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maybe some special keys like osx CMD and so forth ? Dunno excatly
Found. I'm retarded, I was testing for e.which
instead of e.charCode
I'm even more retarded now
e.charCode is always 0 on Chrome. I must be missing a piece...
But doesn't != null only test for null or undefined?
!!> 0!=null
@dystroy true
@dystroy it's filled on keypress events
keydown and keyup it's not
I guess all this confusion is the reason why jQuery abstracts which on it's own
@jAndy Thanks for bringing back some sanity
The sanitizer !
I should suggest Marvel...
should I use jQuery 1 or 2?
@Neoares 2
tempted to troll
Seriously ? Do you know the difference ?
No, didn't know
"does not support Internet Explorer 6, 7, or 8"
Unless you really use new browser features, you should stick to 1. I'm using the 2 but I know why.
we are trying to support IE8
@dystroy why?
@FlorianMargaine why what ? Why I am using the 2 or why he should use the 1 ?
@dystroy former
Because I dynamically generate SVG and canvas in my applications, because I use the flexbox model to avoid losing time.
but you don't support IE8
@dystroy how are svg/canvas/flexbox related to using jquery?
Oh, I misunderstood. I thought you meant you were using jquery for some reason, not that you used v2 because you didn't support ie8
There's no point in using a version of jQuery which is specifically targeted at supporting browsers which don't support SVG when my application depends on SVG
@FlorianMargaine right
@Neoares Yes, my customers just switch to a more recent browser in order to use my application (in fact, I even make them switch to FF or Chrome, most often)
@dystroy That's nice, But I have milions of "customers" over the world xD
@Neoares How many of them use IE8?
define "\"customers \""
My point is, I know how many IE8 hits I have each month, do you know how many you have?
about 5% I guess
define "I guess"
@Neoares That's why I told you this:
16 mins ago, by dystroy
Unless you really use new browser features, you should stick to 1. I'm using the 2 but I know why.
wait I'm checking database
using 6,7 and 8
That's more reasonable. I though for a time you were a old browser parts dealer.
Remember that a lot of browsers pretending to be IE7 isn't really, cross check with OS and use HTTP headers with X-UA-Compatible set to IE=edge :)
@dystroy Are we talking about jQuery? I just don't use jQuery.
jQuery 1 has justification to live. jQuery 2 which doesn't support lower versions of IE, does not, really.
@Neoares Ask yourself this
jQuery 2 makes it faster to build a complex web applications without bothering with boilerplate code
Will coding for those 1.5% justify: Sacrificing features for the other 98.5%, the website looking worse for 98.5%, you having to put more time into it?
@dystroy Example?
maybe but I don't really need this features
and this 1.5% could be thousands of dollars
Also, what you call "boilerplate code", I call max 10 functions and max 200 LoC total
That's a far cry from 30kb minified.
It's still boilerplate you need to re-invent for every project. :-)
Or re-include. jQ is convenient.
I have no time to lose on that
@RoelvanUden Hardly. Promisifying XHR is something I do for every project.
I have a function for that already written
btw, I'll take a look at jQuery 2... I guess some of the new functions are still compatible with IE8
Most of the "boilerplate", if written correctly, is something you can very easily migrate from project to project
XHR, I do it too because I don't like jQuery's ajax functions. But all the DOM functions, including events, that's much more than 10 functions.
@dystroy Like what????
I wouldn't touch jQuery's events with a 10 meter pole
They're 100% impossible to debug
What about you look at jQuery or at Miaou instead of asking me to build a list of jQuery functions ?
@dystroy I'm not asking for a list of jQuery functions
I'm asking for an example or two where jQuery does a better job (readability-wise, at least) than native.
@AwalGarg has been mising ?
@MadaraUchiha lol, seriously?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes?
At the very least, enough to justify a whole extra request + 30kb
You're saying jQuery's DOM manipulation is worse than the browser's?
It's a request + 30kb once, per internet since almost everyone loads it from a CDN
It's a 30ms overhead tops
    // e works consistently on all browsers - handle clicks
This is much nicer than the native alternative, if you want to add dynamic stuff to an already existing page jQuery is insanely useful.
considering ie9+, e works consistently on all browsers with addEventListener too
@FlorianMargaine how sure are you from 1 to 10 that addEventListener has no IE quirks?
