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@shmiddity during the update of a particle, I need to check if it's distance from some other particles is below a certain thershold
Q: Convert base64 png data to javascript file objects

BonikI have two base64 encoded png's, and i want to compare them using this library: https://github.com/Huddle/Resemble.js i think that the best way to do it is to convert the png's into file objects using fileReader, but i can't figure out how to to this :( any thoughts? Thank you!

let's say that other else are "obstacles", and the thing I'm updating is "this"
var len = obstacles.length;
    while( --len ) {
      if( checkDistance( this, obstacles[ len ] ) ) {
        this.hit( obstacles[ len ] );
Use yer googler
@towc so you're doing some physics work?
that's what I got
in the array I don't just have values, I have objects
I already done this in php i use the file_get_contents and file_put_contents,but in js I don't know what is the equivalent for them
@jemz my link above, if you are using node.js
I feel like the most semantic solution would be to filter out of the array all of the values above the treshold, and work with what is left
but that must be very inefficient
@Luggage,yes I am using node.js but what method of fs ?
how many items re we talking about? if it's like 10, don't worry about efficiency
I could have used a for loop, but I know that most think that they look bad for what goes in codestyle
the cleanest solution would have been a .map
can't use that? whiles look good
@towc you could use Array.any
@jemz start by reading open(), write(), writeFile(), etc
it'll early-exit on any truthy value
if it's a poor fit for .map() and it's a better fit for a for loop,then use it.
I'll just use a while, it's fine :P
code styles rules are meant to be broken
@Luggage, yes I already read that, I just want to convert my binary data into image
@jemz you need to be more clear about which part you are stuck at.
Part of a programmer's progression is seeking out smart people as their peers. Smart people who (like the aspiring programmer) are continually learning. Therefore one's absolute skill rises steadily but one's relative skill remains the same.
Trying to figure out a better way to say that
I think it makes no ense.
how can my relative skill be the same? if it's relative to me then it's not relative. it's just a hard-coded value of skill = 1.0;
Relative to your peers
@towc this is what java does with functional methods
I am having avocado and turkey burgers for lunch. What the fuck
ohh. some some gaggle of programmers should all increase in skill proportionally?
it's pretty easy to create very dumb lazy collections
Wehre @Jhawins came form you got beat up for having Avocado and Turkey burgers for lunch.
i.e. I hang out with people like @BenjaminGruenbaum and @copy, both of whom are very accomplished programmers. As I learn and progress, my absolute skill increases. However, both Benji and Copy are learning and progressing, so relative to them, my "skill" remains the same.
unless they are learning faster than you
I'm not accomplished. I'm also not really learning.
then you are getting relatively more dumb
@Luggage sure do
I'm just a machine making slideshows at this point
@Jhawins When did you become a Californian?
@SomeKittens Funny you should say that. It was my bosses idea, who was born and raised in SF.
avocado can be good, but often overrused. turkey burgers can be good or horribly disgusting
@Luggage, this is just the part inside in my img.txt pastie.org/10141565, I want to convert that into image
@jemz and what is that? what format?
Hey these turkey burgers are better than most beef burgers. It's the avocado I'm not really on board with
cado is one of the best vegetables, besides like garlic and stuff
it's good on almost everything that has some flavour of its own
beef or mexican + cado = fucking delicious
turkey or generic white blobs + cado = who knows
@BenjaminGruenbaum So you'd disagree with my hypothesis?
I'll eat a bunch of weird shit this weekend during "vacation". Cause why not. I been eating weird foods recently
yea, depends on the turkey. some are spiced all strange.
i start work Monday :D/:O
I actually hate turkey in all forms, especially thanksgiving turkey. Just don't eat turkey.
hate to tell you, but that's today. you're LATE!
@SomeKittens lots of developers are good at different stuff. I don't think I'm particularly good - I think I'm fairly "general" though in that I know many things not very well - by the way - did you read this already?
Turkey burgers, turkey sausage, turkey bacon, it's all gross.
