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You guys on SO are just too smart for me. I can't keep up!
us javascript developers are engineers
us nicks are trolls
i try..
I'm probably going to keep learning javascript on the side until I can ramp up and really learn it like I need to
@taco dunno man, you either don't touch it at all or you go all in
this is an intensive discipline
Yeah, and right now I'm working with Javascript, PHP, Java, Python. I'd rather just focus on Javascript
You should rather focus on Python
why not use node?
yeah we use node, angular
why the other languages then?
Legacy systems
You're switching from Python or Java to JavaScript? rip
ah, fun
we've moved to a Service-Oriented Architecture with Node or Java on the backend and whatever we want on the front (we're running with Angular right now)
@copy js on the backend is pretty powerful
well i guess it depends what the application is
@nick It's not powerful
the event driven approach is handy
and its very cross platform
We're releasing the pre-beta for a major product on the 20th and it uses node pretty heavily
but like i said, i suppose it depends on the application
Backing up 9,000 photos to Flickr right now.... 2,000 down 7,753 to go.... doesn't seem too fast though
They make their uploader do some processing after each damn photo
@copy Bad in general, or bad depending on who is doing the switch?
what counts as a virtual machine?
i always thought you had to simulate hardware for a whole operating system or something
but ive heard the JRE referred to as a VM
as well as the V8 engine
In computing, a virtual machine (VM) is an emulation of a particular computer system. Virtual machines operate based on the computer architecture and functions of a real or hypothetical computer, and their implementations may involve specialized hardware, software, or a combination of both. Classification of virtual machines can be based on the degree to which they implement functionality of targeted real machines. That way, system virtual machines (also known as full virtualization VMs) provide a complete substitute for the targeted real machine and a level of functionality required for th...
Q: Is the Java Virtual Machine really a virtual machine in the same sense as my VMWare or Parallels file?

Aaron FiIs the Java Virtual Machine really a virtual machine in the same sense as my VMWare or Parallels file?

