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Q: Random Username Generator Javascript

Jasmine GheithI'm currently using Visual Studio to build my website and I'm getting stuck on my username generator. I need it because I don't want any inappropriate words and this is a children's website so I don't want to use real information. I thought about using an array of strings and then adding them tog...

I hate people
How the fuck did this get so much comments and answers (I know how and it makes me sad)
Belated happy birthday @BenjaminGruenbaum!
Working on a presentation on FRP @AaditMShah any tips for explaining it to JS developers?
Mainly on RxJS
Js for doctors
Functional reactive programming. It's a combination of events and immutability.
How to explain it to JavaScript developers? I would use the analogy of asynchronous arrays. That's essentially what a stream is.
BTW, how old are you now?
@BenjaminGruenbaum a reverse iterator.
@AaditMShah 27
And a day :P
@AaditMShah yeah, the usual value array promise observable diagram is how people usually appraoch it
With an iterator, you call .next(), and get the next value. While in rx, someone else calls your .next() with the next value.
My contact list takes about 16seconds to respond
and usually makes the app run out of memory :o with 2k contacts
I'm currently running a piece of code through Closure Compiler and I was wondering why it doesn't replace several instances of document.createTextNode with something like var a=document.createTextNode;. Is that because it will gzip better if the repeating instances are kept?

Functional reactive programming. It allows you to get rid of mega monolithic callback functions and replace them with bite-sized higher order functions.
For example:
button.addEventListener("click", function () {
    // lots and lots of code
Is replaced by:
any suggestions of what i can do ?
@AaditMShah So "lots of code" is replaced by "other code". That sounds fascinating ;)
@OliverSalzburg Lots of code is replaced by bite-sized manageable functions.
@AaditMShah Do you have an actual example?
It's like trying to eat an entire cake versus cutting it into slices and eating each slice one at a time.
It's very hard to get an idea without seeing what "lots of code" is/was. You can already refactor code into smaller chunks by conventional methods
No. I used to work at BrowserStack and I wrote their event interface using FRP, but I don't have access to that code anymore since I left.
Problem : Windows is horridly slow
to return 2350 comments windows makes base 64 images for me
[for some reason]
@OliverSalzburg You can refactor code into smaller chunks using conventional methods, but it becomes very difficult when combined with events and mutable state.
@AaditMShah also, hard to debug :D
I guess i'd be better off saving these to my own db -- shouldn't i ?
@OliverSalzburg wanna see an example?
@OliverSalzburg Good luck orchestrating the states of the various controls and elements on the page with smaller chunks of code
@OliverSalzburg here's autocomplete, jsfiddle.net/sev3g003/embedded/result check the code itself
You could, but you'd either resort to globals, or have functions with 20 parameters each.
It makes managing data flows easy
@BenjaminGruenbaum Sure
ungh, it's the old fiddle that does keydown instead of keyup :D
That's a really cool example.
@AaditMShah Thanks, I wrote the visualization for it. It's for a presentation I'm passing at ng-conf Israel about Angular 2.0 observables
Humm, I think I've actually once seen a talk about Rx.Observable.fromEvent
@OliverSalzburg Are you using promises?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes
@BenjaminGruenbaum Will a presentation video be uploaded online?
@OliverSalzburg This is like promises, but for event emitters - it gives you a declarative primitive and a domain specific language to manage flows, you can aggregate them and filter them and map them and so on.
@AaditMShah probably, I don't know. We'll see
@OliverSalzburg I like this definition:
@MadaraUchiha about your 0.02% market, i am using phone-gap
A promise can be said to be the inverse of a getter. You call a .get() to get a value (or in JavaScript's case, just get the value from a variable). In a promise, you attach a handler .then() and then someone else calls that for you. So in the first case, you call .get(), and in the second case, someone calls your .get() (or .then())
A stream can be said to be the inverse of an iterator. You call .next() to get the next value in an iterator, while in a stream, someone calls your assigned handler for .next().
@MadaraUchiha It's not that I don't understand the concept
ok here is an idea: the web should run WIL (Web Intermediate Language)
Then browsers would jit and run it.
@JohanLarsson lol, we have that.
No, What do you think DOM APIs are specified in? :)
no idea :)
Web IDL is a format for describing interfaces that are intended to be implemented in web browsers. == Description == Web IDL is an IDL variant with: A number of features that allow one to more easily describe the behavior of common script objects in a web context. A mapping of how interfaces described with Web IDL correspond to language constructs within execution environments. The syntax of IDL files is fairly well documented in the Web IDL spec, but it is too formal to read, as Chromium project documentation states. == Status of this specification == As of 19 April 2012, Web IDL specification...
but why do browsers interpret and run js?
because that's how markets work
hi guys!
Nothing stops a browser from running Python, but that'd only work on part of the browsers so no one would use it.
It's pretty silly actually, it's why querySelectorAll doesn't return an array :D
but an instruction set like CIL or the Java thing.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Looks more like some metadata thing.
It's for specifying APIs.
@JohanLarsson you mean asm.js?
That happened like a year ago, or did you miss all the cool demos? asmjs.org
similar but binary
asm.js is just a subset of js right?
I don't do any web at all
lol :D
Yeah, asm.js is a sort of binary format.
It's directly translatable to x86 most of the time, and it's statically typed and stuff
They managed to both make it low-level and make it work on old browsers by using a subset of JS
Pretty clever feat
ok I still don't love the js part :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum how to follow in vanilla js?
@AwalGarg step 1) wait for ES7 step 2) profit
Observables are probably going to be native in ES7
ahh, observables right.
well, just checked, v8 already supports it since v4.something :D
uhuuu guys! 100 followers on codepen!
@towc Huzzah!
@AwalGarg wait woah?
Are you talking about O.o? That's not it
My bed sucks so I wake up early now..plus hour behind on time lol
@BenjaminGruenbaum sorry I was talking about Object.observe :P
@Jhawins how's work?
@BenjaminGruenbaum will know in exactly 24 hours when I go for my first day. @loktar explained stuff at dinner yesterday though and I'm excited to start.
@Jhawins Did @Loktar buy you any games?
@Jhawins awesome
Because he should
@SomeGuy he should've. I'm bored. My internet isn't working yet either. I have a futon and my laptop and more tools than I will ever need that's about it here haha
@BenjaminGruenbaum You haven't given me any further feedback on the bleubird docs thing, do you feel there's anything else missing from that article?
Here's the actual example:

