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That never happened
I can dig into the transcript if you want.
@rlemon why
Unless that room got frozen or something
/* Embed code on page */
function EmbedCodeOnPage(type, kode) {
	var elm = document.createElement(type);
	elm.textContent = kode;

/* Embed code on page and execute */
function EmbedFunctionOnPageAndExecute(fn) {
	EmbedCodeOnPage("script", "(" + fn.toString() + ")()");

/* Main */
EmbedFunctionOnPageAndExecute(function() {
There is no transcript.
@rlemon pls
There are no goats.
@AwalGarg was is the goat stack exchange? 'goat.se'?
> asked Feb 21 '12 at 15:08
there was a reason for it at one time
there is no longer a reason for it
@rlemon Thanks. Any plans to merge that into the dark theme+ extension? I'd be willing to work on getting a wysiwyg-style editor into chat.
but It is legacy code now
@Shmiddty yes, also making the hotkeys configurable.
> "How do you know the blacks don't have bread in those speakers?!"
I snorted lol
@rlemon Sweet beans
don't stop
@AwalGarg wrong tab. perv.
@Shmiddty Damn. Ninja'd
@MadaraUchiha You have merely adapted the guttermind. I was born with it.
lol troll
xpost from webdesign
in HTML / CSS / WebDesign, 22 secs ago, by Loktar
reading papertape from scratch
@Loktar Yeah I put a comment in the render (well commented out a section) and it acted weird
@rlemon I lost the conversations, what do I know?
he wants to overwrite keybindings in the console.
oh right. @Zirak here is the problem:
yesterday, by Awal Garg
^this is where devtools.js defines it, and although I can register my own listener
"I am ugly"
read from there
@Zirak tl;dr how do I console.addEventListener
but not me, Awal
nooo. How do I console.overrideEventListener?
@rlemon these aren't real
@Jhawins huh?
You serk
Playing "Hero Generations" and loving it. Just saying. Such a great concept for a game. Not free but pretty cheap.
The console's keyboards are as the console starts up, changing those functions won't do anything
@Zirak you know that you know nothing, you're the wisest man in Greece
I don't remember where, but if you consoleception I think you can access where the event listeners are stored
@SomeKittens That which is wise beyond wisdom owns be pizza
@Jhawins hwat?
@rlemon IIRC, his keyboard's broken
Holy fuck I have lots of pings.
@Zirak Yeah, overriding them from there works. But I have to set a breakpoint to get in that scope. It is not available otherwise. So injecting a script is not an option. Any other way to do it?
@rlemon å
@SomeKittens "isn't real" I don't understand
@Zirak Really? Why is that?
It puts in å on mac when you do alt+a
@AwalGarg You sure it's not globally accessible?
other than that nice man
don't use macs
it also has issues with ubuntu :/
opens the HUD
@Zirak I .. think.
which is why the next order of business is to make the hotkeys settable.
@Jhawins hold down the A key
I don't get how to access them otherwise.
this conversation is a wreck
are you linking one? or talking about the current one?
First topic of conversation: What is love?
@Shmiddty What? Why?
@Jhawins Just do it. It brings up a flyout with alternate forms of the letter. It does so for most if not all letters that have alternate forms
@Shmiddty what is drugs?
@Shmiddty oh I know. It's nice. But that's irrelevant
@Loktar like love but free
@Jhawins we're not talking about fancy characters? Or umlauts? Or ligatures? Boring!
Hey I want that script fast. Please get it done by the next hour. Thanks.
@ssube Where do you get free drugs?
I was saying @rlemon userscript has "Alt+a" as a shortcut but that also puts in å
@Shmiddty secret
@Jhawins Yes, yes it does.
@ssube You lick the secretions of toads to get high?
@Jhawins Indeed. It should just dump the text and override the OS behavior.
@Shmiddty ah yes, the magic marker toad and its magical aroma
lol yes, @rlemon why didn't you override the OS-level behavuoir with JavaScript
Zirak oh btw, do you know where can I get the pretty version of dev tools code?
actually, I've never been interested in hallucinogens, just in general
@AwalGarg Chromium's source code
@rlemon what is the :emote: about?
code.google.com/p/chromium/codesearch go from here, it's the best codesearch you'll ever have
@Zirak ooh, nice. Thanks!
Alt+E and Alt+I don't work... But I like the idea. I'm big on shortcuts
@Shmiddty What are y... ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD
huh, they changed things. Why can't I access WebInspector stuff?
That's bazoinks
@Jhawins :says nothing:
@Jhawins give it a day and I'll add them to the options.html page
maybe tonight if I can be motivated
I did just buy a new video game
Was I pinged in relation to hu.js ? If you have any question, ask
@AwalGarg What's your end goal?
@dystroy someone wanted to use jQuery with SVG, I suggested hu
they are "digging deeper"
@rlemon hu.js is jquery-free
(but compatible, as in "you can create a hu element from a $ one))
I know, which is why i suggested it ;)
didn't someone ping dystroy for being french, too?
that was also me
@Zirak Assuming this will help, formatting the dev tools code from the inspector at line 1392 in console_module.js is the code which registers the shortcut.
@Zirak Want to override the Ctrl+L thingy
to make it ask for confirmation
Why isn't targetManager accessible?
Where's everything? There should be a bazillion keys on WebInspector
Only Zirak knows
@rlemon you know, as a Canadian, you're almost French yourself. Just because you all wash yourselves in the snow and start playing hockey before you get a chance to surrender doesn't make you that much better than the real French.
console._clear = console.clear;
console.clear = function() {
  confirm('wanna clear it?') ? console._clear() : console.log('fu clear');
works in chrome
doesn't override the hotkey
@rlemon Ctrl+L
but it is close!
I don't want console.clear to ask for confirmation because if I am typing it out, I am confirmed like hell.
@rlemon any relation to Randy Bobandy?
Q: Building a promise chain recursively in javascript - memory considerations

