> Must have a minimum ability to look at computer screens for extended periods of time Must be able to sit for long periods of time (6-8 hours minimum)
While Stack doesn't like personal attacks, I believe a slight degree of impersonal, cruel humiliation is necessary to teach people who have gone astray.
lol, this probably the first thing that runs on IE but doesn't on Chrome, and it wasn't purposefully made it to behave like that scythe-studios.co.uk/Ludum32/Web.html
serializeUser(function(user, done) {
done(null, user); // err, data
deserializeUser(function(user, done) {
// lookup the user given the .. well .. user. done(err) or done(null, data) again once the user is found or not
@thefourtheye the question is about how to transform an object into an array and there is no way to do that, you need to create a new object, please try to read the basics on JS and after that you could assimilate better high level theories like Functional Programming — Daniel Aranda5 mins ago
@SterlingArcher I plug the URL answers now into the comments section, so it's not in the selectable answers, but what happens if i solve it through comments?
@php_purest @php_purest 1) add more information about how it solves the answer, 2) disclose you wrote the lib, 3) don't post it everywhere like that. (few tips)
Windows 8 has four editions, with varying feature sets.
== Editions ==
Windows 8
Windows 8 is the basic edition of Windows for the IA-32 and x64 architectures. Documentation obtained from the ImageX tool and Paul Thurrott's book on Windows 8 also refer to this edition as "Core". This edition contains features aimed at the home market segment and provides all of the basic new Windows 8 features including the Start screen with semantic zoom, live tiles, Windows Store, Internet Explorer 10, InstantGo, Microsoft account integration, the Windows desktop and more.
Windows 8 Pro
Windows 8 Pro is...
@rlemon lol, they're super nervous as is, I told them I have a program on my phone that uses vision and machine learning to find out cheaters and I'm testing it on them :D
> While 54 per cent said that they have never used the cloud, 95 per cent of these respondents actually use the cloud for online banking, online shopping, social networking, online gaming, media storage and file-sharing, all without realising it.
@Andrew lots of frameworks for UI, much much more than in any other ecosystem. The JS ecosystem for UI frameworks is insane, we have hundreds of frameworks and tens of well maintained ones. More GUI has been written in JS in the last few years than in any language ever.
@Andrew Libraries can do stuff for you like Knockout (data binding), Backbone (models), React (views, also compiles to iphone). There are lots of frameworks like Angular and Ember and Aurelia that do a more of a all-around thing.
@Andrew yes, sounds like a website builder and not a JS framework. If you just need a simple way to lay out forms lots of things do that - but no professional sites do it for the same reason all the pros write XAML instead of using the visual editor.
@RoelvanUden it is deficient because I dont have time to track what does "super" in this case means, whatever trying to hack inheritance or something else...
serialize just determines what small part of the user you need to remember (like an ID) so you can recall them later. it stores a cookie -> seralized data map