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google "observer pattern js"
@rlemon really? Why? I understand how burps are a problem, but...
!! google observer pattern js
no, open google and do it
the bot isn't your personal google tool
she is my personal google tool. :D
knockout's observable are decent.
you can easily set it up with Object.defineProperty get/set
they aren't the same as the es6 ones, though
google space farts deadly.
too late
lots of articles on it
"astronaut farts" is now in my search history
!! google apollo poop incident
oh fire lol
@Luggage haha I know about that one
> Houston we have a floater!
> Give me a napkin quick. There's a turd floating through the air
Oh my god
when you have to poop in a bag in freefall, mistakes will happen.
spaceflight is nasty.
> Mine was a little more sticky than that
worse than camping
They all deny it, but LMP sounds the least sure
> where did that come from? :whistles:
"mine was a little more sticky than that"
In one of Scott Manley's videos he talks about Apollo astronauts mushing poop in bags. It's pretty funny.
that is a great way to scratch very expensive pool table felt.
That last one, what a fluke
my clients hate lorem ipsum and i hate explaining it all the time. any better text generators?
in js.
Well, i know there are.. just looking for recommendations if you've actually used one you like.
why do you have a lorem ipsum generator in javascript, and why is it not customizable then?
for generating test data. i didn't make it, it's jsut part of the libarry i'm using for other test data generation
i'd rather not makes one myself. maybe i just just find a list of famous quotes and choose one randomly
!!weather waterloo ontario
@rlemon Waterloo: 21.044C (294.194K), Sky is Clear
feels like 25ish in the sun
!!weather bradford uk
@BenFortune Bradford: 10.794C (283.944K), Sky is Clear
!!weather barcelona es
piles of generator web pages, but i need a library.
It's also raining
@Neoares [object Event]
@BenFortune it's the UK
what did you expect?
A very valid point
but but
!!youtube arthur vine weather
Haha, I love that guy
I just don't understand how he hasn't had an aneurysm yet
I could not understand the meaning of this statement: but what about notes? Each note in the modern chromatic scale is associated with a certain frequency (measured in Hz), here. What is note? I understand the sampling rate of each wave.
!!wiki music note
@rlemon It means I aint got time to learn your $5 words.
In music, the term note has two primary meanings: A sign used in musical notation to represent the relative duration and pitch of a sound (♪, ♫); A pitched sound itself. Notes are the "atoms" of much written music: discretizations of musical phenomena that facilitate performance, comprehension, and analysis. The term note can be used in both generic and specific senses: one might say either "the piece 'Happy Birthday to You' begins with two notes having the same pitch," or "the piece begins with two repetitions of the same note." In the former case, one uses note to refer to a specific musical...
Can Bluebird take over a normal promise?
@overexchange chromatic scales are like what dragons have. Dragon music is more shiny than normal music.
@BenFortune Promise = require('bluebird');
I use a library that uses native promises
just redefine Promise
Should've worded it better, can I do something like
var Bluebird = require('bluebird');

Bluebird.all(new Promise(), new Promise())
var Promise = require('bluebird');
what is wrong with this?
I don't have any control over the promises from the library
then let it fall back on native :/
I mean, can I use bluebird methods on native promises.
Took my brain far too long to word together what I actually wanted...
@BenFortune yes
@BenFortune require('bluebird').resolve(nativePromise)
@BenFortune anythign that uses a 'normal' promise will use a bluebird one. If you want to 'promote' a normal promise to bluebird, botu can just Promise.resolve(plainPromise)
Great, thanks
Promise.resolve(...) is good to use anyway so that you can handle non-promise return values.
Mainly wanted it for Promise.map
no need to justify. bluebird is great.
@rlemon hmm not sure, I manually went in and set everything to high
@rlemon Good timing. I was just looking for something to watch
@BenFortune I thnk Promise.map works right away
haha it makes both of my cards work a bit
some libraries let you configure them with the promise library to use, but the proactice of Promise.resolve() mostly makes that redundant.
@dystroy Happy birthday, old man!
i.e. require('bluebird').map(nativePromise, ...)
With native?
^ happy birthday @dystroy
@Loktar my 770 should be able to max it tho right?
shit and @BartekBanachewicz
Yeah, that's what I wanted :)
@rlemon not sure, I know a 970 can
@BenFortune I think this should work.
I mean, I can rock arkham max graphics.
I thought you had a 970?
Hi, how callbacks are executed by Node upon event emission ? Are they executed by the main thread or they are are executed by a separate background thread ?
