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@Zirak heroku has ssh-ish access
you can issue it commands.
hahah that W3Schools hider
and we can make the bot a service :D
@rlemon Yeah but iron.io is better because of the APIs :D
And install programs, like phantom etc
They start things when they fail and all.
@Zirak you know how I could go about setting up a small section of a server isolated from the rest?
then I could just open it up to all contributors with ssh keys
@rlemon Put a chat scraper so I can search chat like main site. Presently, it is a pain. Mostly useless but a good thing to have :D
@Zirak i3 looks pretttty. TIL. thanks.
I'm going to a job interview later this week and there's gonna be some technical questions regarding JavaScript. What do you guys think I should look into before the interview, and what questions would you ask? =)
Probably won't use it for the same reason as awesome, but good to know.
@simpe Same question for me. Anybody answer that? ^^
@AwalGarg I'm probably going to write a scraper for the stars before long
@rlemon uhrm, if you're okay with that. The server needs to be quite up-to-date; running quote a recent node/npm version, and phantom 2 is pretty much fresh off the shelves
just so I can prove I have the most :D
@rlemon The first room challenge?
@Zirak was it?
I didn't do any of the challenges
haha sure
@Zirak server runs centOS 6 iirc
@Zirak do we want node or iojs?
also I need to isolate bits. rlemon and lorem and lemonmeme are on that server
I care so little whether it's node or io
they collectively use < 1% of my bandwidth
recommend offline navigation software for android 1.5 ITT
@Zirak you prolly don't care but I messed with it and managed to come to the decide that it is not possible to do what I want.
How come?
their shortcut adding implementation is ... weird. See this:
What's weird is that you can't access stuff on WebInspector. That's not how it was <40
I dunno what they did there, will have to check it out sometime.
Holly wow, I definitely need to learn shaders
posted on April 28, 2015 by Alex Mineer

The stable channel has been updated to 42.0.2311.135 for Windows, Mac and Linux. A list of changes is available in the log. Security Fixes and Rewards Note: Access to bug details and links may be kept restricted until a majority of users are updated with a fix. We will also retain restrictions if the bug exists in a third party library that other projects similarly depend on, but haven’t yet f