1. The main FRP library file (Events.js - https://gist.github.com/aaditmshah/3ee6bd930a6466e9dc64).

Which is used directly by the following files:

2. For handling mouse events (Cursor.js - https://gist.github.com/aaditmshah/4565002c83d5d5d7b058).
3. For handling key events (Keys.js - https://gist.github.com/aaditmshah/333276893d443de8371a).
4. For handling paste events (Paster.js - https://gist.github.com/aaditmshah/4f07f752cfe4563a32c0).
5. For sending all captured events to the server for processing (Transport.js - https://gist.github.com/aaditmshah/7e64e2165
Debugging obfuscated source is always such a joy.
@OliverSalzburg This code is used by BrowserStack to capture browser events, convert them into a standard format and then send them over to a VNC server to simulate those browser events on a remote machine.
It's basically the way you can interact with a remote browser within a browser.
@AaditMShah Neat
I guess this is something I would just have to start using to really see how it benefits a code base
Most of the code is obfuscated but you can still see the places where I used map, filter, reduce, merge, etc.
Took me a while to get used to Promises as well :P
For example, in Coords.js I use .map(j) for all kinds of mouse events. Imagine the pain if I had to use addEventListener directly and duplicate all that code.
@OliverSalzburg Hahaha. Yes, you have to use it to see the difference in productivity.
@OliverSalzburg Streams get really good when you start combining them with one another.
@AaditMShah I mean, I can see how it's beneficial. I just wouldn't want to introduce a big (in terms of file size) dependency into a project just to do things differently
Yes, that's exactly what my .merge method does.
You want to only accept mousemove events that triggered since a mousedown event was triggered in a specific element and until the next mouseup event? No problem.
With traditional event listeners you'd have to use a global/closure variable
A flag to tell you if it's OK to capture mousemove events or not
@MadaraUchiha Hmm, are you done with it?
@OliverSalzburg The dependency doesn't have to be big. My implementation of FRP is just 112 LOC (gist.github.com/aaditmshah/3ee6bd930a6466e9dc64).
@BenjaminGruenbaum Except for the fix I have locally and will push when I get to the apartment, I think so, unless you tell me you think something's missing.
Let me know when you're ready to merge
BrowserStack didn't want to use Bacon or Rx because they wanted a very small library for speed.
@AaditMShah Oh. Somehow I assumed this all refers to RxJS
@OliverSalzburg Similar, but this is his own implementation.
Rx is for general streams, while his implementation strictly deals with event listeners
You already know what map, filter and scan do. However, the main advantage of using FRP is in merging and splitting streams.
I'm always scared of new (as in, new to me) technologies that might result in having to rewrite our whole code base :P
When I learned about promises, I was like "FUCK!"
@OliverSalzburg lmfao right. > now I need to redo everything with this its so good!
Hahaha. I hate maintaining code.
The nice things about that, is that you have a uniform interface to deal with various types of streams. For instance, you can combine a stream of messages from a websocket with a stream of keydown events, to create a stream of messages you only listen after a certain key was pressed.
The best code is no code at all.
@OliverSalzburg I took pleasure in rewriting most of my stuff to ES6 when 6to5 (now babel) came out.
I just looks that much better.
@Jhawins I really wonder how other people deal with this. Especially with ES6. Online, I see people jumping on iojs in a second, as if it was no big deal to just refactor a project to utilize ES6 fully
@MadaraUchiha I don't like most of the new ES6 features. The one feature that I am really looking forward to (TCO) has still not been implemented. Yes, Babel.js has partial support for it but it's not enough for the kind of code that I write.
@OliverSalzburg It's, really not that big of a deal
@MadaraUchiha Yeah, I can see how that would be fun. But it takes time that nobody is paying for
@BrendanEich When, oh when shall we see tail call optimization in browsers? I have been eagerly awaiting TCO for years. No more patience. =(
Apparently, they are called "proper tail calls" in JavaScript.
Maybe I should just start investing my weekend code time to work on refactoring our code to modern standards instead of writing userscripts ;P
Depends. For example, if you ask me whether ES6 classes are worth the effort then I would say no.