GTA V has much worse graphics
yea, it will. That's the static BluebirdPromise.map(anyThenable, iterator)
yeah I agree, the graphics are not amazing
@black-perl main thread
I still can't justify the 60GB needed for GTAV
Since the graphics aren't overly amazing
@BenFortune hah yeah its a huge game
i can justify it, gtav is awesome. i just can't FIT it
And the world is of average size
its like 48gb I believe
Nope. 61gb ish
it's too hot outside... I miss winter already
hah crazy I guess I didn't pay attn when I dlded it
but there is a crapload of content
They had 3 patches totalling 1.5gb in the first day of release
I can understand the size.
@ssube sorry, I don't know, what is dragon music or normal music? I don't know much about music
As of now, I can understand, how a single wave can be sampled. If sampling rate is high, then quality of grabbing and reproducing the sound is high
Dragon music is music for dragons.
You know that show about the dragons with no teeth that was intended for children but is mostly enjoyed by stoners and the girl equivalent of neckbeards? You know how it has music? That's dragon music.
@overexchange No. Sampling rate contributes to precision, not accuracy.
!!youtube puff the magic dragon
haha damn yea
@FlorianMargaine, so won't it block any other carrying on stuff ? Getting no idea, can you explain a bit ?
60.6 gb
COD ghosts was 75GB
and it was pure shit
Eh, it was 40GB the last time I checked
@Neoares hmm I def don't remember that
I downloaded it just last week :D
ghosts being 75gb that is
The frequency of a note corresponds to the number of periods of that note's sound wave that occur each second. For example, the 49th key on a modern piano (A) has a frequency of 440 Hz. Similarly, the middle C has a frequency of about 262 Hz.
@FlorianMargaine , or when the callback require cpu intensive work, what will happen ?
I do remember it was a pos
maybe sp + mp both were, iirc I only grabbed the mp
@black-perl it blocks. That's why we say nodejs is good for IO intensive stuff, not CPU intensive
@FlorianMargaine, so execution is always done by the main thread.
> Call of Duty: Ghosts will only require 40GB of hard drive space on PC, rather than the 50GB an unofficial system requirements list Nvidia released last week. However, the game will still require 6GB of RAM and a 64-bit operating system.
@black-perl yes
Call of Duty hasn't been good since Modern Warfare 2
MW2 was shit :P
@FlorianMargaine, event loop just pushes the stuff to be executed on the main thread from the call stack i.e the "Callbacks"
Advanced warfare is actually pretty awesome.
I have about 4k hours on that game
I hate IW versions
CoD hasn't been good since the 8yo's learned the phrase "fukked ur mum"
COD ghosts was 70+GB if you include the multiplayer
Cod5 was great
my favs are CoD, CoD:UO, CoD2, WaW, Blops, Blops2, AW
wait. @Loktar does your dad play CoD?
My favs are... BF3
eh my fav in that series is BF2BC
he could have actually used that line on you in a MP game. would have been epic.
BF4 is great,
we had a video featured on IGN of us in BFBC2
yes but BF3 is free
@BenFortune yeah I like BF4, my issue is the regression from the destruction engine in BFBC2...
The next big release for me is Battlefront
and almost the same
Loktars dad: yea.. well.. I fukked ur mum. #rekt
like you could destroy everything
BF4 there are still scripted parts, its annoying
@Loktar Yeah. LEVELUTION
@rlemon haha yeah I'll use that line on my kids :P
what I dislike about GTA V is that I cannot enter every building
THAT would make the game so much more awesome
Such a waste, pouring their resources into scripting the once-a-round, annoying "levelution"
@BenFortune you see the stuff lacking from Battlefront?
@rlemon you want Grand Theft Elder Scrolls
no space battles, 40 players max, no bots :/
@Loktar wat
no spazz sheeps? what has the planet come to?
also vehicles like the ATAT are uncontrollable by players
Space battles will probably come in the form of DLC
they just walk acrossed the field on their own.
@ssube yes, I also would like a little JC2 mixed in
like BF4 and air superiority
yeah I'm going to hold off on battle front for a few days to a week
Gonna buy a Logitech G25/27 sometime next week for DiRT Rally
I hope they don't fuck it up with the early access cash grab
nice, heh I was considering getting a wheel, but I have no desk room..
I'm gonna buy a deathadder chroma :)
someone has it?