Turkey tastes grimy.
I love turkey bacon.
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's the article that inspired this thought
Use more salt
@towc obstacles.filter(node => checkDistance(this, node)) // get all nodes within collision distance. Change filter to find to get only the first node within this distance
I haven't cooked with salt in years. Much rather just actually season things.
Well, cookies and breads still get a pinch of salt, but not directly in or on food.
@ssube Are you getting enough iodine?
Given that we can't come up with an absolute judgement of a programmer's skill, most of us judge ourselves by our peers. Problem is, we become like our peers, so it's a terrible metric
@Shmiddty hell if I know. If not, I'll just drink some.
@Shmiddty is that es6?
@Shmiddty there ain't no find
I'm not even gonna be able to have a beer at my new place for 4 months
@towc yeah, it's just a shorthand function. You can still use a function expression
@ssube Oh it's experimental
oh :/
it actually sounded like a cool solution XD
@Luggage, I use hex2bin then save it to a file
my trusted loop will do fine
You can polyfill the find method
find and pluck are both wonderfully easy to polyfill
oh wait, codepen actually supports Traceur in case I wanted to use es6
Traceur is es6 to es5, right?
@SomeKittens :) It reminded me of it
@jemz It's not even clear you need JS at all. Form a specific question or problem.
"i have data, help me save and/or convert it, i don't even know" is not somethign we can work with.
Array.prototype.find = Array.prototype.find || function(comparator){
  for each (var item in this){
    if (comparator(item)) return item;
^ quick and dirty impl
for(var item of this)
for (let item of this)
@Shmiddty defineProperty
@ssube that's still es6
So is find not going to be ratified in ES6?
find is in ES6, and probably in browsers
@towc yeah? it's a polyfill for find, not es6
!!> [1,2,3,4,5].find(x => x > 3)
@BenjaminGruenbaum 4
Why the fuck Microsoft decided to call it "Edge" ?! That's retarded even by standards of MS's naming department.
I don't see why I would use ES6 features to polyfill a method that should be included in ES6
function ifilter*(pred, sx)
    for(let x of xs)
            yield x;
@ssube let and for...of are es6 :P
And then because it's lazy you don't even need find
the engine was already called edge
Do I need to return a resolve/reject function in a promise, or can I call fhe fn without a return statement? For example:
@tereško Because it's self-updating ala Chrome, so you always live on the edge!
@copy data last please, and also why this impl?
also MS likes to choose names that are unsearchable
@BenjaminGruenbaum Why not?
:23085272 you can, but I doubt it'd do you too much good.
@copy IDK, I'd probably use the bind operator instead or just stick it on the generator prototype like we did last time.
@mate64 may I suggest a gist?
@RoelvanUden no, it's more likely because the thought "we need something that starts with E", because we need to cater to the market of 60-year olds who think that "E is the the internet icon" .. in opposite to the market of everyone else who thinks that "E stands for 'crap, dont touch'"
That's more likely.
@Shmiddty for each isn't standard and only works in firefox
Do I need to return a resolve/reject function in a promise, or can I call fhe fn without a return statement? For example:

if(name === "joe schmoe") {



if(name === "joe schmoe") {
} else {
@mate64 The second.
You don't need to return it. It's just a trick.
i hate those if else statements, my code looks like shit
"Spartan" was such a nice name ...
@mate64 you can, resolution only happens once, but why?
try indenting it
or can i use return resolve();
if (name === 'joe schmoe') return resolve();
@mate64 ^
@mate64 the promise constructor is something you should rarely use.
@tereško I agree. The name "edge" also means that they can keep the IE 'e' icon, if they want... lol
Return is just used as a trick here, but yeah, it works. The return value itself is not relevant at all
@NickDugger which they basically did
that's the official icon for Microsoft Edge
is that confirmed, or someone's fake attempt?