Don't google it, just say it
@BenjaminGruenbaum ie9+? 10
@FlorianMargaine Are you sure for example, that mouseenter acts the same way in IE9 and Chrome using native DOM events?
Just asking if you're sure, don't google it, just intuition.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I haven't used mouseenter in years, so dunno
Jquery doesn't fix all event differences anyway, just the registering of handlers
@FlorianMargaine Ok, are you sure that mouseenter works exactly the same when using jQuery?
@BenjaminGruenbaum no idea either
@BenjaminGruenbaum How is this much nicer than document.querySelector('.someExistingClassOnPage').onclick = function(e) { ... };?
Wait, why am I in this conversation, look at my thingie! jsfiddle.net/pnv24moL
I've seen plenty of jquery bugs for not-so-much-used events
Remember that we're talking about jQuery 2 here, so lower IEs don't count.
@MadaraUchiha for one thing onclick is broken, for another your code works on one element and not a set
What IS the argument?
That writing your own boilerplate is supposedly better than using jQ2
@Luggage "is jquery2 worth using?"
Ohh that's easy. Sometimes.
Glad we solved that
@Luggage I knew we could count on you!
@Luggage for mod!
For some things jquery2 does surprisingly little. But.. If you are like me you need jquery as a dependency anyway so you might as well use it. Just don't abuse it and use templates for the heavy Dom manipulation
Templates = angular or knockout or one of the many other template/databinding tools
I think the best reason to use jquery is the selector engine is consistent across browsers.
Though I rarely need any complicated selectors these days
You guys are missing out jsfiddle.net/uam1t04d
I srs don't buy any argument why in the world you still want to support IE8 and below. That in turn means, a (very good nonetheless) abstraction library like jQuery is no longer necessary.
because a JS error means no advertisement, which means no money
I want this % of money :)
try { /* all code */ } catch (e) { console.log(e); }
How are you guys not pumped this is srs fun jsfiddle.net/d9wq9snb/embedded/result
@BenjaminGruenbaum could you make a guitar hero out of that?
no balls xD
Reduced speed, that was crazy lol
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol, have you played GH on expert mode?
@BenjaminGruenbaum y'know, using asdf, and generating these speeds out of some midi format or w/e
Ohh guitar hero. That makes more sense than playing GitHub on expert .ode, which is what I was thinking.
It's for a demo explaining RxJS
RxJS sucks, guitar hero is much funnier
what kind of nitbitch is flagging this
either gay or nitbitch probably
@BenjaminGruenbaum Promise question
I want to read all files in a directory, do some stuff on the data, and then write the result to a different directory under the same file name
Is it possible to do without passing the filename all the way down the promise chain and .spreading like crazy?
@MadaraUchiha closure?
@MadaraUchiha yield?
.bind, .closure. or use promises as proxies and not have scoping issues.
Or use coroutines
I think I'll just go with a coroutine
Although I'll look at .bind and .closure
A: Best practice to hang on to variables when using Promises

Florian MargaineNote: I'm using bluebird in this answer. There are 3 ways to do what you want: closures, binding, and Promise.using. Closure is the way @Sukima showed. function promisedFunc() { var db; return getCollection().then(function(col) { db = col; return db.query(stuff); })...

@BenjaminGruenbaum or @MadaraUchiha maybe update this with coroutine? ^
although it's for resources, it's still relevant
Q: How many tickles does it take to make a squid laugh?
A: Ten-tickles.
Can't say I have missed your stupid jokes, @zigi
@jAndy ?
@JanDvorak but I've missed your frustration :D
Yes Sir
Who wants to see an RxJS visualized autocomplete?
I have a question about smarty, like if i have one layout.tpl and in its body I want to load different tlp
but how to set data into those tpl
as i am loading the only layout tpl from my controller
@BenjaminGruenbaum I do I do
@Retro wrong room. This isn't PHP
Enter a search query
There's some horrible JS there (like .link but it's to illustrate a point :D
is it slow for display purposes
@BenjaminGruenbaum do you program on jsfiddle? :)
I need a bit of help :/ Lets say that a javascript function is trigged while that function runs and does his job, another action will happen on the webpage, then when that action occurs (it can or it can not occur, it is randomly depending on user) i want to force stop the first function that was running, like to kill somehow the execution of that function, without taking in account how much the function has executed
@ziGi which part?
