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@HatterisMad @Charly are you boyfriends or what? xD
i never met the guy
so maybe?
@Charly further to what @BenjaminGruenbaum said, consider writing some utility functions to do that for slightly cleaner code. Doing .parse and .stringify everytime you store and retrieve values doesn't look nice.
@Azar_Javed yes
@HatterisMad lol where did charly come into this
@jhawins i dont know i swear
@Shmiddty Can you tell me how to print the content of an array with in the console? console.log(array) gives me just Array[number of elements]
!!> console.log([1,2,3,4,5]);
@Jhawins "undefined" Logged: [1,2,3,4,5]
within the console in webstorm?
I notices devtools prints the contents normally
devtools !== webstorm...
obv :)
you're logging in the console in a browser?
I'm not aware of a javascript console in webstorm
in the bottom part of the screen, there's 4 tabs: debugger, console, elements, scripts
@Azar_Javed JSON stringify it, most likely
@Azar_Javed Can you take a screenshot of what you're talking about? I'm almost certain you're talking about devtools and NOT webstorm
@BenjaminGruenbaum It worked, thank you sir.
@Shmiddty Sure, give me a sec
I'm getting a maximum call stack size exceeded on some getters :(
@NickDugger nooooooooooo
your getters are getting getters
y pls
Somehow you are going in circles.
yo dawg i heard you liked getters so i delcared a getter in your getter so you can get while you get
Q: Confustions around function call resolution

LingxiThis question is inspired by this one. Consider the code: namespace ns { template <typename T> void swap(T& a, T& b) { using namespace std; swap(a, b); } } After some test with GCC, I found that swap(a, b); resolves to 1) std::swap if T has overloaded std::swap (e.g., standard co...

@ssube yes, yes they are... no judgement pls
I don't know what a confustion is.
check your recursssion
@Azar_Javed Nice it worked
@Shmiddty it was an issue with naming, I see it now
ES7 class properties would be helpful here
I think Babel supports them, actually? maybe?
Or do you not see the [ {"text": ["##"]}, {"text": [" "]} ]
yeah, Babel supports ES7 properties
@Azar_Javed you don't need the console.log part in the console
@AwalGarg cool, I didn't know that
unless your console implementation sucks, but right now it does print return values so...
Did anyone else use EloquentJavascript as a beginner?
@AwalGarg He's not using a browser console, don't confuse him any more :P
Is there anything like a AngularJS layout builder
something similar to Sencha Architect
@Azar_Javed interesting. What specific version of webstorm do you have?
@Shmiddty 10.0.1
Last I tried webstorm (~half an year ago?) the latest version at that time had it.
I just installed it two days ago to try and understand the code from a book I'm using
webstorm sucks :D
I find the examples extremely confusing
@Azar_Javed congratulations, you are on the right way then!
like this repl.it/mO6 all that code and then just the console.log line at the bottom
I hope so
I'm still on webstorm 9 >.<
lol that code custom getters
@Shmiddty Do you have to pay for each major update? Like if it goes from version 10 to 11 do you have to purchase it again?
@Azar_Javed I'm not sure
@Azar_Javed no, it's an update subscription.
This question makes me super sad:
Q: Branchless K-means (or other optimizations)

IkeI'm afraid this question might border dangerously close to the 'someone gimme solution plz' category, so if it's a poor question, please let me know and I'll delete it or try to do better. Actually I'd appreciate more of a guide to how to approach and come up with these kinds of solutions rather ...

@BenjaminGruenbaum How the fuck is that on Main.
It's a solid question but OP is super confused.
Ocean trek ?
He's optimizing the wrong thing.
It's a solid debug for me question
In short, I'm looking for any guides and hints and suggestions (not necessarily solutions) on how to optimize this code. I've exhausted algorithmic potentials and it's already tightly multithreaded with chunky parallel for logic, so I'm pretty much pushed into the micro-optimization corner. We're completely free to change the memory layout.
^ How is that on Main
@BenjaminGruenbaum find his email and send him a PM or something
ermm wait, it is actually extending with the text class wtf
@Jhawins because it's a pretty good question
You're looking at this all wrong - instead of optimizing the check you need to optimize the algorithm. Microbenchmarks < Algorithms. You can get a significant boost by not implementing the algorithm naively - here are two papers to get you started - papers.nips.cc/paper/… research.microsoft.com/pubs/164185/1158.pdf they also reference a lot of other good stuff. Also- this is a simple but effective implementation you can read and learn from github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/blob/master/sklearn/…Benjamin Gruenbaum 2 mins ago
@ssube It belongs on another exchange
@Jhawins it's a real programming problem (make this code faster)
@Jhawins no, it's a problem in existing code.
That's on-topic for SO. There's a meta question about it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah I saw, but sometimes people tend to not pay that much attention to the comments sadly
Q: Can I post questions about optimizing code on Stack Overflow?