Roamer-1888In this answer, a promise chain is built recursively. Simplified slightly, we have : function foo() { function doo() { // always return a promise if (/* more to do */) { return doSomethingAsync().then(doo); } else { return Promise.resolve(); ...

@taco yes, we share a cheese burger on my moms side
@ssube this is a solid question
dammit lemon, I was literally halfway through a cheeseburger joke
@BenjaminGruenbaum it is. The advantages of promises over callbacks/real recursion for potentially infinite tasks is interesting, too.
ok, it's line 1381. sorry.
@BenjaminGruenbaum no, this is a solid question
!!mustache Zajn
I thought you linked me to the pretty code :(
@AwalGarg Why are you looking at generated code?
Check the path: src/out/Debug/gen/...
I met a real fedora-wearing neckbeard a month or two ago. It was surreal.
@Shmiddty ever wanna visit Canada?
@rlemon Only if you take me to all the best bars.
best bars are my backyard brah
!!s/all the best bars/the bar of canada/
@ssube @rlemon Only if you take me to the bar of canada. (source)
@rlemon have you ever visited Canada in the dark moonlight?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Amazing. Out of a thousand JavaScript crap questions shines one golden nugget, and it has 2 downvotes -_-
JavaScript becomes the next systems programming language
@rlemon Are there beautiful canadian single ladies in your backyard as well? Above ground, that is.
@SomeKittens no, but he has.
@MadaraUchiha Welcome to Stack Overflow!
Discovered hot corners in Ubuntu today
@MadaraUchiha they have been in there since 11.04
Discovered it's still Ubuntu
@MadaraUchiha run Unity for too long and your whole machine will be hot, not just the corners
@Zirak I'm planning a move to arch
But I'm not sure if I'm hardcore enough for that yet :P
@MadaraUchiha I answered
@ssube I'm still on Unity - 11.04 and forward
so I'm installing android sdk to unbrick the damn phone
A: Building a promise chain recursively in javascript - memory considerations

Benjamin Gruenbaum Is this so? Yes, the promises would have to "remember" what they're following, if you do this for 10000 promises you'd have a 10000 long promise chain, if you don't then you won't (for example, with recursion) - this is true for any queueing flow control. If you have to keep track of 10000 ...