On the other hand if you're already using Promises in your code then it'll be easy to refactor to use the new native Promises.
@OliverSalzburg Sacrifice private time to refactor work-code? I'd say don't.
@RoelvanUden It's partially my company
Oh well then maybe :P
What's the difference between making a readable stream with the fs module (var readable = fs.createReadStream('file.txt')) and through the stream module (var readable = require('stream').Readable) ?
var rs = new Readable;
@StevensHaen hello
@ADG How's it going?
@StevensHaen I need some help.
I wish to write scripts related to stackexchange, I always type some of the things repeteadly in mathematics stack and thought of writing a script to integrate with my browser.
What's up?
I have [at the time of writing this message] no knowledge of js, but wish to learn it. I already know c++,java and sometimes use xml.
can you guide me some resource or thing to learn from?
I started here: eloquentjavascript.net. Not sure if it was the right choice for beginners, though. But since you're familiar with Java, it might work out , who knows.
If possible can you suggest also something to learn about scripting for windows so that my repetitve work with win is decreased. If possible.
Are you talking about batch files?
yeah something like that. do you use them? are they useful? is scripting in general useful?
I'm a PC guy but I've no idea about them
@SomeGuy haha
hii all
@WahyuKodar Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@darkyen00 gtalk?
@AwalGarg @darkyen00 Have you guys booked your PyCon tickets?
I've booked my flight & conference tickets
@SomeGuy Still waiting for mum to give permission. (Actually waiting to gather courage to ask mum).
Windows people: @BenjaminGruenbaum @darkyen00 (How) Can I use this on Linux? windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-8/…
@ADG If you know java, you automaticly know javascript
it's simple
^ 100% fantasy
@SomeGuy Damn
@AwalGarg unetbootin
or winusb on *nix
@SomeGuy ... pycon?
@FlorianMargaine Python India Conference
so, I have my usual canvas gradient, and I want to just render it with a different alpha value than the one it already has...
how would I do that?
@SomeGuy link ?
@darkyen00 well, I know.
but in the js room.
I will be going to js-conf too this year
I know I can't change anything inside of the gradient, but I can't think of any way at all to just change the alpha
@FlorianMargaine atleast it is not religion :P
I wanted to call him a languagist but then thought nah
@OliverSalzburg As far as I could tell, everything was annotated (though that's just a style thing).
Let us know if there's anywhere we missed (and I'll put ng-annotate on the back burner)
Wow I'm burned dry for today.
Hello poeple
@NicolasBarbulesco Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
* people
Can a JavaScript guru help me with Firefox' inspector.
? I am trying to find a JavaScript function.
yay, 100 followers on codepen special! codepen.io/MateiGCopot/pen/JdGOpb
guys is there a way to tell babel to not transform specific es6 features which are already available in the environment? Or does babel already does it? (Environment is iojs --es_staging, using babel with require hook)
Yes, it's possible in the config to turn off/on arbitrary transforms
@BenjaminGruenbaum link to docs? This page babeljs.io/docs/usage/require - doesn't mention it :/
it says this:
// See options above for usage
  whitelist: [],
  blacklist: [],
I don't know which options is it referring to by "above"
@towc congrats!
:'-( Noone can help me?
You're on your own, my friend. What will you do to solve this problem?
just ask your question, don't ask if you can ask
But perhaps this is not the correct place to ask the question
@NicolasBarbulesco only if you actually ask the question
How can I find a JavaScript function in Firefox' inspector?
@SomeKittens It's not like I really cared, even back then. I only noticed that Batarang wouldn't work when StrictDI is enabled, but I never really used Batarang anyway
I also don't even know what angular-hint is all about. But I left the tab open to investigate later ;D
@NicolasBarbulesco question way too broad. Where is the function declared? Is it declared globally? Have you tried using breakpoints? Do you know the name of the function? Is the code minified? Do you have sourcemaps? Do you...
@Awal — Thank you. Where is the function declared? Ha ha, that's what I want to know! I know the of the function: lienBrouillage.
you would like to call a function from the javascript console?
a function defined in code?
@NicolasBarbulesco Go to the debugger tab and search in scripts for that name
I find that this function is called in this page: livraison.simplymarket.fr/…