tannman357I have been using Stack Overflow to help me solve coding errors (VBA). Now that my code is "completed" (for now), I'm trying to optimize the speed. Is Stack Overflow the correct place to ask questions of this nature?

@BenjaminGruenbaum You might want to make that an answer
So actually, in one sentence Oded says "No you can't, yes you can"
general optimizing and "this code runs too slowly to actually be usable" are different things
@SomeGuy but it doesn't solve the actual question.
this is hilarious
Especially the wife drinking part
@BenjaminGruenbaum Leading him in the right direction counts as an answer, I think
It changes the question significantly though.
I made a room for DDD but sadly no one is entering :( chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/76893/ddd
I guess
Have you ever been to a NIPS conference, btw?
Because DDD is silly.
@SomeGuy nope
@ziGi You forgot to start it
@Jhawins how do I start it?
Uhh, there are 0 messages.
yeah, I told you no one enters
@BenjaminGruenbaum why do you think it's silly?
Why would someone come into an empty room and say anything
what is ddd
true, but all rooms started as empty rooms, think about it
Until the creator posted the first message and set the tone
Anyone here has ever clicked the "highlights" button on the top?
I'm just giving you shit. Not many are going to chat about DDD anyway
lol, DDD was a thing at some point I think
There are also conferences for people who dress up in fur costumes. Doesn't make it a useful development practice.
@ssube straight in the kidneys man
I am almost 100% sure jQuery conferences are also held.
Right, Evans wants to milk that cow
Lol, a ticker is 500 euros. Definitely a cow milking
yeah, I don't get why those conferences are so expensive
They're for-profit for one
companies typically pay for them, and not individuals
you are right, now that I think about it
hey Benjamin, do you know what DCI is?
Yes, but why?
I was wondering what you have to say about it, because some people believe it's a better way to represent the people's mental model in programming, but I don't get it kind of
it's like, I write a lot of behaviors and attach them on objects during run-time
@ziGi plenty of architecture astronauts to go around.
haha Joel has a good article about that
but I see that people are trying to use those patterns
Not his article, just in his website address but sure.
even frameworks are implementing them
I don't think there are many people who still buy into the bullshit. Lots of frameworks just say they implement stuff.
Even if they do - why does it matter?
No one has a clear understanding of what MVC is, even the guy who invented DCI :) It lost its meaning a while ago - now it's just a term to sell you stuff.
Yes, same thing with Clouds
Cloud is pretty clear now - it's reduced to anything that runs on computers that you don't own.
Nonetheless, I've seen people still use it even though they don't understand what it is.
just to sound smart
@BenjaminGruenbaum or is it?
@ziGi people like sounding smart.
I always took cloud to mean that the machines aren't bound to any hardware and just float around. It's pretty safe to say we have a cloud here at work, but we own the hardware.
@BenjaminGruenbaum so when you build applications, what is your approach from architectural perspective?
@ziGi move fast and break thing, refactor when you understand the problem domain better, iterate.
I thought cloud computing means computers revolving around clouds like in the form of satellites using electricity from thunderstorms.
@BenjaminGruenbaum sounds good, does that include testing?
