellisense, but with... timelines
Actually, JavaScript is to blame for this. It is a too f*cked up language, with crazy semantics and too little structure to be easily parseable and refactorable. One of the big things that made Java so successful, in particular compared to C++, is that Java is a very parser-friendly syntax, and thus excellent for code refactoring and IDEs. I need to check up on the Google JS-Successor (whatever it was called), if they got a bit more on the sane side here.
Yes, thank you. Dart.
Whats wrong with that? :(
@AnonyMousse no u. Dart is a horrible language, avoid it.
@Raynos what is wrong with it? It can't really be worse than javaScript.
@AnonyMousse ... its a joke. Look at it.
its another x -> JS compiler
all x -> JS compilers are a joke
That is just the compatibility layer. I bet the latest chrome already has native dart support. It's so heavily based on JS, it will boil down to just a different parser, and using the same VM.
Except that it probably allows for a dozen fresh optimizations.
chromium has native dart support
All dart does is fracture the client side web community
in any browser other then dart it compiles to ugly javascript
@AnonyMousse besides you have loaded bias against JavaScript, learn to use and like it
Well, I have the bias that nobody seems to be able to make a decent IDE for it. ;-)
do you need an IDE?
I love JavaScript, but my heart is always breaking because of how difficult it is to debug, or to learn someone's API by looking at it, I mean IDE features such as "go to definition" seem impossible
> Sorry I misread the code and thought it was jQuery...
@Brandon thats a problem of people not documenting their code
or generally an issue of code navigation
and thats simply solved by using proper text searching tools through source code
node in particular makes it easy to find where code comes from due to require
agreed, awesome projects such as socket.io seem to have awful API documentation
they have examples :D
and then, when I want to search for a function definition, I have to search for both "function bla" and "bla = function," and still feel shaky about it
no you search for bla
or ideally for function bla if they use good code
if they used prototype chains, you'd need to look for Whatever.prototype.bla = function... I don't search "bla" because I might get hundreds of calls
For larger projects (beyond simple web sites), IDEs are a must. JavaScript is nice for hacking up some scripts, but for large projects with multiple developers it is hell.
Just like Perl.
You don't need IDEs
technicall, you don't need them. But they make development faster.
You just need to l2unix
Technically, you also do not need documentation.
Do people not see that text editors and command lines work just fine
you need documentation
not needing documentation is stupid
You do not need it. You can read the code. It's a precise definition of what the function does. What is wrong with reading code?
It's just courtesy. And it makes development faster, when you have a decent summary of what the function is supposed to do.
@Brandon: you forgot to search for things like window["functionName"] = ...
I dont see how IDEs makes development faster then toolsets and text editors
oops, you non-existant IDE forgot to find this variation of defining things. ;-)
IDEs make development faster when the IDE can auto generate documentation for you because your developers cant be bothered to do it
@Raynos: heard of refactoring?
Plus, IDEs can mediate between various code styles among different developers. Such as how and where to define a function.
I used to love JavaScript and Perl. But I've come to larger projects, and I've grown up.
I hate having to dig around and read through several functions just to find out what "type" of object a function is going to return
@AnonyMousse yeah, I do it all the time, by hand
@AnonyMousse god no, pick a style choice, everyone sticks to it.
@Brandon: well, technically that just should have been documented.
@Raynos: IDEs can do it faster.
@Raynos: well, your co-worker prefers the other style and sticks to it.
@AnonyMousse punch your coworker until he submits
@AnonyMousse they can? only marginally
@Raynos: IDEs can do that faster. Oh, no, IDEs don't punch people.
hey I have a problem with jquery draggable in IE 9, does any one know what are the known bugs for that? can anyone help me because I am cant find the problem!
Code quality with JavaScript is on average just MUCH worse. Take this example from a major JavaScript toolkit:
_getAdjustedDay: function(/*Date*/dateObj){
var days = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6];
for(var i=0;i<this.weekStartsOn;i++){
return days[dateObj.getDay()]; // Number: 0..6 where 0=Sunday
I can do this with TWO math operations.
@Raynos: try refactoring on a larger project. Pull-up or Push-down a method from one class into 10. Renaming a method across a 1000 class project...
@Brandon I have looked over those and some other problems that people were facing with jquery draggable but none of them wasnt helpful! they had different problems like mouse locking, div cloning under other divs etc.. but my problem is that its not working at all! its not cloning the div I want! Here is the project: arbamedia.com/test
@AnonyMousse string replace \o/ , I've never needed to do that
@Raynos: string replace produces too many false matches.
@AnonyMousse ... so what? You think the average code quality of .NET or Java is better?
@AnonyMousse only if you dont l2regex \o/
@AnonyMousse seriously though, I've never had this problem. Maybe that's because I write unions of small tools and architecture my code so it's open to change
@Raynos: Yes, it is. I'm not talking about applications. I'm referring to one of the most popular libraries. That would be crappy code in STL, Boost, Apache logging.
@Raynos: or you are just doing tiny projects, where javascript development still scales okay.
@AnonyMousse what library are we talking about?
Because all popular javascript libraries are full of bad code
You dont think theres crappy code in apache?
and STL and boost are different beasts
You go talk to a C++ expert, I'm sure he'll tell you theres crap code in Boost
Probably not as crappy as this example that boils down to the most difficult way of computing "(a + b ) % 7" that I've ever seen... Which btw. has been in this toolkit for 5+ years already.
@TooCooL idk, it's working the same for me in IE8 as Chrome
@Brandon Its not working on IE9! I havent tried it in IE8!
@TooCooL oh, well IE9 is only for people who upgraded to Windows 7
I mean, Apache Collections (Java) for example is IMHO also not very good. and pretty dead, still doesn't have Generics. But at least I havn't seen any code this crappy in it.
@Brandon so you didnt upgrade it :) ok anyway thnx I am just stuck with this problem.. and I really hate IE
A: JavaScript: manipulate two Arrays