the performance is just amazing! 150000 rectangle "snowflakes" (not sure what the term is in english and I'm too lazy to google it) following physics with velocity, accelleration, collision (kinda) and momentum working at 60fps, just incredible
also have some cat-themed failarmy video
code.google.com/p/chromium/codesearch#chromium/src/third_party/… @Zirak I don't think there is any way to override this stuff without having direct access to the parent object.
@towc confetti?
yeah right, confetti
It's part of the title of the pen, btw
@AwalGarg Yeah you just need to grab the ConsoleView. It used to be accessible I swear
This weeks Codeless Code comic just makes me want to play QWOP...
You guys ever have dreams that you're flying or floating or levitating or hovering? Not with any technological help, but of your own power? I have these dreams all the time.
@Shmiddty I used too as a kid
I haven't had a dream in so long. I wake up constantly
@Zirak lol
@copy actually seems to be plenty in polish internet
@rlemon what wakes you up?
sleep apnea
don't need a respirator
Have you tried sinus irrigation?
gf has seen me do it. I don't stop for very long, It does 'shock' me awake tho
I get up, get a drink of water, go pee, check SO, go back to bed
it doesn't seem to affect you too much.
But my flying dreams are pretty surreal. I actually feel like I'm in my own body. I feel gravity, and I feel something within me resisting it. It's pretty awesome.
@Shmiddty been this way for a long time. I get 3-5 hours of solid sleep a night
you learn to deal with it
@rlemon It's all about REM cycles, right?
8 hours isn't strictly necessary if you can ensure that you get X number of REM cycles in a night.
The worst thing about dreams is the way you feel when you wake up during one.
@KendallFrey Sometimes I'll slip or stumble or fall in a dream. That usually wakes me up.
@Shmiddty my brother claims four half-hour naps is enough for a day
@Shmiddty that's another thing, ugh
I don't know how this error happened almighty Sterling. Please consider sparing my life and I'll promise never to do this again :P
@Shmiddty yes, REM doesn't start for a bit.
so like the first 40 minutes or w/e I'm not getting any real sleep
@towc At first I graded you with a C-, now you get a B.
it's not :P
o/ :high-five:
:takes back high five:
it's his slampiece, bro.
:rejected anyway:
@Zirak quickest question evah, how did you access that object previously?
she's just a good friend, which I'm still trying to hit on (not sin-cos)
@AwalGarg by reference.
@towc gl
@AwalGarg WebInspector.iDontRemember
thanks, I'll need a lot of it
user image
@towc Do your thing, be honest, don't try to force it.
Just the tip
@AwalGarg Figure it out
@SomeKittens haha
@Zirak just for a second, just to see what it feels like.
@Zirak Figured your response :P <3
@AwalGarg Let's make a deal: If the answer to your question along the lines of "no", "yes" or "do it yourself you lazy ass", I'll just not reply.
not only have you asked this a million times, you've created a second account to ask it because the first was suspended.
@sami get access to the sourcecode legally? ;)
@Shmiddty I already proposed (not sure if that's the correct term for "asking to be my gf") to her, but the timing was so bad... she kinda rejected me, but I'm pretty sure that if I do it again she'll be happy with it
i really want it:D
main problem: she lives in Slovakia
@Zirak My negotiation. You tell me a joke instead of replying anything relevant.
@towc proposed is for marriage ;)
@towc You proposed? Gear down big shifter.
you "asked her out"
I am a bit confused on what minifying a file actually does. How is the script being compressed ?
it is being obfuscated
it is larger now, but harder to reverse engineer
@ApathyBear whitespace is removed, scoped variable names are shortened.
@ApathyBear Run things through here a few times, you'll get it
ohh you're asking about minification and not his issue
ignore me
for no real reason besides it is the one I use
@rlemon why?
Also, some further tricks are employed, like using !0 instead of true
@Zirak thanks ill give that a go.
some minifiers also do stuff like true => !0 and if(x) y() => 'x&&y()`
@rlemon meh, uglify's in js (not java), and CC is only actually good for advanced compilation and stuff like that.
!!learn ignorethelemon <>https://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/22979625#22979625
@towc Command ignorethelemon learned
I feel like that should be in there :P
@Zirak but.. but.. CC is neat
!!tell rlemon ignorethelemon
Since you people use devtools: I've recently thought about several small, but to my mind good changes, would like some input and further suggestions/annoyances. gist.github.com/Zirak/4984d084e048cf1c6ce4
In related news, most of the things listed above can be fixed.
@towc wow
@BartekBanachewicz Apks?
> Why can't you edit and replay requests? You can replay XHR requests, but that's about it, no edit. // That's why I use FF :D
@rlemon uglify is authored by the code who wrote CodeMirror, Tern, Acorn, and most importantly, Bouncing Beholder
What did Google ever do, besides ruin the world with GWT and Dart?
@Zirak Google maps lets me see pictures of people in other countries wearing pigeon masks
@Zirak What would the widespread implications of allowing easily-editable, repeatable requests in devtools? Advanced users can do this already, but what are the effects of giving this power to everyone?
@Zirak it hired 2000 sheep to do the gardening :D
that's enough to be awesome
@Zirak Polymer looks interesting
@Shmiddty In "doing this already", you mean "using a proxy", like burp or fiddler or charles or whatever. I want this in my browser.
Firefox has it, it's the bee's knees.
so can I conclude all software on android 1.5 abandonware?
@Luggage You'll get over it once you see how they do xhr.
@Zirak And there's not widespread abuse by common users?
@Shmiddty How will it be abused?
i'm more interested in the custom elements and perhaps data-binding.
I don't need to use thoer xhr if it sucks
@Zirak what's wrong with a simple word cool ? (had to lookup)
Any AngularJS people here and can answer a quick question?
@Zirak I suppose that depends on the API you're pointing it at.
@SterlingArcher intoxication? you mean inhibition remover.
@Luggage You'll get over it. Not that exciting. React's more interesting.
@KarelG Some of us cats still have the groove.
yea.. react looks nice, too. Also rivetsjs
!!mustache towc
@towc That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: mustache
!!mustache towc 2
@rlemon User -1 was not found in room 17 (sorry, mustache only works there).
@CapricaSix nice
@Shmiddty It'll be so helpful to just be able to craft a request. Imagine debugging your server.
I like the handlebars, but I hate when it fucks up and you get the smear
Imagine figuring out how other servers work.
!!mustache Bartek Banachewicz
You can't do anything you couldn't do anyway, it just makes these things so much better
!!mustache slime
Especially if it's well constructed, unlike say Postman, which has such a terrible UI
you gotta love that
@Zirak I absolutely agree. All I'm saying is that releasing something like this to the public at large could have unforeseen consequences. Especially for those servers that aren't quite up to standards.
I wonder if it recognizes copy's face
!!mustache nderscore
!!mustache copy
last one I swear.
@Shmiddty It will be awesome. All those bad servers will be forced to become sane.
@Zirak Everything you hear here is 100% the real English dub ^
@Shmiddty Blackhats already do it, script kiddies are stupid and can already do it, I don't see how this changes anything.
Fair points.
> No auto-beautify on, makes breakpoints disappear and kittens to be sad
That does make me sad....
@MadaraUchiha Listening, already accepted Jesus
haha, poor Kaya
@Zirak responded
Browsers should not disable disabling JavaScript just because it will allow people to override all client side validation easily which can be done anyway.
@Zirak replied
@AwalGarg client-side validation is purely a UX concern
At the end of the day, UX is fluff. It's not entirely necessary for effective tools. e.g. It's better to drive nails with a hammer, but I can do it with a rock if I really need to.
UX makes clients happy
it makes everyone happy
@BenjaminGruenbaum In the search thingy, I meant that if you beautified a file, Search All still searches unbeutified file, even though you probably don't want that
it saves time (or at least that is what it should do)
UX makes my bank account happy
Just clutters up the search results and takes up more time (especially on huge files)
!!mustache SterlingArcher
had to do it
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'll bake your suggestions in (with attribution, of course)
Also, about the regression: They seemed to fixed it on the v8 side
@SterlingArcher ;)
one of my motivations for using node.js at all is to be able to write things like validation once and have both the server and client use it
@Luggage that is the dream.
i'm realizing that dream.
!!afk lunch
@SterlingArcher Is that you, Randy Randyson?
@BenjaminGruenbaum There's a Googlebot UA in the emulation spoof list
ahh, no greater feeling than deleting a 140 line function because I've separated it out to 4 nice small functions.
not only validation but various 'transforms' I am using on the client and server.
client makes html out of it, server makes pdfs and excel files, etc. So far it's a success but has some ugly shims
but as long as it's only the shims that are ugly, i'm going to call it a win
@Zirak you like.. sneeze glitter.
@Luggage You're ugly as well
Except number 2 (and partially number 4), everything can be solved with userscripts. But want to see it natively.
@AwalGarg The Elements sidebar one is good; I'd change the Resources prettification to "open in Sources", but do you know of Ctrl+P in Sources?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Why return array? I want a NodeList only.
@Zirak Yes, but sources tab doesn't sort the sources by type for you. Resources tab does.
Fair enough
@Zirak I use NodeList.prototype.item :P

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