Ain't got poop on my K70 RGB
Though they still haven't released LUA for it
I have a g502, I love it
@BenFortune hah I have the k65 rgb
I friggin love that keyboard
It's fucking amazing
A tad loud though with MX browns
i have a rzor daethadder, but not chroma
I always forget which ones I have..
the most common ones, reds I think
I think brown is the most common
the mouse wheel started doing that jumpy thing that made me spend more money on a mouse in the irst place :(
Do they click?
yeah I have cherry reds
k65 is only sold at best buy
well was, idk if thats still the case
yeah they click
Got a sentinel advance ii as my mouse
I bet your mouse doesn't have an LCD screen :D
now if I only had an eyeball in my palm..
@ssube what is middle C here? modern piano (A) mean some piano A, is that correct?
Paid £160 for my K70 :|
I have a Razr Naga
Used to have the good one but i killed it by static electricity so now i just have the latest model
That k65 looks tiny lol
naga is what i should have gotten. i need more buttons for voice channels.
Couldn't live without the numpad
yeah the extra buttons look intimidating at first but you get used to it
ben mine has a 12 key numpad on a single side of the mouse lol
Wow lmao
I bet that's great for MMOs
Any GW2 fans?
not just mmos. i bother me they call it an mmo mouse, really
Yeah its fantastic for MMO
hrmph. In mongo, can you extract a single value from a list of values as an object?
do you know if macros are allowed in heroes of the storm?
HoT soon
anyone here ever use phonegap desktop app?
i have the heroes of the storm beta and it is rather boring to be honest IMO
I like it :)
i'd map at least 5 buttons to differnt voice channels. proximity, team, vehicle, etc.
If you want to play Heroes of the Storm just nut up and play DOTA 2, LOL, or SMITE
I used t play lol
  _id: "someuserid",
  username: "corvid",
  invitations: [{
    _id: "1234",
    sentAt: ISODate(03-04-2014),
    expiresAt: ISODate(03-04-2015),
    accepted: false
  }, {
    _id: "5678",
    sentAt: ISODate(04-02-2015),
    expiresAt: ISODate(04-02-2016),
    accepted: false
I just want to extract the invitation in today's date range and just keep the single object.
Where are you stuck?
Are you familiar with .filter()?
Hi, I would like to know if it's possible in JavaScript to change a selector field without triggering onchange event ?
an option from a select element*
hm.. i don;t know but you MAY need to handle the onchange and 'prevent default' and/or 'stop propgation' on it
guys. We should meet up in Mormon Town for The Void grand opening
I already have an onchange function for a few field, but I would like to reset all my field without calling the function several times
@monners slightly before ten to sixish
That's your fish, and here's your fishing rod: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLFormElement
Backup fishing rod: google.com
!!youtube the dwarves salt lake city
@Shmiddty my selects aren't currently on a form
@Shmiddty no
@Luckyn why not?
@jAndy (@RoelvanUden) Redis persists data to disk. Everytime. By default.
@Shmiddty they are spread on my page, so I can't do 1 block around all of them
@ssube Not interested in 3D experiences so much?
@Shmiddty listen to that song and it will all make sense
@Luckyn If they are spread around the page, reseting all of them with a single action doesn't make sense to me.
@ssube Have you been? I've never been.
@Shmiddty to SLC? once, to visit family.
It was an awful place.
Mostly rocks.
Not very interesting? Or actually awful?
mostly boring but also vaguely creepy
It's like a retirement community made of rocks and pointy plants.
That's just the aerated gelatin entering your pores
SLC is the Florida of the southwest.
@HatterisMad omg those games are boring
esp Dota 2
HotS is great for the moba genre
Robocraft was fun for a while. then I got bored because pay2win
What was the superhero one?
with batman
Marvel something?
D.C Universe?
that's the one
I ended up finding an exploit for Robocraft and making it no fun for myself
I was a camper for sure
I played some alternate universe wonder woman, mostly
she had a chainsaw thing
sticky robot (jets pushing you down) allow you to wall crawl. get a lvl10 plasma rifle and snipe people from the side of walls.
They used POST requests to update your user data, so I MITM'd them
I tried to make the best T1 tank possible
@Luggage with my query? Just getting it out of the list and projecting it as a plain object, really
@BenFortune in the clear?
I can use $elemMatch to get the single element
Yup, over HTTP
Just plain json
They've probably fixed it now, since I haven't played it for about a year
Wow. Nicely done
I reported it to them, whilst giving myself a shit ton of XP
in angular, is there a way to ensure a block of code executes before all the controllers on a page start loading?