I want to see the code that defines this function.
have you asked google yet?
@SomeKittens you got a facebook message
I went in the debugger, but I did not find the function
have you asked google how to do this yet?
@NicolasBarbulesco ^
@Shmiddty — I prefer to learn the way. :-) Anyway, I don't think Google knows about a function invented by the author of this site.
Google has the information to tell you how to do it
Have you asked google yet?
If you have not, then don't waste our time
* I know the name
@Shmiddty as it happens, there isn't any good accessible resource on this topic yet :( He can find this, sure, but none of them are actually good enough.
The very first result
!!tell NicolasBarbulesco google how to see code of function in firefox inspector
like seriously
!!urban bae
@MadaraUchiha Bæ/bae is a Danish word for poop. Also used by people on the internet who think it means baby, sweetie etc.
if you can google your question and get an answer, don't come to us
I did not find that. I had asked Mozilla, to no avail.
I don't think you did any research on your own.
@Shmiddty — You think what you want. :-)
If you do not wish to change my mind, then I must only assume I am correct in assuming you are a lazy help vampire and completely ignoring you.
@Awal — I am looking at your photo, this is great!
cool, but don't star those messages (I am just assuming you are the one starring them).
Hey guys... Just wondering if any of you knew how I could connect node-core-audio and socket.io to stream sound from the audio card of a server to the client... It's a bit of a project...
Or any other way to do this...
@Awal - You have an older Firefox than me, or very new? I don't have a "Sources" tab.
@HelpingHand what have you tried so far? It sounds doable.
@NicolasBarbulesco I used chrome. I told you what to do on Firefox too. Read the messages above.
Not sure what big advantage it'd have over just using an existing streaming server.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well, actually I haven't tried yet... But from the api of node-core-audio I can't understand where the audio is referenced or how to stream it from socket.io-stream... :(
Just stream data, look at binaryjs
@Away — Ah, OK! ;-) I will look again with Firefox.
cool. Also read the resources @Shmiddty linked to. They are good starting points and hold a lot of merit. @NicolasBarbulesco
@BenjaminGruenbaum Where's the data though... Is this engine.addAudioCallback( processAudio ); like blob(parts) where I could use it like blob(engine.addAudioCallback(processAudio))? Kinda new at this stuff... much more comfy in php.
@HelpingHand there is an example in binaryjs.com which I linked you to
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah... my only question is where the audio is coming from in node core audio. Then I can pipe it either through binaryjs or socket.io-stream...
It's coming from the sound card.
@Awal — Ah, OK! ;-) Now, I have found the function in the debugger in Firefox! I had to search it with the prefix "!" Thank you very much. :-) You are correct, the documentation page for Firefox does not help me much.
It's really not the package you want, this is for capturing audio on one device and playing it on another - not for streaming audio to multiple clients
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh... crap. But doesn't it run on a node server?
@HelpingHand you don't need to use it.
It does not do what you want it to do, it's unrelated.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Alright, then one more question. How would I get a stream of the audio card in node?
A lot of awesome tooling does not have enough (good) documentation and help. Sad story.
@Awal - Yep. And crappy translation in french does not help. But the tool is powerful!
@HelpingHand with that library :D But why do you need it? I thought you just wanted to stream music, you don't have to actually play it on the server to do so.
@BenjaminGruenbaum @HelpingHand I didn't follow the entire thing but can't you just use res.pipe to stream?
Document.getElementById("all").innerHTML = "hi there"; :)
Hey guys, can someone take a look at my question if you have time: stackoverflow.com/questions/30154652/… Thanks!
Never mind! Someone just answered it :)
I have a ListView in Backbone that renders TextViews in a container. New Texts are added to the collection and rendered, but there's an issue: I want the container to scroll down when new texts are added, but only if it was already scrolled to the bottom. Anyone who knows how to do that with Backbone?
@JoshK So somebody has already answered and you accepted that...
Q: Why create a Global-ish Object.create function?

