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var s = 's:GET-THIS-P3RT.NOT-THIS';
var r = s.replace(/s:([^.]+)/, '$1'); <-- Y U WRONG!?
Escape .
dern, this one looks plain as day right to me. It's not the escape.
I tried that just in case.
copy's right, it's the escape
!!> 's:GET-THIS-P3RT.NOT-THIS'.replace(/s:([^\.]+)/, '$1')
Though the effect isn't discernible
No, it's not
@m59 You need to match the rest if you want to replace it
Did you maybe just want .match(...)[1] ?
I wasn't sure which was cleaner really
match is cleaner
depends on if you want to keep the original if not matched, right?
@copy any link to get started with ocaml?
I noticed that the browser-sync client js file is not where it is,I guess they have an internal and external url and it is replacing location.host with the url.I also believe this is a way of loading certain script when a cdn is not available using document.write(this is supposed to be horrible,ive stopped loading from cdns because fallbacks use it) isnt it
atleast when other ppl are involved i.e.
then again, that's not intuitive for another reader, so nm
@SomeKittens I have removed document.write and CDATA but it still has the same error when I do var lodash = require("lodash");
@vamsiampolu Did you figure out why they used CDATA?
isnt it XML format for saying do not escape this stuff.
People who are smarter than me : stackoverflow.com/a/29859020/1216976
@vamsiampolu correct! You've learned something. Congrats!
@FlorianMargaine Ping me if you need something
You're now ahead of the piles upon piles of programmers who went through today without learning anything.
Awesome. Now let's tackle your lodash problem.
@copy thanks, this book looks good
@copy sure, ty
@rlemon LOL wth
ok,so i do jspm install lodash
@vamsiampolu does it break when you include lodash, but don't use it?
let me check
yes,it does
i commented the lodash.pluck code and it still breaks
Aha! So it's not the execution of lodash, but the requirement. Have you tried .noConflict()?
no,i havent,but let me check
it worked but it broke again when i reloaded the page
i removed lodash code and now it does not making any difference when I reload the page,it works
@vamsiampolu not sure myself.
hey guys !
@SomeKittens ever since i include lodash in my day job,i havent written a loop in months(dealing with results from ajax shoehorned into generalized hbs templates)
@vamsiampolu Learn about Array.prototype and you'll be able to drop lodash
lodash is still pretty dern useful
!!> [1,0,2,3,0,4].filter(Boolean).map(function (n){ return n*10})
@SomeKittens "SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list"
@SomeKittens "TypeError: Math.Pi is not a function"
@SomeKittens [10,20,30,40]
but Array.prototype is slow(that's what lodash creator claims in his talks on Youtube,not sure if hype or truth) and I do a lot of pluck,filter and chaining using lodash
I'm so good at this!
@vamsiampolu Here's a challenge - find out if he's right. Go build some benchmarks.
@vamsiampolu I'd use require('lodash/object/whatever') rather than include all of lodash
For double bonus points, determine if that speed difference even matters.
@SomeKittens cool idea ,5 am here,gotta go running,might pop back in after 6.30 @m59 I agree but I find the _.matches conveniant(no need to write a filter function,terse code that I can understand)
guys, do give log4sure.com a spin for some of your side gigs and provide feedback :) Help much appreciated
@Bhavin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix thanks
@Bhavin Please don't spam your projects here.
@vamsiampolu require('lodash/utility/matches') ?
@Zirak BenjaminGruenbaum is afk: beer
Didn't fix underlying problem like a wuss
@CapricaSix That's quite a lot of beer
@Bhavin I really suggest you make the github repo public.
!!afk dead
ofuck my change breaks stuff. meh I'll fix it later.

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