I don't watch the show. . . but damn that is good
> will pull the dependency straight from GitHub
Yay! The thing I always wanted! Yet another opinionated package manager!
@BenFortune haha thats great
hopefully they fixed it.. I remember team meat had an issue like that
they didnt fix it, and the db was wiped
Anyone pulling dependencies from a public version-control system deserves to have their code crash, their company fail, and their DB stolen.
@KendallFrey Space porn
they were passing plaintext credentials hard coded into the game to the db :/
Expected tentacles, was disappointed.
@Loktar Ouch.
Luckily, the credentials were sent over HTTPS
Don't know why they were sending the game data over HTTP
because https was busy
Well, parts of it
@rlemon better than tits
The actual game data was UDP I think
Then at the end of each round it would fire off a POST request
for your 404 page
I know you know how to do that
404 chains
haha thats pretty cool @rlemon
dude I am stealing this code for another idea I have
wonder if they are using verlet integration
the sign of a true programmer.
I love the elasticity
description says they are
var interval = 0;
setTimeout(function () {
    H('#FF4136', 0);
}, 0);
setTimeout(function () {
    E('#0074D9', 1);
}, interval);
setTimeout(function () {
    L('#FFDC00', 2);
}, 2 * interval);
setTimeout(function () {
    L('#2ECC40', 3);
}, 3 * interval);
setTimeout(function () {
    O('#39CCCC', 4);
}, 4 * interval);
"based on verlet integration"
wtf that is weird as hell
@rlemon ah ok makes sense
Omg it's interactive
yeah thats whats badass about it
I've done some shitty verlet integration but its never interactive
@im1dermike something like a run block?
@rlemon Source video?
How should this be properly escaped?

onclick="return confirm('You are about to add x ' + $('#formAdd_days').value() + ' days contests, are you sure this is what you want to do?');"
@rlemon I think that might be better ^^
@rlemon Btw, I'm doing this course if you're interested in doing it too coursera.org/course/compneuro
I agree
have been in a very "I don't want to code" mood for the last little while
haha yeah... I've been struggling as well
Same predicament
Started off as a hobby coder, got a job in web development. No longer want to hobby code.
I'm just in a rut. it'll pass
Though that might've been PHP's fault.
The brilliance of programming is how much variety it offers, though
Moving over to a JavaScript stack is giving me hope
@BenFortune I had that and fixed it by moving into build engineering/devops.
Now I don't get to code all day, so I sometimes go home and need to do something productive.
@BenjaminGruenbaum @Zirak Want to take this course with me? coursera.org/course/compneuro
@SomeGuy BenjaminGruenbaum is afk: class
(It's already started)
sometimes when I finish to write a line of code, I press ctr+S though I'm not gonna run it
it happens to anyone else?
I haven't hit Ctrl+S in years. Upgraded to :w
what do you use? vim? xD
why? xD
was going to start using vs code the other day, then realized that I only ever use vim for editing
because it's really fast to use?
if you know how to use it xD
@Neoares I do it all the time
I spend 90% of my time in a terminal anyway and like half of that is SSHd into other machines
I switched from Sublime to Atom a couple weeks ago
The second I stop typing, I hit ctrl+s
IDEs take too much time and throw you out of your workflow
A relic from the days when things used to crash
@SomeGuy :d fucking tick
well I like how notepad++ works, though it's simple
@dystroy happy birthday!!
For the Canadian radio station, see CBBS-FM. CBBS (Computerized Bulletin Board System) was a computer software program created by Ward Christensen to allow him and other computer hobbyists to exchange information between each another. In January 1978, Chicago was hit by the Great Blizzard of 1978, which dumped record amounts of snow throughout the midwest. Among those caught in it were Christensen and Randy Suess, who were members of CACHE, the Chicago Area Computer Hobbyists' Exchange. They had met at that computer club in the mid-1970s and become friends. Christensen had created a file transfer...
> because the CBBS hardware and software supported only a single modem for most of its existence, users had to take turns accessing the system, each hanging up when done to let someone else have access.
@Neoares vim is pretty simple if you're not doing much, but also allows you to indent multiple lines and clever things like that
@Jay you don't.
@Jay call it with js using a post/get request
or echo out the js in the php file :P
@ssube random() in python generates values between 0 and 1. to generate values between -0.5 and 0.5, would random() - 0.5 suffice?
after testing, it looks fine

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