@BenjaminGruenbaum I upvoted.
@MadaraUchiha The experience hardcores you. It's fun
@Zirak I have productivity to think of though
I can't afford being 30% productive for a week because I'm figuring out my system
^^ Why I'm still on Mint
Experiment on a VM
^^ why I still use Unity
I use manjaro sometimes :/
@ssube LOL, remember that most computers still use WINDOWS. With AERO.
@SomeKittens the financial service?
@MadaraUchiha still more optimized than Unity :(
@ssube I play the BS card.
@ssube I use Unity all day long, everything's cool.
the windows display codec is actually fairly good at invalidating and repainting necessary areas
meh, Unity isn't great, but it isn't the heap of shit everyone makes it out to be.
unfortunately good at it, if you've ever tried to repaint windows on the fly
Unity's not good, it's confirmed
isn't KSP built on Unity?
that's why RDP is so fast compared to similar tech
@Shmiddty we're talking the DE
I mean, not UX/UI wise, design wise
@ssube You aint got nothin on X11 forwarding
@Zirak UX is useless if your code sucks and code is useless if you don't have an installer
There aren't enough names for things.
@Zirak what do you use?
They are the only ones who are actually moving their ass and doing stuff.
@Zirak X forwarding is the slowest of them all
I need a new WM
I figure after 4 years I can give up Unity
VNC is a little faster, NX is usable(ish), and RDP is the fastest
@rlemon xfce
looks like minimal windowsish ui
Feb 20 at 23:59, by Zirak
@AwalGarg I use arch, what manjaro is based on.
nothing fancy, no animations or transitions, just has windows with buttons on em
@AwalGarg And WM?
holy shit why the fuck do I remember that? :(
On a serious note, at work I run a linux machine while most others use Windows. I often need to remote, so I run a freerdp server which tunnels to a local VNC, and RDP from windows clients. It's surprisingly good.
@MadaraUchiha Distro: Arch, WM: i3 or awesome
aside from launching my editor, terminals, and nautilus... I don't use my WM for anything. if it can tab between open programs I'm fine.
@AwalGarg Yeah you pulled out that pretty quick
also all three of the programs I run I have hotkeys to open
@MadaraUchiha CentOS/technically XFCE but really just Konsole
probably why I don't mind Unity as much
@ssube If only that were true
@rlemon Awesome
@Zirak I just run my nix in VMs on a windows host, so I don't have to waste time on getting nix on the network
@copy suggestions?
I would like tiling
@Zirak Are you not writing the script for me? I thought you are here to help me :(
That was the suggestion
@rlemon Awesome
ohhhhhhh I gotcha
@AwalGarg Shut up
sorry, ha
help -> do my work for me
@Zirak :D
@FlorianMargaine told me 2 years ago and I haven't looked back
@rlemon Tiling's not that exciting tbh. If you want a relative nobrainer, Openbox is nice.
And you learn a bit of Lua in the process of configuring it (it's easy enough)
@Zirak when you don't have it, you miss it
@copy I like the command bar at the top. I can't figure out any other thing in awesome :/
@copy Recently been trying out i3. It's pretty good. Turns out I don't really use that much of awesome.
Just basic tiling, good command launcher, but most importantly dual monitor support. I like i3's workspaces.
@rlemon That's why I know it's not that exciting. I can live without tiling really nicely.
@Zirak Same here, but that doesn't mean that I need something simpler
@ssube Been there, done that, was much shittier.
oooooold desktop screenshot with xfce/tmux:
I can't describe how shitty it feels to boot into windows, compared to a clean start of syslinux
@Zirak Booting windows feels shitty even when compared to Ubuntu lol
@Zirak getting linux set up with certs to get onto the network was near impossible here
Which reminds me, my Windows license expired. It keeps telling me to buy it :/
My Ubuntu boots completely in about 4 seconds on my SSD
My Windows takes more than 2 minutes
the whole machine cert thing didn't work at all, last time I tried
@AwalGarg Did you change any hardware? They don't like you doing that
windows + ssd boots in like 11 seconds
Ubuntu + ssd boots in like 5 (if I disable grub check)
but both machines have different specs (slightly)
!!should I buy windows considering that I boot it only once in 2 months?
Right now I've a X1 Carbon with win8 that cold-boots in less than 2 sec
@AwalGarg Of course!
@ivarni I had a student license, it expired.
@AwalGarg wait till windows 10
@ssube oohhh, I getcha, IPSec is a huge bitch
If it releases in 1 year, I'll have to see that ugly warning about 5 times. Fine.
@AwalGarg I see. I've had windows licenses "expire" after changing motherboard and they thought I tried to move it to a different PC. For some reasons the license you buy seems tied to hardware which sucks. This was win7 though.
To talk to anything important I have to use my windows VM (bridged)
@Zirak right. Let windows do all the domain stuff, tell vmware to piggy back on that, everything works.
@ivarni just call in the activation
they ask how many pc's you have it on, say one. I've done this for like ten pc's... worked every time
except vbox, cause, yknow, oracle
Alright guys, performance question.
@ivarni I dunno. I only entered my email address.
@rlemon I did, they were rude so I was rude back and let's say it escalated
it is an automated system
you dont' talk to a person
@ivarni it records the hardware signatures when you install it
A system was rude to @ivarni? :O
the license isn't really tied to those signatures, it just invalidates if more than X of them change at once
seriously. I have switched one windows version to like ten pc's - phone activation is never an issue and I have never once talked to a real person
@AwalGarg No, a person on the phone