SergeSYou need to use array of objects - eg. var People = [{ name : 'John', age : 16 }, .... ] So you can keep age and name together. Then use sort function with custom sorting function var PeopleSorted = People.sort( function( a, b ) { return a.age - b.age; }); PS. More on Array.sort here - htt...

downvote parade on w3schools \o/
@AnonyMousse what toolkit? Why do you expect the toolkit to be high quality code? is it open source? Why don't you fix it?
> HERP DERP some library has bad code, therefore JavaScript is a horrible language.
I just ditched Dojo as "probably written by a bunch of kids" and moved on. Wasn't worth the time of finding their bug tracker.
Meh dojo. Again none of the big js frameworks are any good
You don't get my point. JavaScript, while good for quick hacking, doesn't have tools to work on ensuring code quality. And much of that is because the language itself is already a mess.
It's probably the same "quality" of coders for each language (at least when looking at people doing _frameworks_). But there are languages that enable the development of tools to improve code quality. And there languages that enable the production of a huge mess.
"Example: Play a sound after each occurrence of an h1 element:"
function parseString(string){// Prases string to HTML5 for tapeer
var a = 0 , b = 0;
while(a != -1 && b != -1){
a = string.indexOf('(',a);
b = string.indexOf(')',a);
var toReplace = string.substr(a,(b-a));
return string;
should parse a string and log all the stuff that is between ( ) right ?
or am i missing something ?
@AnonyMousse I disagree
@Abhishek What are you trying to do? And seriously? a and b?
@Zirak suppose i have a string say "zirak is a good person (thumbsup#cycle)" i want to parse it such that it cuts out the 'thumbsup#cycle' from the string so that i can do futher processing on it
you may have a problem once a == -1 and then you do ++a
:| oh .. mess! @Brandon thanks <3
still goes to forever loop lol
/\(.+\)/g can also do the trick
will it be able to retrieve if there are multiple brackets ?
That's what the g is for.
Q: removing items from Isotope container

DonIf you go to this page and login with username '[email protected]' and password 'password', you can search for artists to subscribe to, then subscribe to an artist in the search results by clicking 'subscribe'. If you subscribe to an artist, then try to unsubcribe, the artist is not removed f...

okay :)
lets test :)
I will give my first-born son to anyone who can help with that
(or the equivalent cash value)
@Zirak I would love to see the discussion that prompted your remark "If you cannot make this tiny tiny tiny tiny logical jump, then seriously...stop whatever you're doing. Come back in a few months"
Click on the time/date next to it
oh sweet!
@Zirak can something be done so that it doesnt gives '(abc)' but gives 'abc' instead [sorry i have not much idea about regexp ]
@Don The artist's div in the search results is removed, instead, when you click the first time. Both the div in the search results and the div in the subscriptions have the same id. Suggest making the id's different for the subscription ones
@Don v.v I really hope you aren't really putting an admin account out there like that.
@Incognito it's just a demo site, I frankly don't care if a nuclear bomb drops on the server
so you can go nuts, delete the database, whatever....
@Don But it really looks like a real site.
@Brandon you are a legend
@Brandon do you want the son or the cash value?
:D aren't you the same guy as yesterday
yes, clearly I have learned nothing in the last 24 hours
despite your help
@Abhishek I don't think so. The js regexp engine doesn't have positive lookbehinds, only lookaheads. But they're always the first and last characters, so you can cut them off
but at least I'm not as dumb as this guy Zirak
Did the first input field get eaten by a bear?
If not, then why can't you access it like you would any other element?

no i think nobody is eating it, but how would u set it
okay :) @Zirak thanks ^_^
@Zirak that is hilarious
At the time, it was more sad than anything else.
what's the son's cash value ;0
Depends. Black market? Nike factory? Beggar on the street? In today's world, children have a wide variety of sweatshop works available for your selection.
@Brandon the lousy kid ain't worth a nickel, all he does is sleep, cry and suck my wife's boob
to be honest, if you took him off my hands, you'd be doing me a favour
@DOn ... lol
and facepalm
what is it?
oh, it's a spidermonkey thing. Turns objects into strings.
@Raynos very good link about IDEs in programming.stackexchange... I have tried a bunch of IDEs for javascript and they always sucked and I finally I know why.
@Esailija tried Aptana studio ? [not for Node.js but for client its great]
@Raynos Emacs! :D
@Abhishek, no but I will ignore you if you try to recommend me any ide that's good for javascript.
hey I am trying to use draggable and droppable with jquery but when I try to drag the element it dosnt get outside its parent div.
its an il element and I want to drop it to another div called desk but it doesnt get out from ul ! I can only drag it inside the ul!
@Esailija i am not recommendeing ^_^ i am just asking
there was a hidden recommendation
An example of thinking like a designer, instead of like a programmer
@TooCooL did you tried doing { containment:'body' }
when you call the draggable ?
I am looking for an implementation for window.uneval
@abhishek yes I tried it! infact I tried all possible values for containment!
Why? You have JSON.stringify
and Function.toString()
@TooCooL why not jsfiddle your code then ?
@abhishek you can check it out here: www.arbamedia.com/test
go under Dyer dhe Dritare then try to drag one of those elements
containment : "parent",
cursor : "move",
why is that over there ?
forcing it to use parent ???
moreover your class for the global draggable is 'drag' a while you create an instance of 'drag1' for your draggables !
that last call to draggable will overRide all properties given to a current draggable and hence your draggables are getting broken remove that and try once ^_^

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