You mean the movement on the axis, or the time to display the result? There is a 600ms throttle
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah
the axis movement
but it is cool, I agree
@ZetCoby While JS code is running, nothing can happen on the page.
hey guys :) - why does this loop pastebin.com/e8QucgRJ never terminate? It should remove its elements in each iteration right?
.replace(/\\\//g, '/')
How can I do this without it being interpreted as a comment? :P
Hoping to avoid the ugly RegExp constructor.
@RoelvanUden idk but somehow at me it can xD, i am manipulating css with js and while a certain animation is animating, at the same time something else can be done, but i cat cancel that animation in the middle of the executionan
I want to replace all instances of \/ with /.
@ZetCoby use the up arrow to edit recent messages.
'\\/'.replace(/\\\//g, '/')
@FlorianMargaine Then it's my IDE that's complaining for nothing?
@MadaraUchiha try your regex in your console
@ZetCoby Well, at that point, JS is not running. It scheduled an action on the event loop to run at some point in the future. Once the "thing" occurs that should stop further actions, simply set a variable and in each iterator of the animation, check if it is set, and if so, stop animating
@RoelvanUden oh i see, thank you for the hints
@FlorianMargaine Yup, looks like it.
Thanks. IDE misled me
use emacs, it handles it fine
@FlorianMargaine I use a magnetized needle and a steady hand.
@MadaraUchiha actually: report the bug to your IDE :)
@FlorianMargaine "Hello God, I'd like to report a bug with magnets"
how do they work?
@NickDugger It was a warm summer evening in ancient Greece...
can anybody help me with ckeditor
@PreetiMaurya Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I want to know the flow for ckeditor goes when you select an image. I am facing a problem that the image always comes as a broken link and i see that the image link is either has something missing or incomplete
missing or incomplete? as in?
like image/data/some_number/image_name should be the idle format of the image link but either the number is missing or everything after image/data/ is gone
Guys, how is the jqgrid post data encoded ? how should it be decoded in php ?
check the requests in dev tools
Every day I see jqgrid questions here.
thank you, but I cannot out your code in angularjs. it not working — John Nguyen Jan 29 at 1:59
Can't you use arbitrary code when working with angular ?
@MadaraUchiha you and your silly tv shows :P
why does star trek voy not have opening monologue like
@darkyen00 you got my messages on gtalk, right?
Space the final frontier, these are the voyages of the star ship voyager and her journey to not get murdered while travelling back to earth ?
> I copy pasted it without knowing what it really does, and it's not magically doing the things I want it to do of the box
@darkyen00 Who let you out of your pen?
@GNi33 That might be the explanation
@dystroy You can hook into external JS using directives
But it requires effort
not much, but still
!!afk isp sucks
@dystroy I mean, what would this have to do with angular anyways?
@KendallFrey just wondering
the opening theme of voyager sounds like a glorious journey
@GNi33 As I know absolutely nothing of Angular, that's what I was asking
I'm not too proficient with Angular either at this point, but I would be highly surprised if it would keep you from putting variables and functions into the global scope and call them. That's pretty impossbile
@rlemon False. The answer is api.jquery.com.
@rlemon That's very useful. Thanks!
@dystroy Why?
Sent it to like 6 people
@MadaraUchiha because it's a lazy frequent question and all the precedent identical questions have better answers. This one shouldn't stay visible.
@dystroy vOv duplicates serve as signposts to those answers
It won't be visible since it's closed and downvoted
No real need to delete it imo
People falling on this one wouldn't follow the link, they would just look at the answer.
Let it stay, and if people find it, they know it's a duplicate, that's the point of a duplicate :P
@dystroy Delete the answer
Someone just tried to tell me that .NET was worse than the JVM...
@NickDugger You mean the CLR?
His words, not mine
How do you compare a virtual machine to a platform? That doesn't make any sense
inb4 he doesn't actually know any .net languages or what the clr is
they may be different internally but they both run a bytecode.
it makes sense to compare them in some, but not all, cases
It makes sense to compare them and they're different - but I wouldn't call one better.