Does anyone know why i keep getting transitioned over to the JS Meeting Room? This is the third time it has happened since the last meeting.
@ziGi if applicable, then yeah. I write tests but not everyone likes them.
@HatterisMad Cause you type chat or javascript into the omni bar and sometimes click the wrong room... maybe...
@BenjaminGruenbaum how so?
@ziGi what?
Why don't they like them?
@jhawins no i was just typing in the javascript room and i see my screen fade and pop back up and i am now typing the JS Room Meeting room lol
it happened at the same timestamp that benji just moved to the JS Room Meeting room and typed a period
@ziGi often reality means you have to work with code that makes things hard or not worth it to test, and not everything is worth testing.
yes, I have the same feeling, but I thought I was wrong because I see a lot of people write so extensive tests
when is chrome going to support the spread operator :(
and arrow functions :(
use babel
easier to just open firefox
just use babel
@nderscore yeah, but then you end up using firefox
@ssube and better dev tools
@AwalGarg lol
but this is pathetic, even php5.6 has the spread operator :/
@ssube inb4 browser war
@NickDugger babel is not always a suitable choice.
Is anything always a suitable choice?
@AwalGarg which host is on php5.6? ;)
@FlorianMargaine who the hell uses shared hosting when you can use VPS at so cheap?
And installing 5.6 on any linux server is super smooth
Lol. Who hosts production websites on custom VPS?
@FlorianMargaine tons of people?
@FlorianMargaine who ... doesn't?
inb4 trolling again
What are your alternatives?
A hosting company
oh god...
i.e. what most big companies I've worked with do
Who do you think hosts the custom VPS?
I mean, no one ever uses digitalocean or amazon or azure for hosting :D
The hosting company?
Oh yeah -- these ones where you use prebuilt VMs
much better to use a hostgator shared hosting plan
I've always worked with companies where the php version is not a choice so I guess I'm biased
Anecdotal experience etc etc
@MadaraUchiha are you a designer
@ziGi needs more Comic Cans
@ziGi No, but my symmetry detector is screaming at me right now.
wasn't your nickname different before?
@Luggage papyrus is more aggravating than comic sans at this point
@ziGi he still conquered the six paths
only 2 more to go
@BadgerCat Nice! It's good to see someone who appreciates my accomplishments.
@BadgerCat I don't watch anime so I have no idea what you're talking about
Me neither
@AwalGarg any prohgreess ?
@darkyen00 AwalGarg is afk.
How do you install a bower package from your local hard drive? I have version 0.4.4 in my project, working on 1.0.0-dev in another folder and now want to install that
I'm trying bower install /foo/bar, but that still installs 0.4.4
@Luggage Awesome! :)
similar to npm link which is use for the same reasons
Ah, didn't know that. Cool
@MadaraUchiha literally the face i made
@OliverSalzburg you don't. We, as a society, have moved past bower and onto curl.
or just npm. i use npm when i can and bower as a fallback
then curl
we were lucky enough to completely skip bower at work
@SterlingArcher ?
@copy the picture above the kitty
@ssube People who publish to bower but not to npm should die in flames.
I get the point of bower, but npm can be more up-to-date and consistent
With the awkward letter spacing
and line spacing
bower is 1/4 npm, 1/4 curl, and 1/4 a cdn
and all the hatred of a jewish person losing a bet
yea. it's best to publish to ALL but npm shoudl be first on your list.
@SterlingArcher You literally made the cat face?
bower                            EPERM Unable to create link to absync