@KingMob eh ok so there's two types
@nick Right.
If anybody needs a custom logo, I highly recommend this guy on fiverr fiverr.com/obus88/…
Cost me only $10 for the logo + the source files
@KingMob In general
@copy Java --> JavaScript is bad in general?
@taco damn that's a good deal
Hmm, maybe not :P
But only because Java
I have no experience with Python but it seems like a pointless switch to me. Java though ...
@nick Yeah, and it's a minimal, simple, yet awesome logo. I wish I could share it but it's for a stealth mode project of mine
Python is pretty cool
I'll cya guys later! Have an awesome day!
I heard this guy is good at designing logos: 27bslash6.com
These days, in the UK, high school kids are taught Python. That's pretty cool.
Well, they're not taught Python as such. But they are taught programming concepts via Python.
later taco
@KingMob java's a decent place to start too
just don't start with javascript haha
@nick Fuck off.
ha what?
Learning Java is a great way to learn why learning Java is a bad idea.
although it is stupidly verbose, so it might be a good way to learn a few design patterns because you have to type out Every Single Thing
@SomeKittens i'd have to disagree; a student just starting out isn't likely to run into any such issues
Java makes Design Patterns mandatory. They're a coping mechanism.
@nick "man all this typing to just get that? Programming's no fun"
python makes whitespace mandatory
@nick ...why is that bad?
I was in the last year of students that used Smalltalk to teach OO before the switch to Java. I've never been so glad to be old.
@SomeKittens it's not that bad, it teaches you some of the basic concepts of CS
I see a correlation between poorly formatted codes and errors in beginner's code all the time
if it's not all lined up, it's really easy to miss things. Doubly so if you're a beginner and haven't trained your eyes.
That's something I've noticed in my move away from jQuery. Everything lines up so much nicer
@monners +1
@monners jQuery is JavaScript.
jquery or go home
Just do the right thing.
@KingMob wat
@monners Stop fucking with me.
@KingMob wat
Python is a good first language, as it keeps things orderly for you.
JS is a good first language because it's stupidly easy to set up.
can't wait till node.js moves to jquery
both have their problems, but it's nothing like some more obtuse languages.
I like ruby syntax, I just don't like ruby :P
@SomeKittens I think you've summed that up nicely.
@KingMob monners is very aware of that fact, though I'm not sure why that was your response to him moving away from jQuery.
My first language was Logo
Far too many programmers think X is a good language because they like it. They forget that they're not beginners. The issues beginners run into are vastly different than the ones we hit.
@SomeKittens Because jQuery doesn't stop you from formatting things nicely.
@SomeKittens JS is easy to set up but it hardly teaches you any CS concepts
@nick oh noez, beginners are learning how to program but don't know what a linked list is!
We should be all elitist and sneer at them.
@nick Pffft, it teaches you functions! What more could there be?
it's like learning BASIC
After all, we were never beginners, so why make it easy for the new folks?
/me is still a beginner
@SomeKittens i'm not trying to be elitist at all
...not trying to be an elitist... :P
@nick well, you're succeeding without trying.
i think you misunderstood me but alright
@SomeKittens Shit, did we forget to disengage the Vulcan mind-meld again?
@monners After we turbopowered it to work over the distance, I've never really wanted to go near it
Occasionally I'll switch it on when I'm reasonably sure you're sleeping.
Oh, I meant to ask you @SomeKittens, your Das, do you have the sound dampening orings?
I tried those but didn't like them
Did they make much of a difference?
i got o-rings too but took em out
@monners made the keys feel a bit squishier
So... more like the mx browns?
my fingers never got used to the new key travel distance
I can't help but bottom out the blue switches
mx browns aren't squishy?
And they're too bloody loud!
@nick No, but they don't actuate quite as violently as the blues. I love the browns, they're what I use at work.
i have browns but sometimes i wish i went with blues
Don't really wanna sell my Das with the blues, so thinking about trying the orings
i hardly feel the bump so i always bottom out
The blues feel great, but man do they make a lot of noise
i dont think o rings are gonna reduce the noise too much
compared to browns at least
They stop you from bottoming out
That's the problem i have with the blues
you'll still get the actuation clicks on down and up tho
yeah, that's fine
ever considered a hhkb?
!!google hhkb
damn that's handy
Never heard of it
I love my Das Keyboards
The blank keycaps are beast
only true keyboard connoisseurs know of it
Totes beast
!!google das keyboard ultimate
i almost got the blank das 4
opted for HHKB pro 2 instead
That's what I use
blank caps make you look like a pro
It really helped with my typing
it hasnt really helped me
i dread having to type numbers and tildes
can anyone see whats wrong with this mysql?
Insert into ebdb.AppEvent (createDate, eventType, severity, details) Values (NOW(), "eventType", "severity", "details");
@NickH Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@NickH No
hehe someone shipped a potato
how come?
because a tomato would rot. obviously.
@rlemon I tried to ship you a lemon once, but it didn't make it through customs
those bastards
jsfiddle.net/z7v2y764/6 <- anyone got an idea why this doesnt work?
prev doesn't jump afaik
i see. but why?
i tried to reproduce this one: api.jquery.com/prev
nvm I misread your code
you are not calling a method
oh yes. i simplified it.
it's $('#result').($(this).prev(".abc").html("TEST"));
but test doesnt appear.
is the problem
sorry i dont see it
$().( is nothing
ahh it sould be .html($(this...
yeah obviously
now, read the diff between .html and .text
if you don't need to copy html tags, use .text
it's just simplified
I know, just suggesting it
the code is much different.
@qd0r di you even console bro
@Jhawins what?
Just a heads up, if you check it it often tells you the answer :P I use it a lot
yes. i'm drunk. thats the main issue at the moment
was obvious why it didnt work
since 10mins i'm trying to solve it i the real code. but i wont give up!
code drunk, debug sober â„¢
ha! ;)
where do you live? i'm GMT+1
rlemon, Ontario, Canada.
10.5k 5 45 83
only 9:45pm here
-7? roughly
and I was out for a bit, so I'm only a few drinks in myself.
-4/-5 right now -4
timezones are a bitch.
utc is king. thats what i leanred in my developer life
lets see how good my guessing skills are
I just looked up all places +1
Central African Republic
thats my guess
far away from that
although, I have no reason to believe it to be true other than it was the first one I looked at in the list
okay. lets make it a bit easier. i'm from europe
I'm bad with geography. Canada is a big place. it is hard enough to know all of it
you dont know what is europe?
typical for americans... tzzz
I know
congratulations lol
Algeria, Angola, Benin, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Guinea, Niger, Nigeria
but this is the list I have from a random website
yes that is africa
yea, so sorry for not seeing the European country there ;)
also, Canadians don't really like to be identified as "american" albeit it is technically correct.
oh sorry
we are from north america, but Canadian would be more specific.
most people identify "american" with someone from the USA
me too. haha
different culture. similar in many respects, but still different in many others.
a friend was in canada and i asked her: "did you see a bear?"
she said no :/
depends on where you are. we have big cities.. but LOTS of smaller ones and open area
second largest country in the world. ~33 million people
then i asked if she saw a maple leaf and she said "yes of course"
you do the math.
cute isnt it?
moose are what you need to fear
those things are BIG
the 2nd largest country in the world w/ 33mil ppl? errr
and mean.
we're only slightly bigger than the USA, but 10X less people
yes but your canadians are raping the nature.
oil sand....
lol hwat?
you dont know what is going on in your country? :/
i even know it lol
I know what they are, and you need to be less condescending.
I'm saying what to the "raping the nature"
canada isn't soley to blame in that
@rlemon give him a sec, he may need ~1 minute to compose an answer.
just rlemon, specifically
yea, blame the native guy
so is my GIMP job good enough for people to believe the face in my display pic belongs on the body?
obvy the glasses and cigar are added
but the face.
hrm, it is a little yellow :/
in the 128px version I see, yes.
for reference
(a user in the html room has a pic of his face as his display. this is his face)
i think the obviously fake cigar helps mask the otherwise slightyl less obvious head replacment
that is what I was hoping for
Not sure if cigar or ....
I googled "cigar"
so I hope that is what it is ;)

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