haha ok
I hear talks about performing "not critical processing" during the idle time (after load, before user interaction), in 50ms windows, to make sure that the user can interrupt at any time.
Can anyone think of a way of breaking up a certain process to interruptible, 50ms blocks of processing? Or am I missing something?
@Shmiddty Linux Mint
Luckily right now I've got win7 on an iMac with a license my employer paid for (and GL changing hardware on an iMac) and win8 on my work laptop so it'll be a while before I have to deal with MS customer service again
depends on process, i guess.
@MadaraUchiha you interrupt it after 50ms
@MadaraUchiha yes, you know who can think of ways to do it?
The OS scheduler, in fact - threading does exactly this
or, if you are lucky enough to have a loop, then stop on the next iteration after 50ms has passed (or before)
@MadaraUchiha Thread schedulers will automatically interrupt CPU intensive tasks for IO bound ones - this is how the scheduler works.
@ivarni seriously.. what number are you calling? the number on the popup for "phone activation" is not a real person. it is an automated system.
@ssube I'm not
it's fairly hard to do from within the process, though
@MadaraUchiha Just shoehorn webworkers, it'll be fine
@BenjaminGruenbaum Workers are what I do today, I figured I have a look at this other solution
The OS scheduler will automatically interrupt CPU bound tasks to deal with IO, it's just how it rolls.
@rlemon This was in like 2007, I honestly can't remember but it was a person back then
workers work pretty well
@MadaraUchiha oh, you mean in clientside JS
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes
I was just letting you know that the linux (and windows) schedulers already do this (prioritize IO bound tasks over CPU bound ones, and detect which is which automatically)
The goal being 60fps
@ivarni but.. windows 7 was released in 09
your story is falling apart mate.
maybe I called the wrong number, I dunno. End result was I pirated the thing seeing as I had already payed for it
@rlemon well maybe it wasn't win7 then, you expect me to remember details about what happened ages ago?
well damn
all I remember is that all that shit triggered me to go Apple and I've been regretting that for years
you better get your story straight, or we might start thinking you're a cop
!!urban yes
are you a cop?
@AwalGarg [yes](http://yes.urbanup.com/553986) 1) An affirmative answer to a question, the opposite of no.
2) An expletive shouted out during an orgasm.
3) A British [\[progressive rock\]](http://urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=progressive%20rock) (or [\[art rock\]](http://urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=art%20rock)) group known for their hits "Roundabout" and "Owner of a Lonely Heart".
4) A brand of laundry detergent in the US.
@ton.yeung Tough bananas. Beats having nothing.
When did they add number 1 :o
@ssube now that's just rude
@ivarni so is being a cop
@ssube Actually over here they're quite OK
@ssube Norwegian cops handling aggressive drunk: youtube.com/watch?v=Cd8ZTKU8csw not sure how that would have gone down in some other countries :p
@ton.yeung Yes, and quickly discarded. Can't scrape from the bot itself since it's clientside js, and I don't want to set up a proxy because it could be (ab)used and scraping is annoying.
it's subtitled
we shoot them
that's how cops work
Maybe when options run out I'll revisit it, but deprecated API is better than scraping.
@MadaraUchiha Something like start = now = Date.now(); for(; now - start < SPF;) { for(var i = 0; i < COUNTER; i++) { operation() } now = Date.now() }
@Zirak Greasemonkey provides GM_XMLHttpRequest which doesn't follow SOP.
And tweak COUNTER for good performance
@AwalGarg Hoy diggity, joy oh joy. There's also running as a Chrome/Firefox extension, which you can also request at your disposal; I can also write a plugin which interacts with the bot; the bot can run serverside; the bot can ask the user to paste the url, and type out the result; bot can talk to program running on local computer; bot can ...
Update: after a brick, I restored my latest backup, which appears to be from 2011. Android 1.6 is much smoother. /cc @copy
@Zirak Now you made me curious. How will bot talk to a program running on local computer? XD
@BartekBanachewicz But then no application works
@AwalGarg I'm sure you can think of ways.
@copy well, would need to scout for old APKs
You're a webdev, think about the web.
you can run the bot in nwjs
hrmm. Local app provides a web api with proper allow* headers.
yeah, that's the obvious and easy solution.
@rlemon oh yeah, I forgot to tell you; I got the bot running on top of phantom
I am a lazy person so only easy solutions hit my brain.
@BartekBanachewicz Hrm, good luck with that
@Zirak for contributors... do we wanna get some hosting setup that we can share a login too? or all be contributors on heroku?
@copy at least the OS doesn't collapse under its own weight now
@Zirak ohh deployment hooks on github?
I should tell the Hangar and Root Access...
I could get sochatbot.io
@rlemon Either that, or manual /refresh
@rlemon But...why. It won't ever get visitors.
I run a long running process like caprica on iron.io for free. They have a perfect API with storage options and all.
we can keep stats and shit there
no shit, it works better than my nexus
Android is such a miserable failure
then the bot can also scrape the chat for stars and shit
every version was worse basically
@AwalGarg I have a dedicated server I use <1% of
@rlemon Heroku's not a good solution since it's (=the bot is) not a service
I am looking for things to put on ti :D
At least SSH access is needed to the machine

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