He's just a Java fanboy. I'll let him be him
how to call php function from javascript
The biggest differences IMO is the DLR and that the CLR is aware of generics.
@Swap-IOS-Android XHR
i think that's superior, but i understand why java just implemented generics on the existing vm
I want to implement date picker and it work but on button click i can able to call javascript function but now i want to pass that values to php function..how can i do that?
@Luggage It's because generics hailed from a fork of Java
The fork couldn't change the JVM
I thought they wanted to be able to run that code on exisitng vms
When they were merged into Java - the proven semantics stayed.
@Luggage C# does that.
i see
They also had existing, non-generic collection classes.
(.net): ohh? i thought you needed a runtime with them. what was it 2.0? 3? i forget
But instead of compiling back to old collections they just added types
so long ago..
Java was done this way because of an implementation
@Swap-IOS-Android XHR
a.k.a. "AJAX".
what is XHR
@Swap-IOS-Android XMLHttpRequest
yea. I thought staying backward compatibility with java generics was intentional, but this looks more like a coffeescript -> JS situtation
i should read more, though
It's amazing it took them 12 years to get something like Pizza into mainstream Java
It had closures, and generics and so on
dat username Swap-IOS-Android
Odersky went on to make Scala
@darkyen00 you want me to make it full-size, right?
Also, am I allowed to use flexboxes?
yea, but not on sundays.
Second guy, Bracha went on to add lambdas to Java, eventually
Java needs a self-destruction plugin.
It has that. The Ask Toolbar.
@AwalGarg no no ndon\'t bother
just give me canvas which fills the parent
(canvas as in the map-canvas)
ok cool
uuuh: I forgot that today comes the first non-leaked episode :D
I shouldn't have watched them
next week
first real episode is next week :(
nope, I'm watching 5x04 right now :P
Q: JSON.parse() works from console but not from function/code

UltraWhy parsing string into JSON (previously created with JSON.stringify()) works from console but from function it gives enigmatic error? console.log(output); // in console i copy it into JSON.parse() and it works output = JSON.parse(output); // Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token index:1 My J...

wait, was 5x04 already leaked?
@towc the first four were all leaked
well, I forgot to watch the last one then :P
GoT? Yup
I just wait for the HD ones...
I wait for the end of the season
^ Patience of a Jedi
^ Thats why jedi population was decreasing.
@Cerbrus no. Patience of a jedi would be waiting for the end of the show.
And then for the author to die, just to make sure there won't be any more books
I got serial downvoted over the weekend and I haven't been on Main in a week lol
I just saw 5x01 yesterday :P
idk which ones are already in spanish
I guess all of them
Just watch them in english.
With subs, if you need to
np, i can wait xD
I'm having a hard time finding english non-subbed ones :P
I like the spanish translation a lot
I don't get why people'd watch translated versions
(from spain, obviously)
@Jhawins my bad
Spain, germany, france, any country
because I don't want to read
You don't have to read
yes I have
who is from france?
95% of my english vocabulary came from video games and film
so, can anyone send me a working link of non-subbed english 5x04?
@towc: Yarr or not?
but I'm watching GoT with my mom :)
so I prefer spanish
@Neoares that would be super awkward
"Well mom, that there's a pile o' titties."
It depends
even the nsfw scenes? there's a lot of 'em :P
idk what nsfw means... but yes I guess
Not Safe For Work
includes dirty language and naked images
Hey, mom, what do you think of Jaime and Cersei?
that sounds like a loaded question
Sounds like an invitation
Good mornin
@HatterisMad you suck
Good morning
@Jhawins your mom taught me how :P
Is anyone here using WebStorm?
morning azar lol
reported :'(
how do you put a tag?
@Jhawins wth was that :D?
@Neoares [tag:tag-value]
@BenjaminGruenbaum See context between me and @HatterisMad
What's the best way to store boolean value in localStorage? They just get converted to string and I have to eval them.
@HatterisMad meh
@Charly JSON.parse and JSON.stringify is the simplest thing
oh alright thanks
obligatory automatic response to you suck

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