Spartan was actually a really nice name
@BenjaminGruenbaum why ? It's pretty common in mozilla code
They have enough Halo-based names already.
also known as "toilet + shower" (focus on the which areas)
@NickDugger I've seen it on MSDN blogs; I presume it's official
@mate64 it's an anti-pattern. Don't learn it from them. Lots of people don't understand promises very well. I have an answer on that somewhere lemme find it.
Mind upvoting "The Myth of Equity as Motivation"? news.ycombinator.com/newest
(the article you all reviewed last night)
Whoever designed that needs to quit
@mate64 here - this is 90% of the times using the promise constructor stackoverflow.com/questions/23803743/…
@BenjaminGruenbaum If they had kept that, they would have eventually had to "integrate" Spartan and Cortana. Folks have been waiting for that since Halo came out.
@SomeKittens done!
@nderscore Yeah yeah. Just trying to get the message across in as little effort as possible
@NickDugger doubtful. Whoever designed it had like 20 ideas. The board of old farts picked the one that looked more like IE and "adjusted it"
yea, i like the old icon. Not only are the proportions better but the fact it looks like a planet is more meaningful for 'internet'.
@BenjaminGruenbaum well, I use promises in combination with general Web API calls, eg. Notification.requestPermission or window.chrome.gcm.register, because promises are non-blocking
@mate64 wow really? Promises are non blocking? If only someone told me before..
no one is telling you not to use promies. you just might not need to be using the promise constructor
@Luggage so why not run with it? "Halo" is not just the games. Same way as "Star Wars" is not just the 3 movies.
Wow inspect on Safari sucks for functions.
should be (for both halo and star wars)
i.sstatic.net/FNAor.png // shouldn't even exist haha
@BenjaminGruenbaum At least you learned something today. Promises are non blocking, y'kno.
@mate64 so what exactly can I use promises for?
@RoelvanUden I'm learning stuff, this is great :)
promises provide me an alternative way to approach asynchronous JavaScript, but correct me, if i am wrong
!!> new Date("2015-05-01 12:21:00")
@Jhawins null
Someone get this guy the link to using promises without the constructor, quick.
Chrome spoils me and then I make mistakes.
Whenever someone has a question regarding promises, @mate64, they shout out to @BenjaminGruenbaum to help solve it. He's probably the foremost authority on promises in this room. ;-)
(He even has the gold badge on it!)
@mate64 I'm just messing with you, I have 500 answers on the promise tag and a gold badge (the only one). I write promise libraries for fun and contribute at some pretty nice ones. I just didn't understand the point about non-blocking. Even if you really wanted to block you can't.
CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
When there was a library for it
@mate64 In the general case, the APIs you get are non-blocking (be them callback, event, stream, observable, thunk, promise, or whatever based) . If you want to convert them to promises (that's a good idea often since promises are really nice!) you should do it at the lowest level possible - promiisfy the API to promises once and then use the promise based API. I have a question on that too let me find it
rlemon is the only one that can make a promise block.
@BenjaminGruenbaum iI didn't mean to be rude. I'm sorry if it sounded that way, this was not my purpose
Would you guys consider eyesight to be related to fitness?
@mate64 if anything I was being the snarky one - don't worry about it.
fitness for a specific task that involved seeing the shit out of things, yes.
fitness as in overall body health, no
though i'm sure it can be an indicator of certain condistions it not an indicator of overall health
function readAsync(filePath) {
	return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
		try {
		} catch (error) {
Haha ^_^
@Shmiddty intuitive answer no - because generally you have little impact or ability to fix it (except for surgery)
your eyes are part of your body, "overall body health" would include your eyes.
<- not a doctor
nobody in here is a (medical) doctor, afaik
but it's not an indicator of overall health that say weight or shortness of breath is
well eyesight does things in space, which is cool
@KendallFrey this sounds interesting, go on
you can be otherwise health with poor eyesight and vice versa.