Additional error details:
EPERM, symlink 'C:\Users\Oliver\AppData\Local\bower\data\links\absync'

Try running this command in an elevated terminal (run as root/administrator).
So, it only creates a symlink?
@copy yah, grew the fur and everything
I guess I could do that myself
@SterlingArcher ok
@OliverSalzburg basically. you do need to have permissiosnto create the first link
@copy i lied it's just a beard :( im sorry
you don't need special permission to create the link in your porject you are triyng otuse the package form, though
@Luggage Yeah, it creates the first link just fine. No idea what the problem is
Might be a Windows issue
the first link is the only one that shoudl need elevated privileges.. odd
windows has symlinks, but i don;t know if bower has a problem with them
does bower support windows symlinks?
does your version of windows support them?
@ssube It didn't have any trouble creating the first symlink
And, no, I'm not running Windows 98
Symbolic links are available in NTFS starting with Windows Vista. Source: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/…
symlinks were added with ntfs4
as far as everyone is concerned, win7 added them
(only because nobody used vista)
I could have swore ntfs had them for a long time. maybe they were in a different less-compatible form
it had juncture points (junction? something)
@ssube Yeah, but junctions
proper symlinks that work like nix came with vista/7
quick thing: you can break a .map using break, right?
@towc no. It's not a loop.
any way to break it?
@SomeKittens o/
!!> var foo = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map(function (i) { return 2 * i; }); console.log(foo);
@ssube "undefined" Logged: [2,4,6,8,10]
!!> var foo = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map(function (i) { if (i === 2) { break; } return 2 * i; }); console.log(foo);
@ssube "SyntaxError: unlabeled break must be inside loop or switch"
if you want to break it and still return a partially mapped list, you can't. You can do that with reduce, sorta.
!!> var foo = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map(function (i) { if (i === 2) { throw new Error('Can\'t have 2!'); } return 2 * i; }); console.log(foo);
@ssube "SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list"
@ssube "Error: Can't have 2!"
@Luggage that's what filter is for, sort of
filter the list first and drop any elements that would fail/throw/break, then map the valid ones
well, if the logic to 'break' is determined during the map.. like.. map up until the second occurance of {something}
Or takeWhile
While it might be less efficient to separate the map from the validation, it's probably a good idea to do so
I'll just use a normal loop, thanks
it's only less efficient today because JS does collection operations naively
@towc what are you trying to do?
in Java 8, the ops are delayed, so it's almost equal
JavaScript's functional helpers are terrible
@Shmiddty just see if I could stop a map, no particular reason
@SterlingArcher ohai
@copy they really are. They're still much better than nothing (or underscore), but still bad.
@ssube is that a bad thing?
@towc yes.
A normal for-loop (preferably a for-of loop) is probably the best solution here
maybe you can't manipulate them, but the performance should be much better
Take the example [1, 2, 3, 4, ..., 99, 100].filter(foo).map(bar). JS will allocate an array, then run it through filter and allocate a second one, then through map and a third one.
That's bad.
@towc It would be more idiomatic to if(validate(arr)) foo = arr.map(...)
or foo = validate(arr) && arr.map(...)
Java will allocate an array, then realize that filter and map work per-element, so it will perform both on each array element (truly iterating once) and return a second array.
lodash's chain can supposedly do some optimizations with that, but i don't know how well
Less walking the collections and fewer allocations. JS doesn't do that.
@Shmiddty I'm looking for a certain item in the array, but then stop the loop after I've found it
hoped there was a clean way to do it with .map
but apparently not
so that won't work
What you want the functional collections methods to do is, essentially, return a monad-type thing with a stack of operations to perform on each element.
@ssube you can resume all you said with "lazy evaluation"
"Lazy evaluation allows several methods to support shortcut fusion. Shortcut fusion is an optimization that merges iteratees to avoid creating intermediate arrays and reduce the number of iteratee executions. ": lodash.com/docs#_
When an item is requested, you can apply the stack of transformations on that item and delay the rest.
Actually, in JavaScript this would be properly done with generators
posted on May 04, 2015 by Alex R. Young

React Mount If you want to use React more like web components, by including custom tags in HTML rather than JSX files, then take a look at Philipp Adrian's react-mount (GitHub: greenish/react-mount, License: MIT, npm: react-mount). All you need to do is define a React class with React.createClass

@copy I'd be curious to see a comparison (both code/complexity and performance) between a single array with a stack of transforms and nested generators.
@towc And you're searching by value instead of by reference? There's always array.indexOf
nope :P I need to check values in the objects in the array
¿por que?
check for the distance between a thing and another to be below something else
Hi, can I ask some help, I have binary data of image save in a file, now I want to convert into image.jpg.how can I accomplish this ?
the binary data is in jpg format and you just need to save a file or in another format and you need to convert?
@towc And you never have any references to the objects you're looking for?
what do you mean?
the format is in jpg..I want to convert it back to image.jpg...
references to an unprecised amount of objects? Are we talking about the same thing?
why would that even help? XD
You haven't really explained your use case, I'm trying to understand
if you have that binary data in a variable already, see: nodejs.org/api/fs.html
@jemz Programmatically in JS or just once?

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