CaseyI'm a fairly experienced programmer in the .NET and Java realms, and I've started reading up on JavaScript. I bought Douglas Crockford's "The Good Parts" book, and I'm immediately put off by a few things. One is modifying the fundamental types without need: if (typeof Object.create !== 'functio...

@BenjaminGruenbaum pong
@Ahmad Hey, did you get it up n' running?
@allquixotic Thanks for helping Ahmad!
@Zirak hey, we could use help with writing stuff in a way people will understand it
Also, if you're here there's a presentation I'd love you to read and give me feedback on.
I'm sick and exhausted so not very useful, but link me and I'll read when I can
Naa that's ok. Let me know when you feel like it
@Zirak because expandos are awesome :D
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Perhaps when the majority of a user's posts is negatively scored, the stat should be "people annoyed"? — Yannis yesterday
Welp, got dual downvotes on this: stackoverflow.com/q/13426800/1216976
anything I can improve?
I liked your answer)))
@SomeKittens someone dv'd the lot
@rlemon The downvotes on the other answers are me
because both say "Install Redis" and don't actually answer the question
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm not that stupid, right? Crockford's create inspired ES5's
Happy Mothers Day! (I don't know if there are any mama's in here, but tell your mother or wife Happy Mothers Day!)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm not piping music... I'm piping the sound card. At this point, I'm looking at some sort of file pipe of audio from alsa to binaryjs... But I'm loosing my mind on this stuff...
@AwalGarg ''
@Zirak right
But it was not named create
And ES5 was mostly specified by then
what's wrong with import {EventEmitter} from 'events';?
in babel
Relative path? ./events
it's a module
this works:
if this female would complain about voyeurism then the average logical sense has decreased again.
import Events from 'events'; let {EventEmitter} = Events;
@Mosho works for me :/
doesn't really work there
and that's the latest babel?
awal@bookstro:~$ babel --version
it's systemjs then
Happy mothers day.
finally, babel/systemjs/react/flux todo app
Who said webdev was convoluted
yeah my lobes are aching
I think I will try VSCode tomorrow
maybe add flowjs to the mix
A: angularjs - dynamic callback in a directive

jasopYou are almost there... the key part you're missing is $eval. Rather than calling scope.onChangeFactory({fname: FIELDNAME}); you can call: scope.$eval(scope.onChangeFactory). This means you don't need to know what parameter was passed in by the controller. Here is some snippets of my own code th...

anyone has any experience with this kind of a directive?
I'm doing what is said in that answer but the callback simply isn't being called
@Mosho wanna give me feedback on my lecture in ng-conf-il?
sure, where is it
oh, I had an unclosed <div> on my page and fixing that kinda resolved the issue...
the issue only persists on one directive so I'll probably be able to debug that
someones car alarm has been going off for like 5 minutes now
5 mins ?
@rlemon s/car/slide s/:rage:/can't poop :(/
five minutes of drilling siren sounds while you're trying to watch youtube is crap :P
I need to see that film again
had good laughs
!!caniuse template
How come blink shipped shadow dom as stable when the w3 spec says it is not for implementation :O
@AwalGarg you missed our "Chrome as the new explorer" discussion today :D?
@BenjaminGruenbaum This is... sad :(
And ofcourse there are 70 more forks of blink sitting around with their own buggy implementations, some having no implementation at all, and some having no documentation at all.
Chrome has a very terrible bug i am facing
no other desktop browser has it
touch screen is making it go become a --- mobile browser for fixed elements
how's life?
oh so busy
I love my new wallpaper: solid #000.
@BenjaminGruenbaum better than boring :)
not really, but sure :D
@AwalGarg i've a dynamic wallpaper with game sceneries of games that i have played (AC, Crysis, Far Cry, ...) and some nice stuff (like deadpool, pulp fiction, ...)
!!> Math.imul(1 << 16, 1 << 16)
@BenjaminGruenbaum 0
!! mdn imul
oh a quick multiplier

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