(I asked the original question because it seems like there may be something to "eye exercises". They make sense in theory, though their efficacy is not clear to me)
@Shmiddty astronauts experience eyesight losses in zero-g
@KendallFrey do we know why?
not really, that's one of the things they're researching on the ISS
@BenjaminGruenbaum i use the whole namespace of promises, my question was about design, i was not sure if it is a common way to return the executor (which i like to do, because i HATE nested if/else clauses)
important for Mars missions and shit
Hey guys Good evening to one and all ! :)
I have a quick puzzling question for all of you
@mate64 the most common way would be to promisify the low level APIs once and then use more elegant tools like promise chaining instead of constructors (which require nesting and stuff).
I was thinking it may be possible to force pupils to dilate/contract repeatedly, effectively doing "reps" on whatever muscular(?) system controls them
@KendallFrey right click -> crew report
yea, or change your focus to near/far.
@SomeKittens lol
> your eyeballs have exploded
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes, that's my workflow
in JS an object is an object and an array is an array , and an array is not an object
OH! Space Oregon Trail.
needs to happen.
@AlexanderSolonik or not
if it hasn't already
then why is that when i have the folowing object
(I suppose Kerbal is kind of like that, but...)
var _str = {
'test1' : 'passed_1'
@Shmiddty no dysentery implemented as of yet
i am able to add another element using array syntex , like so
not really oregon trail-like but: ftlgame.com
@KendallFrey exactly
_str['test2'] = "passed_2";
//@mate64 Instead of having this _ugly_ code:
function myFn(){
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
           someAsyncAPI((err, data) => {
               if(err) return reject(err);
               if(someCond(data)) resolve(data);
               else reject(new Error("Never reject with things that aren't errors"));
You can do:
function myFn(){
     return someAsyncAPI().then(data => {
        if(someCond(data)) throw new Error(...);
        return data;
@AlexanderSolonik [] isn't for arrays only, it's for any object property
Thanks Kendall !
are u sure though .. ??
it's true
he's not lying to you
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes, that's how i use them :+1:
Which one?
With bluebird it's even nicer btw.
Ok thanks guys !
You rock !!!!!
Five exclamation points. Congrats, @KendallFrey.
Five. Wow. You rock @KendallFrey
Luggage !!!!!!
I just came.
lol thats ok
FU Safari
@BenjaminGruenbaum what is your personal opinion about enqueueing promises? I am using a modified version of mozilla's asyncqueue script, but I am curious now, because you told me "not to learn from them (mozilla)" - gist: gist.github.com/anonymous/ee6e26b4d697927ab735
!!> "@KendallFrey you rock"+ Array(51).join('!')
@Shmiddty "@KendallFrey you rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
@mate64 I didn't say not to learn from them, just that some people there don't understand promises very well :D That said a promise is already an async queue.
@mate64 yep, that queue is definitely horrible don't use it. You can queue operations with then.
I should learn promises...
@KendallFrey wanna see what I did today for my presentation on Rx?
@mate64 also .then(done, done) is the "then success-fail" anti pattern, promises chain.
dunno what it is
So uh. You may recall that, the other day, I posted a screenshot of Windows 95 running under DOSBox in the browser.
@BenjaminGruenbaum what's the IE support for bluebird? IE8?
@NickDugger 5.5
Bluebird also runs on Netscape 7
Thanks boo
Not kidding
@Andrea Passes this test
How long until we can finally stop supporting IE<10?
Petkanov is a BEAST (however you spell it)
@SomeKittens It's not that bad-looking
But yes, it didn't end up looking quite as good as I hoped :p
Windows 95 crashes in my emulator :-(
Refresh and try again
@Andrea you don't want to know how long it took me to get the design on my personal site to be at the mediocre level it is.
Unfortunately, basically because DOSBox sucks, I can't do anything about it
@copy To be fair, it crashes outside of your emulator as well
@SomeKittens ajf.me
@Andrea I mean the emulator that I made
It's a bit of a wonder Win95 works in DOSBox at all
I have Linux though: copy.sh/v86/?profile=archlinux
I am linux

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